I Am God!

Chapter 520: source

[I am God! 】【】

"Condensate the fruit of wisdom?"

What does it mean? "

Anu fell into the endless white light, but before falling, he heard that voice.

"The fruit of wisdom, wouldn't it be what is needed to ascend to the position of the true **** in the legend?"

Anu has heard of the fruit of wisdom. After all, he has already embarked on the path of becoming a god, and has also accepted the inheritance of Kurmis.

But it never occurred to him that his actions at this moment were the steps to condense the fruit of wisdom on the root tree.

Because this is a path that even Kurmis did not know.

At this moment, Anu was at a loss, but he felt faintly in his heart that he might have touched something extraordinary.

However, at this moment, he could not go back.

During the fall, he could see that the white light was composed of endless light spots, like rivers and rainwater passing by his side. If you zoom in to see, every light point faintly reflects the shadow of a species of wisdom, reflecting their thoughts and thoughts, like a strange world.

When Anu fell to the bottom, he suddenly stagnated.

It was as if he had reached the end point, stepping on a white cloud.

He looked up.

There is boundless white light flowing around the body, and the sacred tree that condenses the bottom consciousness of all wisdom species seems to be close in front of him. There are four fruits on the tree.

Some fruits are more solid, with lines of law on them, while some are just empty shells.

But what made Anu pay more attention at this moment was that he looked through the sacred tree, but saw the shadow of a star behind the tree. The star was blocked by the sacred tree, and it was completely invisible.

This is the shelter of the power of the contract.

He didn't know that without the cover of this sacred tree, he would face the eternal star directly like Thoro in the past, and would be swallowed by the power that transcended time and time.

Anu didn't know anything, and still stared at the great shadow behind the sacred tree with infinite light.

"Is there something behind the Godly Tree of Wisdom?"

"what is that?"

He couldn't see clearly, and he couldn't understand.

But he was deeply attracted, and even wanted to take a step closer.

But, let alone approaching and seeing that star.

At this moment, there was only a ray of light flowing down from the star, passing under the sacred tree, Anu was almost instantly corroded by the power of time and worn away by the years.

for a moment.

He seemed to see a force reversing the years.

He saw pictures of his past constantly flowing past him, and all kinds of scenes that happened in the past flowed backwards around him.

In a trance, he saw himself when he was still a snake man. I saw a picture of myself sprinting in Moonlight City, following my childhood playmate.

They live next to the fresh market, passing by the stinky vendors every day, wanting to go to the inner city to see what the life of the big shots is like, and then they are driven away by the guards.


"The guards are coming."

Anu, the snake man who was still a child, quickly swept across the street, passing through the body of Anu, the black dragon standing in the middle of the street.

And the black dragon Anu immediately turned his head away, watching his former self disappear into the corner of the street.

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[I am God! 】【】

"How is this going?"

"How did I return to Moonlight City and see myself?" "Is this a memory?"

Immediately afterwards, the scene changed, and it changed to the time when he just followed Kurmis and became the opponent's servant.

During that time, he would come to the hut on the edge of the moonlight forest to deliver meals to Kurmis every day.

On this day, at the edge of the moonlight forest, he saw a few tall stone monsters pulling a **** car through the forest and into the jungle.

At that time, he thought it was just an adventure, but at this moment Anu suddenly found that this **** car was very similar to the hot air balloon boat he saw before parked under the **** tree.

Although there are some differences in appearance, the feeling is exactly the same.

"It's the airship, I've seen it before."

"I once saw the moonlight jungle that entered the forbidden place of death." "Then (this chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue)

It is the vehicle of the Supreme God. "

Anu stands in the shadow of time, looking at everything that has happened. He saw many scenes that had happened before, and also saw things that he had never paid attention to.

For example, when he saw himself picking up the sword in the Feathered Serpent Pyramid, Dark Moon, the King of Rage, was watching him from a dark corner.

For example, when he chose to cast the totem pole, King Meurabi in the palace was already determined to expel or kill himself.

When he was flying to the capital, his best friend and former deputy commander was staring at the poisoned wine in a daze, wandering between loyalty and friendship.

Anu looked at all this: "The final ending is not accidental, it is our choices one after another, and finally forged our destiny."

Anu understood too.

This is not an ordinary show of his memories to him. It's more like letting him watch everything that has happened in a state of nothingness, and see the history that has happened.

Even things that don't exist in his memory, even those pictures that he didn't notice at the time, still appear in front of his eyes at this moment. Last minute.

He came to the day when Anu truly transformed from the lizard man Anu into the black dragon Anu.

On the hillside outside the volcanic forest, the former Lime City could be seen far away. The lizard man Anu stood in the howling wind, shouting to the non-existent shadow amidst the sun and the sea of ​​clouds.

"Black Dragon Anu!"

"You who have been assimilated by this world, you who have been changed by the years."

"It's really unbelievable!"

And at this moment, the black dragon Anu was standing at the position of that shadow. The black dragon Anu responded to the lizard man Anu: "But, in the end, I will lead the lizard man forward."

"It is I who protect our ethnic group and guard our civilization."


As soon as the screen turned, everything that the black dragon Anu had personally experienced happened in front of his eyes.

But he is still marching forward in time, as if he is going to reach the future of time, the end of time.

And at this time, a voice behind him stopped him.


The black dragon Anu turned around and saw a humanoid Anu standing

In a world of nothingness.

"Don't go any further, you will really die if you go forward."

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[I am God! 】【】

Black Dragon Anu: "Who are you?"

Another Anu: "I am you!"

Black Dragon Anu: "I'm right here."

Another Anu said: "I am you at the root of wisdom, to be precise, I am the imprint of your existence at the root of wisdom."

"You in the past, you in the present, and you in the future are all here."

"Even after the being called Anu has passed away, I am still here."

The black dragon Anu still didn't quite understand, so another Anu continued.

"All intelligent beings are born with imprints on the root of wisdom, which is the foundation of your existence."

"But you are not qualified to condense the fruit of wisdom yet, but one day, when you really condense the fruit of wisdom, you will come back here again."

"At that time, you will see me again, and you will also see all the spirits who followed you and kept the oath."

"If you can become a true **** one day, you will completely integrate with me."

"Be with the source of wisdom and become eternal myth."

Anu suddenly understood.

I understand why I came here.

I also understand why the self in the root of wisdom will say that he is condensing the fruit.

"It turns out that this is the second path to the true **** of wisdom."

Anu never imagined that although he didn't get the second path of true **** in the hands of the little ceramic figure, he was walking on this path invisibly.

Although he took this path, it was also because of the influence of the ceramic villain.

Another Anu called to stop the black dragon Anu who continued to advance, and gradually brought him back to reality.

He stood in the white world and announced to the black dragon.

"Those who made the oath, your oath will be engraved on the crown (this chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue)

superior. "



Before the word "achieve" was uttered, there was a change on the totem pole in the world.

At this time, Anu's consciousness was gradually awakening in the totem pole.

But at this moment, Anu felt that something seemed to have escaped from his body.

To be precise, it is to break away from the divine magic tool, the ancestor totem pole.

The black dragon Anu immediately understood: "Naplow."

It is not only Anu who has entered the root of wisdom.

The little ceramic man followed him into it, saw the sacred tree he saw, and repeated what he had experienced.

It's just that the ceramic villain is different from Anu.

The picture it sees is long, long.

It looks unimaginable.

It is a history spanning hundreds of millions of years, a story spanning multiple beings and multiple things.

Under that long period of time, all things will lose their original appearance amidst the changes of the years.

These things were originally irretrievable.

But in this root of wisdom, everyone can see all the information about themselves.

One's own birth, one's own past, one's own life.

Here, people can retrieve everything they have lost and see various pictures of their causal relationship.

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[I am God! 】【】

The little ceramic figure was dizzy, as if he was having a dream.

In the dream, it saw itself fleeing on the giant island of Ruhe, wandering on the sea, screaming wildly in the snow at the extreme night, and then fell into the clutches of a terrifying black dragon.

When it regained consciousness, it found itself standing in the abyss.


"Why am I back again?"

The consciousness of the little ceramic figurine is floating in the air, and it is seeing its master from a strange perspective.

The other party looked a bit embarrassed, standing behind the Gate of Original Sin in that tattered robe, drenched in the never-ending black rain. Xiao grabbed the ceramic doll floating from afar and stood there for a long time. Next, it saw its master, the God of Original Sin, Xiao, draw out part of the blood from his body, and merged it into the ceramic doll. The ceramic figurine also suddenly understood that it didn't return to the abyss, but saw what happened before.

"This is the picture that the master made of me!"

The ceramic figurine doesn't know how it was born, which is why it is ashamed to face the black dragon Anu's questions many times.

It keeps saying that it is very powerful, but in fact it doesn't know its origin at all, it is just a plaything that doesn't even have a name.

This is the first time it knows its origin.

The ceramic figurine watched as the owner made a cut in the palm, from which drops of mythical blood flowed out and poured on the doll.

It said in surprise: "It turns out that I was created by the master with his own blood."

It is extremely proud, because it was created by an ancient **** with his own blood. From a certain concept, the blood of the **** flows in its body.

But then the screen changed.

In the screen, the image of blood dripping from Xiao's palm continued to enlarge, and the drop of red blood finally enlarged to the point where it occupied the entire world. And the consciousness of the ceramic villain has directly penetrated into the ball of blood.

While chasing that part of blood, it traveled across time to a distant era.

On the ancient primitive ocean.

A remote island.

There are ancient temples and lighthouses built on the island, and there are ancient murals on the cliffs that have not faded.

On the shore of the island, a young-looking Sanye looked at another figure sitting in a wheelchair. It was a Sanye who was so old that it was extremely difficult for him to move.

Looking at this picture, it is hard to imagine that the one sitting in the wheelchair is actually the student, and the young man is the teacher.

And the ceramic villain looked at it for a long time, but he didn't understand who these two people who appeared out of nowhere were. He just felt that the old thing sitting in the wheelchair looked familiar.

"Who is this?"

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"Why do you seem to have seen it somewhere?"

It looked at it for a long time, but didn't recognize it.

And the powerful three-leaf man standing looking at the distance, he already felt a terrible mythical projection coming here, and guessed something.

So he turned his head to face the figure in the wheelchair and called out his name.

"Is that you, Xiao!"

Hearing this name, the heart of the ceramic villain was shocked.

Involuntarily shouted: "What?"

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[I am God! 】【】

It turned its head and stared at the old guy in the wheelchair, a weak man who seemed to have difficulty even moving.

This guy turned out to be its master, the God of Original Sin who made everyone fear him.

The old man in the wheelchair said flatly: "Teacher, I don't want to die like this."

Lane said, "There are other ways."

Xiao: "I am not willing to die like this, not just because I am afraid of death."

"What I'm not reconciled to is that I obviously have the wisdom not to lose to everyone, but because of the difference in innate talent, I will never be able to reach the top."

The ceramic figurine's mind went blank, quietly listening to the conversation between the two.

For the first time, it knew that its master Xiao actually had such a past.

And then, it also knew where its divine blood came from.

It saw a black mythical shadow covering the sea.

Comes with destruction and calamity.

A crazy, wanton and arrogant evil **** found this island moving above the sea, and killed the first generation of truth sage Lan En with unparalleled strength.

At the same time, he turned Xiao, who was still a Sanye man, into his favored one, endowing him with the power of an apostle.

It looked at the divine blood flowing from the body of the ancient evil god.

The fluctuation of the divine blood was very similar to the aura emanating from it at this moment.

"I was created by part of the power of the ancient evil god?"

It was only then that the ceramic villain realized that the divine blood that Xiao released from his body was not his, but the power given to him by the evil **** from the ancient times.

That is the true origin of the divine blood that created the ceramic figurine. Xiao, the God of Original Sin, was not talented enough. It was the evil gods of the ancient times who made him an apostle.

At the same time, it was precisely because of this part of the power that Xiao had to rely on the ancestor fish to reincarnate and withdraw from the final stage of the first era.

Later, Xiao expelled from his body the part of the power that the evil **** had bestowed on him, and created a ceramic figurine.

The ceramic villain was a little lost and a little dazed.

"My consciousness was born from the power of the dead myth."

The ceramic villain solved another puzzle, why its life form is so strange.

Because its origin is so peculiar.

However, what the ceramic villain did not expect was that time went back to this step and had not stopped.

The picture in front of him disappeared and turned into a void.

And everything is still going on.

Porcelain villain: "It's not over yet?"

It seems that the information related to it goes back to the era of Lann, eons ago, and it is not over yet.

Back in time, we have come to an era when the temple of truth has not yet been built. That was the era of the first generation of truth sage Sanderan, the era when the Henir dynasty had just been established, and the era when King Henir was still alive. The Sage of Truth left the Henir Dynasty and took his student Haru to the sea.

On a big ship.

Sang De'an is holding the pair of pottery dolls, which are also the oldest magical props, and the smallest one of them is the current body of the ceramic figurine.

The first-generation sage said to the child beside him, calling out his name "Haru!"

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[I am God! 】【】

"I have avenged your father's revenge for you. From now on, I will be your teacher and your father."

The child just nodded without saying a word.

Sang De'an didn't notice that the light of hatred in the other party's eyes looking at the sea has not dissipated.

In the direction where the big ship was heading, an island appeared in the distance, faintly looking very similar to the island where the Temple of Truth was located later.

That is (this chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue)

The place of crucifixion of the saints, the predecessor of the Temple of Truth.

The ceramic figurine also stands on the boat, and it sees the origin of its own body.

Its body comes from a matryoshka doll of the first generation of truth sage Sandean, and it is also the first magical prop in the ancient times.

The ceramic figurine couldn't help but said: "I am a prop made by the first generation of truth sages."

The picture disappears again, but the retrospective has not stopped.

"it's not finished yet!"

"Going forward?"

The villain of ceramics knows that the era of royal blood will be ahead. It was the age of saints and sons of god-kings.

But the time goes further, and the final picture is frozen in a place that is absolutely unexpected for a ceramic villain.

The moment the picture was revealed, the ceramic figurine was completely stunned, and it can even be said that he was frightened stupid.

It did not see the descendants of the gods in the era of royal blood, let alone the saints.

Because it is not in the human world, but has appeared in the Kingdom of Creation God. The little ceramic figurine stood on a huge golden flower cup, looking at the endless golden ocean, and at the demon kingdom surrounded by layers of dream realms.

Farther away, it even saw the legendary Pyramid Temple, where the statue of God King Laidlich stood under the temple like an attendant. Guard the Creator, Father.

"This is…"

"The Kingdom of Creation!"

It immediately understood that it had actually seen the legendary land bestowed by the gods.

And at this very moment, it was standing in the garden full of Sun Cups, where the demon clan was born.

It saw itself condensed in a ball of light, and a tall and stalwart figure exuding mythical light stood in the sea of ​​flowers, surrounded by a large number of little monsters.

The mythical shadow said to a little demon with a soft voice: "Similla, here it is for you!"

A little demon happily caught him, and happily shouted, "My gift is a gift from Master Sheila."

The ceramic figurine who was frightened and dumbfounded saw this scene and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Who is this?"

"The leader of the demon group, Simila?"

It took him a long time before the name called by the little demon appeared in his mind - Sheila.

That is the name of the master of dreams, the ancient **** of masters. "No, the little demon is the legendary Ximila, and that" is the master of dreams! "

"It's the master of dreams!"

"Dominate the gods!"

The ceramic figurine's voice was trembling: "I am... a pottery puppet created by the master of dreams."

The ceramic villain never thought that it came from the kingdom of the creator and was born in the kingdom of demons.

The screen is completely over.

The ceramic figurine looks reluctantly at the kingdom of the Creator, but can only watch the dreamy garden and kingdom disappear before his eyes.

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[I am God! 】【】

The little ceramic figurine stands dully on the white sea of ​​wisdom, and in the empty space.

This moment.

It doesn't know that it is the servant of Xiao, the **** of original sin, the evolution of the blood of the ancient evil god, and the world's first magical prop refined by the first generation of truth sage Sang De'an.

Still, a pottery puppet from the kingdom of demons, a gift given to the big demon Simila by the master of dreams.

"Who the **** am I?"

"who I am?"

"Where do I come from?"

"Who do I belong to?"

The ceramic figurine was completely confused, talking to himself like crazy. It thought that it had found its own origin and belonging here, but after watching all this, it made it even more confused. Time has changed everything, it seems to be related to everything that used to be, but it seems to no longer be the existence that used to be.

At this time, a shadow appeared behind the ceramic figurine. It was a crazy and evil shadow locked in a bottle. "waste!"

"You were born from my divine blood and brand, a brand new evil god!"

"Let everyone be afraid of him, the most terrifying evil **** in the world."

The little ceramic man turned his head, and when he saw this shadow, he immediately showed a feeling of fear.

Even retreat.

"An evil **** from the ancient times?"

"Are you still alive?"

"Didn't you die under the scheming of the master and the siege of the ancient gods?"

While backing up, it shook its head again and again.


"I'm not you."

"I am a ceramic villain, I am a pottery puppet born in the kingdom of demons, born in the first generation of sages."

Does the ceramic villain know how terrifying this guy is, and how fierce he was in the ancient times.

In the end, it was Stoun, Asay, the **** of truth and knowledge, and the entire Temple of Truth who killed him.

And if Xiao hadn't calculated Xiu, Xiu might not have died so easily.

The figure in the bottle heard the little ceramic figure calling Xiao his master, and angrily reprimanded him.

"You actually recognize that guy Xiao as your master, you are really extremely stupid and weak."

"Your consciousness is given to you by me, and you share the imprint with me." "You are a spirit born from my blood, inheriting my power and my superior personality."

The figure yelled angrily, even cursed.

"Cowardly trash!"

"We are the most powerful gods in ancient times, how can you bow your head to others!"

"Especially that guy Xiao, it was he who betrayed me that led to the final outcome."

"He is a traitor, you must not let him go, you must not let him go"

"Kill him...kill him..."

"I order you to kill him. Only by killing him can you completely get everything about me."

On the Sea of ​​Dreams, the dream of a large number of Sanye people also seemed to sense something, calling out together.

"God in a Bottle!"

"God of knowledge!"


It was the existence of the belief in evil gods in ancient times. The belief in evil gods once spread over half of Siensay, occupying the entire land of the holy mountain.

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[I am God! 】【】

Among these people, there are many fanatics of evil gods~lightnovelpub.net~ They once followed Xiao and other priests of evil gods to conquer the world and suppress the Temple of Truth.

The voice was so loud that the ceramic villain didn't understand why.

"What's that sound?"

"Who are they calling?"

The shadow of the evil **** at the root of wisdom shouted: "Of course they are calling us, those oldest Sanye people are calling you."

"Have you heard, those humble mortals call us gods."

"We are aloft existences, the most powerful gods in the world."

And under the call of those voices, the ceramic villain seems to have found an anchor point and coordinates engraved deep in the dream world, and has a wonderful connection with the other party.

It was a name, a name that radiated the light of mythology.

Porcelain villain: "That's... what?"

It stepped forward and grabbed the name in its hand.


Conscious connection, access to authority.

The ceramic figurine feels that in an instant, the form of life has undergone earth-shaking changes, and some kind of unimaginable transition has taken place. Because that part of the name is a character left by a certain myth that has died.

Once a myth is born, it will not die easily.

Even if the spirit is gone, even if the memory and personality are destroyed. Even if he dies completely, he will always stay in this world. The so-called mythical person actually means that the dream world recognizes your mythical status and your name.

As long as you have once boarded the myth, engrave your real name on the dream world. Just like the mythical witch doctor before, he engraved his name in the depths of the dream world, so that everyone can connect with him by chanting the name of the god.

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