I Am God!

Chapter 288: The Faith and Will of Ledrich

God of creation.

The moon of the gods suddenly shines brightly.

Outside the Pyramid Temple, a man with short black hair in a white robe stood quietly.

He doesn't know when he appeared here, it seems that he has been standing here for a long time, and it seems to appear here again in an instant.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the silver moon on the other side of the sky.

He stared at the silver moon carefully, as if he was thinking about something, and then slowly said a word after a long time.

"The oath of the Wisdom Seed..."

He was expressionless, could see neither indifference nor emotion.

Just like the moon in the sky, you can't feel the warmth, but you can't feel the cold either.


Just an untouchable distance from the sky.

The huge moon composed entirely of Divine Grace stones became transparent, revealing the ancient crown sealed inside.

The line of words on the crown slowly lit up, and the streamer passed down one by one along the thin and shallow ravines of the words, and quickly circulated in a circle, and then passed to the next line.

They are the Lederiki Oath and the Monster Oath.

The two vows are not the same.

The Ledrich Oath was made because of his belief in God, and he passed on his wisdom and power to his descendants, and then spread it to all the three-leaf people,

At the same time, he also engraved his beliefs on the crown forever.

Ledrich hopes that every king of wisdom who wears a crown can inherit his own beliefs. He has used his beliefs throughout his life, and hopes that this belief can be passed on forever.

However, his faith turned his son King Jesser into a prisoner.


The Creator took back the crown.

The Devil's Oath was born after Haru, the ancestor of the Devil, created the Devil's Clan, and was born because of the brutal fight between the Devil's Clan and the Sanye. From then on, the Devil's Clan gained the right to survive in the wilderness, but they could not step into the Sanye. city ​​of people.

It was not until the whole of Xiinsai and the old land was engulfed by the sea, and the Sanye people lost everything and civilization they once had, and only declared their existence in name only.

But no matter what, the oath remains.

Even in this era, it still cannot be erased.

To this day, monsters still can't get close to the cities and villages of the three-leaf people, even if those old sites have long since become incomparably terrifying forbidden places and kingdoms of demigods.

And the faith of King Lederiki still remains in the crown.

This is also the reason why the gate of truth let Aphoan know the oath of the crown of wisdom.

No matter what purpose Xiao has, no matter whether the abyss is Xiao's conspiracy or not.

No matter what plans he hides in it.

When the abyss race made an oath to the Wisdom Crown, everything was out of Xiao's control.

A dreamy star light appeared outside the pyramid temple, and a blond goddess stepped between the pillars of the temple.

The Pyramid Temple is completely different from its original appearance, but there are ancient frescoes on the walls outside the Temple, which were left by Lederiki; this habit has even continued into this century, the mother of life. There was a reference when renovating her temple, so that the mother of all snakes left a wall carving outside the temple of life.

Sheila walked across the wall and chased after Yin Shen.

After she found that Yin Shen was also looking up at the moon, she said.


"An ordinary mortal who doesn't know anything or knows is calling for the crown of wisdom through the spiritual resonance of the dream world. I have isolated his induction."

This kind of thing also happened in the last era. When the Sanye priests broke through, they would sense that the cup of God was receiving power from above.

However, it was carried out in accordance with the prescribed ritual, with the permission of the creator.

No one dared to rashly hook up with an artifact like Yafoan, that's called courting death.

Yin Shen is not interested in this mortal, what he sees is the deeper changes in the dream world.

"The dream world has become stronger. It is rooted in the Cup of God, the Crown of Wisdom, and now the mother snails of all things are added."

"It has been completely linked to the dreams, spirituality, and will of all living beings."

"That's why some mortals in this era who have deep spirituality or resonate with the dream world can directly communicate with extraordinary power just because of some simple movements and singing of gods."

As for Yafan, he not only has a strong spirituality, but also because of the strong resonance between the spiritual will and the dream world because of reading "The Book of Shuborn", so that he can not only hear the roars and curses of thousands of Sanye people, It also allowed him to further synchronize his direct consciousness with the dream world.

The dream master was curious about another thing: "What does he want to do? Why is he linked to the crown of wisdom?"

Yin Shen had already seen everything and knew what Yafuan wanted to do.

He said lightly: "He knows about the oath, but he doesn't know the complete oath ceremony. He is the crown of wisdom in communication with a little knowledge."

Sheila didn't understand: "Isn't the oath used by God to restrain all beings?"

"God didn't restrain them, why should they restrain themselves?"

Yin Shen looked at the goblin and shook his head: "The role of the oath is not only a constraint, but also a kind of protection."

"Ledrich passed on the bloodline and will of wisdom forever through the oath. The monster has lived from the previous era to this era because of the oath."

Yin Shen told the goblin: "But."

"The oath has its own rules since Ledrich made the first rule."

"Your oath must conform to the will of the entire race and be recognized by the entire race; the Wisdom Crown will give you a positive response based on the instinct of sheltering the Wisdom Species."

"at the same time."

"When you make an oath for the continuation of the Wisdom Seed, the Wisdom Crown will also give you a certain protection; this is the instinct of the Wisdom Crown, and it is also the belief and will of Lederiki."

This kind of secret and essence, even the master of dreams is not aware of it.

Although Sheila was the witness of the original monster's oath, she was only acting according to Yin Shen's will.

And Yin Shen, as the creator of everything and the source of all power and authority, can of course see through the essence of everything.

"However, most people should not understand this truth."

"He just wants to restrain another race in this way."

The master of the dream looked at Yin Shen: "Will the Crown of Wisdom agree to his request for his oath with purpose?"

Yin Shen glanced at Sheila, and it was Sheila's intervention that made Yafoan survive.

"He didn't die because of backlash, and he saw the correct rituals and rules of the oath."

"Let's see if he can do it!"

The goblin immediately bowed her head in embarrassment, she was always so kind.

But she also knew that Yin Shen would not care about this kind of thing, or would like to see this kind of thing.

Sheila is a kind goblin, and doing things with a kind heart is her normal behavior.

Yin Shen turned and left, and the silver moon, which was shining brightly in the sky, also dimmed.


After returning from the old site of the royal capital, Yafoan kept himself locked in a small house with the Book of Thubon.

He needs to let himself go and make a workable plan.

This plan began with a reply from the goddess messenger Fairy Flotti, and was planned and perfected by the Gate of Truth and the Polik Ghost Family.

Now, because of reading "The Book of Hurborn", although Yafoan suffered serious backlash in communicating with the Moon of the Gods under the madness and frenzy, he also knew the method and rules of the Wisdom Crown Oath Ceremony.

He was a little more sure of his plans.

【The Oath of Wisdom Crown】

[First, the oath must be able to represent the entire race]

[Second, the oath must conform to the continuation will of the race. 】

[Third, this oath cannot be amended forever. 】

When Yafuan saw the rules of the oath, he couldn't help feeling chills in his heart.

Especially the last one.

This oath can never be changed.

A person's oath will constrain future generations to live forever, what a cruel thing this is.

But I think that the birth and annihilation of races may only be at the fingertips of the eternal gods such as the creator.

This so-called eternity is only meaningful to the gods.

How can the beginning and end of a race be worth the passing of these years?

In the end, this oath was just an understatement on the record book of the eternal god.

Yafuan, who turned into a bone demon, put down the pen held by the bone palm, and Sen Bai's jawbone grinned open.


"All I need is this cruelty."

Avon finally got up.

He tightened his cloak, then pulled the sackcloth bandage around his neck over his face.

Only then did he open the door and tell the attendants outside the door to have him call King Avery Sidi and the lower priest of the temple, Wulinia.

Yafoan didn't wait long when a voice came from the passage outside.

Sidi, the king of Evel, came with Nia, and closed the door when they came in.

They all knew what they were about to talk about, the fate of all Evirians.

Under the light, Yafoan stood upright.

The light of the fire shone on his bandaged face, looking a little gloomy.

Avon noticed Sidi's gaze on his face, shook his head and said,

"Don't stare."

"It's ugly."

His Majesty Sidi is already a middle-aged man. He laughed and said, "I think it's very good. If I were younger, maybe I would become like this with you."

Yafuan couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty Sidi, you should forbid such thoughts."

"You are the serpent, the king of the Evir people."

Avon knew from the Polik family how terrible a disaster the Bone Demon brought in the last era.

And what really caused all this was not just the bone demon, but also the uncontrollable desire and greed.

His Majesty Sidi: "I know, I just want to comfort you."


Avon smiled, but he still said: "I don't need consolation, I just want to solve the abyss."

Immediately afterwards, Yafoan took out his old and yellowed leather manual.

He turned the pages full of map records in front of him and came to the last page.

Nia came close to Yaf'an, stuck to his side and looked down at the text on it.

"Lord Yafoan!"

"This is the plan we're going to start? A real solution to the abyss?"

Sidi was also a little excited, her eyes gleaming faintly in the gloom.

He took off the lamp, raised it in his hand and looked at what was written on the manual.

There are a lot of things written in the Yapuan manual, the text is dense, and there are many revisions in many places.

It can be seen that he has thought about it many times, and has also analyzed various external and internal factors.

Valley Ultimately.

He just summed up a few at the end.

Yafoan told Sidi and Nia: "I call this plan, the Abyss Seal Plan."

"My purpose is to use the source of wisdom and power, the power of the supreme artifact, the crown of wisdom, to seal the entire abyss and constrain all abyss races."

"But it's very difficult to do that."

"There's only one chance."

"So we can't go wrong with one step."

His Majesty Sidi and Yafoan looked at each other: "Tell me, what should we do?"

Nia also looked at Avon, and nodded to him with infinite trust.

Yafoan got up, took out a wooden board and wrote on it, as if only in this way could he be able to express his thoughts more accurately.

"First, I need to sacrifice to the abyss and become a high-ranking abyss seed."

"The abyss itself is a prop that has the function of accepting sacrifices."

"As long as you can give enough sacrifices, you can get what you want."

Affan learned part of the information of the abyss from the reply of Flotti.

The abyss is a prop, a prop without wisdom.

It has the power of dark erosion, which can be understood as a fallen race that has polluted other lives from its spiritual roots, which is also the reason for the emergence of the abyss race; and the upper abyss race can control part of the authority of this item.

The other is the abyss sacrifice.

Although Yafoan was not able to obtain follow-up information, he had seen such a scene many times.

Not only that.

Any servant of the gods is very familiar with this method.

If the abyss is just a prop, then it means that anyone can make sacrifices to it and obtain its power and authority through the power and contract of the spiritual world.

In this regard, Aphoan had already checked with the Gate of Truth before.

His Majesty Sidi looked at Yafoan: "How do you make sacrifices?"

Yafuan: "I will bring a group of people and fall into the abyss together."

"I am a fourth-order power, and I am a bone demon race that is not available in the abyss, from the tyrannical species of the previous era."

"Myself is the most precious sacrifice to the abyss."

This step looks simple, and it is mixed with countless blood and tears.

Death is already scary enough to turn into a group of crazy and depraved monsters, and being trapped forever in the dark abyss is even more desperately terrifying than death.

His Majesty Sidi nodded and sighed: "I understand."

Nia's eyes were red and she turned her head away.

But this had already been decided, and she could only say nothing.

Avon continued: "After I fall, the entire abyss must be thrown into chaos, and the abyss will become stronger."

"But because there are two high-ranking races in the abyss, there will definitely be fights with each other."

Yafuan said affirmatively: "Queen of the Abyss Meld definitely cannot tolerate another existence to occupy her ownership of the abyss."

His Majesty Sidi: "We'll get some respite then."

Yafuan shook his head: "But the direction of this situation is unpredictable, and the momentary chaos can't hide the abyss becoming stronger, even if it has become stronger a little bit, my fall is just accelerating."

"And after I fall, I can't guarantee that I will be able to remember the past."

"Even if I remember, it is possible to become as crazy and evil as Meld."

"At that time, I may also become the enemy of the Aivil people. Don't use your luck to think about any beautiful things. We Aiweier people have never encountered such beautiful things."

"We have to prepare for the worst."

His Majesty Sidi wrote down this matter, and Yafan continued.

"However, we can take advantage of this chaotic time, when Meld has no spare energy, to arrange our next plan smoothly."

Yafoan looked at Nia very seriously at this time: "At this time, the second step of the plan needs to be carried out, and I must be awakened at an accurate time."


"I handed this matter over to you, I told you what to do, you know."

"This matter is very, very, very important. Nia, you must not make mistakes. If you make mistakes, you will lose everything."

"All our sacrifices, all our plans will all be in vain."

Yafoan said three things in a row, which shows how much he pays attention to this matter.

Nia bit her lip and nodded with red eyes: "Don't worry, I won't let such a thing happen."

"Lord Yafoan!"

Yafoan went on to talk about the third step: "Third, when the plan to wake me up is over."

"I am about to start suppressing Meld to gain control of the abyss, and make an oath to the crown of wisdom in the name of the owner of the abyss and all monsters."

"Only by suppressing Meld, can I communicate with the dream world in the name of the Lord of the Abyss, and communicate with the source of all wisdom - the crown of wisdom."

"Only by swearing, can all abyss species be restrained."

"Let the power of the abyss no longer overflow."

Sidi: "What is the oath?"

Yafoan said the rules of the Wisdom Crown Oath, and Sidi stood up immediately.

"To conform to the continuation will of the race? How is this possible?"

"If we let them continue, won't we perish?"

Yafoan shook his head: "What we need is not the destruction of the abyss, we can't do such a thing."

"All we need is to seal and exile them, so that they can't plunder on a large scale in this world."

Avon looked at Sidi, reassuring him.

"I have long thought about this aspect, and I have also penetrated the rules."

"after all."

"I have personally faced the power of the crown of wisdom, and I have seen the ancient oath on the crown."

Nia continued, "But how do we suppress Meld to gain control of the abyss? She is so powerful and has a spiritual door."

Yafoan looked at Sidi: "So, Your Majesty Sidi, I hope you can go to Moonlight Island in person."

"We need the help of this generation of winged queen Duma."

His Majesty Sidi: "Queen of Winged Duma?"

"Will she help us? And she is only a third-order power, how can she suppress Meld."

Sidi shook his head: "Yafan, how can you trust a winged man."

"And even if she agrees, you can't expect her to rely on her former family affection to influence Meld, the fallen sky envoy!"

"This is outrageous."

Yafoan raised his head, and the firelight behind the bandage was jumping.

"It's not that I believe her, but she will definitely do it, and she will definitely do it."

Avon told a truth that he only learned from Flotti's reply, about Duma's true identity.

"No one wants to get rid of the spiritual door immersed in the abyss sludge more than her, and no one has higher authority and authority than her to control this spiritual door."

"As long as the Queen of the Abyss Meld fails to kill her in the first place, Duma will definitely be able to give her a heavy blow."

"Because she is the heir of the Lord of Glory."

Yafoan looked at Sidi and Nia and said word by word: "She is a **** child."

Avery King Sidi and Nia were stunned.


early morning.

Yafoan, Nia, and Sidi rode on a ground dragon and led a group of people through the valley and boarded a high ground.

The morning sun bathed on the top of the mountain, which was particularly dazzling.

Also full of hope.

Over the years, the Aivil people have been hiding everywhere, for fear that the abyss will find their traces. It is rare for them to stand upright on the ground and not hide their whereabouts at all.

Yafoan stopped at the top of the mountain: "The weather today is really good, it's a good sign."

"Just here!"

Sidi and Nia, who were beside him, heard Yafoan say this, and knew that it was time to part.

Although the plan is divided into three steps.

But when unfolding and arranging, it is done synchronously.

Afoan didn't look at the two of them, just stared at the sun motionlessly.

He deliberately chose to separate here, and chose to separate on a sunny mountaintop.

Although Yafuan covered his bone demon face with a bandage, he just didn't want ordinary Avilians to see their chief **** attendant turn into such a monster. Although he was about to become a monster hidden in the dark mud , but the bottom of my heart is longing for the light.

Nia grabbed the Yulong holster and looked at Yafuan reluctantly.

"There is still a section ahead on the same road."

"Should we part now?"

Nia knew that she would not know what the situation was when she went to meet again next time.


The Yafoan that I will see next time I meet again is not the current Yafoan.

Still unknown.

Yafuan nodded: "Let's separate here!"

His Majesty Sidi let out a hearty laugh: "I also think it's good here."

"Little Nia, don't be sad."

Nia was much younger than Foan and Sidi, and they and the old Echilio liked to call her little Nia.

"Although we are heading for three paths, we are aiming for the same goal."

"The ultimate pursuit is the same end point."

After speaking ~lightnovelpub.net~ His Majesty Sidi turned to the direction of the walking dragon and shouted behind him.

"Go west with me."

His Majesty Sidi left with a group of people and ran to the west coast.

And Yafuan took a group of people to the former Winged Mountains without a word, where they would make sacrifices in the abyss.

Nia brought a group of **** attendants from the temple and prepared a plan that belonged to her.

under the sun.

The three people ran in three different directions, some were determined and fearless, some died generously, and some carried everything on their shoulders.

Just like Sidi said.

Although they were divided into three paths, they pursued the same end.

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