I Am God!

Chapter 381: Rukh the giant shot

The emerald-colored roots were wrapped around the brown-haired witch, and a forest was born because of her.

But her consciousness was pulled into the depths of the earth.

Pulled into the center of Ruhe Giant Island, and headed to the altar holy place where life dominated at the beginning of the era, where Ruhe Giant God guarded.

This is a strange underground world.

The transparent giant jellyfish film covers the sky, and the thin umbrella cover dances slowly, and there is not only one such jellyfish-like existence in the underground world.

The jellyfish-like existence exhaled, creating wind and mist underground.


A green carpet covers the ground, giving the underground world fresh air. Giant vines bearing fruits and glowing halo hang from a high place to illuminate the space.

The water here also seems to be alive, even forming a transparent enchantment on the sky, or a lake like a mirror.

From time to time, it drips down to form rainwater in the underground world.

on the sacred ancient altar.

The light of the Distorted Eye swept across the underground world, and you could hear the roars of the giants, which were the family of the giant gods.

A strand of roots appeared in the underground world, and a large number of filaments of roots were entangled and formed into the shape of a woman.

The shadow of the Earth Witch also appeared under the altar.

She knelt under the altar, facing the sigil that represented the Rukh giant earthworm.


Not long.

A powerful will descended and stared at the Earth Witch.

The Earth Witch knew that it was the giant **** Ruh.

The other person is looking at him.

It's just that the opponent's body is huge, that is a giant **** beyond the imagination of mortals, carrying the existence of Zhou Lu.

So even if she tried her best, she couldn't see what kind of existence the giant **** really was.

The other party is always asleep,

Occasionally woke up, and only one of the wisps of consciousness.

Most of its consciousness is controlling the operation of this giant island of Ruhe. Together, the seven giants of Ruhe formed this continent.

And the snake man.

It's just a part of living in this land.

The witch of the earth prayed to the **** named Ruhe, hoping that he could stop the gods who came to the world, stop them from wreaking havoc on the earth created by the master of life, and prevent them from being in this country called Ruhe, the mother of life. do whatever you want in the back garden.

"Earth giant, many people on this land believe in you."

"Believe in the mother of life."

"This is the garden where life dominates, not a place where they can be presumptuous."

The Earth Witch folded her hands in front of her chest and slumped on the ground.

"I know that my request is very presumptuous. As a believer, I can't do anything for the gods. I can only pray for your gifts."

"But my request is not just because I'm a mortal, not just because I'm a prophet of the King of Serpents."

"It's because this land is different."

"Here the gods can spread their faith, they can spread their scriptures here, they can choose their servants here."

"But they..."

Speaking of which, the voice of the Earth Witch became much louder.

"The master of life must be feared."

"Fear what the great creator has created."

The Earth Witch knocked her head under the altar and even closed her eyes.

The Earth Witch prayed to the gods, but her gods couldn't understand what she was saying, or didn't understand.

I don't understand the meaning of the so-called snake people's belief in themselves, nor do they understand the significance of these snake people to the master of life.

The Lord of Life created the Snake Man, but he wanted to create more anchors, so that the creator, Insai, would come to this world earlier.

But the Creator has already descended on this world, and the Master of Life has long given up this world, leaving the world and returning to the Creator's side.

In the eyes of the giant Ruh.

Snakes and earth-bound dragons are no different from tooth beasts, they are just one of the beings living on this earth.

is part of the world cycle.

He created a witch, just want a pair of eyes to look at the world.

The giant Rukh doesn't dream.

And the eyes He gave the witch were the dreams that occasionally appeared when they were asleep.

The will of the giant **** Ruhe paid attention to the earth witch, and he made a rare voice.

There was no emotion in the voice of the giant Rukh.

His voice was slow, but grand and expansive; it was like the sound of the wind passing between heaven and earth, and the sound of water flowing toward the ocean.

If it wasn't for the Earth Witch who was his apostle, she would probably regard this voice as the rhythm between heaven and earth.


"It was Insai who created the world..."

"Supreme...this world...eternal..."

"The Creator."

Rukh is not without wisdom.

At the end of the last era, the witch doctors and the god-created man Stern found a way for the creator to let the power of life give birth to wisdom.

It's just that they don't have the emotions of ordinary people, and they don't have the thinking patterns of ordinary people; their thinking is very slow, because years and time have lost their meaning to them.

Most of the time, the giant **** Ruhe is more like a stone with wisdom, and his perception of time and the outside world is completely different from ordinary people.

Maybe thousands of years have passed outside the moment they thought about it.

Luch refused the request of the Earth Witch.

Not because they hate each other, but because this is not their mission.

More because.

Their era has not yet come.

"The age of wisdom."

"It doesn't belong to Rukh... The era of life has not yet come."

The mission of the giant Rukh in this era is to carry this continent; let this world create more life and breed more species.

This is their mission, the mission given to them by the Lord of Life, and it can be traced back to the will of the Creator Insai.

They are not in a hurry, because time and years have no meaning to them.

The will of the supreme god.

The will of the creator.

Everything has been arranged for a long time, and all he has to do is to follow their footsteps and go to the other side of time.

The Earth Witch got up and looked up at the altar.

"The Creator?"

"The era of wisdom? The era of life?"

The giant **** Ruhe's words were intermittent, and the voice was even more integrated into the wonderful rhythm of heaven and earth. Even the witch of the earth could not fully understand the other party's words.

She faintly heard the other party's name for the creator, but it was definitely not the name of the **** Sally, the master of life.

It's just that she didn't dare to think about it at the moment, or didn't dare to ask this question.

The Earth Witch raised her head and asked the giant **** Ruhe.


"The world created by the master of life, how can these gods be allowed to destroy it wantonly."

The emotions of the giant **** Ruhe Earth Driller did not fluctuate at all, and the words of the Earth Witch seemed to be shouting to the sky, unable to make any waves.


The Earth Witch still has not understood the difference between gods and gods, nor has she understood what kind of existence the Lord is.

In the eyes of the creator, in the eyes of the master gods.

What the gods in the world do in the back garden is not the destruction of outsiders.

But only the ecology in the garden is the operation within the order.

Whether mortals, apostles, or demigods, they are just a part of the garden, a part of the world.

After a long time, the Earth Driller finally answered.

"Mother of life...don't care."

"In your... eyes, they are gods."

"In the eyes of the Sovereign... they are also mortals, and they live longer... mortal... people..."

Funny for mortals.

That is, they always use their own vision to speculate on the existence of others and even gods.

Even if the Earth Witch is so close to the gods.

I didn't really understand the meaning of the word "master".

After the giant **** Ruhe said these words, it seemed that he was about to fall into a deep sleep again.

His voice could be heard getting longer and longer, disappearing into the wonderful rhythm between the sky and the earth, disappearing into the humming of the earth, disappearing into the rumbling of the forest and the wind in the sky.

The Earth Witch was once the prophet of the Temple of Ten Thousand Snakes and the most devout believer of the Lord of Life.

She said suddenly at this moment.

"But can you not care?"

"Can I... don't care?"

"Earth Giant God!"


The earth shook for a while, and the entire underground world seemed to have something moved slightly, and the shock was transmitted from under the earth to above the earth.

The giant **** Ruhe seemed to have woken up again, and the witch of the earth felt that the pressure far surpassed before appeared on her body.

The other party was looking at her, as if judging what she had said.

This time, the words of the gods seem to have become much more awake, no longer full of emptiness and sleepiness.

It seems this sentence.

has any special meaning.

"This... shouldn't be said by a mortal."

After a long time.

The gaze of the giant **** Ruhe, the earth driller, disappeared, and the earth witch could feel the huge pressure on her body slowly disappearing.

The Earth Witch thought she had failed, and she slumped to the ground in frustration.

But this time.

The terrifying power overflowed from under the earth, and the rhythm of life was transmitted from the center of the giant island of Ruh to the whole world.

At this time, it was obviously not yet fully spring, and suddenly all the plants on the ground began to grow.

And the mountain of the origin of life standing in the center of the giant island of Ruh also erupted violently at this time.

"Earth Giant God!"

In the surprise of the Earth Witch, she said this sentence.


Her consciousness was taken out of the underground altar and left the underground world.

Back on the ground, she was still wrapped in vines and green leaves.

But she knows.

I succeeded myself.

And this success is not just another gift from the gods.

There is another meaning.

Since then, there have been new rules on the giant island of Ruh, and gods can no longer arbitrarily take action on this giant island and be presumptuous in this place where life originated.


This is the back garden where life dominates.

This is where the gods originated and where they reside.

Although she didn't understand why she was able to persuade the giant **** of the earth.

I don't even know what the gods said.

Perhaps it was because he was really persuaded by the Earth Witch.

Maybe because.

At this moment, the supreme **** mentioned by the witch of the earth is in the world at this moment.


Near Eclipse City.

The two myths made a real fire in the world.

The truth and the power of original sin are intertwined, and no one can let go of the other.

The Feathered Serpent, whose length is measured in kilometers, fights with the Gate of Truth. The God of Truth and Knowledge and the God of Original Sin frequently use their methods, and all kinds of strange magic swept the earth.

The fire burns the earth, destroys the jungle, and the sea of ​​fire at night illuminates the sky.

The towering mountains were torn apart in an instant, turning into an overwhelming dust, and boulders falling from the sky.

In the battlefield of the gods, you can see that the terrain of the earth has been modified, and everything that was once familiar has become a mess.

The **** of truth and knowledge spreads out the realm, the dense fog covers the whole world, and wants to imprison the feathered snake in his own realm.

And the power of original sin surging in Feathered Serpent tore through the fog again and again.

It broke free from it, and was swallowed up by the mist.

Feathered Serpent's eyes released a world-destroying flame, summoning a terrifying black rain, and a black hole connected to his throat swallowed everything he saw.

For this sake, even Asai couldn't hold back.

The Feather Snake that Xiao controlled seemed to be hit hard again and again, but relied on the power of gluttony to keep recovering, and came back to life again and again, but the pain and torture continued to enter Xiao's mind.

"Asai, do you want to torture me?"


"Billions of years of loneliness, and the years of endless reincarnation, I can survive."

"This pain is not worth mentioning to me."

Asai looked at the Feathered Serpent, and the looming power of original sin behind it. The seven original sins alternately reincarnated, turning into the shadow of the abyss and the gate of original sin.


"You have brought this disaster since you came into this world."

"God of original sin, you are indeed full of sins, and you have exhausted all sins that will never be repaid."

Xiao was stunned for a moment, he stared at the young man under the gate of truth and suddenly wanted to laugh, laughing wildly.

But I don't know why, but I can't smile.

Perhaps it was because the emotion and expression of laughter had never really belonged to him.

But He spoke to Asai in the most mocking voice.


"Have you forgotten who created the villain in the bottle?"

Xiao's voice echoed between heaven and earth.

"Who was the first to touch the taboo of immortality?"

"Who destroyed the holy mountain and the city of servants?"

"Who gave life to the evil **** in that bottle but imprisoned it in darkness forever?"

"Who opened this evil bottle of evil and led the disaster to the world."

"Am I the one who started everything?"

The head of the Feathered Serpent fell, squeezed in front of the barrier of the Gate of Truth, and looked at Asai who was holding a cane.


Xiao's voice exploded beside Asai's ears, and a violent roar rang out.

"It is you!"


Xiao's voice was cold, but Asai heard a strong sarcasm from the cold voice.

In this world, anyone can say that Xiao He is sinful and that He is fallen.

Only Asai can't.

Xiao's words did not stop, he continued to attack the gate of truth while saying.

"Do not!"

"It should be..."

"Anhofus Summer."

"Have you forgotten? Your old name?"

Anhofus, the third-generation apprentice of the Sanctuary of Truth, the student of Haru, the ancestor of monsters, and the maker of the villain in the bottle.

Summer, the royal blood family, the direct descendant of the Wisdom King Lederiki, the crazy family who pursues immortality.


The first and last names are fused together to form a complete person.

When Asai heard the name, his face changed slightly.

He didn't say anything this time, I am Asai, not Anhophos.

He didn't justify anything.

He seemed to be unable to escape that shadow in his entire life.

He just held his head up and took a breath.

"Then let's go together...to the eternal darkness."

At this time, Asai burst out with all his strength, and seemed to have made up his mind completely.

At this time, there was a roar from the ground.

Like the roar of a bull.

The sound came from below, from all directions.

It was as if the whole world was roaring, roaring.

For a moment.

Whether it is Asai, the **** of truth and knowledge, or Xiao, the evil **** of original sin.

They all felt a strong chill shrouded in their hearts, which they had never felt since they became myths. It was their inner sense of death, and their spirituality's prediction of destruction.

Something terrible appeared.

And that exists.

Can kill two of their immortal gods.

Asai and Xiao stopped at the same time and looked under the ground.

In the eyes, the earth was suddenly covered by a brown power, as if it was covered with a layer of crystals.

And suddenly, the brown crystal began to move.

It was like a door that was slowly pushed open, revealing the scene behind the door.


However, after the door was opened, the two found that there was no scene leading to the depths of the ground behind.

It is a pupil of a strange structure.

It turned out to be an eye.

Amidst the humming of the earth, a large unimaginable eye opened above the earth; everyone saw the earth's changes, but they couldn't see it completely.

The eyes covered the earth, and it was impossible to see how long it was.

All I know is that this eye alone has surpassed the horizon line of sight.

Through the plains, through the mountains, through the jungle.

There is absolutely no end in sight.

Both Xiao and Asai know what existence has appeared. There is only one existence in this world with such a huge body and such terrifying power.

The life master was used to build the giant island of Ruhe, carrying the life power gods of this continent, and reincarnated countless life demigods under the eyes of distortion created by the creator himself.

"Lukh monster!"

Xiao and Asai blurted out at the same time, their voices uniform.

Both of them felt that something was wrong, but it was too late now.

The burrowing worm took action and attacked Xiao and Asai at the same time.

They face more than one living demigod.

This is the giant island of Ruhe, the kingdom of the giant **** Ruhe, where their power will be added to an unimaginable level.

There seemed to be a black light shining from the huge eyes.

Or it can't be called light, but wherever the pupil is looking, it is covered by a terrifying shadow.

Countless black tentacles protruded from the whole earth and extended towards the sky at the same time, grabbing the door of truth and the body of the feathered snake.

Xiao and Asai, who were fighting together, separated instantly and wanted to escape in both directions.

But the black tentacles grabbed Asai's door of truth in the blink of an eye, and the tentacles that traversed the sky and the earth pressed down, directly hitting Asai's door of truth on the ground.


The sound was not crisp, very dull.

But something could clearly be heard cracking.

The door post of the Door of Truth was instantly broken, and the door leaf engraved with the tree-like pattern was also cracked with dense cracks.

Part of the power accumulated for hundreds of millions of years poured out through the crack and turned into silver light scattered all over the sky.

In an instant, the body of Asai, the **** of truth and knowledge, began to become transparent.

He was badly wounded.

But he didn't even dare to look back, and he didn't say anything and fled towards the end of the sky.

Immediately after.

I don't even dare to stay near the giant island of Ruhe, and the kingdom on the sea of ​​clouds disappears in an instant.

And the other side.

Xiao took advantage of Asai's blow and fled a little further, and just opened the door to the dream world with the gate of original sin.

But when the eyes looked over, Xiao felt like he was locked.

It was only at this time that Xiao could feel the pressure of the giant **** named Ruhe.

Learn why their ancestors called the Rukh troll the throne, and how the royal bloodline ruled an era with troll power.

Feathered Snake turned his head and looked at the black tentacles that wrapped around him.

"This is the gift that the creator gave to the descendants of Lederiki, the power possessed by the first priests?"

The huge feathered snake body was directly covered, but at this time, Xiao dared to keep the feathered snake body.

Its consciousness immediately broke away from the body of the Feathered Serpent.

A dark red shadow burst out of Feathered Serpent's body and rushed into the gate of the Dream Realm.

Xiao made a decisive decision, gave up the body of the feathered snake as an attraction, and made a trick of Jin Chan's escape.

Xiao now only wants to bring the gate of original sin back to the abyss.


The giant **** of Ruhe, the Earth Driller, was not ready to let Xiao go and let him escape so easily.

The gate of original sin rushed into the dream world and came before the abyss.

And the overwhelming black shadow, the dense black giant tentacles also penetrated directly from the human world into the dream world, and went deep into the abyss.

Deep in the abyss.

The God of Original Sin stood on the flesh and blood stars, watching the huge black tentacles penetrate into the dream world, and one step forward almost drowned the abyss.

Even Xiao couldn't help but take a breath.

But after the black tentacles caught Xiao's original sin, they didn't go any further.

It's just that Xiao watched helplessly as the tentacle slammed into the door of original sin.

all of a sudden.

Xiao felt that his brain also made a loud humming noise, and his consciousness fell into a blank.

In front of Xiao, the earthworm smashed the door of his original sin to him.


The abutment of the Gate of Original Sin was directly torn down and scattered throughout the void.

Only the upper half of the door frame and the two crumbling doors fell into the abyss.

At this point, the densely packed giant tentacles were withdrawn from the dream world.

above the earth.

Standing on the hill, the Earth Witch stared dumbfounded at the two gods fleeing in a hurry, and at the huge eyes opened on the ground.

It seems irresistible, like a war of gods that destroys the world.

That's how it came to an end.

For the first time, she understood what kind of existence the giant **** who lives in the world and carries the earth is.

She also finally understood what the giant **** of the earth said.

In your eyes, they are gods, and in the eyes of the Lord, they are also mortals, mortals who live longer.

what does it mean.


It didn't take long for the war between the God of Original Sin and the God of Truth and Knowledge to break out.

The Crimson Goddess noticed what happened in the Royal Court of Ten Thousand Snakes.

Although He doesn't know the cause, he can sense who the two people are.


"And Ace."

The Crimson Goddess didn't understand why the two were fighting, but Asai was not the only one who hated Xiao.

He immediately put down what he was doing, and rushed from Suinhore to the Royal Court of Ten Thousand Snakes.

It's just that the Crimson Goddess has no faith in the Royal Court of Ten Thousand Snakes, let alone a three-leaf symbiosis for her to come.

He could only drive over from Suinhol himself.

The demigods of life are not as extensive as the demigods of wisdom in the use of some special means.


The scarlet goddess has just arrived on the road of giant snakes, and has not yet fully entered the territory of the Royal Court of Ten Thousand Snakes.

Just saw this scene.

The giant **** Ruhe personally took action and expelled the two wisdom demigods from the giant island of Ruhe~lightnovelpub.net~ Even if the evil **** of original sin had escaped, the giant **** chased the entrance to the dream world he opened, and forcefully pushed His gate of original sin was hammered down.

This time.

Whether it was Asai or Xiao, both of them had suffered unprecedented heavy losses, and it was definitely not something they would be able to recover in a short time.

The Crimson Goddess did not feel sorry for Asai and Xiao, but at the moment he was more shocked by the power of the giant **** Ruhe.

The Crimson Goddess is also a demigod of life, although the personalities are the same.

But the accumulation of divine blood is completely different.

Just like this giant island.

Seven Rukh giants make up a continent, and what she owns is only one side under the continental shelf.

"Rukh troll earthworm."

The Crimson Goddess watched the huge eyes disappear from the earth, and the overwhelming shadow tentacles also disappeared from the entire world.