I Am God!

Chapter 411: If Mr. Lan En is still there


Ackerman's blindfolded eyes showed a look of longing, not only longing for that power, but also the unconstrained nature behind that power.

Immortal, powerful, free being.

He asked the old ghoul: "Isn't he a follower or apostle of the evil **** of original sin? How could he still cooperate with the **** king of the **** goddess?"

The old ghoul replied: "He doesn't seem to be completely controlled by the evil **** of original sin. There was a battle of gods in Meiya City a hundred or two hundred years ago, and he was born at that time."

"It is said that he was the guard of a city lord named Shana at the time. He turned into a Feathered Serpent during the disaster, and has been avoiding the control of the evil **** of original sin."

"In the end, I have lived until now, and I have the power of an apostle."

"So, he is an apostle without the protection of the gods."

Akmanmon said: "It can also be said that he is an apostle who is getting rid of the control of the gods."

In the spacious and gorgeous room, everyone else stood quietly, and only Akemanmeng walked around freely.

"A mortal."

"It can even grasp the mystery of creating life."

Even Thuro, the king of ghouls, finally created ghouls that were not considered a race, but an extraordinary profession.

But now, someone actually created a brand new race.

The old ghoul said at this time: "Shall we get this method from him?"

The old ghoul was not such a person before, but after becoming a ghoul, he became more and more crazy and depraved. Although he retained his sanity, things like the plague blood curse still eroded his heart.

Ackerman looked at the old ghoul: "That is the authority to dominate the gods."

The old ghoul's eyes were extremely greedy: "So it must be very powerful."

Akmanmon said: "So it is definitely not something that mortals can touch, and even gods may not dare to touch it; you said that he was punished by gods, but I don't think that is the case."

"If it is really the ruler who is angry, how can he still exist?"

"If it is really the Master of Life who imposes the punishment, I am afraid that the entire Ruhe Giant Island and even the world will cease to exist."

"The entire Ruhe giant island is formed by the seven gods under the ruler of life. The body of Ruhe giant **** is simply unimaginable."

Akmanmon had heard the myth about the Ruhe Seven Gods a long time ago, but at the end of that battle of gods, when he saw the power of the Ruhe Giant God.

He didn't really believe it.

The giant eye that opened above the earth, and the power it finally displayed are simply incredible.

Akman couldn't understand how there could be such an existence in this world.

As Ackerman thought about it, his tone gradually changed.

"He just touched a power that he couldn't understand, and understood it as God's punishment."

"So don't touch things beyond your limits, and don't lose your goals because of powerful power."

When he followed Thuro, Akmanmon was still very immature, but now he is becoming more and more mature.

It also gradually showed the difference from Thurrow.

he seems.

Looks like a normal person.

Next, Ackermann said.


"When you find a way to reach your goal, you can go to the limit at all costs and use all the means."

Ackermann looked at everyone else: "Is it our goal now to have the power to create life?"

The others shook their heads, and Ackerman turned around.

"So no matter how great and sacred this power is, what does it have to do with us?"

Everyone left, and the beautiful maid closed the door.

under the lights.

Ackerman took out the "Corpse Eater Secret Rites", flipped through a few pages and put it aside.

The first half of the book is written in completely different handwriting than the second half because it was compiled by two people.

The author of the first half is Thuro, and it is Ackermanmon who continues to write and perfect it.

There are steps up to the fourth level, and even the "Abyss Divine Favor" is written on it.

It seems to be telling people who walk this path.

Either fall into the fiery purgatory forever, or fall into the dark abyss forever.

It can be said that Ackerman has inherited all of Thurrow's inheritance, and Thurrow didn't hide from him at all, and taught him everything he had.

In name, Thuro was not Akmanmon's teacher, but in fact he did everything a teacher could do.

Whether it is extraordinary knowledge, or even the influence of life philosophy.

However, at this moment, Ackerman is writing brand new content, which is his exploration and ideas about higher realms.

He has mastered everything that Thurrow left behind, and now he is starting to explore areas on the shoulders of the other party that even he has never penetrated.

Ackerman is writing furiously.

You can see his pen stop and think from time to time.

Occasionally crossed out what was written before, or simply crumpled the paper.

"The plague blood curse is the root of the power of ghouls, and it is a special law seal formed by the gathering of curse power."

"The power of the curse can distort reality. It is a very magical and powerful force."

"The power of the curse comes from the consciousness of all souls, from purgatory, and from the destination of all souls (Dream Star Sea)."

The two guys, Akmanmon and Thuro, can be said to be the two people who know the curse best except for the Lord of Purgatory.

It was also by virtue of their understanding of the curse that the two of them resisted the curse of the corpse eater all the way, and kept pulling the wool of the Lord of Purgatory to come to this point.

"If we say that curse is the power that appears when the consciousness of all spirits jointly curses a certain person or a certain behavior or thing."

"Then the consciousness of all spirits gathers together to bless a certain person, what will happen?"


"The consciousness of all spirits gathers together to form an agreement, what will happen?"

Ackermann thought of Lawyer Qi.

These originated from the existence of witch spirits, and they like to use the power of contracts to restrain others, condense the spirits of contracts one by one, and finally create the spirit of a country's code of law.

Use the spirit of the written contract to endow the code with power. When a large number of people use the spirit of the written contract, when the spirit of the code of the Ten Thousand Snake King's Court is strong enough, its power can radiate to the entire kingdom.

As long as Lawyer Qi discovers the existence of violators of the law and finds him, he can use the power of laws anywhere in the Court of Ten Thousand Snakes to deprive the violators of their power and imprison them.

It can be said.

The spirit of the code is the power given to the code by the people of the whole country, and it is the embodiment of their will.

Ackerman also thought of Thurrow.

And the oath he made at last in the name of the race, with the great eternal called the Crown of Wisdom.

Before Thoro let Ackermanmon leave, he had already told Ackermanmon his overall plan.

Although Akmanmon didn't know how Thro failed in the end, he knew that there was a high probability that there was something wrong with it, and it was something that the evil **** of original sin had done.

Thuro really summoned the Moon of God at that time. This was witnessed by Akmanmon, which also means that the Wisdom Crown Contract really exists.

An artifact with a strong binding force.

Can constrain a group, or even a race.

In the end, Ackermann wrote on the draft: "The consciousness of all spirits converges. If this agreement is negative, it is a curse!"

"If it is bondage, then it may be similar to a contract or an oath!"

"If it's positive, maybe it's a blessing."

Ackermann went on to write: "What is the most inescapable thing about man?"

He didn't hesitate: "Death."

Ackerman wrote these two words.

Then he wrote: "What is the common man's greatest desire?"

This time he seemed to hesitate: "Wealth? Power? Lifespan?"

Ackerman believes that as long as people have a long life span, wealth and power will become within their reach.

When a person lives long enough, his accumulation is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

So eternal life is the most important thing.

At least that's what Ackermanmon, who was born in the royal family, thought.

So in the end, he drew a line on his lifespan.

Ackermann went on to write: "If I make an indelible agreement with a race, or a group of people, or I leave a book, a legend."

"Tell them that just by reciting my name, they can gain the next life, a longer life, and even eternal life."

"Let this race or group, the desire and blessing for eternal life condense on me forever."

"Their spirits and wills will eventually return to the destination of all spirits, which is the fantasy star sea, but their thoughts will turn into blessings and pass on to me."

"One person's thoughts may not work, but what if there are 10,000, 100,000, or even more people?"

"Combine countless people's desire and blessings for eternal life, then what kind of existence will I become?"

Ackerman paused for a moment, considering his words.

Finally, in a very beautiful style, on thick paper.

"Will that power make me an immortal existence?"

"Will it allow me to return from the destination of all spirits even if I really die?"

Ackermann didn't know of any flaws with this approach, but it seemed to make sense.

His expression was calm, as if he himself didn't realize how crazy his thoughts were.

At this moment, if Thuro was by his side, he would probably be dumbfounded.

But then.

He should have slapped Ackerman on the shoulder hard and told him to just do it.

"Don't shrink back, don't have any boundaries, don't suppress your imagination."

"Go do it!"

"Go rush!"

"Go tell the world how good and powerful we are!"

Akmanmon seemed to have heard the voice, and turned his head to look behind him.

It's just that the figure who liked to stand behind him and admired him has long since disappeared.

Ackermann went on to write: "How can a race or group of people continue to impose a promise, blessing or curse?"

Akmanmon left a line at the end: "The Wisdom Crown Vow?"

This does seem like a good idea.

But he had seen Thurrow make the vow of the crown of wisdom before his own eyes, and finally dissipated under the moonlight.

So Akmanmon must first understand, what exactly is the Wisdom Crown Vow?

Back then, Thuro swore an oath as the king of the ghoul race, so why did he fail and finally suffer backlash?


The lava volcano occasionally oscillates, but it has been very stable in recent years. Except for the tens of miles near the volcano, which is difficult for ordinary people to approach, the periphery is very safe.

On the periphery of the lava volcano field, there is a dense jungle that is the volcanic forest.

There are many monsters entrenched in the forest, and people in the nearby villages also call it the forest of monsters.

But recently.

With the Monster Forest name around, it seems to be starting to really live up to its name.

Because there are not only monsters in the volcanic forest, but also a group of creatures with limbs and tails.

Deep in the jungle lies a castle and village.

Facing the direction of the volcano, a group of lizardmen cultivated farmland here.

"Loosen the soil." They can drill directly into the ground with divine magic, and they can easily dig the soil.

"Lead a canal from there." Even easily, a canal was dug.

As for building their new home, it was even easier.

They easily excavated huge stones and built a high wall and house.

They are strong and strong, and they don't feel strenuous when carrying huge stones on their backs. Standing on the ground with their strong legs, they can hold up heavy objects that the snake man cannot bear.

Therefore, they can often be seen walking like flying in the jungle, carrying stones or logs on their backs.

In the jungle, the lizard people are talking to each other.

"You're running too slowly."

"Your back is wood, mine is stone."

Kurmis stood on the city wall, watching this scene with a gratified expression, and the lizard people seemed to gradually become more lively.

Being away from the crowd and busy life seems to make them forget the past.

It may be because they are different from the previous Kurmis. Kurmis is a person, but they are a group.

Kurmis turned around and walked towards a ceremony hall that had been arranged earlier in the castle.

There were candles all over the floor.

There is a sacred white relief on the wall, which is the Scarlet Goddess.

Holding the cup of blood mist in his hand, Kurmis communicated with the god.

His consciousness faltered, and he came to the kingdom of blood at the bottom of the deep sea again.

The ancient vicissitudes of the temple, the high seat of the gods, the oldest ones surrounding the temple.

Kurmis was located below, looking up at the red-haired demigod on the throne.

He sorted out his emotions, but in the end he still said in a panic.

"The great Scarlet Goddess!"

"Can you tell me, did I do something wrong?"

"That's why you incurred the punishment from the Master of Life?"

The Crimson Goddess told Kurmis: "He did not punish you."

"The power of life is like this, or the power of mythology is like this."

"When you get too close to the gods, when you really touch the power of the gods, you will be affected by the power of the gods."

Kurmis finally felt relieved, and the panic in his heart calmed down a little.


"The master of life appreciates me?"

"The birth of the brown ball vine is the will of the ruler of life?"

The Scarlet Goddess was not sure at first, but it has been basically confirmed recently.


"Maybe the master of life didn't notice you."

"But even if He saw it, he wouldn't care about it."

"The person who can be punished by the mother of life in this era is the snake mother Semos."


The meaning is that Kurmis is not worthy of being punished by the mother of life.

Why was the mother of life angry in the first place?

Because Semose is a creation made by the mother of life and has gone through a journey together, so the snake mother Semose violated the will of the mother of life, so the mother of life would care.

As for Kurmis, the Scarlet Goddess didn't think there was anything in him worthy of the gaze of the great god.

The Scarlet Goddess originally thought that Kurmis might be on some kind of mission, but now it seems that he might really be just lucky.

Kurmis originally wanted to say.

The information revealed by the deformed eye told him that this was created by the Creator.

But when it came to his mouth, he didn't dare to say it.

Perhaps he also felt that such a great existence might be something that even the Scarlet Goddess could not guess, and the other party had no way to answer.

Maybe everything is really just a coincidence!

Kurmis prayed again: "Great Scarlet Goddess, I want to ask you to help me because of my contribution to making the brown ball vine."

Kurmis raised his head: "I beg you, can you turn them into snake people again."

The scarlet goddess Vivien shook her head: "I can't do it either."

The Scarlet Goddess told Kurmis: "I can create a new snakeman with blood, it's not difficult."

"However, it is thousands of times more difficult to turn a lizardman back into a snakeman from the bloodline level intact than to recreate a snakeman. This already involves the supreme authority of life."

"I can't think of anyone else who can do such a thing except the master of life."

It's like retrieving the blood of an archaeopteryx from a lizard.

"In comparison, the authority of wisdom may be easier to do this."

"Just like the reincarnation method you used before."

Kurmis was a little disappointed: "But, the great Scarlet Goddess!"

"They are all just ordinary powerful people, and none of them can become apostles."

"The method of reincarnation doesn't work for them."

But the Scarlet Goddess told Kurmis: "There is another way. The spiritual power can change a person's form from the fundamental power of wisdom and power, without changing a person's blood."

"If you can become a demigod, you can give them spiritual authority and power, and maybe you can also turn them back into snake people."

Kurmis smiled bitterly: "Become a god?"

"How could I do that?"

The Scarlet Goddess told Kurmis: "You have made sacrifices for making brown ball vines. As compensation, I can tell you a way to become a god."

Kurmis raised his head, his eyes were surprised and shocked.

The Scarlet Goddess continued, "But even if it's the method I gave you, it still takes a lot of time to implement."

"Maybe by the time you succeed, it will be too late."

"Are you still willing?"

Kurmis nodded: "Of course I am willing, as long as I can turn the lizard people into snake people, as long as I can reintegrate the lizard people into snake people, I am willing to do anything."

"Even if this generation doesn't work, even if it takes many generations to come."

"I'm willing to do it too."

Kurmis seems to be a bit stubborn, and perhaps it is because of this stubbornness that he has come to where he is today.

"I made mistakes myself, and I don't want others to bear the burden."

"No matter how long it takes, I am willing to make up for this mistake."

The Scarlet Goddess nodded, and since Kurmis agreed, she continued, "I know, you have mastered the Way of Wisdom Reincarnation."

"But the ancient method of reincarnation is already difficult to use in this era, unless you are willing to wait hundreds of millions of years."

"Who can guarantee what kind of accidents will happen in the hundreds of millions of years?"

"And the lizardmen can't wait for such a long time."

Kurmis: "What should I do?"

The Crimson Goddess told Kurmis: "You can create a mythical item and rely on its power to perform spiritual reincarnation."

"It's like Sukob, the apostle of Asay, and Oran, the apostle of Iva."

"Of course, you can also choose to directly become the spirit of the mythical item, but this way you cannot obtain the authority of the spiritual gate."

"As for how to create mythical props, what about the "Road to Wisdom" you got? Let me tell you the key."

Kurmis didn't understand what a mythical prop was, and he didn't even understand the difference between a **** and a god, and he didn't know that the mythical path of wisdom and power was divided into mythical props and wisdom demigods.

Kurmis handed over the road of wisdom, condensed into an illusory picture, and densely overlapping words.

After reading it, the Scarlet Goddess made adjustments on it.

"Divided by divine grace, this is the key to the myth."

"Whether it is a demigod of wisdom or a mythical item, it has to go through this step."

"According to the method I taught you, after accumulating a certain amount of divine blood through faith, you will definitely be able to create mythical props."

"As for what to do next, it's up to you."

Kurmis saluted: "Thank you for your guidance."

The Scarlet Goddess nodded, and Kurmis' consciousness left this country and returned to the human world.

Kurmis closed his eyes, feeling the production method of the mythical props taught to him by the Scarlet Goddess.

He was both shocked and terrified.

What is shocking is that there is such a way to the myth.

What is frightening is that this method seems to reach the myth through gentle means, accumulated over generations.

But as long as you think about it, you will understand that there is another way.

As long as you don't care about it, you can gain eternal life by looting and collecting a lot of divine blood.

Kurmis: "The Scarlet Goddess is willing to teach me this method. It seems that the great He believes that I will never do such a thing."

Kurmis took a deep breath: "I will never teach this method, nor will I use those evil and despicable methods."


The kingdom of blood in the deep sea.

Under the seat of God.

Smerkel looked at the Scarlet Goddess on the throne: "Master Vivien, does this method really make sense for Kurmis?"

The Scarlet Goddess didn't know either.

Maybe one day Kurmis became a god, and even had spiritual authority.

But on that day, would the lizard people really want to become snake people?

The Scarlet Goddess said: "Maybe it doesn't make sense to you, but it makes sense to him now."

"He felt he had made a mistake, an irreparable mistake."

"He needs to see hope and the future, and those newly born lizardmen also need hope and the future."

"He needs a reason to go on, and the lizard man also needs a reason to live."

"As for what will happen in the future?"

The Scarlet Goddess shook her head, her words were a little bit embarrassing.

"Who can really know?"

The Scarlet Goddess raised her hand, and the "Way of Wisdom" that Kurmis showed just now quickly condensed and turned into a quaint blood-colored spar slab.

And the Scarlet Goddess then took out a scroll from her clothes, on which was written "Lane's Reincarnation Method".

Sitting on the throne, Vivien had a complicated expression.


"Xiao betrayed you to the evil **** just to become a god."

"He proudly thinks that he is the strongest, that he can surpass everyone, but his talent constrains him."

"In the end, he could only fall into the abyss, hide in the darkness forever, and become another evil **** in a bottle."

The reincarnation method proposed by Lan En, and the four-point secret technique of Anhofus made reincarnation come true. Finally, Xiao combined the two to create a complete picture of the path of wisdom.

The scarlet goddess Vivien knew the idea of ​​the teacher Lan En, but in the last era, she was still unable to find the way to the myth.

And in this era, she has roughly calculated part of the content of the path of wisdom based on reverse calculations.

After all, there are many mythical powers that can be observed, and the characteristics of the power of the four powers of spirituality, wisdom, desire, and knowledge have solved Vivien's greatest doubts, combined with the idea of ​​Lan En's reincarnation method back then.

Vivien wrote this "Lane Reincarnation Method".

It was also on the basis of this "Lane's Reincarnation Method", that Vivien began to prepare for the refining of the mythical item, the Eye of True Knowledge, and for the next competition for the fruit of wisdom.

And now, He finally got the complete "Way of Wisdom" compiled by Xiao.

He picked it up and compared it to "Lan En's Reincarnation Method" to see the differences between the two.

Although he had already recorded the moment he saw it, but remembering it does not necessarily mean that he has figured out some of the links in it. Any link in the secret method of "The Road to Wisdom" may be hidden. With unimaginable mysteries.

After a long time.

Vivien put down the "Way of Wisdom" and "Lane's Reincarnation Method", and looked at the other people below, and let out a long breath.

"Xiao may really be bound by the talent of divine blood."


"This is not a reason for him to betray the teacher."

He pushed the stone slab aside, and his voice became more and more excited as he spoke.

"If it wasn't for him, Teacher Lan En might be able to become a myth."

"Teacher is the first Apostle of Insai~lightnovelpub.net~ He still has a long time to go, and he will definitely be able to walk this path."

Vivien was so excited that she even stood up. After looking around, she turned around and patted on the divine seat.

"Every day Xiao lives in this world is a blasphemy against the teacher."

"If it wasn't for him."

"Perhaps there is still hope in the last epoch, and perhaps Heinsay can continue."

"If Teacher Lan En is still there, everything..."

Vivien became more and more excited as she spoke, but she finally sat down and lay down on the throne with some dejection.

Nothing can be changed, and all the past has been turned into unspeakable silence and pain.

But no matter what, Vivien couldn't forgive Xiao.


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