I Am God!

Chapter 173: :The origin of life school

"I am God! (!

The young doctors first followed the convoy of the merchant group all the way through the Dark River area. The towns near the city of Anjo have developed well over the years.

This is the hometown of Rann, and the Temple of Ice was once the place where Rann was the chief priest.

Under the influence of this second-generation sage of truth, various food workshops are everywhere in the cities of the Dark River area.

In the city, young doctors saw various artificial reservoirs in the workshop buildings. The priests and workers used various methods and secret techniques to quickly multiply the plankton in the reservoirs.

The creams produced in each workshop are different, and the prices are also different.

Even the ointment is different from before.

Some workshops make cream cakes, some make sugar creams, and some make balls.

In addition, there are workshops that produce various foods such as sugar, oil, noodles, and flour. Each workshop produces something unique.

There have formed families with workshops as the main body, and these families each have their own secret art of producing food, which is the foundation for their survival.

Although there are still various intrigues and dark ghosts.

But because of the abundance and variety of food, the population of the underground river area has doubled in recent years, and it is not even lost to the area of ​​the Holy Mountain King.

Young doctors are feeling the changes brought about by knowledge and power, and have a stronger idea of ​​going to the witch doctor's house to learn medical skills.

"The magic given by the gods really changed the world completely!"

The old man, the guide of the business group, had experienced an era without the power of ritual miracles when he was young.

"That is!"

"How can there be so many miraculous creations before, everyone lives like a savage."

"Where is it like now, there are all kinds of food to eat, and clothes to wear."

"At night, the whole city is dark, and now there are still oil lamps..."

The old man of the guide chattered about the past, feeling that everything now is just like a dream, and everything he has is unimaginable in the past.

The young doctor followed along and talked, and his face was full of smiles.

After passing the core area where Anhuo City was located, the surroundings began to gradually become desolate.

At this point, there is no caravan going forward.

He began to walk.

A prosperous big city becomes a town, and a town becomes a sparse village,

At the end, not even a single figure was visible.

On the deserted and lonely ground, there was nothing but sand and stones, and he was the only one walking.

He walked farther and farther according to the map drawn by the old guide for him.

Gradually left the kingdom of Shinsai.

Finally, in one afternoon, he saw the destination he had searched all the way.

A huge rupture tore the earth apart, and underneath was an indescribable darkness.

"The Rift Valley of Death."

The young doctor walked for a long time along the Great Rift Valley and found a magical bone bridge.

Indeed, as the man said, standing on it makes your legs weak.

Looking down, dizzy.

But it is not as dangerous as he said.

Although the bridge shook badly in the wind, it was actually very strong, and there were guards on both sides to prevent it from falling down so easily.

Crossing the Bone Suspension Bridge, he experienced the so-called mist of good and evil.

It was completely different from what the man said, he didn't see anything.

In the fog, he saw a wall above the fog.

And a door.

On the top of the gate, there was a huge strange head, overlooking the young physician, he even felt that the head was alive, because its eyes were moving.

The wall was still foggy, but he could occasionally hear some weird calls and footsteps.

A voice came from a distance, asking the young doctor.

"You are not here to heal a disease, what are you doing with us?"

The voice of the witch doctor was a little low, as if echoing.

The young doctor stopped and looked around in the mist: "I am a doctor."

"I came here to be like you, witch doctors, to become a great doctor who can cure all diseases and injuries."

He said sincerely: "Master Witch Doctor, although you have a powerful skill, you also have a compassionate heart."

"But you are too few in number, and there are too many people in need of treatment in Hiinsei."

"If you spread this skill, you will be able to help people in the whole world."

The mist gradually dissipated, revealing the witch doctor's house.

The witch doctors stood side by side in front of the hut.

As in the legend, they wore special burks and mysterious masks.

After the six witch doctors glanced at each other, they shook their heads and said to the young doctor.

"You got it wrong."

"What we do is not to cure diseases and save people. Our purpose is to understand the meaning of life."

The young doctor looked blank, but the witch doctors said next.

"However, you can follow us to learn."

"As long as you are willing to become a person who understands and explores the mystery of life."

The young doctor knelt down, "Thank you, I will be your student from today."

The six witch doctors walked towards the hut, and the young doctor also stood up and walked inside.

In the room.

The young doctor put on a burqa with a circle mark and a humanoid mark on the back, and formally became a member of the witch doctor's house.

Here, he knew the mystery of the human body for the first time.

Knowing that the conscious thinking of the trilobites extends from the brain, and the functions of different parts of the brain are not the same, what is the role of the different organs in the trilobites.

He also noticed that there are many ways in which witch doctors treat diseases.

One of the more special and common ones is that they can make a kind of bone meal, which can be used to treat pain as long as it is taken.

The young doctor asked the witch doctors: "What kind of power is this power for making powder?"

The witch doctors told him: "This is bone magic."

"By understanding the pathology, we can create bone meal that restrains the source of the disease."

"You need to master the power of life and the natural power of bone magic. The two can be used together."

The young doctor was very excited and wanted to ask how to master this power.

But the witch doctor told him bluntly: "You can't learn, nor can ordinary priests."

Only the talent of the bone demon, combined with the magical power of life props and god-made people, can create this miracle.

The young doctor is not depressed.

He believes that as long as he thinks of a way, he will be able to find another way.


With the first Sanyeren physician joining the witch doctor's house, it was like opening a door of light on the gloomy path of many physicians.

Throughout Xiinsai, doctors continued to move toward the witch doctor's house, and a few of them joined the witch doctor's house, and more were turned away.

Here, they are not learning magic arts.

It is to understand the essence and mystery of life, so ordinary people can also join it.

Because of their purpose and proposition, they are also called the school of life by the Sanye people.

This school originated from the first six witch doctors, dedicated to finding or creating a power that can transform life.

But the legend passed ~lightnovelpub.net~ gradually changed differently.

Some people say that the secret pursued by the life school is to create the most perfect life.

Some people even say.

Everything they do is to become—.


The rubbed human figure of their **** is an important basis for proving this conjecture.

After all, in the eyes of many people.

The form of a person is the appearance of a god.

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