I Am God!

Chapter 409: God was stolen!

The coquettish red flower of the gods continued to extend upwards and turned into a behemoth.

The bud formed into a ball, giving birth to an existence that did not belong to this world, while its roots were decaying little by little, and then spread to the rhizomes to the flower cup.

Wait until the whole flower disappears into the air, at the moment when the flower buds rotate and disperse.

A terrifying eyeball appeared.

Everyone in the castle was stunned, and some people opened their mouths.

Although it was known in advance that the ceremony would communicate with something great, when its projection actually appeared, the people present were still frightened and shuddered.

"Eyes?" The powerful man in yellow looked up and looked at the eyes, and he could see the cold sweat on his forehead, as if he was about to collapse to the ground.

"Is this the great thing that Lord Kurmis said?" For a while, people seemed to forget that this was still in the ceremony.

"Is this the eye of a god?" Those eyes were too big, and looking up at them made people feel as if they were being watched by a god.

The terrifying eyeballs turned and looked down.

The intense rays of light turned into beams of light and shot out from the heights.

all of a sudden.

The light trickled down like water.

At the bottom of the eye, the center of the ritual array.

It was the white pottery jar in front of Kurmis.

The snake man Kurmis is the main body, and the pottery jar is his cursed puppet.

Under the convergence of the power of the light, the plants in the white pottery jar began to change.

The weird plant first split into green vines and curly balls, and then they were forcibly fused together again.

Its leaves turned red and turned white.

at last.

It turned green again.

The fruit first grew a tough shell, and it didn't take long for it to change back.

Then it grew sharp thorns again, but they disappeared again.

It seems that there is a force that is stimulating its disorderly evolution towards the future, but there is another force that is constantly pulling it back to a route that has already been arranged.

This is the approach that Kurmis envisioned.

With the help of "the authority of the mother of life", you can plan your own evolutionary path.

The power of the Eye of Distortion allows plants that have been modified by Kurmis through the spiritual authority and the melding spell seal to have a certain chance of truly finalizing their bloodlines and turning them into new species that can be bred.

This is equivalent to Kurmis setting a direction, and then the light of the originally disordered evolution of life in the eye of distortion, let it start to evolve according to the direction set by Kurmis.

Although he just found out that it turned out to be a divine object left by the Creator in the world.

at last.

The white light that flooded the entire castle hall subsided, and the eyes that could promote the evolution of life completely disappeared.

And in that white pottery jar appeared a brand new plant, a vine with green leaves took root in the soil, bearing fruit after fruit.

But the vine is not the same as the green vine, and the diameter is much smaller.

The fruits growing in the soil are also somewhat different from the ones set before. Compared with Rolling Ball Jue, they are a circle smaller, and the meat quality is also hugely different from Rolling Ball Jue.

The husk is a rough leather that appears brown.

Even if Kurmis is guiding, in the designated direction.

However, the evolution of life may not necessarily move forward exactly as he expected.

The evolution of life is inherently uncontrollable, and Kurmis can only guide a part of it, and it is impossible to truly control the birth of life.

In the slow dissipation of the light.

The consciousness of Kurmis gradually broke free from the influence of the power deterrent of that eye.

This time, in order to ensure the success of his experiment, he increased the intensity of the ceremony and strengthened the medium of communication.

This caused too much power to be summoned, and he himself was completely immersed in the power of that eye and the information he communicated with.

Kurmis opened his eyes, it was all over.

"The Creator?"

The eyeball and the altar of life were still reflected in Kurmis' pupils.

"It turned out to be left by the creator, is it something that the creator gods used to create all things?"

When Kurmis thought of this, he looked forward to it.

He felt that if the eyes were left behind by the God of Creation, then his idea of ​​creating a new species that rivaled or even surpassed the crops of the **** would have a higher chance of success.

Do not.

is sure to succeed.

Because that is the power of the creator gods.

As soon as Kurmis woke up, he walked towards the white pottery jar in front of him. His eyes were only on the newly born species, and he couldn't wait to witness the birth of the miracle of this creation.

This is a great deed to create a species, and perhaps he will always be remembered for it.

Kurmis withdrew his power from the pottery jar, but the plants in the pottery jar still did not change, and were not instantly beaten back to their original shape as usual.

Kurmis immediately checked with his mental power and found that this was what he wanted.


He had already given a name to this brand new species.

"Brown ball vine."

"This is the brown ball vine, a whole new crop."

Kurmis was overjoyed.

"It's perfect, the perfect plant blood."

"With the tenacious vitality of green vines, crops that can be grown in barren land can produce more cones at a time."

"This is what I want, this is what I want."

But as it talked, it found that its snake-man form was constantly collapsing.

His body became larger and larger, and the white pottery jar under him became smaller and smaller.

Gradually, he just raised his head hard to stand against the dome of the hall.

He seemed to understand something.

He looked at his body, and at this time he suddenly realized that he was turning into a behemoth with wings.

"not good!"

"This time, the power of the bloodline distortion is even greater, and it is actually changing me towards the real Feathered Serpent."

When he borrowed the power of the eye of distortion, he was also being changed by the eye of distortion.

Kurmis: "I'm still too close, not far enough."

But when I think about it, I think it's unavoidable.

Because he has to control the brown ball with his spiritual power and the melding spell, he will definitely suffer from the radiation of the power of the eye of distortion.

This time, it is not only the spiritual level, but the spiritual modification of the former radiant deity.

And the blood level.

Kurmis really turned into a feathered snake.

A large snake with wings and golden mane, with a pair of golden pupils.

It is not the same as what the Blood Goddess guessed, but with the help of one power, Kurmis could no longer bear this power.

Kurmis was horrified at first, but soon he calmed down,

"It doesn't matter!"

"Just do another reincarnation."

"I can still become a snake man again, it doesn't matter."

Only then did Kurmis remember that he was no longer an ordinary person.

He is an apostle and a reincarnator.

But at this time, there was a burst of mourning behind Kurmis.

The powers who assist the ritual have just recovered from the white light of the deformed eye at this moment. They are much weaker than Kurmis, and naturally it is more difficult to resist the deterrence of that eye.

When they came back to their senses, they found that their bodies were mutating.

"Ah!" Someone screamed in pain.

"What's wrong with me?" They rolled on the ground, the pain seemed to go deep into the soul.

"My tail, my tail is gone!" They watched in horror as theirs shortened and turned into strange limbs.

"My hands, my face are so itchy, so itchy" Their skin grew scaly and itchy.

"Lord Kurmis!" they shouted Kurmis' name.

"Lord Kurmis?" But when he looked over, he saw only an inhuman serpent.

When Kurmis turned his head, he saw that the snake people in the castle were just like him, and their bodies and bloodlines were changing one after another.

They are becoming another kind of existence, and the projection of the Distorted Eye just summoned is too powerful, even if the other party is standing on the periphery of the ceremony, it will be affected.

And these serpent powers are not the same as Kurmis.

If it is Kurmis, it evolves forward and becomes an unprecedented existence.

Then these people are degenerate, and they are doing atavism.

They became lizard-like beings, reverting back to before the Mother of Life created them.

They are degenerating rapidly, and although they can still maintain their senses, when their brains are completely degenerated, they will probably become idiots without wisdom.

"Lizards?" They saw each other and noticed the changes in each other.

"How did we turn into lizards?" They found themselves turning into an ugly lizard.

"How did we become lizards?" They were incomprehensible.

These people were terrified and roared wildly.

They shouted the name of Kurmis, hoping that Kurmis could save them.

Kurmis looked at this scene, and his heart was full of horror.

"How to do?"

"What else can be done?"

At this time, he looked at the ritual formation on the ground again.

He rolled the white pottery jar outside and hovered up high.

Then, the mutated snake people were blown to the center of the ritual array, where the white pottery jar was.


He started the ritual formation again.

He suppressed the panic in his heart, and he summoned the arrival of the eye of distortion again, and kept talking in his heart.


"Don't panic!"

"I can turn them back into snake people."

"I can."

In the castle estate of Kurmis.

This Kurmis hovered in the sky, and once again opened the ritual array.

"Turn on."

"The Eye of Distortion."

"Please answer my prayer and cast your gaze here!"

The projection of the Eye of Distortion was summoned again, aiming at the mutant snake person below.

Kulmis wanted to repeat the old trick, turning these mutants back into snake people by creating green vines.

But this time he was much more careful and summoned much less power.

But the snake people are not plants, and their life forms are more difficult to control. Kurmis repeated it several times, and it can be seen that the mutants have changed back to human form.

He could create a new plant species, and maybe even a whole new animal species by chance.

But it is ten million times more difficult to restore the bloodline of a species to the past.

Kurmis shouted like crazy, trying again and again.

"Turn on!"

After one is over, it will continue immediately.

"Turn on!"

"Start the ceremony again."

The ceremony begins, and the blood-red medium flower blooms.

The projection of the Distorted Eye was summoned.

The mutants below have completely fallen into the emptiness of consciousness at this moment.

Seeing the projection of the Distorted Eye too many times is also a powerful shock to them.

Although the Eye of Distortion is not a mythical item, the impact it brings is stronger than ordinary mythology in some respects.

Kurmis suddenly shouted, not knowing whether to say it to the people below or to himself.

"I will save you!"

"I will turn you back into adults."

"Don't worry, I can do it."

"I will definitely do it."

He repeated it several times, as if strengthening his confidence.

And the mutants who are gradually recovering their human form seem to be giving Kurmis this confidence.

Kurmis presided over the outer layer of the ceremony, and when he opened the ceremony over and over again, he was also suffering from radiation.

Kurmis's body is also getting bigger and bigger, even propping up the whole house.

Scales grew on his body, his mane became longer and longer, and his head gradually broke away from the snake shape and became more majestic.

However, Kurmis can no longer care about the changes in his own body, and now he just wants to restore the mutants below.

He tried his best to turn these mutants back into snake people.

until in an opening ceremony.

In the shadow of light, Kurmis faintly saw that the mutant had completely turned into a human form.

"Did you make it?"

The feathered snake Kurmis stared at the ground, looking forward in exhaustion.

After the light dissipated, a group of almost human-shaped life forms did appear.

They have nearly humanoid limbs and heads, but are covered in scales and have a tail at the back.

They are even taller and stronger than the snake people, and their vitality is more tenacious.


This is not what Kurmis expected.

Kurmis looked at the ground for a long time, and he suddenly overturned the dome of the castle with excitement.

"what is this?"


"It's still a lizard man!"

"No, what I want is a snake man, a snake man again."

He started the ritual formation again.

But this time, something unexpected happened.

He constantly summoned the power of the Eye of Distortion, and communicated with the Altar of Life again and again, and seemed to wake up those who had been sleeping in the deepest part of the earth.

Their consciousness awakened a little, and they probed towards the Altar of Life.

As soon as Kurmis' consciousness communicated with the altar, he saw a few terrifying shadows covering everything.

Kurmis has seen.

It was the shadow of the seven gods of Rukh.

Kurmis just glanced at one of the terrifying afterimages, and immediately fell from the sky.

Let out a scream.


The giant **** Rukh blocked the power of the Altar of Life and interrupted Kurmis' crazy moves.

The huge feathered snake fell and turned into the shape of a **** in the sky.

He fell heavily into the castle.

Kurmis stumbled to his feet. He walked towards the center of the ceremony and looked at the final forms of dozens of mutants.

Like a lizard, and exactly like a human form.


He hugged his head helplessly and let out a shrill howl.

He didn't know how to vent his inner emotions and could only howl like a monster.

In fact, at the end, Kurmis did not dare to continue.

He has already felt that these people will collapse if they continue, whether it is physical or mental.

Even he himself could hardly bear it.

But fortunately, he finally rescued these people from degeneration, preserving their wisdom and conscious memory.

Instead of actually turning into a lizard.

Night falls.

After a day and a night, the mutants woke up one by one.

The sound broke the silence in the castle.

"No!" Looking at their appearance, everyone couldn't accept it, and someone immediately cried out like a ghost.

"How did I become like this?" They looked at each other and touched their faces

"By the way, it's that eye and that white light." Someone finally recalled something.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, this must be a dream." Someone stumbled to his feet, and then fell to the ground in a trance.

"By the way, I must be dreaming." On the ground, he kept talking.

But no matter how you hypnotize yourself, facts are facts.

"What about Lord Kurmis?"

"What about Lord Kurmis?"

When they came to the depths of the castle, they saw Kurmis under the statue of the Lord of Life.

At this moment, Kurmis has become the form of a god, and only in this form can he enter the interior of the castle.

Once he let go of his power, he would turn back into a serpent with wings.

At this moment, Kurmis was kneeling on the ground with disheveled hair, as if he had turned into a stone with the statue on the altar.

"Lord Kurmis?"

It wasn't until he walked in that he could feel that he was still alive.

Anu, who had just become an apprentice of Kurmis not long ago, came up and asked the other party.

"Lord Kurmis!"

"How did it become like this?"

"Did our experiment fail?"

The lizard-like humanoid made a voice, and Kurmis immediately heard from the voice that the other party was Anu.

Kurmis turned his head mechanically and looked at the other's face.


After confirming the identity of the other party, he immediately lowered his head.

Kurmis was a little ashamed at the moment.

His mouth trembled, and he finally said the answer.

"We didn't fail!"

"We made it."

"Our experiment was very successful, and we did produce crops that went beyond the jellyfish."

"We have created a whole new species with the body of a mortal."

"It's beyond imagination."

At least before, Kurmis thought so.

But at this moment, his words were full of self-deprecation.


"This is true"

"I really dare to do things that no one else dares to think about."

"Where did I get the courage and courage."

Anu asked Kurmis: "But why is it like this?"

Kurmis continued: "As we imagined, as long as the medium is sufficient, the altar of life and the eye of the **** can project more power at one time."

"As expected, we completed a successful experiment."

"But we ourselves are also within the experiment, and we are inevitably affected by the power of the supreme authority of life."

Kurmis hugged his head and raised his head to look at the statue of the Lord of Life.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his expression became helpless and hesitant.

"This is divine punishment!"

"This is the punishment of the supreme god."

"I did something wrong, I should not touch the authority of the God of Creation."

"That's not a power that I can control, it's not a power that mortals can control."

Kurmis hit the ground heavily, facing the statue of the Mother of Life.

This day and night, he seemed to have repeated this action many times, and there were bloodstains on the slate on the ground.

He looked at the statue with great longing and regret, his hands in prayer.

"O supreme god!"

"Forgive me, forgive me for speculating on your will."

"Please forgive me for touching your authority, and please forgive my ignorance."

Kurmis always thought he was lucky, but luck is sometimes relative.

Being much luckier, it also made him gradually lose himself, and finally paid the price for it.

"It was me who was wrong."

"No one else should be made to pay the price."

Everyone looked at Kurmis, looking at Kurmis who was almost in collapse,

All fell into silence.

Someone asked: "Master Kurmis, is there really no way?"

Kurmis kept kowtowing to the gods: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault."

Others also sighed, and some started to cry.

In the end, it was Anu who said to Kurmis, "Master Kurmis!"

"If you really made a mistake, how could it be you alone?"

"We are also a part of it. We also want to create crops that are beyond rolling balls. We are also touching taboos and borrowing the authority of the God of Creation."

"You told us before that this time you will come into contact with the great creation of the power of the gods, and there may be risks."

"We also agreed."

From the very beginning, who among them was not full of hope and expectation like Kurmis?

Up to now, Anu also understands that there is no way to recover, even the Lord Kurmis in his eyes has no choice.

Anu stepped forward, trying to help his master and teacher.

At the same time, he also saw the brown ball vine placed aside.


"We made brown ball vine, and that's the price we paid?"

Anu looked at the brown ball vine with a reluctant smile, as if he wanted to show a relaxed look.

"At least.

"Our sacrifices are useful and worthwhile."

"Isn't it, Lord Kurmis."

"Everything we do will benefit millions of people."

A new plant species was born, along with an entirely new intelligent race.

As the supreme artifact of life power, the mother snail of all things naturally received the induction and radiated light.

In the depths of the bottom sea of ​​the Creator Kingdom, there are several more marks on the inner wall of the mother snail of all things.

One is the brown ball vine.

One is a lizard man.

And the other side.

In the hot air balloon boat of the fairy, a miracle item in the form of a submarine, the owner of the mother snail naturally sensed this change.

Sally, who was playing with her big toy airplane, suddenly raised her head and saw the extra life imprint on her mother snail.


"Why two more?"

And when she turned her head again, she saw the scene of the Altar of Life.


"It turned out that someone was stealing something."

Sally knew how the new species was born, and someone secretly stole the power of the Eye of Distortion and created two new species in the world.

This can almost be said to have stolen the supreme power of the Supreme Lord with the power of mortals.

But Sally didn't seem to be very angry, but her eyes suddenly brightened.

She immediately dropped her big plane, screaming loudly.

"Ha ha!"


"God was stolen!"

"God's things have been stolen!"

Sally ran down suddenly, dashing down the stairs.

She came to Insai God's side and turned around, extremely happy, and sang the stolen song repeatedly while turning in circles.

At this moment.

She repeated what the goblin had done to her before on Insai.

Sally just sings and doesn't need to say more at all.

Because she knew that Yin Shen must know what she meant.

The Eye of Distortion is not Sally's treasure, but something created by the **** Insai.

However, there are not many things created by Insai~lightnovelpub.net~ For example, the witch doctor, the god-made man Stern, the mallet of justice and the eye of distortion, etc., the eye of distortion is just one of the lower ranking things. That's it.

It has a considerable effect, but it is not really precious to Sally and Yin Shen.

At least they can make a new one if they want to make it.

And Sally was so happy because Yin Shen said that she was not optimistic about her garden before, which caused the thief to run in.

And this time, a thief stole the power of the eye of distortion, let's see what he has to say about himself.


"You were also stolen."

Yin Shen, who seemed to be asleep, opened his eyes and grabbed Sally who was running around him.

Holding her in the crook of her arm, Sally immediately became louder, laughing non-stop, kicking her legs.

It was so noisy that the entire cabin seemed to be overturned.

Yin Shen's eyes also saw what happened.

"A new species has been born, and one of them is an intelligent species."

Sally said, "Ugly, ugly."

She is saying that the wisdom species made by Kurmis is not as good-looking as the one she made, and it completely degenerates and ugliness the fine creation she made.

Yin Shen: "Because the birth of life is always full of chance."

"Even you and I can't be sure of the final created life form, just as we hoped at the beginning."

The beautiful city of the world.

Kurmis was still begging bitterly, begging for the forgiveness of the gods, thinking that this was the retribution he suffered for stealing the power of the ruling gods.

But Kurmis didn't know that the birth of life was like this.

Even if it is created by the creator and the mother of life, its final birth may not be able to match the original idea.