I Am God!

Chapter 165: The monsters behind the scenes

"I am God! (!

The King of Shinsai immediately reflected another thing, something that was almost impossible to do.

He pointed to the small bone man in the magic bottle, his pupils dilated instantly.


"This is a monster? How can you bring a monster into the palace?"

The King of Shinsai looked at Anjophos with unbelievable eyes, and his voice became a little low.

"You broke the boundaries set by God?"

Anhofus shook his head: "King, no one can break the boundaries set by God."

"Monsters can never enter cities and villages. This is the iron law of this world."

King of Shinsai: "Then how did you bring it in?"

Anhofus gave a mysterious expression: "No!"

"Wang, what you see now is just a small bone man, not a monster."

"Bone Demon is special, because it was also a three-leaf man, and its body was made with its own original body."

"I turn my body into a monster, and then move my consciousness into it."

"So it has two forms. When it does not use the blood of the monster, it is just an ordinary bone man, and it can even be regarded as a close relative of the Sanye people."

"When it bursts out of its inherent extraordinary blood, it can be transformed into a powerful monster."

Anhofus talked about the monster he had created, and his eyes became bright.

"The barriers and boundaries set up by the gods are to protect the Sanye people and expel monsters."

"So when it is a bone man, it is a close relative of the Sanye Man, and is a part of the Sanye Man, and the power of God will protect him."

"And when it becomes a bone demon, it becomes a family of monsters."

"It's just that this kind of change and power cannot be displayed in the town."

"If it reveals the real bone demon in the town, it will be wiped out in an instant."

Anhofus looked at the King of Shinsai and asked with a smile.

"This is not a big problem, is it your Majesty?"

The main thing that King Shinsai wants is to be able to live longer. As for whether he has power in the city, it doesn't matter.

He walked down from the throne and took a close look at the little bone man in the bottle: "Can it only be this big?"

Anhofus held up the bottle to let King Shiinsai see it more clearly: "I can make its body as big as an ordinary person, with the bone armor and appearance of a trilobite."

"Only for the convenience of carrying it from the Dark Swamp to show your Majesty, to prevent it from escaping and using the power of monsters in the city, I closed it in this bottle."

Anjophos' voice was full of temptation, but commotion was everywhere on the heartstrings of the King of Hinsai.

"First: The appearance is similar to Sanyeren, although the inside is different, but who can see it?"

"Second: It can live in the city as a bone man."

"Third, it has wisdom."

King of Shinsai: "I heard that monsters have no wisdom. Even after your teacher Haru became a fire demon, wisdom and memory have become chaotic over time and begin to dissipate."

"How can you prove that the monsters you created don't have this problem?"

Anhofus has already thoroughly studied this question: "The chaos is caused by multiple conflicts of consciousness. Of course, the bone demon created by your own body will not have this problem."

"The reason monsters have no wisdom is because they didn't have brains when they were born, and when I made bone demons, I created the container brain of consciousness by the way."

"At the same time, I also found a way for the monster clan to enter Tier 4."

"After your Majesty has this body, the path of power has not been cut off either."

"Speaking of this, I have to thank the great sages Sandyan and Lord Rann."

"The priests and mythological organs they created gave me some reference."

The King of Shinsai is satisfied, which can be said to be extremely satisfied.

"You haven't said what you want?"

Anhofus raised his head: "I want to be the chief priest of the Sky Temple."

"Your Majesty will get a longevity body. All I want is your support for my experiment."

"You support me in pursuing the secret of immortality, and the secrets I discovered are ultimately yours."

The King of Shinsai hesitated. Although the importance of the chief priest of the Sky Temple has declined again and again, this position still stands on the top of the priest.

"No, the chief priest of the Sky Temple has not been established for many years."

"But, I can give you the priest of the samurai."

Anjophos did not force it, or he wanted the position of the priest of the gods from the beginning, but he made a high request and waited for the counter-offer from the King of Hinsai.

"His Majesty."

"You will definitely be satisfied with the rewards I bring to you."

The evil wizard Anhofus, who had returned from the wilderness of the border, changed his identity and name and became the priest of the Sky Temple.

Except for the Temple of Truth, it is only here that so many priests can be found to listen to his call and assist him in experimenting again and again.

Moreover, the entire Genil dynasty continued to provide everything Anjophos wanted.

The city wall.

Anhofors, wearing the robes of the priest of the ornate Sky Temple, held his hand on the stone and looked into the distance. His whole body seemed to be completely renewed, from a gloomy temperament to noble and high-spirited.

Haru's magic bottle was placed aside, and the little bone man in the bottle lay on his side in the bottle and said.

"You succeeded!"

"Let the whole kingdom of Hiinsai run because of your goals."

Ann Hoofus didn't feel any pride at all. This kind of thing seemed to him to be justified.

"Everyone has what they want, desires and fears."

"So man is an existence that can be easily manipulated. This is not difficult."

"But the truth."

"But it's unpredictable. It doesn't care how many tricks you play."


There is a secret palace built in the mountains behind the palace, where a mysterious ceremony is being carried out at this moment.

Dense arrays were drawn on the ground, and the priests stood in a circle around the large circular arrays.

The King of Shinsai was helped into the center of the formation, and his old and tired eyes looked at Anjofors.

"Priest samurai."

"Everything is up to you."

Anhofus wore a burqa with various mysterious marks: "Your Majesty, when you wake up, you will be able to have the same life span as a priest of grace."

After witnessing the success of several experiments, he finally determined that Anjophos did something beyond the predecessors, although the so-called secret technique of immortality can actually only extend life once, not unlimited times. Rebirth.

After all, there is only one body that can transform the body of the bone demon, and there is no hidden danger for each person.


This is the real emergence, the first longevity secret technique without vicious backlash.

He not only surpassed his grandfather, but also his teacher.

Dozens of powerful priests chanted spells together, guiding the resonance of spiritual power.

A strong storm of mental power swept across the secret hall, turning into a violent storm.

The body of King Shinsai gradually changed in the storm, becoming stretched and melted like a ball of ointment.

Anhofus: "The body is recast."

Pieces of bones were pieced together, covered with bone armor, and finally connected to form a body that looked like the corpse of a three-leaf man.

Anhofus: "The Brain of God's Blood."

Fluorescence flooded into the brain, and a weird but distinctive monster brain appeared in the cranial cavity.

Anhofus: "The secret technique of immortality, the transfer of consciousness."

Anhofus is extremely proficient, and he has practiced this set many times.

When everything was over, the bone man fell on the ground.

Immediately, a priest stepped forward and helped the bone man, put a robe on him, and put on a crown.


The bone man made a sound like waking up from a big dream, and then slowly opened his eyes.

It's just that those eyes are a little strange, cloudy and dull, as if they were covered with a layer of fog.

The bone man stretched out his powerful palm to take his Shinsai scepter, and slammed it **** the ground.


He looked around first, then his body.

The King of Shinsai became a monster supported entirely by bones, without internal organs, and without blood.

Even the brain is different from the Sanye, with a grayish-white color, and it looks more like a stone contaminated by the blood of a monster's myth.


At least from the outside, he is not much different from Sanye Ren.

King Shinsai touched his body.

He had no heartbeat, and his upper and lower sides were as cold as a rock or a corpse.

But he was completely immersed in the feeling of being strong at the moment, and he didn't care about these things at all.

Because from now on.

He doesn't need to be so old that he can't even straighten up his waist, he doesn't need to spend most of the day with exhaustion on the bed and chair, and he doesn't need to be afraid of another close death that day.


"It's a perfect body, not losing is a secret technique for touching taboos."

The King of Shinsai looked at Anhofus with surprise in his eyes.

Anhofus is a genius, at least in the exploration of magic and forbidden power, a genius unparalleled in the world.

Even for a moment, he thought of Anhofus's exploration of the mystery of immortality.


Can he really push the door to eternal life?

Anhofors also noticed the look in King Shiinsai's eyes, and even guessed what he was thinking, which he had expected a long time ago.

There is no end to human desires, and this emotion of satisfaction dissipates quickly, short and illusory.

Unending greed is the eternal for everyone.

As long as you embark on this path, you will never look back.

Just like his grandfather, his teacher.

As long as the King of Xiinsai wants more, he will support himself at all costs.

He stood quietly on the edge ~lightnovelpub.net~ watching the birth of the first monster, King Shiinsai, his mouth raised with a hint of mockery.

"The King of Shinsai."

"A monster is sitting on the supreme throne of the Sanye, which really makes people want to laugh!"

This won't be the first trilobite to become a bone demon in the city of the servants of the gods, but there are old guys in the city of the servants who don't know how many high powers, but who are afraid of death.

The world of Shinsai will be dominated by a group of monsters hidden behind the scenes.

Think about it.

It's really interesting.

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