I Am God!

Chapter 452: "The Last Chapter"

The storm beat the sea furiously.

The shadow above the dark clouds pressed down from above the clouds, the huge face loomed behind the black clouds, the red eyes flashed with the thunder. The Scarlet Goddess stretched out her hand and took off the huge sealed flower. "Um"

But after checking, the gods found that the target inside had disappeared. This surprised the Scarlet Goddess, who had clearly locked on to her just now. "Run away" "How did you run away"

At present, the world knows that the fairyland of the door was born, and there are only two people who have the key and make the door.

One is the ancient puppet demon spirit Lei, and the other is the ceramic villain, so even the Scarlet Goddess doesn't know the existence of the portal. After thinking for a long time, I couldn't figure it out.

The Scarlet Goddess was a little regretful, but in the end she still couldn't compete for all the merits, and couldn't completely leave the villain and Xiao's behind.

After knowing that the ceramic villain carried Xiao's treasure house, he was even more sure that the ceramic villain had Xiao's back hand; although he didn't know what that back hand was. "It's ok."

"At least, I've got The Last Chapter back."

The bright red flower disintegrated from the hands of the gods, and the figure of the gods was once again hidden behind the dark clouds and storms, and gradually faded away. After the sealed flower was released, the ship that was originally frozen in the seal also slipped down and floated on the sea again.

The people on the boat also woke up one by one, but after waking up, they only saw that the overwhelming storm had dissipated, and there was a touch of red at the end of the sky. The drenched and terrified sailors recovered from the deck and cabin one by one, and looked around blankly, as if they couldn't believe that they could survive.

"We are still alive" everyone still couldn't believe it at first. "We're alive" then translates into affirmation and cheers. "Thank you God for your forgiveness!" Everyone prostrated themselves on the deck, kowtowed and prayed.

"Great Scarlet Goddess, thank you for your kindness." The captain of the Royal Navy thought that the evil deeds he had done before were discovered by the gods, so he incurred divine punishment. At this moment, he smashed his head, and the whole Everyone turned pale with fright.

Sea of ​​storms.

The **** of desire and alchemy is attached to Oran, the kingdom of the **** of truth and knowledge emerges above the sea of ​​clouds, the crimson goddess evolves into the body of a demon god, and the **** of demons spyes on the world through the dream world on the pyramid.

The gods suppressed the wind and all the waves above this sea area, and the sea surface was as calm as a mirror, and even the fish could not be seen. After getting the stone carving of "Queen of Stars and Angel Polo", the next step is naturally to exchange for the stone carving of "Blood of King Power" from the goblin. A silver leaf fell from a height, and finally merged with the calm sea.

Layers of ripples were set off and spread.

That power finally led to the dream of the fairy in the barter messenger lake, and the words emerged in the illusion. The introductions of each item of barter were constantly changing, and the Scarlet Goddess reached out and chose one of them. [Barter: Stone Carving "Blood of King Power"] [Quantity: 1] [Origin: Items from the island era bestowed by gods at the beginning of the first era.... 】

[Price: The stone carving of "The Queen of Stars and Angel Polo" or the first bone book of "The Epic of Heinsay" carved by Saint Tito. 】

On the other side, Iva, the **** of desire and alchemy, put down the stone carving of "The Queen of Stars and Messenger Polo" in his hand, allowing it to sink into the dream of the barter messenger. But when the Scarlet Goddess chose to barter the "Blood of King Power" stone carving, the power of the barter messenger immediately notified the current owner of the stone carving. The sea of ​​sunflowers in the land bestowed by the gods, within the fairy tale kingdom woven by threads. A big goblin looked towards the world. "Yeah, I found it."

The big goblin was sitting in a touring show car, and immediately stood up happily and jumped off the roof of the car. Turned into a starlight leading to the world.

On the sea surface of the Sea of ​​Storms, before the stone carving of "The Queen of Stars and Messenger Polo" fell into the barter dream, a strong golden light burst out. Layers of light turned the vortex ripples created by the leaves into gold, and a figure pierced through the vortex, grabbing the stone carving of "The Queen of Stars and Messenger Polo". The figure circled in the air, holding the stone carving high and standing on the sea. "Sure enough, it's still there.

"I knew you would go home again, Master Poluo's stone carving." The existences surrounding this sea area also stared at that figure one by one.

All he saw was the other party's blond hair, bright golden eyes, and the characteristic smock of the goblin clan, with the imprint of praying light shining on the smock. And she is carrying a backpack on her back, which is filled with ball dolls of various colors, which seems to represent her power characteristics.

This strange life seems unreal, as if it should not belong to reality, and the golden light gives people a sense of eternal and indelible power.

The goblins have long been the praying spirits of Sheila, the lord of dreams, and they are often close to the creator Insai, so they naturally have a part of the almost eternal breath attached to them.

Polik standing in front of the gate of truth is a creature living in the sea of ​​sunflowers. "Vivien seems to recognize the other party, the other party seems to be a long time ago

She came to the world, and met her teacher Lan En: "Is that the messenger of the Creator?" And Iva looked at the goblin and recognized her even more, "It's Simila!" Mila. Simila was very happy holding the stone carving.

It is easy for an existence like **** to be immersed in its own world, and then turn a blind eye to everything outside, even if it is a big goblin. So at this moment, I saw Simila holding the stone carving with a look of joy, and flew over the sea for a long time before stopping. Finally, she calmed down.

He looked at the crowd, and then called out their identities and names one by one.

Then Simila flipped through her backpack and took out the oldest stone carving that was born in ancient times and at the beginning of the first era. Dangdangdangdang, you want this!"

Its appearance is not as earth-shattering as the artifact, but it is accompanied by the calls and prayers of countless Sanye people. At the same time, it instantly touched everyone's hearts, causing everyone present to stand in awe. "God said~" "God said~" "Blood descendant of kingship...God grants kingship..."

"God gave us everything, the king gave us the power of wisdom..."The troll is the throne..."

The voice of the Sanye people from the first era echoed in my ears, coming through the ancient times.

They looked at the outline of the stone slab, as if they saw the ancient and wild land bestowed by the gods, and they saw the pyramid temple. I saw the **** king and the princes standing on the other side of the long river of time

Behold them, and see the kings of Hiinsay and their ancestors, and see the beginning and end of all wisdom. Everyone showed various expressions at the same time, especially Elena, the **** of demons, and Vivien, the goddess of scarlet, they involuntarily moved closer.

Simila took the stone carving and asked, "But who should I give it to?" This is a very difficult question. They can use the stone carving of "Blood of King Power" as a witness to conclude the contract of the gods, so who will get this stone carving in the end? Keep it? Who is qualified to keep it?

Unlike "The Last Chapter", it is a saint's thing and naturally belongs to the Temple of Truth.

However, the stone inscription "Blood of King Power" does not belong to the Temple of Truth. When it was born, the first generation of saints had not yet been born, and the great poet Tito was born in the age of the Queen of Stars. And in order to get it, everyone has contributed.

The God of Desire first proposed the contract of the gods and then contacted the gods. The door of truth blocked the way out of the ceramic villain, and the followers of the Scarlet Goddess blocked the ceramic villain. : "After the contract is concluded, we should send it back to the Sky Temple." God Iva glanced at Elena, the God of Demons and Spirits, and finally landed on Vivien, the Scarlet Goddess. King Jesser built the Sky Temple, where all the endless ancestors of the kings of the past were buried. "

"There is the "Hinsay Epic", the "Hymn of the King of Wisdom", and the slate of words brought back by the saints from the land given by the gods." "It was enshrined in the temple, and it is time to send it back. "

But the Scarlet Goddess kept her gaze fixed on the stone carving of "Blood of King Power". After hearing God Iva's words, the priest came back to his senses and looked at him suddenly. "Send it back"

The Scarlet Woman seemed a little excited and couldn't accept Iva's proposal at all. "We took it back with great difficulty, and finally found it." "Send it back like this"

"It bears witness to our past, to who we are."

"It can prove our origin, it has witnessed the birth and glory of the Sanye people, and it has recorded our origin.'

The scarlet goddess became more and more excited as she spoke, some fears and obsessions in her heart poured out from the words: "I have become a species of life, you have become a cup of desire, A Sai has long been transformed into Wisps of ghosts, Xiao that guy has long since abandoned the dignity and everything of the Sanye people.

Vivien looked around at everyone—looking at their appearances: "As well as Ms. Elena, you and the people of the Demon Abyss have long been turned into puppets over the years." "What else do we have?" Tell me, what else do we have?"

"We have lost everything, we have nothing left." "Apart from these, what else do we have?" Finally, the Scarlet Goddess pointed at Iva. Ivar, or should I still call you Prince of Whistle of the Hussen family of royal blood, "Of course you don't care."

"You have become gods, and you don't have to care about everything you used to do." The voice of the Scarlet Goddess was cold, "So these should be forgotten." "Just put it in the Sky Temple, and then it will be buried in the tomb." "yes!"

"Anyway, the Sanye people are gone, and the blood has been completely cut off."

Speaking of this, his excitement is almost uncontrollable. "But I can't forget, and neither can the Temple of Truth." We are Sanye people, and we are Heinsay. Before the gods' contract was signed, disputes began among the gods, for the stone carving of "Blood of King Power". It seems that compared to it, the gods' contract and those human affairs are not worth mentioning, and they are not important things. Elena, the God of Devil Spirits, listened quietly to the words of the Scarlet Goddess, and looked at the robe with sharp eyes. Elena "Who said I don't care."

Like Vivien, Elena also wanted to leave the stone carving of "Blood of King Power".

The stone inscriptions record not only the ancestors of the Sanye people, but also the ancestors of the people of the Moyuan, among the figures kneeling in the palace of wisdom to receive the gift of the original power. Elena wants to see the picture on the stone carving more than anyone else, to see the figure of their ancestors, to witness the story and picture of the beginning of everything. Go and testify that they too are descendants of the King of Wisdom.

Proof that they have Ledericy blood in their veins. Thinking of this, Elena, the devil god, couldn't help but took a step forward and approached the human world. The two faces of reality and illusion overlap, one is as cold as iron, and the other is arrogant and majestic. When he spoke, the two voices interlaced, giving people a sense of mystery. "You are right, it should be kept." "Leave it in the world, and I will take care of it."

"This stone carving bears witness to the true origins of the people of Demon Abyss. It proves that we are also the descendants of the **** king, and we need it." As for the gods' contract! "As much land of belief as you want, it's all yours."

Elena is the **** of monsters and demon spirits, so she doesn't really care too much about the contracts of the gods. All she cares about is this stone carving. The Scarlet Goddess will not back down, "No, this is the sacred object of the Sanye people." Elena, the God of Demon Spirits, "You already have the "Last Chapter"." For a moment, they were deadlocked there. Under the door of truth, the ghost Polik also spoke. Although the Crimson Goddess is a god, she is not Poric's god.

Although Polik was also a student of the Temple of Truth, he was expelled from the Temple of Truth long ago. At that time, the Temple of Truth also abolished his power because of some of his taboo experiments. The item of the temple belongs to the lineage of the royal blood." "Even if it is kept, it should not be kept by you." Sir Fei Yao. ""You have neither kingship nor direct blood of the King of Wisdom. "

Scarlet Goddess "Don't say that Asai is asleep, even if he is awake, does he dare to admit that he is a descendant of the royal blood?"

"Does he dare to admit that he is that Anjofus?" "He is also qualified to take charge of the stone carving of "Blood of Kings"?" Does he dare to face the things he has done?" The goddess of red was born in Anchangfusi The age after, and when all said Anhofus was dead,

Compared with Anhofus, a dead person in history, she feels more hatred and guilt towards Xiao, but this does not mean that she has any good feelings for Asai.

All of a sudden, the swords of the gods seemed to be on the verge of breaking out. They wanted to fight for the stone carving of "Blood of King Power". Are you going to fight over this slab?"

As soon as the goblin spoke, more than half of the originally tense atmosphere dissipated in an instant. Only then did everyone remember that the Creator's emissary, the goblin, was watching them.

The big goblin holding the stone carving couldn't understand at all, and couldn't understand how these people became like this. The goblin put away the stone carvings suspiciously, and said to the gods and spokespersons present. It looks like you haven't decided yet. "Then come to me after you have made a decision." Simila the goblin opened the door, ready to return to the dream world. But before leaving, she turned her head and looked at the gods on earth. Do you really remember that you are a descendant of Led Leakey?"

"I've seen Sanderan, and I've seen Tito and Stan." They're not like you. "Finally, the goblin left.

The gods fell silent, but the **** of desire and alchemy spoke.

"That's it, let's go back and think about it." After the decision is made, we will conclude the contract with the gods. The gods left the stage one by one, and the abnormality above the sea gradually recovered. The sea breeze blows from afar, setting off layers of fine waves. The kingdom of blood in the deep sea. The red-haired **** sat on the throne, and she looked absently at the four walls of the Temple of Truth. Looking at the reliefs and bone books on the wall.

It was left by the apprentices of the Temple of Truth throughout the ages, and it is the exploration of power and authority by the Sanye people throughout the ages.

Looking at these bone books and stone carvings, one can see the inheritance of Sanye people from generation to generation, one after another, seemingly never ending and stopping. Vivien considered herself the heir to the will of the saints. She is the guardian of Sinnsay. At the same time, she is also a devout believer of Insai God.

She thinks that she has been on the right path, and she has indeed given her all for Xiyin Sai and the Temple of Truth, and she puts Xiyin Sai and the Sanye people's inheritance above herself. She sacrificed almost everything to bring the Sanye people to this era. Although it is in the form of life species.

But that was already the limit of what she could do, and it was the end that she finally reached after giving everything. As soon as people calm down, they start thinking and recalling the past.

And recently, what the Scarlet Goddess cares most about is naturally the stone carving of "Blood of King Power", which is the inheritance and continuation of Heinsay, and An Li's reincarnation. Also, she passed by the Creator's car and couldn't see it.

And the latter made the Scarlet Goddess Vivien feel restless, even panic, fear, and worry. "Why"

This time I failed to meet the Creator"

She was always thinking, did she do something wrong? Or was she not qualified, or was she not doing well enough? Suddenly she remembered the words of the fairy Simila. "Do you really remember that you're descended from Ledleigh? 'I've seen Sanderan, and I've seen Tito and Stan." They're not like you. ’ The Scarlet Goddess stood up from the throne, and she chanted the ancient names one after another. "Sang De'an, the first generation of sages."

The Miraculous Saint Stan "The Great Poet Tito"

The former is the founder of the Temple of Truth, while the latter two are not only recorded in epics, but also in myths. Even in the genealogy map of the supreme gods of the Temple of Truth, they kneel under the temple of the pyramid. They are saints who perpetuate myths and beliefs. A saint sanctioned by the Creator. The Scarlet Goddess walked out of the Temple of Truth little by little, and walked down the stairs.

The whole country of blood is in chaos, because all the three-leaf symbionts have gathered under the lighthouse, watching the light emitted by the sacred object that was re-enshrined on the lighthouse. "The "Last Chapter" written by the great poet Tito, Mr. Fei Yao finally found it." Did you hear that voice? "Have you heard that voice?" That was the voice of the scholars of the Temple of Truth through the ages. It is the will of the saints. "It wasn't until the Scarlet Goddess came from behind that all the three-leaf symbionts discovered her. Lord Vivien." Lord Jiali is here. "

The three-leaf symbionts gave way one after another, but Vivien didn't speak. She just looked up at the light and walked up to the lighthouse little by little. Vivien came to the top floor of the lighthouse and picked up "The Last Chapter" with her own hands. In his memory, such things have been enshrined on the lighthouse.

Because it is a holy object, and because it records the secrets of the Creator, no one dares to touch it, let alone take it down. Therefore Vivien opened it for the first time. She wants to explore the world of saints and their will.

She wanted to know what the saints were like, what did the former saints say to God? And how did God respond? She thought for a long time.

She slowly untied the rope, slowly opened the bone book, and looked at the chapters of the ancient times gathered by this ancient wisdom text. The story begins in a garden hermitage by the sea, where the Star Queen died. That was the end of her journey with Polo. The protagonist of the story is a poet who believes in fate.

The great poet Tiba was born into a family of mapmakers, and his mother was a descendant of the Royal Shiron family, but he didn't want to inherit the family business, but wanted to become a person.

So he began to write the "Hinsay Epic", preparing to record the history from Jesser to the Queen of Stars. He is also a devout believer, and he believes in fate very much. He believes that the Creator has arranged everything in the dark. He read through every word of God in the "Oath of King Ledlich", thus seeing the greatness and wisdom of the gods. The gods have already seen everything that is going to happen and what hasn't happened in the dark, and they have already issued warnings. therefore.

He firmly believes that his becoming a poet is also destiny. And everything is the choice of fate, that is to say, Yin Sai's will and fate will lead him to complete the work, and fate will guide him to find the past of Yin Sai and retrieve everything lost by the Sanye people. Seeing this, the Scarlet Goddess was at a loss.

Because she suddenly saw her shadow in the great poet Tito. They are all looking back, to find what was lost. "The great poet Tito." "Saints"

"Did you finally find it?"

The Scarlet Goddess suddenly felt that opening it was the right thing to do.

Perhaps, there is also a destiny guiding him in the dark.

Vivien continued to look, and saw that the great poet Tito met the Queen of Stars and Polo, the Messenger of God.

However, the poet Tito finally finished writing the story, but the Queen of Stars died on the eve of the eve. In the end, the **** Polo affirmed the last chapter of Tito's "Hinsay Epic".

She had heard all this before, but the story that followed was different from what she knew.

The oracle Polo finished reading "The Epic of Heinsey" and asked Tito if he wanted to write a myth about Ledlich.

And it was also from this time that Tito came up with the idea of ​​going to the land bestowed by God.

Tito firmly believes that this is God's guidance, guiding him to the hometown and origin of the Sanye people, and to the kingdom of the Creator.

Only then did Vivien know that "it turns out that the idea of ​​the great poet Tito writing "The Psalm of the King of Wisdom" was told to him by the angel Polo."

What happened next was unheard of.

Because of the demise of the Star Queen, the gods made Polo fall into broken dreams.

Dream creatures like goblins have an unimaginably long lifespan and miraculous power, but once the dream is broken, it means that they are on their way home.

It is written in the bone book that God caused Polo to embrace the Queen of Stars and transform into the Star Sea and Milky Way. Polo left behind the dream of the Queen of Stars becoming after death. That may be the oldest dream of life, and it is also the first dream of life.

Seeing the story of the two, Vivien felt a touch of emotion in her heart. He couldn't help but read out the contents of the bone book.

【I saw God turning Polo into a sea of ​​stars, and a murmuring voice came from the sky: "Unfortunately, I didn't see God for the last time."】

【But then, the voice became high again, as if with a contented smile: "I'm sorry, God, but Polo won't be able to travel with you in the end."】

Vivien faintly guessed: "What did he see, is it the Creator?"

It's not written in the book, and even the great poet Tito didn't know about it. The only ones who know may be the Creator and Polo himself.

Vivien continued to read, but the scene described in the bone book made Vivien stand up immediately.

Vivien was shocked, and even couldn't believe it.

Because it is written in the bone book, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com God made Polo annihilated and turned into a divine weapon, a golden cup engraved with the pattern of dreams, the imprint of the sun and stars.

The great poet Tito went to the land given by the gods to meet the gods not only to retrieve everything he had once written "The Psalm of the King of Wisdom", but also to send the cup of gods to the hands of the creator. "God's Cup"

"Is the God's Cup born from the envoy Polo?" Vivien looked away and looked outside the lighthouse. There was shock and thought in her eyes.

"Why is the root artifact of the dream born from the **** envoy Polo?"

Vivien faintly sensed something, or discovered the truth lost in the ancient years.

Polo, the envoy of God, may not be an ordinary elf. All elves are called the messenger of the Creator, and he may be the special one among them.


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