I Am God!

Chapter 148: 3 elements of ship giant and dream pow

"I am God! Novel( Find the latest chapter!

It didn't take long for the moon of God that illuminates the entire Shinsai to appear, and then gradually disappeared into the sky.

Only a faint thin cloud remained in the sky, and the restless and surging tides on the seashore gradually returned to a gentle rhythm.

And under the sun.

The panic Sanye, the mad believer, and the anxious Shinsai nobleman finally pressed the heart that was about to jump out of his chest.

In front of the palace of the Servant City, King Shinsai was surrounded by a group of attendants, standing on the steps in disorderly clothes.

He turned his head in panic and asked the people around him.

"Is it really a god?"

The attendants knelt on the ground: "King! Only God!"

"It can only be God."

The second generation of the Genil dynasty ordered the people to record the scene of the Shenyue on the slate and placed it in the sky temple. This has also become the most iconic event of his dynasty.

Even later generations called the era of the second king of Henir directly called the Shenyue Dynasty.

It was also from this moment that the moon took on the color of mystery and power from the ordinary stars.

His name no longer refers only to the moon in the sky, but has many other meanings.

He has become a common word in the priest's secret book. People no longer use it when they call the moon, but changed it to him in awe.

Even the priests believed that as long as they chanted the name of the moon while using the magic arts, they would be blessed.

Some people even say.

Some priests obtained unparalleled power by observing the secrets in the depths of the Moon of God, and obtained myths and magical techniques that broke the limit of life.

He represents wisdom, represents the tide.

Also represents.

The will of God.


In the hall of the gods of the dream world, the statue of Insai, carved by Ledlicky himself, is still standing on the altar.

But at this moment, it is just an ordinary statue.

The shadow of God seldom appeared on it again, sometimes he would lean on the chair under the colored window of the temple, or appear in the long corridor outside the temple.

Occasionally, he would be seen on the top of the vast sea grid of books that piled up one after another in the fairy library.

The goblin poked his head from the door of the temple and looked inside the temple.

"Is God not there?"

It was empty inside, and even Sally, the mother of life, didn't know where she went.

But Sheila, the messenger of God, just raised her head to know the presence of God.

When the moon shines brightly in the sky, the gods are sleeping.

And when the moon on the sky was dark and hazy, God must be somewhere in the dream world.

If the moon in the dream disappears, then the **** must have gone to the world.

The goblin went back to the library.

She stared at the copy of the manuscript written by Sandean, as well as the rubbing of "Divine Grace" written by Ryan, the priest of food.

It is not so easy for a fairy to break through the fourth level. The wisdom power of the Sanye is essentially different from the dream power of the fairy. The priest's spiritual activation magic and curse magic cannot be copied to the fairy.


The goblin's clothes arched and scratched his head.

His pupils were blank, and he looked at every word in the book blankly, his eyes full of "wisdom".

As long as she studied, she felt confused, stared at the scroll for a long time, and finally found that she couldn't remember anything.

What did I just watch?


What did I just study?

Then drowsiness came.

Then she thought.

Forget it, only after a good night's sleep can I have enough energy to study.

From this point, it proved that she was similar to other fairies.

She and the fairies are really not geniuses, and they don't have the talent for researching and developing magic arts like Sandean.

"How can we find the way for dream power to break through Tier 4?"

Sheila left the country of fairies, and she wandered above the sea of ​​stars.

Walking aimlessly all the way, finally came to the gate of the kingdom of gods.

In the distance, the ferrymen came through the dreamy sea of ​​stars holding the sacred boat, and the boat was full of mortal life dreams.

The goblin stood under the giant gate that opened a gap, and the light of the kingdom of God behind him formed an oblique light and dark side through the gap of the giant gate, and the shadow of the goblin was dragged extremely long.

She watched the ferry people go back and forth in this sea of ​​stars day after day and year after year, and suddenly asked: "Do you feel lonely and boring?"

The ferryman raised his head, looked at Sheila with hollow and gloomy eyes and said.

"This is……"


The voice of the ferryman was vague, but the two words agreed upon in the end were exceptionally clear.

There are not many Sanye people who die every day, and the ferrymen travel between the gates of the kingdom of God and the fantasy star sea one after another, and it can be said that they are busy all day long.

Sheila suddenly felt a little sorry, because she had put the ferryman to this position.

And only then did she discover that the power of the ferryman was still second-order.

Although the ferryman's power and blood are very powerful, and he has a sacred boat, the quality of his power still hasn't changed.

"A Tier 4 power has appeared in the power of wisdom, let me teach you!"

"This will make it easier for you."

Although Sheila does not have the authority to directly grant knowledge and modify everyone's memory like King Ledrich.

But the power of dreams comes from the combination of wisdom and life. She can create a dream about how to break through power and stuff it into the ferry person's mind.

She directly stuffed the dream into the boat lights.

Layers of brilliance were immediately inspired by the ferryman.

His spiritual power was instantly activated and condensed, and the heavenly cup of God projected light, sending the brand of iron magic and weaving into the spirit of his curse.

The divine prop, the sacred boat, slowly assimilated into the spirit of the ferryman's curse.

A prominent steel figure appeared gradually under the silver boat, and a head-like collision angle appeared on the bow of the boat.

"Boom boom boom!"

It suddenly stood up and became a steel giant with a ship behind it.

The giant ship took off the ship lantern and held it in his hand, turning it into a lantern.

The huge figure stands in front of the gate of the kingdom of God, like a giant guarding it.

The ferryman waved his hand and withdrew his curse seal spirit power.

The ship giant immediately lay down and became a ship again.

The ferryman's body began to change again, the spirit of the curse imprinted into his blood of mythology, and the ferryman's brain began to deify, becoming crystal clear a little bit.

There was a change in the ship giant, and a metal ship split from the ship giant.

And among the boat lights, blurry and dim shadows followed.

They steered the boat, headed toward the depths of the dreamland, to meet the dead who were about to come.

from now on.

There is only one ferryman in the dream world, it can also be said that there are dozens or hundreds of ferryman.

Every deceased who came to the dream world to report came far away in a boat.

They will all see a giant ship with dim lights in front of the gate of the kingdom of gods.

On the shoulders of the ship giant stood a man wearing a mysterious black burqa.

Whenever a figure passes through the gate of the kingdom of God, he will flip the lantern in the hands of the giant ship, and the chain will make a sound of rattling.

It's like the bell of judgment.

The light illuminates everyone's life dream ~lightnovelpub.net~ is also the beginning of their life's judgment.

Sometimes the ship giant will lie down and become a ship, and the ferryman will personally drive it to the depths of the dream. That is the arrival of extremely important people and memories.

Sheila, the dream demon, witnessed the ferryman breaking through Tier 4, and suddenly had a new idea.

"The three elements of wisdom and power are spirit, consciousness, and myth."

"The mythical organ is the brain."

"Then the three elements of dream power should be memory, dream, and blood."

"It's just, how should I fuse them?"

The dream demon Sheila found the dawn she wanted from the ferryman, but she fell into the next problem.

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