I Am God!

Chapter 437: sequence one twelve

, I am God!

Inside the Temple of Truth.

A "statue" floated in mid-air, it was An Li's petrified remains.

On the chest of An Li's petrified slough hung a necklace of eye jewels that shone with silvery brilliance.

And the scarlet goddess Vivien is controlling everything below.

Vivien sorted out the originally mixed blood and all the power according to the secret technique of four divisions of divine grace.

The brilliance flows out continuously, flowing and converging in the air like veins.

The origin of spirituality is turned into roots, the wisdom consciousness is turned into the trunk, the personification of desire is turned into branches, and the memory of knowledge is turned into leaves.

In an instant, it became a mythical giant tree, or a road leading to the gods.

Let this crude prop that accumulates power and curse seals instantly grasp the most precious mystery in the world and possess the origin of wisdom.

at the same time.

One after another ghosts came out of it, making various sounds, and surrounded the giant tree pattern.

"True knowledge..."

"A myth is about to be born."

"The kingdom of magic."

"Inheritance of Suinhor."

"The promise of the gods, the prophecy of the gods... will eventually come true."

There is a sense that they are cheering the changes that are coming.

Worship to the myth that is about to be born.

The Scarlet Goddess once promised them that one day the Eye of True Knowledge will become a myth, and they will all enter the kingdom of God, and the ancient Creator Apostle will wake up again and lead them to the future.

And now, the promise has been fulfilled.

They began to be influenced by mythical props and transformed by mythic authority.

Mythological props began to nourish their missing part, and the mythical kingdom began to create brand new laws for them.

They have gradually become servants in the realm of mythology, or the kingdom of gods.

From an ordinary ghost to an existence called the spirit of magic, a spirit body attached to the mythical kingdom of the eye of true knowledge, with the memory and power of magic as its core.

An existence born for inheritance, belief, and magic.

The shadow and outline of the mythical giant tree became more and more complete, and more and more spirit bodies spewed out.

at last.

The tree and the spirit collapsed inward together, turned into a vortex and returned to the eyes of true knowledge.


Invisibly, it was as if a strong storm had blown up, sweeping through the Temple of Truth and surging through the Kingdom of Blood.

A beam of light pierces through the kingdom of blood and rushes towards the kingdom of the gods—the dream realm.

The scarlet goddess Vivien finally stopped her hands and looked at the top of the beam of light.

A myth was born.

[Divine Artifacts: Eye of True Knowledge]

[serial number 12]

[Ability 1 Divine Art Gift: There are a large number of divine arts seeds in the Eye of True Knowledge, which retains the ancient inheritance from the first era to the second era. It can pass it on to others, allowing them to master a skill instantly. Or a variety of divine arts, and all their related skills; however, this inheritance will be lost in the kingdom of divine arts, until the inheritor turns into a spirit of divine arts and returns to the kingdom of divine arts with the inheritance. 】

[Ability 2 Spirit of Divine Art: Those who inherit the inheritance of the Eye of True Knowledge will be branded by the Eye of True Knowledge, and in the end they can choose to belong to the Kingdom of Divine Art and become part of this country to incarnate as the Spirit of Divine Art; The spiritual capital of the country will keep all the magic arts it has, and each kind of magic will be turned into a seed of inheritance and stay in the country, waiting for those who can inherit this magic. 】

[Ability 3 Forbidden Magic Field: The Eye of True Knowledge can expand a huge field, within which all divine arts performed through spiritual power are prohibited, except for the spirit of divine arts. 】

[Ability 4 Kingdom of Divine Art: The Kingdom of Divine Art is a kingdom of mythology. It is located in the dream world and can open the door between the world and the dream world; Attract the return of all the spirits of magic, and can pass the power to the world through rituals. 】


The scarlet goddess Vivien walked forward on the light, heading to the high place little by little.

He followed the beam of light and escaped from reality bit by bit, and came to the dream world.

In this realm, you can see a rudimentary kingdom formed by mythological powers, a magical kingdom of mythical props such as the Eye of True Knowledge.

The whole country is like a mirror with countless rhombuses.

It was empty inside, without any decoration.

With Vivien's arrival, countless magical spirits emerged from the diamond-shaped mirror.

The spirits paid homage to her, praising him with various titles.

"The Great Crimson Goddess."

"The ruler of the kingdom of blood."

"The **** of blood and fire."

"The patron of Suinhor."

The spirit of divine art crawled on the ground, like the cornerstones on both sides of the road, forming a road leading to the end of the kingdom of God.


Vivien came to an end.

He saw An Li's remains floating in front of the rhombic mirror in the center, still wearing the necklace.

But with Vivien's arrival, an ancient shamrock figure broke free from the necklace,

It wandered between the most ancient and the form of God, and finally fixed on the form of God, turning into a girl with blue hair.

That is An Li's ghost, and it is also the mythical spirit of the Eye of True Knowledge.

In the kingdom of magic, Vivien and the spirit of myth looked at each other.

There were layers of ripples on the opponent's body, like sparkling water, and his blue hair made him look like an elf of the sea.

Water, ice, and steam three series of curse seals revolved around him, and countless seeds of divine magic emerged behind him, and the divine spells he mastered far exceeded ordinary people's imagination.

And the **** curtain behind Vivien was drawn towards the sky, and her bright red hair was like a burning flame.

water and fire.

red and blue.

They are the twins of the third generation of the Temple of Truth, and they are also the remaining iconic figures of the third generation; while the other two, Xiao and Anhofus, have long since betrayed the Temple of Truth.

The eyes flickered, and Vivien's cheeks could be seen trembling.

He has not seen this appearance for too long, too long, so long that he will completely forget it.

"An Li."

He remembered the last farewell a long time ago.

He and An Li came to the island of mist together, wrapped the island with the power of life, and sank into the Moyuan Trench together.

At that time, An Li said to him: "Goodbye, sister!"

He remembered as if he had said something, as if he had promised something.

After thinking for a long time, he finally remembered.

At that time, the self who entered the reincarnation said to An Li in a blur of consciousness: "There is no need to see each other, haven't we been together all this time?"

"It has always been, and it will always be."

And An Li separated her own power with a smile, turned into a wisp of ghost and entered the Eye of True Knowledge, always by her side.

Vivien burst into tears suddenly. Perhaps it was this sentence that brought him to this era and kept him from getting lost in the eons.

Because he knows that someone is still waiting for him, always with him.

"That's right."

Across the era, the voices of the past seem to overlap with the present.

The Scarlet Goddess looked at the other party and said.

"It was in the past, and it will be in the future."

"We've always been together."

"Even if we cross the river of time, even if we pass through an era, nothing can separate us."

It's a pity that the shadow and the mythical spirit in front of him didn't respond.

The Scarlet Goddess stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to touch her.

But in the end, it passed through the transparent shadow, so the palm hung in the air for a long time.

She seemed unconscious and devoid of any emotion.

He just stared blankly at Vivien.

And Vivien had expected it, or knew it would be like this.

Specter is missing a crucial piece.

Her desires, consciousness, spirituality.

As a result, it looks a little sluggish.

And that part is in Vivien's hands, but Vivien will not integrate it into this prop.

In the last era, the apostle Anli broke up her own divine favor stone.

The part about knowledge and memory has already been stripped out by Anli herself, integrated into the Eye of True Knowledge, completely becoming a part of the prop, and also the main controlling spirit of this prop.

After all, An Li didn't expect that Vivien would become a **** one day.

All she knew was that it was over, so she said goodbye to Vivien at the last moment.

Later, the Eye of True Knowledge was shattered, and Vivien repaired it and restored it, and now it has pushed this prop to the status of myth.

Vivien touched the other's face, as if wanting to lift the blue hair.

At the same time, he said with a smile.

"Do not worry."

"Soon we will be able to really meet, and you will really wake up."

These words are not so much said to An Li, but rather He said to himself.

Because the one who is really anxious, the one who waits so desperately.

It is Himself.

The Scarlet Goddess straddled the mythical spirit and came to the remains guarded by it.

The blood shadow of his hand penetrated into the body of the slough, and when it was pulled out, it brought out a silver stone.

That is Anli's grace stone.

It's a pity that this stone symbolizing the apostles is full of cracks and a corner is missing.

It can be said that it has been broken and is no longer whole.

But fortunately, the part of spirituality, wisdom, and desire still remained in it, which gave Vivien a chance.

After getting the grace stone, Vivien told the mythical spirit to tell him her arrangement.

"You are An Li's memory, her soul."

"When the Eye of True Knowledge becomes a mythical tool, that's when An Li reincarnates."

"Because the reincarnation lost the part about memory, she can no longer remember the past."

"And you will reincarnate with the reincarnated person, stay by her side, tell her the memories of the past, and let her know everything about the past."


"Anli's reincarnated body will use your power to possess the authority of the myth, so as to explore her own path and find the path to the root of wisdom."

The mythical spirit turned around and looked at Vivien.

seems to be responding.


Leaving the kingdom of magic.

Vivien reappeared in the palace and opened her eyes.

Everything in the hall disappeared, and everything returned to the kingdom of the gods, turning into the realm of mythology.

But this is only the beginning, not the end.

Vivien made a huge plan, about An Li's resurrection, about Suinhor's future, about the fruit of wisdom, and even more distant times.

And the beginning of this series of plans is the appearance of the mythical props, the Eye of True Knowledge.


The door opened with a loud noise, heavy and piercing.

Vivien walked out of the Temple of Truth, and the outside was already crowded with people.

All the three-leaf symbionts came, waiting nervously outside the Temple of Truth.

A group of people came forward and greeted with concern.

"Master Vivien!"

"Master Vivien!"


Vivien glanced over, and finally fixed on Osis, and asked a question with concern.

"Osis, you're back."

Osis saluted respectfully: "Master Vivien, I'm back."

After raising his head, he hesitated.

I couldn't help asking again, and asked what everyone wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask directly.

"Did you... succeed?"

Vivien nodded while holding An Li's grace stone.

There was not much to say, but this nod made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and then cheered.

Everyone knows that this is very important, and they also know that this matter is not as simple as An Li's return. The eye of true knowledge turned into a myth has opened up the situation for today's stagnant pool, and let everyone see hope.

Vivien told them: "I'm going to leave next, and arrange all the next things."

Alpens and Smerkel looked at each other, and suddenly talked to Vivien about something.

"The era of the god-followed king is over, and the mortal king has also been born, and the power of the gods and the power of the king are being separated."

"But today's Suinhor, and today's temple believe in you."

"What will it be like in the future?"

Alpens knew Vivien's plan, and she wanted to push An Li to the position of a demigod, not a mythical prop.

For this reason, she created the mythical prop, the Eye of True Knowledge, and wanted Anli to use the power of this prop to make up for the lack of 250 million years.

This method is like Sukob becoming a **** by relying on the door of truth, and Olan using the door of desire to become a god.

Vivien is not a demigod of wisdom, but uses mythical props to achieve this goal.

Vivien wanted An Li to compete for one of the four fruits of wisdom as a demigod, and to compete for the position of the sovereign and true God.

In this way, new demigods will be born in the future.

And if you want a new **** to be born, you will naturally need new beliefs, accompanied by brand-new changes.

Vivien had already made up her mind, she looked at Alpens and said.

"All faith will be given to the new gods."

"The myth of blood and fire is over, and the rest is the era of water and blue."

Suinhall means blood and fire.

However, the last generation of God's King has returned, the era of blood and fire is over, and a new chapter belonging to Suinhor has also opened the curtain.

According to Vivien, she also wanted to let An Li successfully inherit her previous layout and all the beliefs she left behind through this change.

The Scarlet Goddess is a demigod of life power. If she is a demigod of wisdom and needs to choose servants from mortals, then Suinhall's belief actually has no practical effect on Vivien.

Vivien looked at the Divine Grace Stone in her hand, and said calmly.

"The old stories are a thing of the past."

"The new chapter is left to her to write by herself."

With one step forward, a miraculous prop full of fairy tales and dreams suddenly rushed out from the sea of ​​red flowers.

Magic wheel house.

Vivien got on the magic wheel house and followed the sea of ​​flowers to the world of mortals.

This time, Alpens and Smerkel did not accompany each other, because this time belonged to the red goddess and the future blue goddess in their eyes, and it was the time when the red and blue goddesses were alone hundreds of millions of years later.

All the Sanye people watched Vivien leave.

And Vivien sat in the magic wheel room, holding the grace stone and meditating.

The prototype of the Magic Wheel House is a three-wheeled trailer created by Vivien, on which there are countless memories between her and An Li.


Sue Hall.

Protect the fire city.

Recently, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the entire Suinhall. King Osis, who returned with a great victory, returned to the kingdom of God, and the new king, Morabi, ascended the throne.

But the new king is no longer the king of the gods, just an ordinary mortal.

It doesn't have the sanctity of the god-favored king at all.

Many Suinhol people could not accept such an existence that was not a **** to sit on the throne, and questioned Morabi's ascension to the throne.

Even if Morabi's throne was announced by King Osis in front of everyone.

At this moment in the city, many people prostrated themselves in front of the Fire Protection Temple, praying to the gods for a **** to descend into the world and inherit the position of the king of the gods.

"Only the gods can become kings." Someone shouted, knocking their heads on the ground and bleeding.

"Great god, please don't abandon us." Some people wept bitterly, as if they thought it was a symbol of the gods abandoning them.

"How can a mortal become the king of Suinhor?" People think that the king of Suinhor must be in the blood of the gods.

"Please let the favored of the gods come to the world!"

Some of these people really think so, while others have other purposes.

Since Morabi can sit on the throne as a mortal, then other people can naturally, and they think they can do better than Morabi, and their life experience is more glorious.

In the depths of the Fire Temple.

A group of **** attendants are surrounding their chief, telling him what's going on outside.

"There are more and more people coming, what should we do?"

The chief guardian of the fire was unmoved, but said to them.

"Believers express their piety to the gods, and tell their prayers and hearts to the gods."

"As God's servants, how can we stop it?"

Faced with this situation, the Huo Huo Temple not only just ignored it, but even contributed to it.

Because this method can strongly attack the kingship of King Meurabi and increase the influence of the Fire Temple.

Today, the Chief of the Temple of Fire Protection has recovered the right to appoint and remove the chief servants of most of the city's temples through the previous cooperation with King Osis and through the previous war, and has become the true controller of the faith in this place of faith.

The temples in various places that were originally scattered in the same pan were gradually integrated.

If those hidden gods don't appear, the chief of the Fire Protector Temple will become the spokesperson of the gods in the world.

And the end of the era of the king of the gods means that the king no longer has the holiness of the past, which means that in the land of Suinhor, there is nothing in the world that can press his head.

The chief of the Huohu Temple issued an order: "It is not allowed to drive them away. We should protect them and protect the devout believers of the gods in the world."

He turned around, and several followers followed immediately.

The Chief Divine Attendant continued, "Are you ready?"

The entourage nodded: "The letter has been delivered. Next month, all the chief **** attendants of the temple will arrive at the Fire Protection City and come to see you."

"Meet God's spokesperson in the world, and meet the head of God's shepherds in the world."

When the chief servant heard the last few words, waves appeared in his eyes.

"The head of the shepherd is a good word, did you think of it?"

Qin Sui said flatteringly: "My lord, I didn't think about it, but this word suddenly appeared in my mind."

"It's just that I feel that the title of Chief God Servant can no longer show your status in the world, nor can it express your respect."

"You are not only the chief **** attendant of the Fire Guardian Temple, but also a symbol of all temples and human beliefs."

The chief **** attendant of the Huohuo Temple showed strong desire and excitement in his eyes, and he recited silently.

"The Patriarch..."

The more you chew on the meaning of these two words, the more indescribable feeling and impulse come to your heart.

"Perhaps above the Chief God Attendant, there should be a greater title to refer to God's most devout believers and servants."

"Do you think so?"

The chief servant stopped, looked at everyone around him and asked.

Everyone immediately crawled down, facing the chief attendant.

No, salute to Suinhor's Patriarch.

"Yes, my lord patriarch."

The other party immediately laughed, but said on the mouth.

"In the end, it still needs the permission of the gods, and everything must follow the will of the gods."

"God's will is above everything else, and we are just His shepherds in the world."

Having said that, he has already made up his mind to determine his status at the next temple chief meeting.

At that time, he was no longer the head of the Fire Protection Temple, but the Patriarch of Suinhor, the Patriarch of the Crimson Goddess.

Although gods are great, gods have never intervened too much in human affairs.

Most of the prayers are actually not answered by the gods at all. For example, the chief successor of each temple has never been answered by the gods.

Moreover, he considers himself devout, willing to dedicate everything to the gods, and everything he does allows him to enjoy the glory of the Patriarch.

Controversy over kingship, changes in beliefs.

Everything is happening rapidly in Suinhall, and the contradictions are intensifying and evolving.

An invisible storm gathers in the ancient city of Flameguard City, but most people haven't fully noticed it yet.

the other side.

In an old castle in the Fire Protection City.

This castle is not tall and stalwart, and most of the buildings are not stone, but mud-mixed buildings; it doesn't look conspicuous and luxurious, but the area is not small.

There are mills, animal pens, pools, and triple iron gates inside, and it looks like a small fortress.

The castle has recently welcomed a new owner.

Volcano Lord Anu, a Lizardman.

Anu brought his people to live here, and has no plans to leave for the time being, he has some new ideas.

He summoned the other lizardmen to discuss in the hall about their future and whether they would stay or not.

"King Meurabi hopes that we can stay, and also promised that the lizardmen can form a guard army and pass it on from generation to generation."

"We, our descendants, will all stay in this city."

"In just a few generations, we will be fully integrated into this country and even accepted by everyone."

King Meurabi has just ascended the throne and urgently needs a strong force to support him.

While consolidating the legacy left by King Osis, King Meurabi wooed various forces.

And the Lizardman, who possesses strength and background, and has no entanglements with other forces, and is even shunned and isolated by all other forces, naturally becomes his most suitable partner.

Inside the hall.

All the lizard people talked a lot, sounding a little excited.

"King Osis is a good king. King Meurabi is the former palace minister, and he is also very capable. I think he can be trusted."

"It's not an option to hide in the volcanic forest all the time. I must come out in the future, right?"

"It may be time for us to take the first step."

But at this time, someone also said: "But the chief of the Fire Protector Temple has recently expanded his power very much, and he publicly expressed his disgust towards us and wanted to drive us out of Suinhall."

This disgust is not only because Anu and the others are lizardmen, but also because they believe in the Feathered Serpent Kurmis.

As the chief of the Fire Protection Temple, how could he tolerate this kind of thing.

Anu also frowned: "This is indeed a problem."

Just when everyone was hesitating whether to accept King Meurabi's invitation, two more lizardmen rushed over from the volcanic forest

Anu said in shock after listening to the message from the other party~lightnovelpub.net~.


"Master Kurmis was severely injured and fell into a deep sleep."

Anu has not returned to the volcanic forest recently, and after cutting off contact with Kurmis, Kurmis did not take the initiative to contact him again.

So he didn't know that after Kurmis killed Akmanmon II, he also suffered heavy injuries and fell into a deep sleep.

The lizardman told Anu: "Master Kurmis said before he fell asleep, let you come back, now we need you."

Anu stood up and said with some hesitation.

"However, when Master Kurmis asked me to come out, he ordered me to find a way to bring the Lizardman into Suinhor."

"And now is the best opportunity."

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