I Am God!

Chapter 37: Businessman, you are indeed still alive

Helfas finally confirmed.

No longer listening to what others say, but seeing it with your own eyes.

But at this moment, standing under his statue and watching the crowds of people worshiping him, he felt extremely lost, even at a loss.

"It turns out that I have been away for more than eight hundred years."

Helfas was originally extremely eager to return to the land of the full moon, but his extremely hot heart began to become a little cold.

He even resisted returning to that land. He knew that no matter how fast he rushed back, he would never see what he wanted to see.

He can catch the wind.

But can't run away with time.

Next to the grotto.

Helfas found the murals and texts left by the people who founded this country and city. The words they used were very similar to the recording symbols he had graffitied at the time. Helfas could still recognize many of the words.

This proves that this country and the Land of the Full Moon are civilizations of the same origin, and also explains their origins.

Just looking at the murals and the intermittently recognized words, Helfas could basically understand the meaning.

Between the murals and the text, Helfas saw how the rulers of this country originally migrated here step by step from the Land of the Full Moon. They were a group of people who fled the Land of the Full Moon because of the collapse of the Golden Age and the Dragon King succession system.

After four generations of governance and development by the Dragon Kings, the Land of the Full Moon reached its peak in the Golden Age, with dozens of cities and millions of people.

The scope of influence and radiation control is no longer limited to the land of the full moon in the past. If those outside tribes who have taken refuge and areas that are not actually controlled are also counted, the population under its control can reach more than ten million.

And what goes up must come down seems to be an eternal topic.

When the Golden Dragon King entered reincarnation, he did not give the throne to the person elected by everyone, but acquiesced to give it to his son, perhaps because of selfishness, or perhaps because he really believed that his son had the ability to become the King of the Full Moon. ability.

But this caused war to break out in the entire Full Moon Land after he entered reincarnation. Dozens of city lords, dragon professionals and the sons of the Golden Dragon King started a battle for the throne. At the same time, many organizations and forces also took advantage of the chaos to establish and rise. , the war lasted for more than twenty years.

An unprecedented and brutal war started between the demon hunters holding sealed objects, the dragons with extraordinary power, and the strange demons and dragons who had taken away the human body and wisdom.

Because the main characters in the early stage are still dragons, it is also called the battle of dragons.

But finally.

It turned out that a demon hunter holding a special sealed object won this war.

The war lasted for a long time, and the forces on all sides were in a stalemate with heavy casualties. One dragon after another entered reincarnation or fell asleep because of the war, which caused heavy losses to the already small number of dragons.

At the same time, a large part of the dragons were extremely dissatisfied with the son of the Golden Dragon King for destroying the system that had been inherited from the Black Iron Age, and hated him for provoking this war.

On the contrary, the advantage of the demon hunter is reflected at this time. As long as a dead demon hunter can recover the sealed object and the organizational force remembers his true name, the next person who masters the sealed object can continue to be a demon hunter, and the demon hunter alone can Although humans are not as powerful as dragons, their numbers far exceed dragons.

The dragon's power gradually weakened until it became unbearable, but the witcher's power always remained at a baseline.

Taking advantage of the fact that most of the dragons were getting tired of the war, the witcher contacted the dragons in the later stages of the war and allowed the black iron dragons, bronze dragons, silver dragons and gold dragons to build their own dragon palaces. They were given various privileges in the land of the full moon.

And united with them, they expelled the son of the Golden Dragon King from the Land of the Full Moon, suppressed the demons and demon dragons who took advantage of the chaos, and ended the war completely.

Eventually, the Full Moon Kingdom was established.

But during this process, a large number of nobles, soldiers, and civilians from the Golden Age left the Land of the Full Moon due to various reasons such as defeat, flight, and disaster.

Some of them fled to the north, gathered and conquered most of the barbarians and tribes in the north, and established new forces and cities using the power of the extraordinary metal artifacts and sealed objects left by the dragon kings.

Some fled to the east coast and eventually transformed into a maritime country that made a living from fishing and trade.

The collapse of the Golden Age, the end of the Dragon King system, the division of the Full Moon Land and the flight of a large number of nobles.

A large number of countries, large and small, were created.

The war devastated the Land of the Full Moon and killed countless people, but it spread civilization to farther places and ushered in the scene of hundreds of flowers blooming. People don't know whether this is a blessing or a curse.

Helfas quickly read the pictures and text of the battle of dragons, and soon saw the part of the Kingdom of Basel. The ruling class of this country was originally the nobles of the Full Moon Kingdom called Bread Tree City. In the golden age, When it collapsed, he was defeated and fled to the east.

They brought soldiers and sealed artifacts to conquer several fishing tribes along the coast. However, they were not the only ones who fled at that time. Several forces that fled to the eastern coast came together again to compete for resources and soil for survival. The outbreak of war.

They were defeated again and had to start migrating and fleeing again.

Finally, he landed on this island and took over the island as king, which has been developed to this day.

Of course, there are many whitewashings in the murals and texts, such as describing their enemies as ferocious, describing how innocent the reasons for their escape were, and describing the cruelty of the son of the Golden Dragon King.

But Helfas could tell at a glance that this was just a flight and migration journey of a group of failed remnants of the dragons fighting for the throne.


Those were all over a hundred years ago.

Helfas looked at a piece of writing on the wall, and it was he who gave the name.

"Bread City?"

He thought for a moment and roughly understood that the origin of this group of people should be the former farmer tribe.

Helfas burst into laughter. At first, he thought he might have arrived in a foreign country. It turned out that they were descendants of a tribe of farmers, and they might even be the descendants of the farmer he knew.

Helfas thought of Bass's appearance. He didn't feel it at first, but he just felt a little familiar.

But when he thought about it again, he suddenly saw the look of the former farmer in Bas's eyebrows.

When he looked at this city and this small island country, he felt completely different.

He looked at every figure on the island and every pedestrian passing by, and it seemed that he could find the shadow of the farmer.

The farmer must have been dead long ago.

He would never see the other person again.

But here, in this country, everyone is a continuation of his life.

His originally dull and depressed heart suddenly felt relieved.

"Farmer, is this the continuation and inheritance of your life?"

After returning through the years, everything I saw didn't seem to be all bad.

In the city.

There was a noisy sound from far away in the street, and it did not calm down at all. Instead, it became more and more serious as it spread.

Bass's ship arrived at the port, attracting many people from the island to watch. The king and nobles in the city also received the news and rushed over, but only one ship was seen returning.

And now, the specific information has completely spread throughout the city.

Bath encountered a strange attack midway, sinking three ships and killing most of the people, and that was only the second thing.

More importantly, they lost the Black Iron Seal Scale.

"What, the Black Iron Seal Scale was lost?"

"That is a great treasure of our country. How can we throw it away?"

"Sealed objects can be thrown away, but black iron sealing scales cannot be thrown away. Doesn't this mean that we will no longer have the ability to seal weird things in the future?"

"This is how to do ah?"

"What about the oil bread farmland? If a new oil bread farmland appears in the future, won't it be possible to seal and create it?"

There was an uproar in the city.

People rushed to discuss the consequences of the disappearance of the Black Iron Seal Scale, and their faces became more and more ugly, and finally they became angry.

For the small island country of Barcelona, ​​they were able to establish a country here and have the two most important artifacts to establish themselves.

One is the bronze orichalcum statue of the Dragon King, which is fundamental to the city's existence.

The second is the Sealing Scale of the Black Iron Dragon, which is the source of various sealed objects, their potential for development and the source of their most powerful power.

Its loss can be said to be a disaster for this country.

In the palace of Barcelona.

The central hall of the palace is a 40- to 50-meter rectangular semi-open-air building. The ground is paved with stones. The halls are supported by pillars, but the connections between the halls are open-air.

Bass knelt on the ground and faced the throne high above. He was surrounded by solemn-looking nobles, officials and members of the royal family, while outside the palace were the loud and angry citizens.

These city residents are not ordinary civilians, let alone slaves. They are also important members of the country. They can be elected officials, become soldiers and guards, and even enter the palace and become important officials.

Bass was kneeling here and could hear the sounds outside.

"Your Majesty the King, you must give us an explanation."

"We definitely can't let it go like this."

"The Black Iron Seal Scale should not have been given to Bass, a cowardly and useless guy. He lost the treasures our country inherited from the Bronze Age. Is there any greater crime than this?"

"Without the Sealing Scale, what will we do in the future?"

"Such a guy actually wants to inherit the throne?"

Faced with such a storm of rebuke, everyone in the palace could not sit still.

"Your Majesty the King, do you listen to the noise outside?"

"Prince Bath must be dealt with."

"If Prince Bass is not dealt with, everyone will probably riot next. Someone must take responsibility for the loss of the Black Iron Seal Scale."

"If we cannot satisfy the citizens, we will be in danger."

On the throne.

The old king's hair was parted to both sides, with the length just reaching his chin. His eyes looked a little cloudy but he still had an air of calmness and dignity.

He paid no attention to the people outside, nor did he respond to the people with evil intentions in the palace.

He just looked at his son: "Bass, did you hear that?"

Buzz: "I heard you."

King: "You fled back so cowardly."

Buzz: "I just don't want to lead everyone to death."

The king sneered: "Death?"

"Does your death matter, does the death of your crewmate matter?"

"No, it's not important at all."

"For this country, it is not unacceptable for you to die, and it is not unacceptable for all your crew members to die. This is the price that those who walk on the road of kings should pay."

"But you threw away the Black Iron Sealing Scale and suffered a disastrous defeat without thinking about changing the situation, so you just ran away in despair."

"This is completely unacceptable."

When the king said the last words, his voice suddenly reached the limit, as if he was about to overthrow the palace.

He was like a furious lion, staring at his son.

"Don't make excuses for your cowardice."

"You are not an ordinary person. You are a man who is ready to inherit the throne and become a king in the future."

"Do you think you can escape and run away when you are tired, tired, and scared when you are traveling?"

"If you don't even have the courage to face your weirdness and take responsibility, then why did you choose this path?"

In such an era, life does not seem to be valuable, everyone thinks so.

Power, glory, family, kingdom, continuity, many, many things.

They are all above life.

Bass's neck turned red, and he lowered his head and hit the ground hard: "I am willing to accept any punishment."

The king hesitated again and again, and finally waved his hand: "Put him in a prison and don't allow anyone to touch him."

Bass was shackled and taken out. When the people outside saw him, their voices became louder.

In the past, he was praised for his bravery, but he was scolded and called cowardly and useless.

He finally understood what was worse than death.

At night.

Helfas was watching people perform and tell stories in an amphitheater near the pier. The story told today was the story of the Bronze Dragon King Saren.

Near the blazing bonfire, some of the sailors and crew members on the dock sat cross-legged on the ground, watching the man standing in the center dancing and telling the legends of that long-ago era, telling everyone about the achievements of the Bronze Dragon King.

He established caravans to connect tribes one after another, he created the world's earliest coins, and he created orichalcum to spread the existence of cities across the land.

He took over the throne from the Black Iron Dragon King, as well as his will and ideals.

The storyteller's voice was high and powerful.

"The Bronze Dragon King has been walking on the path that the Black Iron Dragon King wanted to take all his life, adhering to the other party's ideals."

Helfas didn't know when he started to have the title of Black Iron Dragon King.

He is neither a dragon nor even a draconian.

It's just that the time is too long ago.

Almost everyone doesn't remember what kind of existence Helfas is. Everyone thinks that he is also a dragon because he created black iron, so he must be the dragon king of black iron.

Even many of those black iron dragons think so.

At the end of the story, the man shouted.

"Finally, the bronze dragon king passed the throne to the silver dragon king Bahabali."

"Became a statue."

The man turned around and made an exaggerated movement, reaching towards the grottoes and statues in the city.

"It's the statues of the dragon kings who guard us. Whether it's the bronze dragon king Saronen or the other dragon kings, their wills still exist here."

"Said in ancient prophecies."

"The dragon kings did not die, they just entered reincarnation."

"One day they will come back again."

The people applauded enthusiastically, but Helfas just watched quietly.

When Helfas left, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

It's the King of Basel.

The island is not too big, and the cloak Helfas wears is also very special, so it is not difficult to find.

The king bowed to Helfas with a very low posture.

"I heard my son and the returning crew talk about you. They admired you very much in their words. You sealed a terrible weirdness in your understatement."

“Everything you say and do shows courage and strength.”

"Compared to you, my cowardly son's behavior is really embarrassing."

As soon as they met, he praised Herfas very highly, and then scolded his son for his incompetence.

Helfas looked at the king and knew that he would ask for something.

"You are not born with courage, only recklessness."

“Only when you know what fear and despair are, and you still have the courage to move forward, that is true courage.”

"The real strength is not, but the courage to face everything even if you lose everything."

Helfas said.

"Bass is still very young and he has encountered some problems. If he can come out of it, he will understand what true courage is and become stronger."

The King of Basel looked at Helfas, and what he said seemed to shock him.

After a long time, he spoke: "You are indeed a truly strong man."

Helfas stared at the old man in front of him who was a king and a father.

"You want me to help Buzz?"

"I heard from people in the city that they decided to execute Bas?"

King Basel said: "He is a proud and reckless man. As you said, he is still too young."

"This is the first time he has really stepped out and shouldered the responsibility of being an heir. Now it seems that this responsibility is too heavy for him."

"But this is not exactly why I came here this time."

The old king's attitude was very sincere, even a little lowly.

"I hope you can help us retrieve the Black Iron Dragon's sealing scales."

The old king thought.

As a black iron dragon professional, the other party must be very sensitive to the aura of the black iron seal scale. If he returns to that sea area, there is still a certain chance of recovering the black iron scale.

Helfas was not easily swayed by the other party just because of his words.

He just asked, "What do I get?"

The other party hesitated for a moment. Ordinary sealed objects would certainly not be able to impress the other party, and ordinary sealed objects could not be as valuable as the Black Iron Sealing Scale.

Although the Black Iron Seal Scale has no direct lethality, it can continuously create sealed objects.

The king took Helfas into the palace: "Please come with me."

In the treasure house deep in the palace, he lifted the cloth covering something.

It was a bronze statue of the Dragon King, its entire body made of extraordinary metal orichalcum, emitting waves of power that suppressed life like a mountain.

Every city must have at least one bronze statue of the Bronze Dragon King, and every hundred years, some bronze statues will mutate.

There is a chance of splitting from one to two.

And this is also the background and reason for the continuous expansion of dragon cities on this land.

The ancestors of the Basel Kingdom fled here from the land of the full moon a hundred years ago, bringing with them a bronze statue of the Dragon King. Now it seems that they are lucky. In the past hundred years, the bronze statue of the Dragon King has split into a brand new one.

And with this bronze statue, they will soon be able to build another city. This may be what he originally prepared for Bath.

Of course, the two can also be combined into one to expand the city.

A bronze statue of the Dragon King cannot create a large city. For example, this city is more than a thousand meters long. In fact, the limit range that a bronze statue can radiate is only a few hundred meters in circumference.

But it's barely enough.

For a country and force, this is one of the most precious treasures, a legacy of the kingdom.

At this moment, the king felt a little heartbroken and reluctant.

But in the end, he looked directly at Herfas and said very seriously: "Sir, this is the reward we pay."

Helfas looked at the king and asked him: "Pay such a high price just for your son?"

King: "As a father, of course I don't want to see my son die."

"But more importantly, for the sake of this country, we must not lose the Black Iron Seal Scale."

Actually there is another way.

A black iron dragon professional can of course create black iron seal scales, but the number of black iron seal scales that each black iron dragon can create is also limited. Unless there are special reasons and relationships, black iron dragons will definitely Such a thing would not be given away lightly.

And I heard that if the strength does not reach the third level, making the black iron seal scale will weaken part of the black iron dragon's own strength.

Therefore, the King of Basel did not propose this method.

The Black Iron Seal Scales of the Basel Kingdom were inherited from the Bronze Age and were distributed by the Bronze Dragon King. They can also be said to be the oldest batch of Black Iron Scales.

Helfas looked at the familiar bronze statue in front of him.

In fact, he had no intention of taking care of things here before. He was just a passerby here and would leave soon.

But looking at the bronze statue in front of him, he suddenly felt moved.

He said: "I will help you find the Black Iron Seal Scale, but that's all."

King of Basel: "That's enough."

The king left. UU Readingwww.uukanshu.com

Helfas was the only one left in the warehouse.

He no longer stood there, but walked over little by little and came to the bronze statue.

Although there should be a bronze statue placed in the previous grotto, he couldn't see it directly after all.

At this moment, the bronze statue was placed in front of him, as close as a stone's throw away.

He looked directly into the eyes of the bronze statue and could feel a rhythm of life emanating from the bronze statue, as if it were alive.

Although it was only a small part, he could feel it.

He seemed to confirm something.


"You are not dead, you are indeed alive."

He couldn't help but laugh, his voice a little excited. ()