I Am God!

Chapter 456: Who is going to send the leaves of the

Anu came to the king's office with a wooden box.

Most of the snake people's ladders have no thresholds, just a **** with patterns, like some ladders upstairs and downstairs, they are simply a special column. However, Anu the Lizardman still walked very steadily and climbed to the heights step by step. The guard in front of the royal official saw him, turned his head and walked over: Commander Anu. Anu nodded and said, "Is His Majesty the King there? The royal guard:" I'll go in and report. Anu thanked him, then stood up straight and waited outside

The other noble ministers who were waiting outside the door also looked over and looked at this alien with a completely different appearance and shape. This lizard man was wearing a collar armor and a cloak, with a sword on his waist. His spirit was not a bit decadent, and he even had an indescribable temperament.

It's not surprising that Anu seems to be heroic and capable. The generals who lead troops have this kind of temperament, but it is strange that the other party does not have the common feeling of generals and powerful people, which is rare.

He came from humble beginnings, but what happened over the years changed him forever.

He encountered a great change and led a group of Lizard people to develop their homeland. After the war of ghouls, he sealed the king of ghouls with the previous generation of kings. Created the Demon Knight profession, established the Guard Corps, and participated in the conclusion of the contract of the gods.

It can be said that there are few people in the world who can have such an experience as him, and it has also allowed him to transform a little bit and have a temperament and self-confidence unique to him.

He came from a humble background, followed great changes, but everything went smoothly. He had seen all kinds of powerful beings and even gods. This made Henu powerful but not arrogant. He was in a high position but still maintained a simple spirit, and it was smooth sailing. Naturally, he has dreams that may be unrealistic in the eyes of ordinary people. It didn't take long for the guards to come out from the inside." The king asked you to go in directly to meet him. Anu entered the royal official directly, causing a lot of discussion among the people who were still waiting outside.

After entering a room, you can see that King Morabi is signing a decree with a pen behind a long table.

Anu holds the box and salutes "His Majesty the King"

King Morabi immediately noticed the wooden box that Anu was holding. "This is what Anu opened the box, and there was a small fragment inside." King, it was a fragment of a small ceramic figure.

Anu used the power of the spiritual spell to find this fragment of the ceramic villain from the sea. It was one of the fragments that the ceramic villain threw out as a bait to escape. That monster is not simple, the gods finally let it escape.

There was such a big commotion on the entire Sehe Giant Island. Although the goal was finally achieved, it failed to really catch the ceramic villain, and even the gods did not know where it escaped in the end.

But with a high probability, it should not be the giant bird of Sehe.

The Crimson Goddess once gave an oracle, and whoever can find the ceramic villain can meet him and make a request, although no one succeeded in the end, and now the oracle still works.

Anu now finds the fragment of this ceramic villain, and if he can dedicate it to the Crimson Goddess, he will surely please the gods.

But Anu was not a follower of the Crimson Goddess, and the oracle didn't work for him; so he brought the shard and made King Morabi offer it to the Crimson Goddess. King Morabi got up the moment he saw the fragment, hurried out from behind the table, and came to Anu.

He stretched out his hand, took the box and looked at the hair carefully. Seems to confirm whether such a thing is true. After a while, the real Rabbi King burst into laughter. "Lord Anu!

"I am amazed by what you have done.

He looked away from the fragments and looked at Anu the Lizard. "It's not easy to find something like this!

King Morabi knew that before closing Monroe, he rode the Fire Keeper with a wisp of ceramic villain's breath and finally got into the terrible tornado, and almost didn't come back alive. When the ceramic villain dropped these two pieces, he had no good intentions. He just wanted to lead those who were looking for it into the dead. Anu did not go all the way into a field where gravity was out of control for himself, and was almost torn apart by gravity before finally finding this piece of debris.

"Nothing, I promised you that I would do everything in my power to find the ceramic villain." Unfortunately, I couldn't catch it in the end, and all I could get was this kind of thing. King Morabi looked at the shards again, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Even King Yingrabi didn't think that it was just a promise that he would try his best, and Anu would really go all over the sea to find this piece of debris and take the risk of trespassing. "The goddess and the Evil God of Original Sin are mortal enemies, and the ceramic villain is the servant of the Evil God of Original Sin. It hides a very important secret, and the goddess never gives up looking for it.

"With this fragment, the gods will surely lower their gazes on the world.

The important thing is not to lower your eyes for the world, but to lower your eyes for him.

King Morabi looked at Anu "What reward do you want?

Anu took advantage of the situation and put forward a request. He hoped to build temples to worship and worship Feathered Serpent in Lime City and Meiya City.

"I heard that the king has agreed to other **** believers from the north to build the Temple of Knowledge and the Temple of Miracles, and has recognized the status of the Temple of Moonlight. I hope that the **** of feathers will also be recognized by Suintel.

The two beliefs of the **** of knowledge and the **** of desire are extremely powerful. There are many believers under the Purple God, and they are not comparable to the feathered **** Kulmis.

After the contract of the gods was signed, it was unstoppable for them to enter Suinhol.

However, if Anu wanted to build a temple for the Quetzalcoatl God Kulmis in Suinhor, he still had to get the approval of King Morabi.

Before, King Morabi promised Anu that as long as he found a ceramic villain, he could pass on the belief in the **** of feather dug. At present, he can only find drunken films, so he does not know whether King Morabi will agree. King Morabi fell into contemplation" Temple of the Harvest

King Morabi raised his head and looked at Anu with his eyes, and Anu immediately saluted. "Anu

King Morabi smiled and said the long-awaited answer from Anu. "Can.

Anu was thrilled" Thank you, just and merciful King Morabi.

Morabi picked up his hand and said to Anu, "But since you want to spread belief among the snake people, the **** servants in the temple should also have more snake people, and more snake people are needed. Hire a knight.

And Morabi waved his hand generously: "And how can two temples be enough, you can successfully pass on your beliefs in Suindra and have the same treatment as the voice of knowledge, the temple of desire, the law union, and the tower guards. .

"What I need is that you can bring more magic knights and more potion plants.

Anu" Of course, that's what we want as well.

The king asked again, "I have promised you here, Feathered Serpent God and other gods have the same belief.

"Can you let the snake people also enter the Feathered Serpent God Jinyu Pagoda to visit the Feathered Serpent God?

"Since they are all believers, then naturally they should not be treated differently." Anu suddenly frowned. "This" is not something I can call the shots now.

What Anu meant was that only the Quetzalcoatl God Kulmis could decide.

However, Kurmis has not recovered from the injury and is still sleeping. King Morabi looked at Anu's eyes, then smiled, didn't answer and insisted on going.

"I'm just telling you, if you really want to spread the belief in Feathered Serpent, you shouldn't favor one over the other.

"However, how to do it depends on you. After all, you are the spokesperson of Feathered Serpent God, aren't you? The tall Zheji bowed his head to express his gratitude." I understand what you mean, King Morabi.

King Morabi went on to talk to Anu about the details of the magic knight's power.

About the potion plant, about the melding spell seal, about the future harvest temple.

In the end, Morabi asked Anu's ideals: "What will the temple of harvest in your dreams look like? Of course Anu thought about these questions, and he told King Morabi: "The word for harvest is Yu. Zombies and my ideals.

"People can't live without food, people need a good harvest.

"And Lord Kurmis can bring a bumper harvest and food to everyone. When the Feathered Serpent God re-emerges in this world, I believe that there will be no more people who suffer from hunger. The face of this lizard man is unexpectedly He showed a bright smile, and then repeated his words again.

"I believe it will be so.

King Morabi also applauded." I am also looking forward to that day at the Fire Temple.

King Morabi came to the temple with the fragments of the ceramic villain, and Monroe, who received him, was very unwilling. He exhausted all his strength and could not find anything, but finally the other party found it.

However, King Morabi finally chose to sacrifice it to the gods with him. As a price, the Fire Temple has many things.

Concessions were made.

The flaming dance fire was burning, and King Morabi and Monroe were preparing on one side.

King Morabi asked Monroe "The covenant of the gods is concluded, and the faith of the gods will flow into Suinhol.

"And all this is agreed by the goddess, do you think you are wrong?

The gods couldn't be wrong, so of course Monroe was wrong.

King Morabi's words are a trap. If he says he is wrong, it will have an impact on everything he does in the future.

Of course, if Monroe dared to say that the gods were wrong, King Morabi would laugh crookedly.

But of course Monroe wouldn't be fooled, and he snapped at him in his trademark hoarse voice.

"Of course God can't be wrong.

"What God wants is the future, and what God wants is the whole world.

Of course Monroe would not admit that he was wrong, and he glared at King Chamorabi.

"And what we should do is to protect God's current place of faith, and then fight for more places of faith for God.

"There are no other gods' beliefs pouring into Suintrail, those pagan believers will be unable to move in Suintrael, Suinhol will always belong to the Crimson Goddess.

"This is our opportunity to open up more places of faith.

This is Monroe, after a few days of heartbroken prayers, finally understood the true meaning of the oracle after a thorough understanding.

King Morabi was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Monroe to come back.

But after the surprise, he was also very happy. The representative, Monroe, did not give up competing with the other two gods for faith. He was very resistant to the other two gods entering Suyuan Hall to pass on their beliefs, which was exactly what he wanted to see. .

As long as the other two gods hold back Monroe, no one can affect his status anymore. The two people who didn't like each other ended their conversation, and then came to pray to the gods under the waiting fire.

A large number of clergymen holding holy scriptures sang hymns, and the snake girl danced under the fire.

After the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the gods, the two offered a series of sacrifices to the Crimson Goddess.

The other sacrifices did not respond, but when the "ceramic villain fragments" were finally offered, there was movement in the raging fire. A blood-colored flower bloomed in the flames, covering the shard.

Immediately after.

In the eyes of Morabi and Monroe, the whole world has changed.

The two snake men under the dancing fire saw countless blood-colored flowers in full bloom. The two knelt in the sea of ​​​​flowers and found a figure like a demon walking down from an ancient lighthouse and looked down at them.

The lighthouse kept preaching the ancient sacred voice, but they had no idea what that voice meant.

As soon as Morabi saw this sea of ​​flowers and lighthouse, he immediately understood something.

He bowed his head and worshipped: "The great crimson goddess, Morabi, the king of Suinhor, your followers offer the highest respect and devotion to Yu.

On the contrary, Patriarch Monroe did not respond for a long time, and stayed there in a daze.

He opened his mouth wide and muttered to himself. Code.

"God himself called me.

The voice of the Crimson Goddess came from a height, and the stalwart existence like a demon **** cast his gaze on the two of them at this moment.

"I'm very pleased that you found the fragments of Tao Zi's villain.

"But you have not fulfilled my oracle, so you are not qualified to ask me.

"As a reward, I decided to meet you." To answer your doubts and questions.

Monroe's reaction was very slow just now, but now he is the one who can't wait. He quickly crawled forward a few steps, and then fell on the ground.

He buried his head deeply on the ground, and asked with a little trembling when he spoke with excitement.

"The great crimson goddess, the first ancestor of blood.

"Your patriarch listens to your oracles and waits for your guidance

"There's nothing wrong with Monroe, all he does is want to be able to truly follow Yuu's will.

The Crimson Goddess said to the mad believer, "You're doing well, Monroe.

"I once promised you that after you die, you will eventually return to the kingdom of God and be with God forever.

"The kingdom of magic has already arranged a place for you, and when your mission is over, someone will come to pick you up to go to the kingdom of God.

Patriarch Monroe burst into tears.

He didn't have anything to ask, he only wanted to do now.

Keep the pool of faith for the Crimson Goddess, and then open up more places of faith.

"thank God!

"God, I can do better.

"Your receivers will keep the place of your faith for you

"Scarlet Goddess said lightly, "I see.

In the high voice of excitement that could not be suppressed, Monroe's figure faded little by little.

King Morabi had been silent before, but now he saw the gaze of the gods looking at him before he spoke.


"Where should Suinhol go in the future?" Morabi hopes you can give me guidance

The Crimson Goddess did not give Morabi the guidance she wanted, but just said, "You are the king of Suinhol.

Morabi didn't expect the answer from the gods to be like this. And he thought to a deeper level, what does the **** mean?

Did the gods completely ignore Suinhoor, or did the world really only belong to the king in the future, and the gods only needed temples to provide faith.

When his head was congested, he unexpectedly asked a question that was arrogant or even betrayed his beliefs.

"Great Crimson Goddess.

"It is said in the contract of the gods that mortals can freely choose their own beliefs.


He paused, then finally asked. "What about the royal families and consuls of various countries?

The **** did not get angry at Morabi's question, but asked him calmly.

"Aren't you mortals, please don't spread the word, don't spread the word

In a word, let Morabi stand on the spot. All fall in love.

Patriarch Monroe still kowtowed under the dancing fire with tears in his eyes and was deeply moved.

But Morabi looked up at the sky, as if the shadow of the devil was still there, with a shocked expression on his face.

Morabi still felt scared, he didn't know how he dared to ask that question.

In other words, that question had been hidden in his heart for a long time and only dared to ask it now.

And what Morabi didn't expect was that. The will of the gods is like this.

"Gods don't care," he said to himself, and he didn't care at all.

"Yeah, I don't care at all. I just enjoy the content

But after thinking about it, it seems that the gods should be like this.

Everything you care about is nothing before the gods. As a king, he is also just a mortal in the eyes of God,

He is only the king of Suinhor, not the king of the gods.

After King Morabi kowtowed, he slowly stood up from the waiting fire, turned around and left from the Fire Protection Temple.

As he came down the stairs, he whispered.

"The era of the King of God's Favor is really over, and all I represent is kingship.

A mortal king created a kingdom of gods.

In the Fairy Lake, the huge initial fantasy vine connects the Dreamland Continent and the Fantasy Star Sea, while the fairies in the lake live by the lake, and the lake is surrounded by a dense forest of rainbow trees.

Today, the great barter messengers are watching another conference, and all the fairies in the lake have gathered.

Some were lying on the rocks by the lake, some were swimming in the water, and some were standing on the shore talking.

At this moment, everyone is discussing whether all the targets have received the leaves of the Dream Vine.

The eldest fairy in the lake asked, "Is there anything else I haven't sent?

Immediately, the fairies spoke one after another, telling the other party which places were not delivered.

"And the abyss!" And purgatory!

"And there's no wingman either.

The messenger who created the kingdom of God does not distinguish between righteousness and evil, and all gods, gods, and apostles will send one copy.

The same is true for the abyss and purgatory. As for the winged man, it was because the distance was too far.

When the gods' messenger, the fairy in the forest sent rainbow branches, they also sent them to the abyss.

It's just that Meld, the fallen angel who was the Lord of the Abyss at that time, did not choose to accept it, but expelled the messengers of the gods.

The eldest fairy in the lake immediately asked everyone, "Who would like to send it over?"

The fairies in the lake talked a lot, and then someone raised their hand. "I want to go to the winged man.

"I also want to go to the winged man." What is the winged man's side like?

The eldest fairy asked, "Does anyone want to go to the abyss?

The chatter stopped in the summer, and all the fairies in the lake showed the same expression: "No.

It's not that the abyss is too scary or evil, more importantly, the metaphor of a panting storage fairy is not very good, so the fairies in the lake stay away

The eldest fairy in the lake saw that no one chose purgatory and abyss, and immediately said: "Since everyone doesn't want to go to purgatory and abyss, let's play big roulette.

"Whoever wins, let him pass.

Big roulette is a kind of game, and the goblins often hold various pranks, and whoever is drawn has to do what.

The fairies in the lake borrowed the big roulette this time, and divided it into four pieces. The one that occupies 70% is not to go. The rest are the three options of abyss, purgatory, and bright land.

The fairies in the lake turned the roulette one by one. When they saw the pointer turned to the abyss, they were very scared, and when they turned to the bright place, they showed a surprised expression.

Soon, someone was drawn to the Land of Light.

"I'm going to Xiren's side to go to Tang to see the legendary envoy of the sky." A fairy in the lake raised her hand high, and seemed to be looking forward to it.

"How did you get there?" The fairies in the lake had not traveled so far.

"You can take a ride on the sacred boat, find the coordinates of the tree hole in the land of light, and then drill out of the tree hole." The fairies who lent them Renren Ying suggested.

"Be careful when choosing a tree hole, choose an adult tree, and don't get stuck like the one in San Rafael." Some goblins are full of bad thoughts. A certain fairy next to him got excited and shouted loudly. shouted

"I didn't." All false.

"I've never been stuck.

The goblins flew over immediately, pulling their eyelids at the corners of their clothes. "slightly.

"Have seen the Cup of Desire in the Garden of Miracles of the Sky, just ask them.

San Rafael lifted his mouth and said in a low voice. "It's not that I'm stuck.

"It was the box that was too big, or the box was stuck. However, the fairies' proposal was immediately rejected.

Because only their family can drill through the tree holes of the fairies in the forest, the fairies in the lake have no authority over space.

"Only fairies in the forest can drill tree holes, this method is not good." The fairies in the lake said that fairies are unreliable.

"You don't have to go at all, just send it directly to the other party." The storage fairy who watched the excitement became unusually smart, and raised her hand and said loudly.

The fairy in the lake, who had just been drawn to Xiren's Bright Land, collapsed immediately, looking at the warm-hearted sister Saint Raphael in shock.

"ah" sent

Isn't this a white draw?

The other fairies in the lake also suddenly reacted and talked a lot.


"There is also a rainbow tree over there with the winged man." Just send it over there.

So the eldest fairy in the lake made a mistake on the bright land on the big roulette and declared it invalid.

There is no need to go to the land of light, but the remaining abyss and refining

The prison can't send it, and can only send it in person.

The rest of the fairies in the lake challenged the big roulette in a frightening manner, and those who didn't win cheered, but the unlucky ones would still appear after all.

The two unlucky fairies were drawn and headed to the abyss and purgatory respectively.

The two fairies in the lake reluctantly set out from the Kingdom of Dispatching Objects, and took a ride on the sacred boat to slowly come to the vicinity of the abyss.

The two of them held hands and came to the dark dome with a shattered gap. After throwing down a few Dream Vine leaves, they immediately fled away with their noses in their heads.

Running and shouting. "what

"Run, Sister San Rafael said they like to splash people with smelly black mud.

"Don't let them see the two of us.

The silver leaf turned into starlight, and fell into the abyss of the famous layer, and another fell into the core of the abyss.

The dark abyss.

On the red-hot metal throne, a terrifying charred corpse caught the starlight passing by the palace.

The moment he grabbed it, he knew what he was holding

"Fantasy Leaf

The King of Fury, Dark Moon, tried it immediately and found all kinds of barter in the dream of the barter messenger.

But the moment Mao reached these dreams of bartering, he wanted to understand another thing, how did the previous King Ossis get rid of the seal crown of Ackermanmon, the ghoul king. new

"It turned out that Osis got the things away through the dream of the fairies in the lake.

Sure enough, he quickly found it.

It's just that in the line of price, he can't see anything "The shedding of the king of **** xxx

Although the king of Yan anger was puzzled, UU read www. But uukanshu.com probably understands that it is difficult for him to get back such things in the short term.

Who can rob things from the hands of the barter.

At this time, a vengeful fire corpse appeared out of the raging fire, howling, and then hugged Soruo's chain and walked towards the palace of the king of rage.

Finally, he came to the King of Rage.

He was a human being of the followers of the Lord of Rage, and at this moment he brought a very important news to Darkmoon.


"I found the news you want, Ackermanmon, the ghoul king, appeared in the volcanic forest before he was sealed.

"It is said that he was seen fighting Kurmis the Quetzalcoatl.

The King of Yan's Fury, An Yue, remembered this name that was not too conspicuous, but had a bad impression: "Quathered Serpent Kurmis

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