I Am God!

Chapter 517: 9-winged fallen angel

[I am God! 】【】

The depths of the Dragon God Mountains.

The cold wind poured into a cave with a height of tens of meters, echoing between the pillars and beams made of stalactites, the sound was like a ghost screaming.


Inside the huge cave is a mysterious underground palace. This underground palace not only retains part of its original style, but also uses extraordinary power to make a lot of decorations, opening up palaces and palaces.

Some are used as residences, some are used for sacrifices, some are used for storage or simply as landscapes.

In one of the dripping, primitive and quaint underground palaces.

On the stone platform was a ceramic puppet sealed with a clay-like extraordinary material. You could see the light flowing on the broken puppet, and then its broken body was glued together one by one.

After eating three drops of Wisdom Blood in a short period of time, but did not consume too much power, the ceramic figurine seemed to be in much better condition.

There was no one inside or outside, and the black dragon Anu flew out of the palace before and didn't know what he was doing.

The ceramic figurine tried to move.

The little clay puppet waved its arms and lifted its feet, as if swimming in jelly.

But what the ceramic villain didn't expect was that the seal that had persisted for many years, whether it was due to aging or the wear of the spell, actually cracked.

Just like that, the little ceramic figurine got out and landed on the stone platform.

Its feet touched the ground, and the expression pattern on the painted pottery clearly revealed a dazed emotion.

Then it moved its still broken body with many holes.

The weird little pottery puppet walked stiffly on the stone platform, as if a patient who had been paralyzed for many years was getting familiar with his own body.

Finally, it burst into monster-like laughter.

"Jie jie jie jie!"

It was overjoyed and excited.


"After so many years, so many years, this black dragon finally made a mistake."

"I knew it, I knew I would wait until this day."

"You strange dragon is not a cold stone like your master. When you always take a nap, I know I will find a chance."

The ceramic figurine even turned a few somersaults, and it was the first time that he felt able to move, which was such a joyful thing.

It didn't stop this dangerous movement until a piece of its body almost fell off and was stuffed in by it again.

"No, you must leave immediately!"

"Get out of here, escape from this land."

The ceramic villain didn't waste any chance, and immediately climbed down from the stone platform, and immediately headed towards another underground palace.


After so many years, it only has this chance now.

It doesn't know when the black dragon will come back, it must seize this blank time.

It broke into an underground palace and found an open door, a wooden door with various colors painted on it.

That is the portal of the ceramic figurine.

At the beginning, it used this door to escape to this continent in front of the lizard man Anu, the Scarlet Goddess and everyone else.

And it was also this door that sent the black dragon Anu to it and turned it into a prisoner.

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[I am God! 】【】

There is light in the opened door, and a vortex transmits the light from a distance, connecting two distant lands.

"My teleportation door really opened."

"That guy really didn't lie to me."

For a moment, it smelled the land of light.

It seems to have seen its master, the God of Original Sin, the Winged People and the Land of Faith ruled by the former Lord of Glory.

At this moment, the ceramic villain's voice was a little choked up.

"It's finally over."

Ever since he was released from the abyss by his master, the little ceramic figure has been wandering around on the giant island of Ruhe. It is besieged by the gods and hunted down by the churches.

It runs in the polar night, it waits in the seal of the dragon.

Finally, the moment came.

"Finally... the end."

It repeated the sentence again, then raised its head, and quickly

rushed towards the door.

But the moment it approached the portal, it stopped suddenly, and even rolled a few times on the ground because it was too fast to stop.

It lay on the ground and raised its head in surprise, looking to the side of the door.

Because it saw a figure walk out from behind the door, appearing beside the portal.

It was Anu.

Anu in the form of a dragon figure sat down and looked down at the ceramic figurine lying on the ground, looking at its body and condition.


"This man, you have drank so many monsters' blood over the years, but you are not in a state of madness at all, and you can still maintain your original appearance."

"What the **** are you?"

"Maybe it's because you were originally crazy?"

The black dragon Anu appeared at this time, although it was only such a short distance.

But the ceramic villain knew that it was impossible for him to rush into the door.

It looked at the black dragon Anu viciously, and suddenly understood something, it was deliberately released by the other party, not the other party showed any flaws.

In an instant, the ceramic villain cursed.


"Hateful, hateful!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Let me out on purpose, and then wait here to see my jokes?"

"Anu, do you want to see the expression on my face when I burst out with hope, and then see the expression of my hope being shattered?"

In the past, the ceramic villain has done such a thing more than once.

It naturally guesses Anu in the same way.

Anu shook his head: "As I said, I want to make a deal with you."

He called out the name of the ceramic figurine: "Naplow!"

Anu removed the word Seth from the name of the ceramic villain Naproseth, which can be translated as a **** or a myth.

It only uses the name of the man-made villain in the language of Wisdom translated into the language of the snake man.

Maybe it's because it doesn't deserve the last two words, or maybe it's because its name is too long.

The ceramic figurine let out a mocking laugh, as if Anu didn't believe it, and it wouldn't believe Anu either.

"If I give you something, it won't work anymore."

"A useless existence will only be abandoned, killed, and destroyed."

This time, it did not deny that it had the "Crown of Wisdom Vow and the Second Path to the True God" in its hands.

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[I am God! 】【】

The black dragon Anu told the villain: "I'm not afraid to tell you that I was indeed planning to kill you, but I changed my mind recently."

The ceramic figurine laughed loudly: "Anu, I know what kind of person you are, and I have heard your story before."

"You hate me, you hate the abyss, you hate all existences that destroy order and bring destruction."

"You used to protect your hometown Suinhor at all costs, and get rid of all the existences that dared to bring disasters and disrupt order."

When it came to this, the little ceramic figure laughed out loud, with a teasing and happy voice.

For as long as it can see other people's misfortune and suffering, it can always derive pleasure from it.

"But in the end, you didn't expect that you yourself would become an existence that might bring disaster and disrupt order."

"A person like you will let me go?"

Black Dragon Anu: "That's that young Anu, that innocent Anu."

The ceramic figurine showed a cunning and evil expression, looking at Anu with a very sinister smile.

"I know what you want to do."

"You unlocked my seal, you just want me to see hope, right?"

"I also used this method when I dealt with those lowly mortals. If you want them to pay the price, you must first give them a little bit of sweetness, right?"

"I don't know how many times I've used this method on me. Do you think I'll be fooled?"

Black Dragon Anu nodded: "It's indeed a bit old-fashioned, but it's easy to use, isn't it?"

"Knowing the trap, many people still jump into it involuntarily."

"Just like you now,

You know it's a trap, but I'm giving you hope. "

"But can you restrain your longing and longing for this door?"

The ceramic figurine wanted to refute, but it looked at the door, and the desire in its eyes couldn't be stopped.

The black dragon Anu said suddenly: I can promise you with an oath that you can exchange what you have with me, and I will give you two choices. "

"One option is to trade the opportunity to get out of this door."

"The other option is to get real freedom."

Porcelain Man: "Is there any difference between the two options?"

It pointed to the teleportation door: "Go through this door, of course I will be free."

But Anu, the black dragon, said, "Through this door, you just leave."

"And stay here, and you will be truly free."

The ceramic villain looked at the black dragon Anu, as if to see if this guy was joking, and then couldn't help laughing: "Stay here?"

"Hahahaha, only by staying here can we gain true freedom."


"Heilong, this is the first time I know that you will make such a joke."

The ceramic villain's words stopped abruptly, but he stared at Anu fiercely.

"Seal me because of the ban."

"Isn't that you?"

Anu said, "If you are not sealed, you are dead and falling apart."

Anu stood up and walked into the ceramic figurine step by step.

Anu's tall form is full of oppression for the ceramic figurine, making it take several steps back involuntarily.

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[I am God! 】【】

At this time, Anu squatted down and looked at the ceramic figurine seriously.

"Leaving here, are you just going from a place that doesn't belong to you to another place that doesn't belong to you?"

"And if you stay here, you may become a real person, a person with belonging."


"You already have a name, don't you want to have another piece of land you belong to?"

Anu lowered his eyes, and read a passage like a poem.

"Come from the abyss, but you don't have to be in darkness forever."

"It's as if life came from the sea, but went to the continent."

The black dragon Anu and the ceramic villain have been together for many years, and it seems that they have always loathed and hated each other.

Until a few days ago.

The ceramic villain even gave himself a name, and told the black dragon Anu.

At that moment, the black dragon Anu suddenly felt that the servant of the evil **** of the abyss in front of him, a monster who didn't know what it was, actually looked like a human for a moment.

Because monsters will not have any ties, and monsters will not give themselves a name, and then tell others that they want others to remember themselves.

Anu has seen too many stories of people turning into monsters, and many stories of going from light to darkness.

But he has never seen the story of a monster turning into a man.

Moreover, there are too many secrets in the ceramic villain, and the black dragon Anu can't see it clearly. This guy doesn't seem to be an ordinary servant of the evil god. The ordinary servant of the evil **** doesn't have such magical power, devouring the blood of the gods without being crazy.

Hundreds of years have passed since the little ceramic figurine was born in this world. It is neither an apostle nor reincarnated, but it just exists in this world.

Maybe it didn't find the abnormality on itself, but Anu did, but even Anu didn't understand why, so he called it a monster.

Listening to Anu's words, the little ceramic figurine raised his head and looked at Anu in surprise.

"Are you inviting me?"

"Make me a **** in this land of giant dragons?"

The black dragon Anu shook his head: "It's not a god."

"You can be a settler, or a guardian, or a companion."

The little ceramic man pointed at himself and made a startled sound.


"Become a guardian?"

"Become a companion?"

The ceramic villain couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately sent out a funny

Laughing, mocking Anu wantonly.


"Killing me."

"Are you inviting a monster, a terribly evil guy, to be something positive?"

"Who do you think you are, the protagonist in a fairy tale book?"

"Just talking about it can make others surrender, and then make the villain cry and change his past?"

"I tell you."

"I, Naprose, will never change, I am the most evil existence."

The ceramic villain cursed the black dragon Anu viciously: "You don't think that we have a good relationship after staying with me for a few years?"

"You sealed my hatred, I will always remember it."

"Once you let me go, I will definitely find a way to revenge you, I will."

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[I am God! 】【】

"I'm such a guy, a villain who holds vengeance and revenges."

The ceramic villain seems to want to use this method to dispel Anu's idea of ​​getting "The Wisdom Crown Vow and the Second Road to the True God".

It also seemed to be afraid that one day it really couldn't bear the temptation of that door, and then sold the owner's things to the evil dragon in exchange for the opportunity to run far away.

The black dragon Anu was not in a hurry, he just put away the opened portal.


"You can think about it, think about it."

"What are you and what do you want to be?"

Anu didn't seal the little ceramic figurine either. Anyway, this cave is full of seals and barriers, and it can't escape without the portal.

And even if it escapes here, it can't escape Anu's control domain in this land of giant dragons.

The ceramic villain knew that the other party was giving it a little bit of sweetness, but it was also happy. As long as it was not sealed in the clay, it would be good to be free even for a day and a half.


Recently, Anu discovered that there were some abnormal situations in the lizardman's country, which is why he frequently left the Dragon God Mountain Range recently.

In a mansion in the city of totems, a lizard man wearing a robe came to the temple where the totem pole was enshrined, and met Anu in it.

The elder lizard man immediately stepped forward to salute: "Dragon God!"

Anu looked at this old but familiar lizardman: "Just call me Master Anu as before."

The Lizardmen Great Elder was the first group of Lizardmen, who once fought with Anu in all directions, fought against ghouls, fought against the Abyssal Order, and quelled the rebellion.

Anu asked the lizardman elder: "Have you discovered any abnormalities recently?"

The Great Elder thought for a while, but didn't understand what anomaly Anu was talking about: "Master Anu, what anomaly are you referring to?"

Anu asked directly, "Have you ever felt the power of the abyss invade this land?"

When the Great Elder heard the name Abyss, he immediately shuddered: "Abyss?"

"How is it possible, this is the land of giant dragons."

"The Abyss Religion is on another continent, how could it come here."

Anu said: "Sometimes the invasion of the abyss does not necessarily require the power of the abyss religious order."

Anu stood waiting in the temple, and not long after, the sound of wings flapping came from the sky.

A sub-dragon caught a lizard man and flew over, falling into the temple.

It can be seen that this lizardman is similar to a normal lizardman, and there is no abnormality at all, but as soon as he entered the temple, his eyes immediately became blood red, especially after seeing Anu, he began to yell crazily yell.

"False God!"

"False God!"

"The great **** who gave birth to darkness, the **** of primitive desire and reproduction is about to descend on this land, and he is the real god."

"He is... the real god."

The lizard man was yelling and looking crazy.

A name was constantly called out in the words, and he seemed to be a crazy believer.

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[I am God! 】【】

Even the Lizardmen

Old, this also shows that something is wrong: "His consciousness has been eroded by the abyss?"

Anu said, "Maybe it's not just that."

Anu stepped forward, preparing to get some crucial clues from his body.

But he didn't expect that the lizardman warrior committed suicide suddenly, directly destroying his own brain.

But when it died, the magic crystal in its body slowly melted.

All its power turned into a totem spirit, and involuntarily drilled into the totem pole enshrined in the temple.

Anu looked at the totem spirit and immediately stopped it.

After observing for a long time, he said: "This totem spirit... has a problem."

The elder lizard man also watched carefully, and only then did he realize that the spirit of the totem had an incompatible luster, as if it had been mixed with another kind of power, but he couldn't tell if he didn't look carefully: "What's going on? Is such that?"

Anu told the Great Elder: "He is not corrupted by the abyss, because he is an abyss species!"

"In other words, it's a half-lizardman, half-abyssal existence that will fall into madness at any time."

"All his sanity is disguised."

The elder lizard man asked, "Isn't he a fallen man?"

Anu said: "The fallen man was corroded by the power of the abyss later, and he was already corroded by the abyss from birth."

The last time Anu saw these lizardmen accepting inheritance in Totem City, he had already noticed some problems.

Anu knelt down and looked at the lizard man's body.

"He usually doesn't seem to have the evil aura of the abyss at all. If I hadn't watched from the side when he accepted the inheritance, I could vaguely sense some familiar aura, or I might not be able to find his problem."

"And after he accepted the inheritance of the totem pole, he looked exactly the same as other inheritors, and there was no difference at all."

Lizard Man Elder: "A familiar breath?"

Anu nodded: "That's right, the breath of an old acquaintance."

Anu scratched the lizard man's body with his fingers, and saw a large black filth spreading from his lower abdomen.

It seems that there should have been some organ in his abdomen, but this particular organ dissolved the moment he died.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the corpse of the lizard man in front of him begin to mutate.

In the blink of an eye, the corpse turned into a terrifying monster, the corpse of an abyss species.

Without the restraint of that organ, the corrosive power in his body spread completely.

Anu stood up and said without the slightest surprise.

"See, there are two sets of inheritance in his body."

"He is a very special abyssal species. His bloodline is polluted by the black mud from the deepest part of the abyss. That is the power of the original origin of the abyssal species."

"He should be born with an organ from the abyss. All his power is hidden in this organ on weekdays, and nothing abnormal can be seen. This is his abyss inheritance."

"He hid in the temple with the power of the abyss, then accepted our inheritance and became a part of us."

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[I am God! 】【】

The Lizardman Great Elder: "Is this the evil **** of the abyss or some abyss king? What do they want to do?"

Anu walked under the totem pole, and seemed to have seen something: "Of course it is for the ancestor totem pole."

He turned his head to look at the elder lizardman, and added: "And me."

The elder lizardman was quite frightened. The totem pole is the source of power of the lizardman, and it must not be damaged.

In fact, the ancestor totem pole was broken once before, and Anu repaired it later.

And Anu already has a plan, ready to repeat the previous path, and once again use the ancestor totem pole to achieve his own path to godhood.

It itself is built according to the embryonic body of mythological props, which is different from ordinary props.

Anu said to the great elder: "Go and check, check the people around him, especially his parents."

Not long after, news came back.

big elder back

In the depths of the temple, he said to Anu under the totem pole.


"His mother was said to be a barren woman who desperately wanted to have a child."

"One day she dreamed of a **** who gave her a child."

Anu nodded and told the opponent's method.

"Using the desire for reproduction and reproduction to erode the blood of others and create a semi-abyssal existence.

"Then, in this way, invade the professionals of the temple."

"Eventually began to erode the embryonic body of the mythical prop, and finally seized the personality and control of the mythical prop."

Anu heard this method, and a name that had been guessed a long time ago appeared in his mind.

"***King of."


"Do you still want to repeat the old trick?"


The first layer of the abyss.

Abyss of black mud.

In the darkness that never sees the light of day, dense black sticky filaments criss-cross and criss-cross, and below is the boundless black mud surging up, setting off waves of huge waves.

All kinds of monsters were bred in the world of the swamp, constantly fighting and devouring them.

Various buildings have been built in many places in the darkness, even a city-like boundary.

The monsters in the city have low or even high intelligence, and those who rule here are generally at the level of legion commanders.

That is to say, the upper abyss species.

And in the deepest part of the Black Mud Abyss, the Wingman's first-generation Glory Temple became dilapidated, but it still stood there.

Among the thick and thick black sticky threads that criss-cross.

In the deepest part of the temple, there is a huge black cocoon.

The black cocoon was beating, emitting a sound like a heartbeat.



The sound is getting louder.

In the end, it turned into a drum-like sound, echoing throughout the black mud abyss.

Suddenly, black and white rays of light burst out from the black cocoon.

The light broke through the temple and turned into a beam of light piercing the sky of the black mud abyss.

And the monsters in the black mud abyss made sounds one by one, as if they had received some kind of summon.


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[I am God! 】【】


Dense abyss species were abandoned from all over, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com turned into legions of monsters and crawled outside the temple.

The commanders of the abyssal legion led the long chains and drove the huge monsters across a long distance.

Some are winged devils, some are mire devils, and some use lizards as mounts.

They landed in front of the temple one after another. These demons who were extremely crazy in the past and had a good reputation in the world knelt on the ground trembling at this moment.

"Master Melde is waking up?"

"How is this power so powerful?"

"Just like a real god!"

"Master Meld has become stronger again."

They knew that the master of the black mud abyss had woken up.

The black cocoon in the depths of the temple slowly dissolved, turning into puddles of black mud that fell on the floor tiles, flowing in all directions through the gaps.

I only saw a naked woman appearing in mid-air, her hands were embracing her magnificent breasts, the two beautiful and slender **** were piled up and stood in the air, her head held high.

A pair of wings spread out behind it, and as the wings unfolded, it was so powerful that it surpassed the mortal power and shrouded the entire black mud abyss.

But when it came to the fifth pair of wings, only one black wing spread out.

Four and a half pairs of wings.

This is a nine-winged angel.

To be more precise, it is a fallen angel.

The nine-winged fallen angel opened his eyes, and the huge field of spiritual power rushed out of the temple and kept heading outside.

A brand new existence that embarked on the path of mythology was born.

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