I Am God!

Chapter 402: God of happiness and desire

Eclipse City.

Chi Law School.

A group of young people stood excitedly in the prayer hall, but everyone was nervous and didn't dare to make a sound.

They looked up at the idol of the God of truth and knowledge, or more precisely at the apostle beneath that idol.

The **** of words and contracts of the future.


Sukob said to the school's first batch of young snake people who will become apprentices of Qi lawyers and begin to learn extraordinary knowledge.

"Law is just words, and words have no power in themselves."

"But people can give them power."

"Because someone is guarding it, because someone recognizes it, it has meaning."

For this group, Su Kebu is about to embark on the path of transcendence, proving that his path to becoming a **** is also the descendant of his reason for wanting to become a god.

"Lawyers and judges are the ones who uphold the law and the contract, and they are also the external manifestation of the law and the contract."

"Covenants and laws are your strength and your way."

"When you go against your strength and your way, you give up everything you have."

"I hope you will always remember this one."

The students solemnly swore an oath in front of the statue and Sukob, and Sukob summoned his own book of witch spirits.

For a moment.

The shadow of the Gate of Truth also faintly appeared behind him.

All the students raised their heads high, and it was the first time everyone saw such a scene, it was the manifestation of the will of the gods.

At this moment, the stalwart of the gods was imprinted in their hearts.

A force poured into the students' bodies, activating the mythical blood within them, and planting the seeds of the written contract into their bodies.

When they completely master this power and master extraordinary knowledge and ideas, they can summon the book of witch spirits.

At that time, they were also a real contract lawyer.

Sukob closed his book of witch spirits, and the shadow behind him disappeared instantly.

"Thank God for the gift."

The students were excited one by one, jumping from an ordinary person to an extraordinary power, a feeling that is difficult for ordinary people to understand and imagine.

Sukob also looked at these people with relief, because he wanted to cast these new generations through this school, so as to pass his path to the whole world.

His eyes were full of anticipation.

The expectations for these students are also the expectations for the future.

"Now it is the King's Court of Ten Thousand Snakes, then Suinhol, the Land of the Sunrise."

"Not just the countries of this era, but all the countries of the next era."

"Because every country needs the law, it also needs people who uphold the law."

He seemed to see thousands of deed lawyers walking away from here, codex in hand.

All the students stayed in the prayer hall, familiar with the seeds of extraordinary power they had just obtained, and at the same time expressed their piety and belief to the gods here.

Sukob came out, he seemed to feel something.

He came to the gate of Qi Law School and saw a figure on the side of the road.

That figure, like everyone else, is even out of tune with this city.

Because he does not look like a snake man, but a being in the form of a god.

But he stood on the road so struttingly, but no one noticed his unusualness.

He was wearing a robe of God's Weave given to him by the devil, with a small silver flower on his chest, looking very young.

As soon as Sukob approached, he turned around immediately.

"Apostle Sukob."

The other party looked at the newly established school and the large number of people in the school who were studying, and sighed a little.

"I didn't expect to see such a big school here."

"And it also allows ordinary people to come in and learn."

The other party showed a smile, and that smile made people feel friendly, but it was not the kind that was too close.

"It seems that the alchemy academy of our Baita Alchemy Alliance should also release restrictions, so that more people have the opportunity to receive knowledge."

Most of the alchemy colleges of the White Tower Alchemy Alliance only recruit students with the qualifications of the empowered, and occasionally some craftsmen will enter it to help with experiments or become employees, but it is still an academy for the empowered in essence.

And this deed law school is more about cultivating ordinary people to learn the law and contract provisions, but there are only a few powerful people.

Sukob also immediately recognized who the other party was, and said the other party's name and identity.

"The founder of the White Tower Alchemy Alliance."

"Doll Alchemist Oran!"

Sukob did not expect to meet the apostle here.

He doesn't understand.

Why did the existence of the other party come all the way here, but he still introduced the other party to the Qi Law School he established.

"It is because I saw the changes brought about by the Alchemy Academy you created that I had the idea to build this school."

"I heard you once said that academies and inheritance are the most important things in a civilization, and children and students are the true future of a country."

"I think it makes sense."

Oran responded politely: "If you can, you are welcome to come to the White Tower Alchemy Alliance as a guest."

Having said that, Oran's words changed.

"The scrolls you made are also very amazing. The White Tower Alchemy Alliance is very popular, even I can't get it."

"This is an invention beyond the times, and I think it will certainly affect many people and many countries in the future."

Sukob immediately expressed his willingness to give Oran some as a gift.

After a while of touting each other, Sukob invited Oran into the school.

Oran and Sukob indirectly explained their intentions.

He asked the other person: "My God told me that if I want to go further, I must enter this world to find the answer, and the most likely place to find the answer is here."

Oran is already an apostle and a reincarnator, and what it means to go further, Sukob can naturally understand.

Oran looked at Sukob and said very seriously.

"Why did the mysterious hermit on the wasteland finally walk down the wasteland and choose to enter this country to establish this school?"

"I'm curious."

Oran knew that this school must be related to the secret of Sukob becoming a god, and that there must be something unusual about the newly-emerging powers profession called Qi lawyer, but he did not ask directly.

"I heard that the believers of the God of Truth and Knowledge advocate equal exchange, and I am willing to pay the price to get this answer."

Sukob told Oran: "In this world, the idea of ​​equivalence is really nothing."

"Because the standard is set by people, and some things must be outside the standard."

"Some things may not be worth a copper coin for others, but for myself, it is a gold mine that is unwilling to exchange."

Oran knew that it was impossible for him to obtain anything about Sukobu's method of becoming a god, which was a fundamental secret of a person.

But Sukob still gave Oran some guidance and told some of his ideas.

He narrated these words with his reasons for leaving the wasteland.

"As for why I'm leaving the wasteland, it's because I've found my way, and I'm going to be the one who empowers the contract and the law."

Aolan suddenly realized something, and his thoughts along the way were verified.

If Sukob wanted to empower contracts and laws, then Oran wanted to use Talling to change alchemists, and thus the world.

But he still has a problem that he can't understand, how Sukob combines ideas, paths, and his own power and reincarnation.

This is the most important.

Sukob did not answer Oran's doubts, but told Oran another thing.

"You can go to a few places where you might find answers."

"You can go to the Deed Lawyers Association, where a large number of written deeds are signed every day."

"This afternoon, there should be multiple trials in the public trial court in Eclipse City. A large number of guilty people will be tried by the judge. The judge is my student Long."

These are things that Sukob showed directly in front of people, and Oran can find them as long as he is willing to look for nature, so it is not a secret.

But Sukob's guidance must have saved Oran a lot of time.

Oran expressed his gratitude: "Thank you for your help."

Sukob said: "I am also selfish, and I also hope that Mr. Oran can have some feelings in his heart after reading it."

When Sukob said this, his words had something to say.

"Perhaps in the future, the White Tower Alchemy Alliance will also need lawyers and judges.

"Because every country needs laws, and every country needs to sign contracts."

Oran did not agree, but said that he would definitely look at it seriously.

When he was about to leave, Oran suddenly saw a child at the door poking his head and looking inside.

Aolan didn't care at first, but after swiping his eyes, he immediately turned around and stared at the other side blankly.

"Who is he?"

Oran faintly felt the unusualness of the other party.

Because of such a child, he faintly felt a very powerful force, which may even exceed the third-order.

Even a species born extraordinary is unlikely to have such power in such an infant form.

But even he couldn't recognize that the other party was a reincarnated person just by looking at it directly.

The child is the feathered snake.

At this moment, he has not recovered his memory, but his personality is somewhat similar to the former Feather Snake, and some are not very good at communicating with people. When he saw Oran noticed that he ran away immediately.

Sukob looked at the other party and said, "A guy who doesn't know if he is lucky or unlucky."

Sukob remembered the story of Oran, which included his unusual relationship with the demon family.

"The **** of demons once helped him. If you want to know, you can ask this great god."

Oran was stunned for a moment, but he immediately understood something.

How could an existence related to the God of Demons be such a child who can't even speak? Then there is only one possibility.

"Ancient reincarnation."

And looking at the appearance of the other party, it is obviously the oldest method of reincarnation used.


Oran left the Deed Bar School and immediately went to a Deed Bar Association.

before the union.

Gamel, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke up at this time.

"Lord Oran!"

"What exactly are deed lawyers and judges? People who uphold the law and sign deeds?"

"Isn't this something ordinary people can do?"

"Even the nobles from all over the country have this status part-time."

"Does such a thing still need someone with power to do it?"

In the past, including today's Raize Kingdom.

Nobles can make laws, they have the right to interpret laws, and if they want to sign contracts within their territory, they must obtain their permission and notarization to take effect.

So Gamer's idea was also limited by this past situation, and he did not understand what kind of system Sukob created.

He was born in the Kingdom of Leize, and his vision was limited after all.

However, this trip is destined to broaden his horizons completely.

He has seen gods and people, and he has seen the ancient remnants of civilization. Now it is time to take a look at the developed civilization of this era.

Oran looked at the building seriously, as well as the businessmen and dignitaries who were waiting in line.

Seems to see something unusual.

"Maybe the laws and contracts here are completely different from what we imagined?"

After joining the Qi Lawyers Union, he received several students from the Qi Law School, both male and female.

They also usually work in various contract lawyers' unions, which is very common.

"Hello sir, do you want to consult, or what kind of contract do you need to sign?"

Oran looked at the others and said casually.

"I want to sign a property transfer contract, what do I need?"

The other party replied immediately: "If you are the party accepting the property, both parties who transfer the property and accepting the property need to be present; if you are the party transferring the property, you can set the time and share of the transfer here in advance."

"We also need to send someone to verify your property if needed, which also costs extra."

"Then I can write the contract document for you, and after explaining the terms of the contract in detail with you, you can proceed to the last step if you think it is ok."

"Notarization by Mr. Qi Lawyer."

Oran immediately grasped the key point: "Do lawyer Qi notarize?"

The other party nodded: "The contract can only be concluded under the permission of the law, and finally it will be notarized by the deed lawyer to take effect."

"A contract that goes beyond the law cannot be concluded, and a contract that is not notarized by a contractor has no effect."

Oran thought about it, took out a bag of gold coins, and told the other party.

"No need to verify the property, this is the property I need to transfer."

"I need you to hand it over to a young man named Gamel at a specific time and under a condition I set, and he will come and collect it himself."

The other party is also not surprised. The Deed Lawyers Union often receives this kind of entrustment on the transfer of property. Some people leave the inheritance to their wives and children, and some use this method to trade.

Oran set the transfer person to be Gamel, leaving his detailed identity information and appearance later.

After listening to the other party read out the terms of the contract, we entered the final step.

"Please come with me."

"Lawyer Qi is waiting for you inside."

Oran entered inside, signed his name in front of a Qi lawyer, and took the paperwork for convenience.

Attorney Chee asked Oran, "Do you think there is no problem?"

Oran replied, "No problem."

Then in front of him, a ceremony was started.

Aolan saw that Lawyer Qi was holding the book of witch spirits in the form of a code, and activated his own power, communicating the power and will of a certain existence.

"Under the witness of the God of Words and Contracts, this contract takes effect."

"The spirit of the contract concluded."

"Violators will be punished."

The conclusion language set by each person is different, but the most important thing is to communicate the authoritative power of words and contracts.

The words fell, and the ceremony started.

Oran saw that the text on the contract document was stripped away, and the dense text condensed into a ghost-like spirit under the ceremony.

The spirit body was not strong, but Aolan smelled a hint of Sukob's breath from above; and the words and the name of the God of Contract that the other party had just recited also made Aolan vaguely understand something.

"Spiritual body?"


"Reincarnation carrier?"

The binding force of this spirit of words is not strong, and it can only work on ordinary people. Oran can directly ignore the punishment brought by breaking this contract.

But Oran knew that this was just one of the spirits of words. If a stronger contract would be bound by a stronger spirit of words, even an apostle like him would be unwilling to bear the price of violating the contract.

In this way, an ordinary document has the effect of possessing extraordinary power constraints.

"So it is."

"Authority, the way, and the method of reincarnation, the three actually become one."

After seeing this scene, Oran finally understood why Su Kebu established the Deed Lawyers School and why he wanted to implement the Deed Lawyers Union in the Royal Court of Ten Thousand Snakes.

When he left the Qi Lawyers' Union, Aolan immediately changed from being calm and looking forward to it.


"It's very interesting, it's very interesting."

Oran showed a rare look of excitement.


"Go and have a look at the next place."

And Gamel was still in a daze at the moment, because Oran just called him his junior.

What does this junior mean?

He even thought about the bag of gold coins, which Lord Oran left him. He wondered if he wanted to come over and collect it?

However, after hearing Oran's words to leave at this moment, Gamel immediately came back to his senses.

"Lord Oran!"

"Where are we going next?"

Oran said, "The Court of Justice in Eclipse City."

Oran and Gammel crossed the street again and came to a court of public trial not far away.

Today is the day of the court session, so the courtroom is very lively. Oran and Gamel mixed in and found a place to sit down.

in the Court of Justice.

Long changed into a set of solemn clothes and put on a hat, and after finishing his grooming, he entered through the passage on the side porch.

Open the door and you can see a spacious hall.

The hall was full of people, all waiting for today's verdict.

Some of them are family members of those being tried, while others are the victims themselves or their families.

Long, who likes freedom, eventually succeeds Keaton and chooses to become a judge; perhaps because he inherits Keaton's last wish, or because he has become more mature.

Although he will still do some rash things that belong to him and say some frivolous words, he gradually understands what he should do, what he wants to do, and what he must do.

Long looked at the eyes of everyone below with a very solemn expression.

Because at the moment he represents the law of this country.

"In court."

One after another was brought up by the inquisitors, and Long had already read their eucalyptus.

Holding the code in his hand, he summoned the spirit of the code. Under the gaze of the terrifying spirit of the code, the judges shivered.

Long asked them anything, and they answered immediately.

Their crimes were verified under the power of the spirit of the code, and the crimes were immediately entangled with the power of the spirit of the code.

at last.

Long held down the Codex, combining the power of the Codex Spirit to make the final judgment against them.

The voice seemed to be shouted by the spirit of the code and Ryu together, as if the will of the country itself was pronouncing the judgement below.

"You're going to be in jail for robbery, with twenty years in prison."

"You will be hanged for murder."

The spirit of the code will infuse the final sentence into the body of every criminal, and there is no escape for them.

Every time the sentence was pronounced, everyone in the audience would involuntarily stand up under the pressure of the spirit of the code, and finally applauded and shouted fiercely.

As well as Oran.

Looking at this scene, Camel had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Oran, however, saw the dawn of civilization from this scene.

The law is no longer the thing of one person, but the manifestation of the will and power of the nation, of all people.

Oran asked Gamel, "What did you see?"

Camel replied: "I don't know, but I know that if I can, I hope that the Kingdom of Reze can also become like this."

Oran nodded: "This is indeed a more civilized symbol."

Oran suddenly remembered what Sukob had said before, but he did not dare to agree to such a thing.

Because the Land of Sunrise is the place of belief in God Yinwa, this behavior of Su Kebu can be said to preach in it and compete for the belief of God Yinwa.

However, after Oran decided to go back, let the White Tower Alchemy Alliance also establish a court according to the method in Eclipse City.


late at night.

Oran knelt before a metal statue with a lamp in his hand, as if illuminating the way for everyone.

"The **** of lights who lives in the sky garden, the controller of ** and alchemy, and the **** Yinwa who leads the stars."

"Your apostle Oran prays to you."

"Please answer my prayer."

After repeating it a couple of times.

Suddenly, silver cups of ** began to grow under Oran's feet.

The flowers spun and unfolded, and finally turned into a sea of ​​silver flowers.

Oran raised his head, and his consciousness was no longer in the human world.

He saw the mythical door that penetrated the sky and the earth, and the stalwart **** with a lamp in the door.

The god's gaze fell.

The light of the lantern in his hand also illuminated the area where Oran was located.

The dense sea of ​​silver flowers swayed, confiding in Oran's heart.

"He's going to be a god."

"Mortals must become gods."

"What kind of **** is that?"

"It seems to be related to desire."

Yin Vashen spoke up.

The voice came from the door, echoing above the sea of ​​flowers.

"My Apostle Oran."

"Have you made up your mind?"

Oran once again saw Yin Wa, the **** of alchemy and **. He knelt on the ground every time before, with incomparable piety and reverence in his heart, but under piety and reverence, he was also empty and confused.

But this time, Oran was much more determined.

He learned about the relationship between gods and humans, the attachments of gods, and he also found the reason why he became a myth.

Oran first kowtowed and said when he stuck to the ground.

"The great **** of ** and alchemy!"

"Under your guidance~lightnovelpub.net~ in this journey, I finally understand what I want."

"I finally understand where I am on your ship, and what kind of destination I want to reach."

Oran said seriously: "I think about it."

Then Oran looked up and looked at his god.

"I want to be the **** of happiness and desire."

Yin Vashen's voice came down: "Happiness and wishes..."

"Do you want authority over this?"

Happiness is both an end and a power, and desire is the means by which Oran wants to achieve an end.

He hopes to use people's wishes as strength and means to finally reach the other side of happiness he wants.

Oran nodded: "Because I hope that every wish will bring happiness."

Yin Vashen looked at Oran: "If Sir Sheila can hear what you said, she will definitely feel happy."

Oran: "The great master of dreams, Lord Sheila, the supreme **** of master has always been guiding us."

"If we are the light in the world, then she is the sun in the sky."