I Am God!

Chapter 264: The Return of the Mother of Life and t

The hot air balloon passed through the edge of dreams and illusions, and Sermus, the mother of snakes, saw the boundless darkness swallowing everything.

The black curtain spreads, covering the human scene behind,

With the cover of darkness, the high mountains and sea of ​​clouds in this world have all turned into images that only exist in a huge mirror.

And this mirror.

It is also gradually shrinking as they go far and deep, until they are no longer visible.

She came here for the first time, and everything around her felt unreal and endless.

Everything is born from spirituality and dreams, and everything is constantly moving towards reality.

Semus stood on the goblin's hot air balloon, looking out through the glass window.

"This is…"

She paused at this point, and then her voice rose a lot.

"Kingdom of God."

This was the title of the previous era, and this era should be called the Kingdom of the Creator.

"This is only the dream world, and the kingdom of gods is in the deepest part of the dream world."

Sally, the mother of life, told Semos that they are still far away from the kingdom of the Creator.

Semos was terrified. Since she was born, she had longed to return to the kingdom of God after death. She never thought that one day she would be able to come here with God.

As soon as the words fell, a golden light suddenly appeared in the distance.

Semus saw a huge sailing ship coming from afar.

It radiates light all over, and the color can no longer be distinguished.

Perhaps it was originally golden.

Or it was because the golden light continuously refracted on its smooth hull, dyeing it golden.

"What's that?" Just as this thought came to Semos's mind, the master of life on the other side seemed to have heard her question.

"The sacred boat, the boat responsible for guiding all the dreams of life." The master of life looked at the big ship, and suddenly felt that although this hot air balloon boat was dreamy enough, it was not as majestic as the sacred boat.

next time.

She's going to sit on this.

Semos had naturally heard the name of the Holy Ship when she was the head of the Knights, in the chapter of "Holy Blessing".

It's just that she was shocked by the sudden appearance of the big ship, and she didn't reflect it for a while.

It is said that.

The master of dreams bestows blessings on everyone, turns everyone's life into a beautiful dream, and leaves an eternal imprint in the kingdom of the creator.

And this ship is a big ship that goes back and forth between the God of Creation Kingdom and the edge of the Dreamland.

The master of life told Semoss, telling her the story about the Kingdom of Creator God.

"There was no such ship here a long time ago."

"At that time, it was relying on people to catch people's dreams."

Sally turned her head and glanced at Semose: "It's that Ivar."

Sally casually said that it was that Eva, but Semoss knew that the other party was the **** of the Land of the Rising Sun.

The title should be called the God of Desire and Alchemy.

And the words that the master of life said a long time ago, and the words that lead to people's dreams.

After thinking about it carefully, Semose vaguely understood.

That man is not a snake man, but a Sanye man from the previous era.

A long time ago, meaning billions of years ago.

Semus suddenly sighed.

I don't know when, even she herself became a long time ago.

She also became part of an ancient legend among the snake population.

They passed through the gate of the Creator's Kingdom of God together, and saw the endless dreamy sea of ​​stars flowing past their heads.

Sally picked up the dream of life in her hand, and let it float to the sky like a lamp.

Semoss thought of Xiuburn: "Did I...kill him?"

In the grievances between the descendants of Ewell and the descendants of Pence, it is hard to tell who paid the more painful price.

In the end, tens of thousands of people died on both sides, and a king died on both sides.

More people should have died in the future.

In the midst of civil strife and fighting, the two sides will pile up the corpses of snake people into a high mountain, a sea of ​​corpses.

This grudge.

It may not be resolved in a hundred years or a thousand years.

In the end, it was forced to end because of Semoss' shot.

Although it seemed like the war had stopped, peace had come.

But it also cut off the hope of Aiweier's rise.

For Sermos, the snake mother, this seemed to be an acceptable ending. After all, the number of people who died because of this grievance and war was unknown.

But for Xiuburn, this is very unfair.

Semos didn't know how to deal with this situation. She didn't know whether she was doing something wrong or right.

She just wants to keep more snake people and let fewer people die.

Sally looked at the colorful dream and didn't answer, but said.

"Look at his dream."

In Xiubo En's dream, there was a scene where he rescued everyone.

Because of him, all the Evil people were rescued and returned to their homes.

In the dream, there are countless large ships traveling on the sea.

In the distance of his dreams.

There is a green continent where the sky and the earth are connected in a line, and there is infinite vitality in the green.

Semoss watched Xiuburn's dream of life fly away little by little, and gradually merged with the vast sea of ​​stars until it could no longer be distinguished.

Her head was raised a little bit, and her pupils were gradually occupied by the boundless sea of ​​stars.

Her original sadness and regret became insignificant in front of this vast sea of ​​stars.

That is the trace of the existence of all intelligent species since the birth of life.

It is the imprint of the era, the homecoming of the soul, and the tomb of civilization.


"Is every star here a lifetime of a life?"

Semoss was really shocked that so many dreams of life represent the beginning and end of how many lives.

How many creatures have existed in this world, and then disappeared without a sound.

Only here.

Only this sea of ​​stars.

Always remember them.

The master of life shook his head: "In the upper layer of the dream world, there are ordinary dreams."

"It's the smallest and most fragile bubbles that come together to see the starlight."

In addition to the dreams of life that leave imprints forever like stars, the temporary dreams on the top floor even have tiny bubbles and stars that are constantly shining and disillusioning.

That is the temporary dream that everyone has after falling asleep.

If a person can finish this dream peacefully, his dream will stay here.

Then when he wakes up, he won't remember anything.

The goblins often fly to the sea of ​​fantasy stars to secretly watch these fantastic and magnificent dreams.


If a person wakes up in a dream, or is interrupted by someone.

Then this temporary dream will be shattered, and the person will still clearly remember the memory of the dream after waking up.

This is also when they raised their heads, they could see the starlight disillusionment in the depths of the star sea.

The goblin's hot air balloon went on, and they passed under the moon of the gods.

The moon is so big and so close to them.

They even opened the windows and raised their hands to really touch the star.

But only Sally dared to really touch God's Moon, but Semos dared not really touch it when she stretched out her hand.


The sun rises in the distance.

The sun in the distance is getting closer and closer, but it doesn't feel hot.

When the light engulfed everything, a huge golden cup appeared before his eyes.

Semos finally saw the legendary land bestowed by the gods, the island where the creator Insay lived.

The endless light of wishes outside the Cup of God is escaping, and images of everything can be seen in it, and dreams of laws the size of mountains float up from the cup, circling around the outer layer of the island.

At this time, the body of the life master in the goblin's hot air balloon also completely began to turn into light and dissipate.

She was just a dream.

Now that she woke up from the dream, her body should disappear.

The master of life said to Semoss: "My servant."

"God Insai and I are waiting for you up there."

It was not the first time Semos had heard the name Insai, but she had never really understood the meaning of the name before, nor did she know what kind of existence the **** Insai was.

But this time, she vaguely understood something.

She suddenly remembered what Xiuboen said to her before she recovered her memory, the master of life is not the real creator.

And a long time ago, she had heard the master of life mention the word Insay.


Perhaps it is the real creator.

He is the beginning of everything and the source of mythology.

Although people in this era no longer know His name, everything still exists because of Him, and He still stands eternally on the throne of Creator.

While thinking wildly, the goblin's hot air balloon has landed on the land bestowed by the gods.

Thermos, the mother of all snakes, came down and walked towards the pyramid temple alone.

She walked through the sea of ​​sun flowers, and saw ancient ruins in the sea of ​​flowers.

The oldest city in the world, the god-given city of King Raedlich, King of Wisdom.

All this should have disappeared long ago.

But the Creator has preserved it.

The Creator did not fix it, nor did it make it disappear completely.

just saying.

Even the ruins are a kind of beauty and memory.

So Sheila, the master of the dream, preserved everything like this, and it became forever with the sun flower sea.

Semus picked up a stone and looked at the engravings on the stone.

"Is this... the text of the previous era?"

Semoss didn't know what it was, but was amazed by the sea of ​​flowers, and at the same time felt that there were ancient and unknown histories and stories hidden under the sea of ​​flowers.

On both sides and in the distance of the island of gods, she saw the figure of the goblin.

The goblins happily flew above the sky and their own paradise, shouting loudly.

"Hee hee hee!"

"La la la la la."

There are also goblins holding hands and singing beautiful songs together.

Those goblins are just like the ones in the legend, wearing golden gowns, they can create all kinds of miraculous creations at will.

Their dreamland is gorgeous and full of childlike innocence. Although it is condensed by **** of thread, cotton, candy, and pottery, each of them is colorful.

Look from a distance.

It's like a country of rainbows.

Semos looked up with her beautiful and slender neck, and she also felt yearning in her heart, wanting to visit the rainbow-like country.

But she knew that the master of life was waiting for her in the pyramid temple in the distance.

The more she climbed the long steps, the more excited and hesitant she became.

Finally, she finally appeared beyond the steps.

She raised her head and looked into the temple.

She saw such a scene.

There is a figure on the throne of creation, which should be the figure of a man.

"The Creator!"

The moment she saw the other party, Semos knew the other party's identity.

It is an eternity that transcends time and space.

From the perspective of Semoss, it looks like an eternal statue, but it also looks like a figure radiating infinite light.

If you look carefully, you can even faintly see a huge star.


She dared not look any further.

When she was spying, she felt that time and light had stopped, and the world was swallowed and covered.

She herself seems to be leaving this world, covered and annihilated by the power of time.

she knows.

What she sees is only the appearance of the Creator, and she can't see the real form of the Creator at all, and she can't see it at all.

A blond goddess sat on the right side of the creator seat. She looked at Semoss gently, as if encouraging her.

Sally, the master of life, just woke up, and is yawning on the left side of the Creator Seat, looking like she is spitting bubbles.

Seeing Semos walk in, the master of life laughed.


"She is coming."

The Eternal God on the Creator Throne read out the name of Semus, and the voice echoed throughout the entire temple.


"You are Sally's apostle, you will follow her from now on!"

Semos's heart suddenly felt extremely excited, and she couldn't help but prostrate on the ground.

Because of her name, she was known by this great existence.


"The Supreme God."

The Creator took off Sally's nut of everything and raised his hand.

The mother snail of all things flew out of the creator's temple and floated out of the land bestowed by the gods.

The mother nut of all things falls from a high place and falls to the bottom of the Kingdom of Creator God.

The endless seawater gushes out from the mother snail of all things, spreading across the entire space in an instant.

There is an extra sea in the Kingdom of Creation God.

Nine kinds of Ruhe brands emerged and turned into a piece of land.

And the city of life in the world disappeared in an instant on the mountain above the origin of life, and appeared on the sea of ​​the kingdom of gods.

in the sea.

You can see the reflection of all life in the world.

This place has become the supreme kingdom of life, and sea water represents the origin of all life.

The sun in the dream of the sky and the silver moon of the gods cycle alternately, and the sea also has day and night.

But Sally still prefers wandering around the pyramid temple compared to her own country.

Chase in the sea of ​​sunflowers, scare the goblins in the realm of dreams.

as well as.

Running around the temple making whining noises.


Glacier Fortress.

Yafuan, the apprentice apprentice who had been busy for many days and did not dare to rest, lay on the couch and closed his eyes. He did not dare to sleep too much, and was always waiting for news from afar.

But in his sleep, he suddenly had a jolt.

He opened his eyes, trying to wake up from his sleep.


When he opened his eyes, he realized that he was no longer where he was.

He saw a flash of a huge door.

The door was ajar, with light escaping from behind it.

He has reached the true gate of truth, the manifestation of the power of the **** of truth and knowledge in this world.

"The door to truth...?"

As a believer in the **** of truth and knowledge, as the second witch spirit in this world, how could he not know this door,

He was the second person to come here, but Yafuan didn't feel the honor of being here at all, because only the right-hand person who holds the magic tool Polik can come here, so he came here as well. represents another problem.

He became the right-hand contractor of the magic tool Polik.

And its former contractor was Xiu Boen.

Now that it has concluded a contract with itself, it means that something must have happened to its previous generation of contractors.

Afran lowered his head, he looked at his body anxiously and cautiously.

His body became transparent little by little, and a bright light seeped out from his chest.

In that light, a bone hand is impressively in sight.

Yafuan's body couldn't help shaking suddenly, he knew what it meant that this thing appeared in his body.

"Master Xiuburn?"

Avon fell in front of the door of truth in an instant, and wailed in disbelief.

He thought it was a mistake, or a dream.

But he himself is a wise and powerful person, and he quickly judged that he was not dreaming.

Before Xiuboen died, he still threw all the things he could leave into the door of truth.

He left everything to Avon, and to all the Evelians.

"How can this be?"

"How did it become like this?"

Avon couldn't believe it, but the bone hand that appeared inside him had proved it all.

At this time, a phantom was projected in front of Yafuan.

Avon raised his head, and saw that Xiuboen had appeared in front of him.

"Lord Xiuburn!"

Yafuan showed ecstasy on his face and rushed forward.

But it passed through the opponent's body head-on.

It was just an image, not real.

Avon was completely stunned, he looked at the image of Xiuboen and asked.

"Master Xiuburn?"

"What's wrong? What the **** happened?"

"Why did you give me Polik's right hand, why did I come here suddenly?"

Xiuburn did not respond, because this was just a projection reserved before his demise.

Xiuburn looked at the apprentice apprentice with a smile and asked him.


"I remember... your name means far away!"

Tears welled up in Xiubo En's eyes, and he kept nodding his head.


"Yes... my lord."

Xiuburn looked at him and said to him.

"Let's take all the people of Aiweier away, and go far away."

"Leave this world and go to another continent far away in the legend. I left you a nautical chart inside the door."

"where to."

"To find our future."

Xiuburn didn't say too much, or it was too late for him to leave too many words.

"What I can leave you is in the door of truth."

"I hope...you can use them with caution."

When Avon heard this, he was even more frightened.

"Lord Xiuburn...you..."

He had already guessed it, but he just couldn't believe it.

Xiuburn still didn't respond, just talking to himself.

It was only at the end that he showed his wry smile again.

He looked at Avon and said with a sigh.

"Become strong!"

"Become able to make the choice you want, to choose the truly bright and correct path."


After softly calling Avon's name, Xiuboen's image disappeared amidst the distortion.

Avon stretched out his hand, and there was nothing left.

Avon stood there for a long time, as if turned into a statue.

Finally, he raised his head.

to the door of truth.

When he was standing in front of the door of truth, he recalled the words Xiu Boen said to himself again.

"Become strong."

"Become... stop praying for the mercy of the gods."

Yafuan burst into tears instantly, but his eyes were a little firm.

"I'll do it."

"Lord Xiuburn!"

"I will make the choice you want, and I will let you watch Aiweier walk on a truly bright and correct path."

step in.

He was surrounded by endless light and shadow, and finally came to a temple.

He saw the statue of the **** of truth and knowledge, the king of wisdom on the dome, and the shadow and symbol of the creator who represented the origin of all.

Just like Xiuburn back then, he immediately fell to the ground even if he took a look at it, out of breath for a long time.

He didn't dare to look up again, but walked towards the ghost under the altar.

He asked the other party respectfully.

"Servant of the gods!"

"I'm here to get back what Lord Xiuburn left behind, and I hope you can give me guidance."

He got what Xiuburn left for him, the magic, knowledge and inheritance left by Xiuburn.

He opened his book of witch spirits and collected hundreds of ghosts into his book of witch spirits, which was the power left to him by Xiuboen.

He picked up a pair of scrolls.

It depicts a part of the map of Ruhe Giant Island about the north, but most importantly, the map marks the ocean currents, islands, and routes on the sea.

as well as.

Another continent.

Finally, he also saw a book with an animal skin cover.

But only part of the book remained, a corner of which was destroyed.

It is not a trace of flames, nor does it look like a knife or an axe.

More like something just swallowed a corner of it.

Avon remembered the book.

He had seen Mr. Xiuburn take it out several times and read it carefully, and he always carried it with him. It can be seen that Xiuburn attached great importance to this book.

The book doesn't have a title, at least Hewborn didn't give it a title.

Avon opened it.

But the text above is not that of the Snake Man, but that of the Sanye Man.

Xiuburn couldn't understand it at all, but the moment he opened it.

Yafuan felt the boundless malice enveloping him, and the cursed whispers of thousands of people sounded in his ears.

He is spying on the secrets of the last era, the secrets of another ancient race.

More than that.

He even saw terrifying eyes covering the entire world, covering the sky and the earth.

Yafuan was so frightened that he immediately closed the book, and did not dare to open it again.

"What is written in it?"

"Just by looking at it, I feel like I'm going to die?"

Avon's eyes were terrified, and he didn't figure out what it was in the end.

He put away the "Book of Xiuburne" before deciding to leave here.

He walked through the door of truth, and suddenly couldn't help but look back inside.

Through the picture world like the sea of ​​information, Afyan saw the deepest part.

He saw an ancient city.

It was a city frozen in an instant, as if an extremely powerful existence moved the ancient city here and sealed it.

But at this moment, the originally frozen picture seems to be slowly changing.

It seems that something is waking up in the deepest part of the ancient city.


Loveville City.

Tens of thousands of Evelians have returned to the city and their hometown.

Inside and outside the city, the cheers and cries of family reunion can be seen everywhere.

"I'm going home." Crowds of people knelt at the city gate, shouting and roaring.

"We are finally back." More people fell to the ground, kissing the soil on the ground.

"Are you still alive?" Some people couldn't believe it when they saw that their relatives were still alive.

"Alive, alive...we are all still alive." The family cried with each other.

"It's really not easy!" Although they suffered a lot, it was unimaginable for them to be able to return to their hometown alive.

Although Xiu Boen wanted to destroy the Ten Thousand Snakes Court's revenge plan, his ambition to let Aiweier rise by destroying the Ten Thousand Snakes Court did not succeed.


He finally fulfilled his oath, so that all Evil people back to their homes.

Avon stood in front of the temple, watching such a lively scene, but his face was full of sorrow.

Just like Xiuburn said, as long as the Court of Ten Thousand Snakes is still there, it is impossible for Aiweier to rise.

While it may seem like the Everwells were briefly restored to their former glory, that's only for now.

What about the future?

What should we do in the future?

Yafuan said to the snake man wearing a crown beside him, "Your Majesty Sidi."

"Go far away!"

Sidi looked at Avon: "Where are you going?"

Yafuan told Evil King Sidi: "There is a new world on the other side of the sea, there is a land of vitality that is not inferior to Ruhe, and there is a future that belongs to us.

King Sidi hesitated: "But, no one has ever been there."

Afran looked at Sidi and said very sincerely.

"This is another road that Lord Xiuburn found for us, and it belongs to the Evils."

"He sacrificed the omniscient and omnipotent god, and obtained a navigation chart leading to another continent."

Afyan also added: "Since God gave us the navigation chart, it means that this is also the guidance and new oracle God gave us."

Since it is God's will, there is no other way.

King Evil, who is still young, can only follow Avon's advice.

After preparing for more than a year, after speeding up the construction of the big ship, and after trying the correctness of the nautical chart twice.

The Evelians finally began their first mass migration away from the giant island of Ruhe.

The big ship sailed on the sea for a long time.

On the way, they passed through many dangerous sea areas and encountered various dangerous species.

But they all escaped by relying on the markings on the nautical chart.

Even when they were in real distress, there were witch spirits who took action to resist, and with Polik's right-hand contractor Yafuan, it was safe and sound.

For them in this era, sailing on high seas is unimaginably dangerous.

Finally, one morning.

The fleet saw a shadow appearing in the distance.

Thousands of people boarded the deck and looked into the distance from the deck.

The shadow in the distance became clearer and clearer, and gradually turned into an endless land.

And on land.

It is endless green.

"That is…"

"new world?"

There were cheers on the boat, and everyone near the side of the boat raised their hands high and kept screaming.

There are also snake-men wrapped around the mast and climbing up, using their hands in front of their mouths as horns at high places, and screaming loudly.

Everyone looked at the continent and the vegetation covering the land, and they felt hopeful.

For them, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com The mainland is the world.

Another continent is naturally another world.

And such an undeveloped continent is a future with endless possibilities for them.

On one of the largest sailing warships, Sidi, King of Evil, was also crowded with the crowd. Standing on the bow of the boat, I looked at the distant land excitedly.

He couldn't help showing a happy expression.

"Is this a whole new world?"

Yafuan nodded: "That's right, it is another continent in the legend."

Immediately afterwards, he said something softly.


"Our world."

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