I Am God!

Chapter 142: The gaze of the gods

"I am God! Novel( Find the latest chapter!

Looking at the "Tier 4 Capabilities Experiment Plan" that Haru brought, Sandean looked at Haru with a little surprise.

Haru's research progress on the secret technique of immortality exceeded Sandan's imagination. This time the proposal was made by him, and Sandan felt that it was very feasible.

Haru believes that the previous integration failed because they did not exert enough pressure.

He proposed to modify the secret technique to put pressure on it with mental power as the core, and call this pressure mental pressure.


"Your talent in this area is a little beyond my imagination. I didn't think of some in-depth details, but you noticed all of them."

"Spiritual pressure?"

"How did you come up with this idea? Is it the kind of pressure that comes from the depths of the sea?"

Haru scratched his head happily, and smiled honestly.

This is also in line with his usual careless and reckless character.

"Teacher, I just like to think of some weird ways."

Sandean patted him on the shoulder with some relief: "Some genius ideas originate from ideas that break through conventions."


"If we succeed this time, your name will be forever etched in the history of Shinsai, because you have opened up new paths for wisdom and power."

Sand'an is destined to stay in the annals of history, but Haru is not necessarily.

People may remember him occasionally, as a student of Sandyan, the sage of truth, but it would be completely different if he and Sandyan joined forces to create a Tier 4 path.

Haru was a little agitated, and he shook his hand for an instant.

"Teacher, we will succeed."

Sandean nodded, he looked at the silk book in his hand, his eyes revealed hope.

"Yes, we will succeed."

It's just that he didn't notice the look in Haru's eyes.

It was an almost out of control pursuit and desire for the mystery of power and immortality.

He didn't even notice that at this moment, there was still a magical prop made from the blood of the priest in the sleeve of the Haru robe.

They once again came to the ritual workshop on the side of the reef, and still first carved the ritual technique array.

Sandean threw a cursed pottery puppet in the center of the circle, and it immediately turned into a stone statue when it fell.

In this form, it is the most stable and most suitable for experimentation.

Both the teacher and the students skillfully released their mental power, oscillating with a peculiar rhythm, and resonated with the spirit of curse seal and the blood of myth in the stone statue.

The secret technique was unfolded, and the blood of the myth and the spirit of the curse finally began to merge.


Mental power constantly shuttled in this space, and finally pressed towards the stone statue.

A violent hurricane of mental power was formed, and everything in the entire ritual workshop revolved around the two people. The dust and gravel hit the walls and ceiling, making a fine sound.

But Sandean and Haru's attention at the moment is completely focused on the center of the mental hurricane, the cursed stone statue that is undergoing transformation.

over there.

The mental power hurricane is like a mixer that evenly blends the power of the blood of the gods, the magic spirits, and the stone statues.

The huge pressure is like a giant hammer, constantly beating the three together.

Let the three inlay and combine with each other.

A violent gray light burst out, which was the magical brand light at the core of the spirit of curse seal.

Sandean and Haru stopped their hands immediately, and looked towards the center of the gradually narrowing light.

A puddle of mud appeared on the spot.

But it was very peculiar, every grain of sand in that soil radiated light.


The gravel was squirming, and he moved a little bit by himself.

The soil changed from clay to white pottery, and then to stone again.

And its appearance has stabilized a little bit, and finally shaped into a tall human-shaped stone.

Sandean was at a loss: "What is this?"

Haru was also a little shocked: "It seems to be coming to life?"

Sandan walked forward slowly, and said in his mouth: "New life?"

"After the fusion of the spirit of curse seal and the blood of myth, is it a new species and life?"

Sandean stepped forward, his mental power could roughly sense the structure of the opponent.

It doesn't have any distinctions between the spirit of curse seal, the blood of myth, and the body of stone, because the three are blended together.

Divine blood, cursed spirits, and stones do not distinguish each other.

The myth, the spiritual body, and the mortal are inlaid together.

This is obviously no longer the spirit of curse seal, it has its own blood, its own rhythm of life.

It can even pass on the bloodline and turn it into a new species.

A sort of.

A strange species with great power.

Sandean raised his hand blankly, wanting to touch the newly born it.

What made Sandean even more unexpected.

The stone man also put out his hand, and slapped Sandean's slap.

Sandean felt no surprise at all, and even took two steps back with some horror.

"how is this possible?"

"Can stones also have life?"

Haru supported the teacher who had taken a few steps backwards. He looked at the newly born stone monster, as if he had seen the greatest miracle in the world.

They are using mortal bodies to perform the power of God's creation.

Haru exclaimed excitedly as if he had seen the most perfect creature in the world.


"This is the power of Tier 4."

"Break the chains of life and have an extraordinary body."

According to the original plan, the blood of the myth and the spirit of the curse were merged.

All that was left was to merge his conscious memory into it, and the experiment was successful.

Sandean felt that something was wrong at this moment, was this really the Tier 4 power he was looking for?

Is it Tier 4 just by forcibly mixing things like God's blood, spirit, and branding?

The myth did not undergo a qualitative transformation as imagined, let alone a powerful force beyond the third rank, but a peculiar life form appeared.

more importantly.

Do you want to give up your body and become an unknown monster?

What should they be called from now on?

Can it still be called a human?

Is it a stone demon?

Or a rock monster?


Sandean turned his head to look at his student, only to find that Haru was dancing with excitement at the moment, and he was so happy.

"We made it!"


"We have discovered new power, and we have broken the shackles of life."

Sandean swallowed the words that came to his mouth.


A corner of the workshop.

It is unknown when an extra figure appeared on the stone bench inlaid with the wall, but Sandean and Haru didn't notice anything.

The man in the white robe sat on the bench and watched the scene quietly with his hand sticking his chin.

Sand'an's joy, and Haru's madness.

All fell into his eyes.

The figure of Sheila, the messenger of God, was also revealed, and she looked at Sandean who was standing not far away.

"Does he not know what Haru did?"

Yin Shen still did not respond, as if in a trance.

She knew Sandean, and it was she who received Sandean from the kingdom of the fairies and gave him the power of the ritual.

At that time, Sandean was still a teenager, or a child.

And now, he is also beginning to grow old a little bit.

Little by little, she watched Sandan become the chief priest of the Sky Temple, and watched him build the Temple of Truth and become a sage that is extolled among the population.

Sheila's brows were sad, and she shook her head.

"Even a wise sage will be blinded by power and emotion."

Yin Shen stood up: "Let's go!"

Sheila followed: "Where to go?"

Yin Shen crossed the gates of the mortal world and the dream world in one step, and the sea of ​​flowers in the land bestowed by God-given by UU Reading www.uukanshu.com appeared before his eyes: "Go back."

Sheila: "God!"

"Don't watch it?"

God just said lightly: "They failed."

Sand'an's experiment was successful, but the exploration of the fourth-order path failed.

This is not the power of Tier 4, nor the transformation of the blood essence of myth.

This is nothing but.

The power of the spirit of curse seal and the blood of myth are mixed together.

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