I Am God!

Chapter 34: Now you remember

In the dark stone passage, Helfas felt down to earth again, but the moment he had a body, he almost fell to the ground.

Can't even stand steady.

He seemed to be adapting to this body again. He walked for a while holding on to the wall, and then gradually regained his feeling.

And after regaining his body and switching from the vision of the soul, Helfas felt that many things around him could not be seen clearly, and there was no light at all.

"Is there anything I can light on fire?"

He went further inside and found a rotten rectangular wooden box. He was going to find a way to light it on fire for lighting.

At this time, Zi told him.


"You lie down in this box and I carry you on my back to travel across the earth."

"Wrapped in animal skins, there are clothes I made for you before."

He opened the hide and found that the clothes inside were not rotten, but the smell was strange.

He put on his clothes and sat next to the box, his eyes gradually becoming familiar with the darkness.

Just like that, he didn't light the fire.

In the darkness, she listened quietly to the other person's story about her, but he was also included in that story.

Zi still couldn't break free from the strange power, like a dead soul bound in the wall talking to Helfas who broke into this place.

"I was born in a small tribe in the north. I was born blind, but I can see some things and scenes happening in the distance. They say people like me are prophets."

"One day, I saw a pillar and I saw you."

"That's not my perspective, but it's not weird either, it's more like the world itself..."

Helfas felt that the person in front of him was strange, but Zi seemed to be very familiar with him, and it was as if he had communicated with him countless times.

This left him unsure of how to respond.

Zi quietly finished her story. The story sounded very long, but it came to an end before she knew it.

Helfas could feel some of Zi's grief for losing her loved ones, and he could also feel her loneliness over the long years, but he could only feel some of it.

It seems that no matter what the story is, as soon as it is expressed, it starts to become an understatement, even if it is told by myself.

After Zi finished speaking, she looked at Helfas.

"And you?"

"What have you experienced?"

"By the way, what's your name?"

She was very calm when telling her own story. Although it also contained happiness and sadness, she did not describe it too much.

But the moment she asked about Helfas, she became enthusiastic and expectant.

Looking forward to what will happen after the other party sees the light, and also looking forward to the name the other party will tell him.

She has known each other for a long, long time.

But I never knew what the other person's name was.

Helfas opened his mouth and wanted to blurt out his name, but he felt that the name he wanted to say was not the one the other party knew.

Finally, he told Zi.

"I don't have a name."

"I don't remember anything about the past, not even about you."

"When I walked from tribe to tribe, they called me the Black-Haired Man."

"Helfas, I quite like this name now."

"When I woke up, I only remembered walking towards a tall fire tree. In fact, it was a weird thing. Later, it became the first existence I sealed."

"I've been looking for something."

"I'm looking for where I come from, why I'm here, why I exist."

"Why am I different from others?"

Helfas talked about the confusion he felt when he first came to this world. He didn't want to do anything but wanted to know who he was.

He originally only lived near the temple, but thought it was a waste to leave this place empty. In the end, he did not expect to establish the Black Iron Tribe bit by bit.

He originally didn't have the courage to face the monsters and fight them, but he gradually embarked on the road of sealing the monsters.

He never felt that he was a person who could sacrifice for others, but when faced with a choice, he felt that there was something beyond death.

While Helfas was talking, he suddenly became silent.

He thought of the Dark Iron Tribe.

He thought of the people of the Black Iron Tribe, some who died before him and some who were still alive.

He thought of the merchant and wondered what was happening to him now, what about the Black Iron Tribe and the Land of the Full Moon?

After hearing Helfas's story, Zi couldn't help but say.

"You really have a wonderful life."

"I knew you would like this world full of light and color, and you would also like the people in this world."

"You meet a lot of people, you have friends, you have a lot of people who follow you and love you."

"You have done a very meaningful thing together, even if you end up paying for it with your life, I think they are all willing to do it."

"Helfas, your life is much more exciting than mine."

She was happy for Helfas and sad for Helfas.

Helfas could feel it.

She regards herself as a friend or even a family member, and there is no barrier in her words.

Helfas opened his mouth to say something, but when he saw the other person's eyes, he finally didn't say anything.

On the reef outside the island.

Helfas sat on the stone and looked into the distance. The sea wind was so strong that it was hard to open his eyes. The waves crashed on the rocks, making bursts of noise.

There are many things floating up from the sea on the beach.

There are barrels made of wood, sampans that look like they are about to fall apart, and torn fabrics. These are obviously man-made things.

This means that there must be coasts or islands where people live in this area.

Helfas didn't know where this place was, but it should be to the east of the Full Moon Land, and Helfas's heart flew far away since he thought of the past of the Full Moon Land.

One figure after another flashed through his mind, remembering the back of the Demon Hunter captain walking into the distance, what the merchant officer said to him, and the businessman who turned into a dragon.

Helfas decided that he must go back and take a look.

He stood up and picked up some wood on the beach and some dried fabric for starting a fire.

He made fire outside and brought it inside the passage.

A small bonfire lit up, illuminating the dark stone passage and revealing the palace inside.

Helfas smiled.

Helfas's hair and eyes are black, but he doesn't like darkness.

And after many years, Zi also saw the light again, although it was just the light from a bonfire.

Zi also shouted: "It's lit up."

Zi seemed to be a particularly talkative person in the dark. She kept talking to Helfas without showing any timidity at all.

But when there was light, she seemed a little at a loss.

She is not shy, but she becomes extra reserved when around others, as if she has transformed into a prophet, and her temperament has become a bit cold and isolated from others.

Helfas then used the firelight to completely see the outline of her face. The details of her eyebrows seemed a little different from what he imagined, like a somewhat lonely and cold person.

She tilted her head slightly and lowered her face.

"do not look at me."

Helfas nodded. He thought that the other party felt that he was a little embarrassed by the posture of being bound in the stone wall, so he sat down facing Zi to warm himself by the fire.

He held out his hands and stared into the flames.

After a while, he asked the other party.

"Is there any way for you to break free from the constraints of this wall? I can help you."

Zi was very smart. What she thought of for a moment was not how to break free from the constraints of this wall, but another meaning in Helfas's words.

"Do you want to leave?"

Helfas did not hide it: "Yeah!"

Maybe it's because I've stayed here for too long, or maybe I'm a little afraid of the outside world.

Zi said: "I'm used to this place, and people outside see me as an alien."

"For me, there is no difference between the outside and here. As long as you can talk to me often, I feel very satisfied."

Helfas once again felt Zi's trust without any barriers, but after hesitating for a while, he still spoke.

"That's weird."

"It's really not a good thing not to remember."

Zi: "What's wrong?"

Helfas: "Your mind is full of memories of walking with me, but I don't remember anything."


"To you I am your friend, but to me you are just a stranger."

"You are full of joy for my return, but I am at a loss what to do here."

Zi looked at Helfas blankly, and finally showed a calm smile.

"I see."

She didn't say what she understood.

Did he understand Helfas's determination to leave here, or did he understand that all her care and kindness had become a burden to the other party.

Helfas looked at Zi's calmness and smile, and he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't know whether what he said was right or not.

But this is indeed the case. He is Zi's friend and even his family member who has been with him for decades, but Zi is a stranger he just met not long ago.

He didn't want to deceive Zi and disguise himself as the person the other party imagined.

Helfas woke up the next day.

Zi spoke to him about yesterday's topic, and she seemed to have found a way to break free.


"I remember you said you had the ability to remember things mentally, right?"

Helfas nodded: "Yes."

Zi told him: "Actually, after I gained weird powers a long time ago, my body told me that I could do something magical."

"I have the power to resurrect from the dead, but the me after death and rebirth is equivalent to a brand new me, and I should not remember anything."

"To me, it's no different than disappearing."

"I don't want to forget, I want to remember my past."

"But recently, I feel that I have gradually lost control of the thought that this body is going to die. It seems that I can't make the decision on all this."

"I want you to stay, but actually I also want you to stay with me for the last time."


Zi didn't say anything further, that should be the reason why she changed her mind.

Helfas was thoughtful and roughly guessed what the other party was thinking.

Zi said to Helfas: "I hope you can read my memories and record them. When I live and grow up to be able to remember, give me my memories again."

"But I hope you will take me to the human world and let me be born as a natural life."

"Because if I enter reincarnation here, I will probably be completely swallowed up by the power of this island soon."

"And I hope that I will be born into this world as a life form, not a monster. Outside, I may slowly find a way to use this power, and eventually the weirdness in my body will no longer wake up."

Helfas thought for a while and then agreed. It wasn't that he was hesitating about anything else, he was just worried about whether this matter was feasible.

Even before that, he had never thought that his ability could be used in this way.

He said.

"My ability can only read the content and images you recall at the moment, and I can only show you the content you recall in the future."

"I don't know what the difference is."

"Are you sure you want to do this again?"

Zi nodded, and once she thought about it, she no longer hesitated.

She has been trapped on this island for who knows how long, a hundred years? Or longer?

She felt that she had slowly reached her limit, and one day she would be unable to resist the reincarnation of death and rebirth.

Rather than being trapped on this island and being completely eaten by weirdness, let's go out and take another look.

"It's okay, I believe you."

Although he didn't know how Zi came up with this idea and why he suddenly decided to leave, Helfas was still happy that Zi was willing to leave this dark and terrifying island.

He stood up and said to Zi.

"Zi, let's go out and see the world again!"

"Everything is different from your time. No one will reject you anymore, and everyone will accept you happily."

She didn't speak, just nodded.

Helfas placed his hand between her eyebrows.

She leaned closer, stared at Helfas, and slowly closed her eyes.

She began to keep reminiscing about her childhood, about the first time she saw the distance in the dark with the ability of a prophet, and about her joy in seeing light and color.

Helfas saw her past and heard the voices she had heard.

I also saw myself in her eyes.

He saw himself on that tall pillar, like a prisoner in a cage. He heard himself screaming in despair, and the sound made his own hair stand on end.

The sounds of evil spirits in **** are not as scary and tragic as those sounds.

He wanted to back away, unable to believe that the sound was coming from him.

He finally understood why he dreamed about the pillar and knew about the magical sealing ceremony, because he walked out of that pillar.


"What exactly is it?"

"Where does it come from?"

"Why am I up there?"

He finally saw part of his past, but he became even more confused. He kept looking for answers about himself, but it seemed that he was just moving from one mystery to another.

And then, real light finally appeared in the picture, and the whole world changed.

For Zi, her life has also brightened up.

He watched Zi lead him to escape from the maze and the pillars, watched the other party carry him on his back while walking in the jungle, and watched the other party pass one tribe after another.

He saw the other person talking to him on the road and asking his name in the starry night.

He saw the other party standing tiredly by the sea, with only a sleeping god-like person beside him.

This time, Zi's past was no longer an understatement in words, it was so real that Herfas was silent.

At this time, Zi suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Helfas.

Under the light of the campfire.

Her expression was still withdrawn and cold, but her voice became a little cunning.

"Now, you remember everything."

Helfas was a little stunned at first, then he laughed and shook his head with a smile.

that's all.

The two of them became familiar with each other as they looked at each other and smiled.

Zi left all her memories in Helfas's mind, and then you could see her body gradually losing its vitality and completely integrating into the wall bit by bit.

And wisps of light entangled out, condensed together and turned into an object, falling on Helfas's hand.

This is a purple bead. A spiral-like existence can be faintly seen through the light inside. When you put it next to your ears, you can even hear a strange sound, as if it is playing a melody of life and reproduction.

The firelight behind him gradually faded.

He grabbed the pillar and couldn't help but think.

"Resurrection from the dead?"

"Will the person who survives like this still be the same person?"


Helfas saw a ray of light falling from the sky, and the power of the pillar locked onto the source of the ritual, where the true name lies.

He saw something wrapped in a ceremonial light gradually float up and return to the pillar.

And in the depths of the dream world, Zi's true name shines brightly.

He suddenly felt at ease because the other person's name was engraved on the pillar.

Because besides Zi himself, there is another person in this world who remembers the other person's name.

"As long as there are still people in this world who remember Zi, and she still remembers that she is called Zi, then she will definitely be the one who returns."

The sea today is much calmer than the past few days.

The weather was clear and the sea was calm.

Helfas repaired the sampan that floated from nowhere and was about to fall apart. During the repair process, he discovered that the craftsmanship of the sampan was somewhat exquisite.

There is a rudder at the stern, which is suspended below the stern and can be lifted and lowered through a chain. The chain is also made of metal.

This is really not something a person from the tribal era could create.

Could it be that outside the Land of the Full Moon, there is such a tribe, or even a civilization, that is good at making boats and going out to sea for fishing?

Helfas was a little surprised, but also very interested.

"If I had walked a little further outside, wouldn't I have encountered this tribe?"


"If the city founding celebration could be successfully completed at that time, after integrating the power of the Full Moon Land, maybe we would be able to see some of what the outside world is like?"

In addition to the boat, there are also beads left by Zi.

He also brought a hand-carved sealing ceremony wooden board. He didn't have a sealed object in his hand now, so it could be said that he was extremely fragile.

A sealing ceremony wooden board may not be useful, but it might come in handy.

Helfas pushed the sampan away, then climbed on, sat on the boat and shook the oars.

Between the waves, he paddled in the direction where he thought there might be land and islands.

And behind.

The strange island is also gradually changing, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com became active again.

Stones turned into flesh, and mountains rose and fell like breathing.

Terrifying figures shouted from between the stone walls.

But the weird thing called the Fetus of Life Reproduction has still not fully recovered, but it has obviously become more dangerous, and this island is no longer a place that mortals can approach.

But Helfas just took a look, then turned around and paddled the sampan away into the distance.

He was looking forward to it.

Looking forward to returning to the Land of the Full Moon, wondering how the people in the tribe are doing now?

It was obvious that he didn't realize how long he had been gone.

And Zi, who was swallowed up by the weird crazy consciousness, didn't know how the years outside were passing by. (end of this chapter)

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