I Am God!

Chapter 144: God's Grace Stone

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The chief priest Lann of the Ice Temple and his students hurriedly arrived in the Misty Island by boat.

The light from the lighthouse fell, dispelling the fog and illusion.

Before the boat stopped, he hurriedly jumped off the boat and headed for the sanctuary of truth.

A group of people waiting to greet him stood in front, and he did not respond at all, but walked directly through the side.

These people immediately surrounded Lan En and followed behind him.

"Master Lan."

"Master Lan."

Whether it is in the nine temples of Shinsai, or the temple of truth far away from abroad, or in the eyes of all the Shinsai people.

Ryan, the priest of food, deserves the title of an adult.

It can be seen that Lann is very anxious at this moment, he walked into the castle, and nodded with the Demon Abyss knight Elena standing at the door.

Pushing open the door, I saw the teacher Sandan who was dying on the bed.

The fire demon's fire damage was the second place. The internal organs injured by the last shock were more incurable than the burn. Sandean was vomiting blood every day for the past few days.

Lan En stopped in front of the door, and then carefully took the door, letting everyone stay outside.

He looked at the powerful teacher in the past, the sage of truth who stood at the apex of the power of the Shinsai world, being so fragile at this moment was unacceptable.

But what makes Rann even more unbelievable.

The teacher's eyes that had always been wise and excited in the past are now dim and apathetic.

Haru has followed Sandean since he was a child, and in a sense is his most important student, at least emotionally deeper than Rann.

Sandean heard the movement, he turned his head and looked over.


"It's Rann, you're back."

Ran hurried forward and sat on the edge of the bed.


"how so?"

Sandean looked at him with a smile, but smiled extremely bitterly.

"I always thought that I could pass on the will and ideals of the saints to everyone."

"did not expect."

"Those great principles that I say every day, but even my closest students can't pass on."

Haru's betrayal dealt a huge blow to Sandean.

It can even be said that it was a huge impact on his ideals and ideas, which made him directly doubt whether the future he was looking forward to could really come.

He always thought that under the guidance of the will and ideals of the saints, the world would go in the best direction.

As long as they are influenced by the will of the saints from an early age, everyone can become a pioneer of a better future.

However, it is not.

Lann only knew that Haru had wounded the teacher and betrayed the Temple of Truth, but he didn't know what happened in it.


"What the **** happened?"

Sandean lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling: "We got the secret technique of immortality."

Lan En's tone suddenly changed: "What?"

Sandean nodded and closed his eyes slightly.


"We have merged the secret technique of immortality and the magic of the spell and imprint together, creating a new life, and Haru thinks that is the power of Tier 4."

"I created a stone demon and shut it underground."

"And Haru turned himself into a fire demon, the last monster everyone saw."

Lan En asked, "Teacher! What do you really want to do?"

Sandean tilted his head slightly and looked at Lan En: "I want to see what Tier 4 power is like."

"Unfortunately, this path was wrong from the beginning."

Sandean regretted a little, he kept talking about it.

"It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this."

"That's not a Tier 4 power, Haru made a mistake."

But even though he failed, he still found the reason for his failure from it, and saw the light from the failure.

Sandean took out a pair of forearm-long bone-shaft silk books from under the pillow and handed it to Rann.

Lann took it cautiously, listening to the teacher speaking slowly.

"From the very beginning, we were on the wrong path. The secret technique of immortality was not feasible."

"What needs to be changed is the essence of the blood of myth."

Lan En looked at the bone-shaft silk book in his hand: "Teacher!"

"What do you want me to do?"

Sandean nodded slightly: "Try the above method, it should work with your strength and wisdom."


In the workshop of the Sage of Truth, Rann led a few students to conduct experiments in accordance with the method written in Sandan's Bone Axis Book.

Unlike before, this time their experimental object is not a whole, but a mythical blood unit that is too small to imagine.

Sandean's cursed pottery puppet was placed on the table, but everyone was paying attention to the bottle on the side.

It falls into the bottle with only a little fluorescence.

Rann even brought a magnifying glass newly made by the Temple of Li to observe the inside of the blood of myth, but unfortunately he didn't see anything except the light.

With a little faint fluorescence, a third-order curse imprint priest like him looked carefully but suddenly felt dizzy.

He was holding the drawing on the silk book, his eyes full of shock.

It is not only because of the secret techniques that involve the blood of myths and the mystery of power, but also the treacherous ideas of my own teacher.

"Do not pursue the whole, but individual transformation."

"Sand turns into rocks, and water turns into rivers."

"Push the entire spirit of curse seal into this mythical blood unit?"

"How can this be?"

Although Lann's intuition told him that it was impossible, how could such a small mythical blood unit contain such a powerful force.

But he still believed in the teacher's judgment and asked the students to assist him in starting the experiment.

He extracted the spirit of the curse seal from the curse seal pottery puppet, and began to think of a way to incorporate it into the blood of the myth.

He tried the mental resonance method, tried the activation secret technique, and constantly revised the plan.

Day after day, failures made everyone exhausted.

Fortunately, even if it fails, it is only the loss of a mythical blood unit. Such experiments can be carried out many times.

It seems that everything is not so urgent.

However, Lann was still experimenting endlessly, and he didn't dare to stop at all.

Because he felt that Sande'an was running out of time, the teacher hung his breath and wanted to see his success.

After various methods and plans failed, Rann finally thought of the secret method of Haru's mental pressure.

He found Haru's experimental record, and then began another attempt.

He engraved lines on the crystal bottle, and led a dozen priests to form a powerful spiritual hurricane according to the lines.

Both the blood of myth and the spirit of cursed seals were constantly pressed towards the inside in the hurricane.

The huge curse seal spirit is getting smaller and smaller, so small that it is almost invisible to the naked eye, but the blood of the myth has not changed.

Finally, the spirit of curse seal was squeezed into the blood of the myth of that unit.


The blood of the myth gave out a light like lightning, and a faint ray of lightning directly illuminated the entire workshop, which was hundreds of times more intense than the noon sun.


The crystal bottle burst open, and the entire laboratory was in a mess.

The crowd avoided and resisted the shattered fragments with magical techniques, and looked over after the light had receded.

I only saw a crystal floating in the air.

A translucent crystal that emits silver light, or gravel and stone.

Lan En walked up step by step, and the crystal, which was so small that it would be invisible to the naked eye without light, fell into his palm.

"Is it this one?"

He felt that this small crystal had undergone an unimaginable transformation.

It can easily accommodate a person's consciousness, his memory, and his power.

Even if his body is dead and his will is decayed, this drop of blood will pass on his power and memory.

He turned his head and looked at everyone: "We seem to have succeeded."

"It really succeeded.

"Really successful."

Cheers broke out in the workshop, and it was difficult for everyone to suppress their inner ecstasy.

Lan En was too late to celebrate and cheer, he brought the crystal to Sandean's side.


"I found the answer."

"I found it.

Lann carefully held the crystal and brought it to Sandean's eyes.

Sandan slowly stretched out his hand, and Lan En immediately placed it between the teacher's fingers.

Sandean pinched the small, light-emitting "gravel" with his thumb and index finger, and finally showed a happy smile on his face: "It turns out that the blood of myth after transformation is like this."

At the end of his life, Sandean still did what he wanted to do.

Although it was only a beginning, a small gravel, or stone, was created.

But the door has been pushed open.

Lan En was very happy, he fulfilled his teacher's expectation.


"This is your work. Give him a name!"

At this moment, Sandean suddenly remembered the figure he saw in the Temple of Truth a long time ago.

He couldn't remember the other person's appearance no matter how he thought, but he remembered what he said.


"All power comes from blood."

It was his words that made Sandean find his way.

Unfortunately, the secret technique of immortality brought by Haru made him off track.

However, it is even more ridiculous that it is precisely because they spared such a detour that they were able to succeed so smoothly this time.

Sandean stared at the shining spar, and his pupils spread slightly.

"The wisdom given by the gods, the bloodline given by the gods, and the brand given by the gods."

"It's called God's Grace Stone."

Sandean was talking, and another mouthful of blood came out from his mouth.

His organs have reached their worst condition, and even the doctors standing by the side can't do anything about it.


Sandean grabbed Lann's hand, and he also felt that he had fallen for the last moment.

"Find Haru."

"Tell him we were wrong."

Several instructors who were kneeling on the side also walked up, and they asked Sandean a little anxiously.

"My Sage!"

"What about the Temple of Truth? What about the future of the Temple of Truth?"

Sandean's gaze fell on Lan En and Elena who was standing at the door, and finally shook his head.

"I originally wanted to give it to Haru, I know you like your hometown, and the Ice Temple is also a good starting point."

"You can also make a career of your own when you are there."

"I don't want to interfere with your choice. Whoever wants to be the second generation of sages in the Temple of Truth, you and Elena ~lightnovelpub.net~ should do it."

"If you are unwilling, then find someone to do it."

"Even at the end."

"The sanctuary of truth is like a midnight meteor, and it's nothing."

Sandean's body relaxed a little, and his eyes slowly closed.

"Take it to be my dreams and dreams day after day, let time pierce them!"

Bringing the power of rituals and miracles to the world, creating the sage of truth in the age of the priests of the third order.

Died on the bed.

With the passing of Sandean, the divine grace stone in his hand also disappeared.

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