I Am God!

Chapter 405: Flower of Life Power

The latest website: The Magic Wheel House runs on the ground of Suinhoor.

Through the jungle, through the bustling cities and small towns, the **** traveled almost all over this vast country.

Finally, the magic wheel house stopped on a mountain top on the road of the giant snake, overlooking the whole world.

Vivien held a blood-red flower in her hand.

It is the Cup of Blood Mist, the product of the Cup of the Sun that has been impregnated with the power of life.

The beginning of the era.

When the Crimson Goddess just returned to set foot on this land, the population living in the entire Suinhor territory today may not be as good as a small town today.

But now there are many towns in Suinhor, and snake people have already spread to every corner of this land, and even blossomed on another continent far away.

It can be called a prosperous civilization.

However, after reaching the peak of prosperity, there is a bottleneck.

Although the Crimson Goddess found the problem in the end, she failed to find a real solution to the problem.

Vivien finally made a decision, at least to solve the first problem.

He said to King Alpans: "Since you, Alpans, every generation has been a three-leaf symbiosis king."

"I decided to start from the next generation, and no longer arrange for the reincarnation of the king of God's favor."

"In the future, even if the three-leaf symbiotic person becomes a king, they will no longer be like the lineage of the king of the gods, and they will no longer carry out designated inheritance from generation to generation."

"The kingship belongs to the mortals, and the alternation of dynasties also belongs to them."

This sentence is equivalent to canceling the privilege of the King of God's Favor.

The oracle that revoked the divine right to kingship.

At the beginning of the era, this inheritance method was undoubtedly advantageous, and Suinhoor could not have this stable inheritance today.

But as time changes and circumstances change, the best choices of the past are about to be eliminated.

There is nothing perfect, only the best.

Vivien made a decision, but still asked the two juniors for their opinions.


"Laines Tito!" (Smerkel's last epoch name)

"The dynasty you built may fall apart because of this, do you feel regret?"

Alpans replied: "Even Heinsai has disappeared in the years, and Suinhoor's disappearance is doomed. Although it is a bit regrettable, it can be expected long ago."

Smerkel: "Civilization does not disappear with the change of dynasties, Lord Vivien."

Vivien stood in front of the window and stared into the distance, looking a little lost.

His hand rubbing the Cup of Blood Mist flower cup suddenly and unconsciously exerted force, and the flower cup suddenly dropped a petal and fell from the window sill.

Vivien came back to her senses.

It seems that the words of Alpans and Smerkel reminded Vivien of the past, and there were fluctuations in her heart.

Vivien looked back at Suinhall, the vast land was dotted with cities, fields and rivers and canals crisscrossed.

"Actually, the population of the snake people has far exceeded the population of the Sanye people at the beginning, such as Suinhol, the King's Court of Ten Thousand Snakes, the Land of Sunrise, and the Aivir people who have left for another continent."

"Neither you nor we can predict what it will be like in the future."

"This era is completely different from the previous era. We can take a look and wait for a new change to appear."

"The sea of ​​​​storms has opened, and the **** Insai and the master of life are likely to come to the world."

Vivien said to Alpans and Smerkel: "Go back, we already know the situation of Suinhol, and there are still many things to do."

The Crimson Goddess is ready to end the journey.

On the other side, a figure was chasing behind the path of the Crimson Goddess.

The inspirational Kurmis chased the car of the Crimson Goddess all the way, but never caught up.

"over there."

The mud run over by the wheels of the Magic Wheel House, with the dissipated afterimage and breath, made Kurmis follow him all the way.

But when he came to the road of the giant snake, the other party disappeared into the world like a wave.

However, on a green hillside where the last breath disappeared, Kurmis still had some gains.

The wind blows something with a bright red color, flying in the air.

Sometimes it floats, sometimes it falls.

"what is this?"

Under the hillside, Kurmis reached out and held the thing.

A fragment of a petal.

Kurmis observed it for a while and immediately recognized it.

"It is the fetish of the blood goddess, the flower of the gods that blooms in the country of blood in the deep sea."

It was the remnant of a cup of blood mist, which was gradually dissipating and withering after being separated from the main body. It is estimated that it will decay completely after a period of time.

But Kurmis immediately sealed it and kept it precious.


In the following days, Kurmis was still trying to find all kinds of plants, in the periphery of the Moonlight Jungle.

As a result, the house he temporarily rented in Moonlight City became like a botanical garden.

There are a lot of flower pots in the house, so he specially hired a young man to help him take care of these plants.

In fact, he bought this young man for three copper coins, which proved from the side that what those people and him said were true at all.

It stands to reason that the other party was his slave from the moment he bought it with money, but Kurmis said it was a hire.

before the table.

Kurmis also learned the records of the witch spirits, and it seems that he was also influenced by Long and Sukobu.

"What's the name of this plant?"

"The locals call this plant Beast Tooth Fern."

"and this……"

He recorded these plants with his own notes. Some plants did not have names. Kurmis also gave these plants a name on the notes.

Generally, books like this have a name at the back.

Named after Kurmis.

There is a high probability that it will be called the Book of Kurmis, or the Tome of Kurmis or something.

However, at this time, Kurmis did not have such an idea, and he did not feel that he recorded some plants in a rough manner. If he chose a few names, it could become a classic passed down to future generations.

He wrote this more to facilitate his memory and planning.

The various plants around the Moonlight Jungle, and even the Moonlight Jungle itself, aroused Kurmis's intense curiosity, which made his thoughts of going home a little dissipated for a while.

Of course, it is also possible that when you get closer to your hometown, the more you feel scared.

I was afraid that what I saw at that time was completely different from what I imagined.


Kurmis also began to use the knowledge he had borrowed from various places, and then tried to experiment with the magic he created himself.

"hurry up!"

"Help me bring me the best-growing curling ball."

A young man took out a rolling ball and placed it in a dusty pottery basin.

"Mr. Kurmis, what are you doing?"

"I collect so much stuff at home and I can't eat it."

"And it doesn't look good either."

"And who would grow jujube in a pot, this pot is much more valuable than jujue."

The young man did not understand Kurmis, Kurmis said to him.

"Rolling **** feed countless people, and there is no plant more precious to us than it."

"It's the foundation of our civilization, it's what we live on."

Kurmis got ready and stuffed his spell and power into the scroll ball in the pot.

There is only one curse mark in Kurmis' body, which is a very special curse mark that allows him to combine with other things and turn into various puppets.

He called it the Fusion Spell Seal.

"Spirit Melting Spell Seal."

He used the Spirit Melting Spell Seal, and the special power immediately melted into the ball.

The ordinary curling ball immediately began to undergo drastic changes.

"Spiritual erosion!"


In the blink of an eye, the curling ball changed its appearance and became a brand new thing.

The bracken grows on it, and the cones grow into the ground.

Pure spiritual power stuffed into the body of ordinary life has no effect. If the curse seal is used as the carrier, the situation will be different.

And through this power, it is even possible to modify the original appearance of the species.

This made Kurmis ecstatic.

But this method is only refining puppets.

So it can be seen that as soon as his power is withdrawn, the curling ball immediately returns to its original state.

It even became dying, and it didn't take long for it to lose its vitality.

This is obviously not the kind of situation that Kurmis wants. He wants a new species that can be cultivated naturally, and a better food variety than jellyfish.

Kurmis was a little regretful: "It still doesn't work!"

He sighed: "It would be great if the shape of these plants could be changed permanently."

But that is already the scope of creating species, and even Kurmis thinks it is unlikely.

And the boy who had been helping Kurmis take care of the plants was stunned at this moment, and he realized that the man in front of him who seemed not much older than him was a powerful man.

At this time, there was a sudden uproar in the street outside.

Several people in white linen clothes with moon patterns on their bodies walked on the street and shouted.

"This is the punishment of the Moonlight God."

"Disaster is coming."

"This is divine punishment!"

Behind them, a large group of people followed.

The Moonlight God is the name given by the people in Moonlight City to Luhe, the giant **** of the moon, the Demon Jue.

As the Royal Court of Ten Thousand Snakes enshrined the giant **** Ruhe, the concept of carrying the **** of the earth gradually came out.

There has also been a new change in people's perception of forbidden places of death.

In Moonlight City, the fear and longing for the forbidden land of death for thousands of years has also turned into a brand new force.

Now in Moonlight City, many believers of the Moonlight God have arisen, and they have repeatedly requested that the Moonlight God be enshrined in the Temple of Life.

Kurmis walked out of the house and saw many people on the street. He didn't understand what happened?

"Something happened?"

"What's wrong?"

Kurmis spends his days wandering outside the Moonlight Jungle or writing books at home, so how do you know what's going on.

On the contrary, the young servant he hired ran around the city every day and knew the cause and effect of everything.

"Recently, a strange kind of vine has grown all over Moonlight Collar's farmland. It can grow wildly under the ground and is difficult to remove; as long as this kind of thing grows, it won't take long for the ball to die."

"This vine grows from the Moonlight Jungle and spreads outwards."

"The believers of the Moonlight God said that this is the punishment of the Moonlight God. Now everyone is so scared that they don't even dare to clean up this kind of vine."

The servant said to Kurmis, "Sir, don't we have one at home?"

Kurmis remembered something, and took out a strange green vine from his own house in a tank; the tank was full of dirt, and this green vine had grown out.

"Is it this vine?"

Kulmis collected this vine and named it the green vine; because it grows deep into the ground and grows green leaves on the surface.

Its vitality is very tenacious, but it has no effect.

Therefore, Kurmis just collected it, and didn't pay much attention to it after that.

The young man said in awe: "That's it!"

The little servant obviously also took the words of the believers of the Moonlight God seriously, and regarded this strange plant that suddenly appeared as a punishment from the gods.

"This is a natural disaster, and mortals have no way to resist."

"This year's harvest is definitely going to go wrong. Now everyone is so scared and doesn't know what to do."

However, Kurmis said decisively: "This is not a natural disaster, this is just a conflict between the old species and the new species, don't rashly involve everything to the gods, this is also a kind of blasphemy to the gods. "

After listening to it, Kurmis probably knew that a new species from the Moonlight Jungle invaded the Moonlight Territory, causing this phenomenon.

Ordinary people are powerless, and some believers put this situation in the name of God, making people even more afraid to solve this problem.

Kurmis: "Is the situation seriously affected now?"

Little Servant: "Very serious, it is said that this kind of thing grows in a small half of the ground; it grows very fast, and it grows specially in the place where Curly Ball Jue grows, as if it was deliberately killing Curly Ball Jue. "

"Once it grows, no matter how you pull it out, you can't pull it out, and if you pull it out, the ball will die, because its roots have grown to the ground."

Kurmis immediately walked out of the city, preparing to visit the various villages and towns in the Moonlight Territory.

Kurmis passed by with his servants, and when he saw the farmland with green vines growing, he went down to check, and found that the situation was exactly as the other party said.

It can be seen that many farmers and women are pulling this green vine from the fields, but it has no effect at all. In the end, they can only fall to the ground and hug each other.

"It's over!"

"It's all over."

"What the **** is this, what kind of monster."

"It's eating our rolls and it's eating us."

Kurmis was on the edge of the field, watching the crying people below.

He can understand the farmers' feelings, the farmland is their heaven, and the harvest of the juicy **** determines the life and death of their family.

It is no exaggeration to describe this situation as the sky is falling.

The little servants around Kurmis were also terrified. There was a difference between hearing it and seeing it with his own eyes.

This situation is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

He seemed to sense the arrival of the natural disaster, and in a few months, the Moonlight Territory might completely change its appearance.

"This is divine punishment!"

"This is divine punishment!"

Kurmis held his shoulders and his frantic and flustered heart.

"No **** would punish mortals for nothing."

"When something goes wrong, we should find a way to solve the problem, instead of blaming the gods and waiting for the disaster to come."


At night, Kurmis observed this green vine, and studied the habits and special features of this green vine again.

the next day.

He came to the City Lord's Mansion and met the City Lord of Moonlight City.

The city lord watched Kurmis walk all the way in astonishment. All the guards and even the powerful fell to the ground and fell into a drowsiness.

The city owner understands that this is undoubtedly a powerful person who is extremely powerful.

"Who are you?"

He was actually quite frightened, but fought back to keep his composure.

Kurmis told the city lord: "My name is Kurmis, you may not know me, but I want to find you about something, I hope you and I can cooperate."

The city lord actually heard of Kurmis: "I know you, a doctor with extraordinary medical skills has recently come to the city. It turns out that you are also a powerful person at the same time."

"I didn't even know that we have a powerful person like you here."

"If I had known, I would have come to visit you."

The voice fell, and the city lord was very kind, as if he was treating a friend.

"If you need anything, you can tell me."

"Regarding the recent incident of farmland being destroyed by xenogeneic plants, I can address that," Kurmis said directly.

"I can get rid of these alien plants, but you need to issue a decree and let everyone cooperate."

The city owner immediately hesitated: "It turned out to be this, but..."

After hesitating for a while, the city lord immediately continued.

"This is the power of the Moonlight God. Will we anger the gods if we intervene?"

"Many believers of the Moonlight God in the city will never allow such a thing to happen."

Although the city lord is a follower of the Crimson Goddess, this does not affect his fear and awe of another **** at all.

Especially the scarlet goddess is far away in the sky, but the moonlight jungle is close at hand.

This is also one of the reasons why the Moonlight God believers have gradually risen in the past few years in Moonlight City. The Moonlight Jungle is next to it, and the fear and inheritance of generations have made them regard the Moonlight Jungle itself as a **** in a long time ago.

In addition, the God of Moonlight is also a servant of the Lord of Life, and belongs to the lineage of the Temple of Life. There has always been a voice in the city to enshrine the God of Moonlight in the Temple of Life.

Kurmis knew the other party's concerns for a long time, and said very directly.

"I am an apostle."

"I have seen gods with my own eyes, and I have even seen gods."

"Are you sure you want to talk about God's will in front of me?"

Kurmis did not lie, he was an apostle, but he himself did not know who he was.

He has seen the gods with his own eyes, and he has also seen gods, but he is neither the Crimson Goddess nor the Moonlight God.

His words can be simulated, making the city lord uncertain.

But as soon as these words came out, the city lord was obviously shocked, and at the same time, his face was horrified.

Don't dare to say anything more.

"Then please cooperate with me. I need to deal with this matter as soon as possible, and your subjects don't have much time to wait."

"If it drags on any longer, it will really lead to a catastrophe."

"No one can guarantee what will happen on your territory at that time."

Kurmis didn't feel very good about the lord of Moonlight City, but he finally chose to come over, not to help him, but to help the people in this territory.

The city owner also immediately expressed his cooperation. After all, once the food production decreases, he will also be greatly affected.

Since there is an apostle of God willing to offer help, why should he refuse?

a few days later.

Inside and outside Moonlight City, the entire Moonlight Territory has received the city lord's decree.

Kurmis came to a temporary altar, and with the help of the ritual array, he was ready to use his power with all his strength.

"Lord Apostle, look at Lord Apostle coming out!" As soon as Kurmis appeared, it caused a sensation.

"It turns out that the apostle is Mr. Kurmis." Someone recognized him immediately.

"Isn't the apostle legend of the gods the same form as the gods? Why is he exactly the same as us." Some people expressed doubts.

on the altar.

Kurmis released the power of his divine grace, and injected all his melding spells into the green vines in front of him.

Green vines danced towards the sky, entangled together.

A huge puppet of divine grace condensed out.

It looks like a giant feathered snake, but is made up of green vines.


A gust of wind swept through, and green vines fell from the sky.

The huge feathered snake composed of green vines flew into the distance, and only then did people completely believe that Kurmis was really an apostle of God.

"Too strong."

"This is the power of the gods, the power given by the gods."

"God's spokesman in the world, Kurmis is the will of God in the world."

However, the consciousness of Kurmis at the moment was completely integrated with the puppet of divine grace, hovering in the sky.

After the huge feathered snake composed of green vines flew out of the city, it immediately split into a large number of smaller feathered snakes.

In the sky, you can see many people holding up logs and waving them below, or making marks around the farmland to indicate that there are green vines here.

The huge green vine puppet swooped down and skimmed the ground.

Those green vines seemed to feel the call of their kind, and they automatically drilled out of the soil and rushed towards the puppets in the sky.

in a blink.

Kurmis devoured a large number of green vines and added them to his body.

In just a few days, Kurmis solved the problem of green vines in the entire Moonlight Territory.

Saved countless farmlands and farmer families.

He also compiled a series of methods according to the habits of green vines.

Let the farmers in the Moonlight Territory learn how to prevent these green vines from re-invading the fields and how to clean them before they fully grow.

On the last day, under the altar, there were an unknown number of zealots, madly shouting the name of Kurmis.

"Lord Kurmis!"

"Lord Kurmis!"

He became the story.

Maybe one day it will become history, and then it will become a myth.

Kurmis on the altar looked at all this and was too nervous to speak.

He was a little excited, even a little intoxicated.

Because for the first time, he has been recognized by so many people, and everyone is looking at him with longing eyes.

In this city, he is supported by so many people.

Before he was just a monster, no matter how powerful he was, the moment everyone saw him, there was only fear.

No one recognized him, and he didn't have any companions.

And now, he seems to have everything.

Kurmis opened his arms, and the people below cheered even more intensely, and some even began to bow down to him.

Kurmis said to himself: "I am a human being."

"People just like them."

"I live in the kingdom of men and have countless companions."

He seems to have found his own meaning, as well as the true meaning of existence.


After solving the Greenland Vine incident, Kurmis won the support of countless people in Moonlight City, but it also brought a lot of troubles.

Kurmis had to move the house outside, living not far from the Moonlight Jungle.

It is more convenient for him to do the next experiment, an experiment he has prepared for a long time.

This is a stone house.

It was built by Kurmis with the fusion of the fused spell seal and the stone.

Kurmis had built a beautiful botanical garden on the roof, and now he was lying on the roof with a jar in his hand.

The jar contained a brilliant red petal, as gorgeous as it had just fallen.

Kurmis: "The flower of the gods blooming in the kingdom of the scarlet goddess."

This red flower has been recorded many times in mythology. It is said that when the kings of the gods of all dynasties died, they went away in the earth full of red flowers.

When Kurmis was a child, he heard this kind of story.

"Said King Alpans."

"When the wind blows, I am the protagonist of the times."

"And now the wind has stopped, my era is over, and I have lived my glorious life."

"Smerkel, it should be you in the future."

"King Alpans passed on his glory to the next generation. He stepped into the sea of ​​​​red flowers without a trace and returned to the kingdom of the gods."

This is the story that Kurmis heard.

And now he really saw this kind of flower with his own eyes, but the power of this kind of flower is very strange, and he can't sense the change of this kind of power at all.

However, this is the most precious plant that Kulmis has collected. He has been trying to use various plants to merge into puppets recently, trying every way to modify the original appearance of plants.

But it feels like trying to dig a hole in the water~lightnovelpub.net~ No matter how hard you scoop the water, it will eventually return to a flat surface.

So he decided.

Try to turn this petal into a puppet too.

He felt that the plants of this extraordinary species, the flowers blooming in the kingdom of God, must be different from ordinary plants. .

Kurmis got up and faced the direction of the Moonlight Jungle.

"It's here!"

Kurmis is going to hold an experiment here, which happens to be far away from the bustling city.

But apparently no one told Kurmis.

The Cup of Blood Mist is not just an ordinary plant, nor is it just an ordinary extraordinary species.

This is the flower of life power.
