I Am God!

Chapter 403: New super class

The kingdom of the **** of desire and alchemy.

Oran knelt among the flowers and told the gods his way.

"In the Kingdom of Lei Ze, I saw the desire and obsession of the false witch promoted the maturity of the Cup of Desire, and saw the final gesture of this flower of God."

"That's when I knew it was what I was looking for."

"I am going to use the Cup of Desire as the reincarnation carrier to carry the wish, or the Cup of Desire is the new body that God you bestowed on the apostle."

The God of Desire and Alchemy certainly knows the special features of the Cup of Desire.

Because He is an ancient cup of desire, so there are not many surprises about it.

The only thing he didn't expect was that the snake man would have to use the cup of desire as a carrier if he wanted to walk the path of being a reincarnator.

Although the road to becoming a **** in the new era is different from that of the previous era, there are still many similarities.

The **** under the giant gate of mythology spoke: "People always drown in desire."

"However, Oran, you are able to control your own desires, discover the mystery of desires, and even find your own path from desires."

Oran: "Because I am your apostle."

"Because you have been guiding me, and I can always see your lantern on my way."

Oran then talked about what he had gained in the Endless Sand Sea and the Demon Abyss King City, where he refined the first alchemy tower.

‘The Alchemy Tower is a large and controllable alchemy workshop, and its tower body is made of extraordinary materials. "

"The more extraordinary materials used, the more divine blood contained inside, the stronger it will be, and the stronger the spiritual power stored."

"Moreover, the alchemy tower can be continuously strengthened after it is manufactured, and can even be passed on from generation to generation. The only drawback is that it cannot be taken away like the lamp of the divine deed."

"Although the alchemy tower is a prop, the core that controls it is the tower spirit, which is the existence of the mature cup of desire combined with the alchemy tower."

"The alchemy tower does not need people to control it. The mature cup of desire can be transformed into a tower spirit to control it."

"And the tower spirit incarnated by the Cup of Desire is the condensation of the alchemist's own desires and obsessions, so as long as the alchemist can control his desires and be loyal to his obsessions, the tower spirit will never betray him."

"The alchemy tower and the core tower spirit are separate."

"In this way, it also prevents the core tower spirit from being polluted by other people's blood."

In this regard, Orlan got inspiration from the Pyramid of Demon Spirits. Elena, the God of Demon Spirits, used this method to control the Pyramid of Demon Spirits in the first place, but with ghosts as the core medium.

Oran turned the bracelet at this time, released his alchemy tower, and erected it in the sky miracle garden of God Iva.

This also allows the **** to understand his path and thoughts more clearly.

Know what he's going to do.

With a wave of Oran's hand, the alchemy tower started immediately.

Doors opened one after another, and the cup of desire on the third floor also opened its buds, waking up from the seal again.

"As I said, the Alchemy Tower is a large and controllable alchemy workshop."

"This kind of alchemy workshop can continuously produce a variety of items. The more powerful the alchemy tower, the longer it can be opened every day, because it is a workshop that is controlled by spiritual power and extraordinary power. It is controlled by the tower spirit. to run precisely."

"Those precious items that can only be produced by alchemy, those ingenious and exquisite objects, and even extraordinary props, can all be produced in batches."

From the eyes of mortals, it looks like the miraculous power of the goblins.

Although it is not directly condensed like the dream power of the goblin, it is carried out through the process set by the alchemy workshop and the tower spirit.

Having said this, Oran has finished introducing his tower spirit concept.

"But this is just a reincarnated body, and the path I chose."

"In Demon Abyss King City, I haven't really found a secret technique to replace the ancient method of reincarnation."

God Iva: "You got the final answer in the Court of Ten Thousand Snakes."

Oran told God Iva: "That's right, I saw Lawyer Qi in the Ten Thousand Snake King's Court."

"When I saw that Sukob was using his power to bestow law codes and contract powers, to promote and protect the order he wanted in the Court of Ten Thousand Snakes."

"I knew instantly what I was going to do next."

Oran paused and took a deep breath.

"I want to be the **** of happiness and wishes."

"Alchemists can get their own tower spirit by making a wish to me, and build their own alchemy tower."

"Their divine contract lamp will become an alchemical lighthouse. Every time the alchemists create a new alchemical lighthouse, it is equivalent to my reincarnation."

"And this alchemy tower is different because of his wishes, and has different extraordinary abilities, which can adapt to different alchemy workshops."

Oran looked at his alchemy tower with anticipation in his eyes.

"These alchemists will become the executors of my ideas and paths, pushing me to the myth."

In a sense, they are the servants, servants and believers prepared by Oran in the future.

And God Iva, who established the human pantheon, no longer needs too many believers and servants at this point, and what he needs to accumulate is no longer just the blood of the gods, but more importantly, to perfect his own authority.

His followers are part of his power and pantheon, and everything created by the followers is filling up his pantheon, fulfilling the authority of desire to perfection.

God Iva asked Oran: "This will be a brand-new occupation of powers. Have you thought about their names yet?"

That is the name of this new profession, just like the contract lawyer created by Su Kebu.

Oran suddenly thought of old Tut, the man who had guarded the lighthouse for most of his life.

There was a hint of loneliness in Oran's eyes, as well as a bitter smile.

But he immediately adjusted and told the gods.

"Tower Keeper."

"Their name is the Tower Keeper."

His voice was always smooth and soft, but this time it was louder.

Almost shouting.

Or proclaiming something to the world.


"They guard not only their own lighthouse, but also their own wishes, their path to happiness."


"The Light of Civilization."

Having said that, Oran stared directly at the existence under the giant mythical gate, with his hands in prayer.

"But I can't do all this alone."

"The great Alchemy God of Desire!"

"I can't respond to everyone's wishes, let alone all the tower spirits."

"If there is no power of mythological authority, once the tower spirit I created is too far away from me, it will completely dissipate."

"I ask you to lend me your strength, let me open up this road to the future and build this tower that reaches the sky."

It is impossible for the apostles to do this kind of thing. Only mythology can manipulate and respond to everything in the distance through the dream world.

It's as if the demon spirits couldn't leave the Demon Abyss King City originally, but after Elena became a myth, they can walk in the whole world.

So Oran must be supported by the power of the God of Desire and Alchemy.

He knelt down and waited for his **** to respond.

But Oran didn't have to wait long.

Because his God is already ready, ready to dispense his own authority.


"I heard your request!"

"At this moment, I respond to your request."

Oran raised his head, and saw a bright light coming from the front.

The mythical door behind the gods slowly opened, and the gods held up the lantern to illuminate the way ahead for Oran.

It was as if reaching out to him, an invitation to him.

"My apostle is also my companion, my crew."

"At this moment, I invite you to come aboard my ship."

Oran couldn't tell what mood he was in at the moment, maybe it was relaxed, and there was some anticipation.

"It's my eternal honor."

With a smile on his face, he stood up from the ground.

Alan stepped forward step by step, from the sea of ​​flowers to the mythical giant door that pierced the sky and the earth.

He accepted the invitation of God Iva, climbed the long steps, and finally stood on the high platform.

The mythical light overwhelmed him, and he entered behind the door.

Alan felt that his consciousness was stretched to the limit, he saw the ocean of desire submerged him, and the attachment and delusion of hundreds of millions of creatures swallowed him up.

But in the sea of ​​roiling desires, a force firmly fixed him, preventing him from being completely devoured and lost.


He reaches the end of the sea of ​​desire.

He imprinted his own consciousness on it and anchored it with the entire gate of desire.

Since then, his desire and identity as a follower of the Alchemy God have been completely determined.

Oran felt that he could also borrow part of the power of this mythical door. As long as someone recited his set real name in a distant place, he could communicate with him through the dream world.

And through this channel, he can transmit his power to a distant place and respond to the other party's prayers.

When Oran came back to his senses, he was already standing inside the mythical gate, behind the God of Desire and Alchemy.

He saw God Iva's appearance clearly, his silver clothes, and his indifferent face.

God Iva turned his head and looked at Oran.


"Take over your authority."

Oran raised his head, and saw a spark falling from the sky and falling into his body.

At that time, the authority of the emotion of happiness was very compatible with the desire.

At least.

When most people make a wish, they are longing for happiness.

Oran was experiencing the authority of this power, and the lantern of God Iva turned and completed the last step for Oran.

"You are about to embark on the road of mythology, and your alchemy tower will also become your real mythical body."

"It is your wish, it is your body, and it is your path."


"It will be your kingdom too."

Oran looked at his alchemy tower.

He saw his whole body turned into light and ran towards his alchemy tower.

A huge lamp spirit circled up, and the lamp of the divine deed also began to emerge.

The alchemy tower was integrated with his lamp of divine deed, his desire personality and the cup of desire were completely integrated, and from now on he and his own alchemy tower began to be indistinguishable from each other.

The alchemy lighthouse is erected in the sea of ​​flowers of desire, but a force is transmitted to the depths of the dream world.

The original cup of mature desire was catalyzed again, turning into a huge phantom like a god.

Oran's desires and obsessions have also faintly transformed into the embryonic form of a god.

God of happiness and wishes.

Perhaps it could also be called the **** of the lighthouse.

The huge phantom finally retracted to the third floor of the lighthouse, turned into light and shone in all directions, as if guiding the wanderers in the darkness.

Oran became a real reserve of the gods and accepted his seed of authority.

And at this time, the source of all wisdom in the dark also felt this change.

The God's Moon hidden in the sky.

Some responses were made.

God Iva in the Sky Miracle Garden certainly saw this scene, because at this moment it was he and Oran who triggered the change in God's Moon.

God Iva and Oran raised their heads, their eyes penetrated layers of sky clouds, the atmosphere and the void beyond.

Saw a round of the mythical moon.

All wisdom is born from this moon, and the destination of all wisdom is also this moon.

He is the source of wisdom.

God Iva and Oran saw this scene at the same time, and felt a sense of supreme will enveloped them.

"The will of the Creator."

God Iva looked at Shenzhiyue and said.

In his eyes, the meanings of God's Moon and Wisdom Crown are somewhat different.

It is the artifact that the King of Wisdom, Laidlich, ushered the Creator into the world, and it is also the artifact that carries the will of the Creator.

The power of Laidlich, the King of Wisdom, allowed the projection of eternal stars beyond time and the universe into this world.

The cup of God left by Polo, the master of dreams, created the dream world, which became the support and kingdom of the creator.

It is precisely because of the **** Insai, the king of wisdom, Laidlich, and the supreme gods.

Only then did this world come into being.

Without them, this world is just a barren and desolate dead silence, without the fire of wisdom and life.

And that's the only place they can see.

They didn't see it.

Then the gate of the Moon of the Gods opened, revealing the source of wisdom.

The shadow of the tree of wisdom extends upwards from the root, and four fruits hang down, one of which bursts out with brilliant light.

The fruit of wisdom belonging to desire begins to mature.


Ten Thousand Snakes Court.

Eclipse City.

Oran just broke away from the shock of seeing the God's Moon, and from the power beyond time, and returned to the present world.

"God's Moon?"

"What is that will?"

"Is it the Creator?"

Oran panted violently, but the shock that originated from the depths of spirituality and wisdom could not be eliminated by panting.

Oran got up and looked at his body.

His body has not changed, but Olan knows that his whole person is completely different.

Because this body is no longer his real body, and when the limit of a thousand years is over, his body will also grow old and decay.

At that time, he will return to his real body, to the alchemy lighthouse.

If he can become a myth at that time, it can also be said to belong to his kingdom.

He is a true reincarnation.

It is also the pre-selection of the gods.

When he closes his eyes, he can communicate with his own distant power through the dream world, and see the magnificent door of myth.

"Lord Oran!"

"you are back?"

At this time, Gamemel, who had been guarding Oran, also looked at him, and a shadow appeared on the small cup of desire, talking to Oran.

Oran nodded and looked at Gamemel.

"We can go back."

Gamel paused for a moment, then said excitedly.

"Master Oran, have you succeeded?"

He seemed a little incoherent, and it took him a long time to spit out the second half of the sentence.

"You want…"

"Became a god?"

How could Gamel not be excited, he was witnessing a human apostle walking towards his throne.

It is the brightest dream in this world, and also the most extravagant fantasy, for a mortal to become a god.

Gamemel couldn't imagine that a being who was about to live forever was born in front of him like this.

"It's really, like a dream."

"Can mortals really become gods?"

Gamel muttered to himself, even now, he still couldn't believe it.

Oran told Gamel: "Gamel."

"Mythology is a rank."

"It is because I have an end point that I want to reach, so I want to be a god; gods are not only great because they have power, but because they are walking on the right path."

"Strength is only the way to the end, the boat to the other side."

"And now, I'm going to do what I really want to do. Even if I become a real **** one day, I will still be like this."

Gamel looked at Oran and suddenly felt extremely ashamed.

Perhaps, only such a person can become a god!

Gamel asked Oran: "Master Oran, why?"

"Why do you tell me about such a person? This is not what I should know."

"Why do you take me to experience such a mythical and epic journey?"

This is what he has never understood. In his opinion, such a humble existence like him does not need to understand and understand such a truth that only belongs to the gods.

A person like him is not worthy of Oran taking him on this journey.

Oran didn't tell Gamel the reason, but told Gamel another thing that made him very excited.

"Gamel, I have been thinking about how to regain your body during this time."

"Or I have already found it, but the conditions were not mature enough before."

Gamel's shadow enlarged from the flower cup, staring at Oran.

"Lord Oran!"

"is this real?"

Oran nodded: "Your body has disappeared. In a sense, the real you is actually dead."

"The only thing left is a part of you, and I will leave you in the form of a lamp spirit."

"However, compared with ordinary lamp spirits, you have something more. After all, your spirituality has not been exhausted in time, and your memory is still in your body, which makes you have the possibility to find yourself again. sex."

"I can try to use Ta Ling's method to turn you into a real cup of desire, the life of God Iva's Miracle Garden; but before you become an apostle, this special life form is really connected with a flower. Like a flower, surrounded by your own desires and obsessions."

"Only when you become an apostle before the end of your lifespan can you awaken your true wisdom and retrieve your past memories."

"However, I want to tell you that even if the life of this kind of flower is far beyond ordinary people's imagination, the possibility of it rebirthing wisdom is pitifully small."

"Even if I help you, it's the same."

"Once you start, you may really become a flower."

"Of course you can also choose to be the same as now. What is waiting for you will be to slowly and completely become a real lamp spirit, but at least you can still retain consciousness for a while now."

Oran finally asked Gamel, with a serious and serious expression.

"In this case."

"Do you still want to try?"

Oran didn't force Gamel to make a choice, and he didn't even know whether it was a good choice or not.

Gamel was silent.

But when he raised his head, there was longing in his eyes, which was a gaze that could not be given up and let go.

"If possible, I still want to return to the Kingdom of Lei Ze."

"I want to take a look at my hometown and see what it will look like in the future."

"Is it getting better?"

"It's still... the same as before."

Oran got Gamemel's answer, knowing that he still chose to try.

"If your desire is strong enough, maybe not just look at it, but change it yourself."

Oran took Gamell on his way home, and also brought the answer he finally found.

The Land of the Rising Sun and the White Tower Alchemy Alliance will also usher in a new round of changes.

The era of alchemy and alchemists will usher in another round of changes.

At the same time, it also promotes the ocean age.

And the future of civilization.


Eclipse City.

The residential area of ​​Qie Law School.

Long is very busy every day. As a powerful person, he is extremely busy every day, busy with various chores.

He is groping for various cases in Lunar Eclipse City, even regarding the amendments and proposals of the code, and even the improvement of the court system.

However, as special power-holder contract lawyers, being familiar with the codes, implementing the codes, and signing contracts is the way for them to increase their strength, and they truly integrate ideals, strength, and roads together.

"Everything is blank."

"And what's going on with this code?"

"As many holes as a sieve?"

"The teacher actually said the best law code, what's wrong with that?"

"If I want to break the law, there are ten thousand ways to make the spirit of the law do nothing to me. You old man can only stare blankly."

"There is absolutely no way to bring me to justice other than turning embarrassment into anger and oppressing others."

Long's words sounded harsh.

But he only complained a few words, and then he was still seriously busy with his work.

"It still feels too rough, but now there are only a few lawyers, so this is the only way to go."

"But the problem should also be recorded, and it must be revised in the future."

Long suddenly thought of another question.


"This law code is revised once, does everyone have to re-edit it?"

Under the light, Long was writing something, when suddenly there was a noisy sound outside.

Long helplessly covered his head with a pained expression.

"Feathered snake!"

"Don't run around."

It is a kind of torture for a guy like him to take care of children.

But what makes people happy is that he is not an ordinary child.

The other party seemed to be able to grow a circle just by rolling, growing faster every day.

In just ten days, he had grown into a young man.

Long pushed open the door and went outside. After searching for a long time, he finally found him at a corner of the stairs.

This is a young snake man with slightly curly hair.

"Feathered snake!"

"I'm busy, don't run around."

"are you hungry?"

"If you're hungry, I'll get someone to prepare something for you."

But in the face of Long's call, the other party behaved completely differently from before, and did not make any moves for a long time.

Long could only walk over, looking at the back of the other party, feeling that the other party looked unusually calm.

Feathered Snake turned his head, but the expression on his face didn't look like a child's, but more like an old man's, his eyes were solemn with the precipitation of years.

Feathered Snake looked at Long and called out his name.


"it's me."

Long immediately understood what was happening, and his expression immediately became serious, and he no longer regarded the other party as a child.

"You're back?"

Feathered Snake nodded: "Yes, I'm back."

Feathered Snake looked at his body, lowered his head, then covered his face, and said with a trembling voice.

"I'm finally, finally human."

Long raised his head and looked at the place where Feathered Serpent was standing. What he was looking at just now was a pair of white pottery vases, which were brought from Soinhall.

"You want to leave?"

Feathered Snake picked up the bottle. There are many workshops for firing white pottery in his hometown, and the patterns on the bottle are very familiar and familiar to him.

"It's not leaving, but I'm going home."

Feathered Snake turned to look at Long and told him.


"My name is Kurmis."

This was the first time that Long knew Feathered Serpent's real name, and it was also the first time that the other party told others his name in so many years.


"It was more than a hundred years ago when you left, so you can go back."

"Everything has changed, and you won't find anything after you go back."

"My teacher said."

"Your power has the power of spiritual authority, even if you are reincarnated."

"You can never hide from certain things. Everything in the past has passed, and you should consider some longer and more realistic issues."

"We can help you if you stay here."

Kurmis stared intently at the bottle in his hand, and the thoughts and meetings in his eyes seemed to flow out of his pupils.

"Forever too far away."

"I can't think about that far, I just want to go home now."

"I just want to go home now."

"As a human...go home."

Long knew that Kurmis could not be stopped, UU Read Book www.uukanshu.com but finally warned him.

"But you are already a reincarnator."


"Your lifespan has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people, and you are no longer an ordinary person. This is already a problem you have to consider."

Kurmis: "I still remember your recent conversation. The Cthulhu of Original Sin was severely injured. It will be an unknown time until he recovers."

"So at least, I don't have to worry about him now."

Kurmis expressed his gratitude to Long: "I am very grateful for your help, but I still choose to leave."

Long shook his head: "This is a fair exchange, you don't need to thank us."


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