I Am God!

Chapter 526: Ceramic villain chased by the king of

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Yin and Yingying set off for the city of the gods.

There is no real state in the second layer of the entire underground world, because every village, town and city is fully autonomous, rather than subordinate to each other.

There are countless basilisks in the wilderness, and it is extremely dangerous to leave their hometown, so most subterranean serpent people may not leave their towns and villages in their entire lives.

But to say that there is one place that is special, it is the city of the gods.

It is said that there are countless divine relics there, that is, props left over from the ancient times. It is the most prosperous city in the entire underground world, and it is also the place that all underground snake people yearn for.

In the wilderness full of fluorescent plants.

One walks on two legs, one twists his tail.

Yin sees Yingying holding something in the palm of his hand, and he always comes out to take a look on the road.

Seemingly noticing Yin's eyes, Dong explained, "It's Sika's eyes."

Before, she not only let Yin take away her sister's body, she also took out another part of her.

Basilisks are monsters born by eating fluorescent plants and luminous bugs underground. Although it is only this invisible radiation and slight erosion, the step of becoming a basilisk is equivalent to being contaminated by divine blood.

This is also the reason why their bodies can display some of the characteristics of life.

And when their bodies have the characteristics of life, the strength of these ordinary people's divine blood is not like those of the powerful ones, and they can fight with each other to the death and death, and finally evolve into a state of distortion radiation.

The blood of their once thin wisdom will be repelled and gathered in the eyes.

Eyes seem to be a special organ for the snake people.

It is said that if the ordinary powerful people of the snake family can become apostles, then the eyes are their mythological organs.

So in a sense, these eyes are everything about the snake man of the past, and it's not an exaggeration.

Silver: "Didn't you bury it there with your sister's ashes?"

Ying shook his head: "I want to take her with me."

Ying lowered her head and pursed her lips, her eyes filled with sadness and anticipation at the same time.

She didn't say that if she could leave this underground world one day, then she would be able to show Sika what the world on the ground was like.

And Yin is not a person who likes to explore other people's secrets, so he didn't ask any more, just walked forward quickly.

When Yingying followed behind her, she couldn't help but ask.


"Gin, what is the world on the ground like?"

It seems that people underground like to ask such questions, as did Shike before.

Yin answered her with Shik's question: "There is sun and plants are everywhere."

However, such a simple answer made Ying's eyes show deep yearning.

At this time, there was a sudden movement in the distance.

The most common ones in the wilderness are the basilisks. After feeling the existence of the food, those basilisks immediately chased over here.

Hotaru shouted at the first sight of the other person's figure: "Basilisk!" The two of them were ready to fight, and Yin had already urged the power to prepare for a battle.

But before the group of basilisks could get close to the two of them, suddenly the ground beneath their feet trembled violently, like an earthquake.



Then all the basilisks fled in fright, and a few moments that did not escape were crushed into a puddle of flesh.

Finally, a mountain-like existence arched over the earth.

Hotaru has never seen such a sight. She has heard of the existence of the Son of Titan, but she has never seen it, let alone distinguish the difference between the Son of Titan: "What is this?"

However, Yin recognized what was in front of him, and even stepped forward: "It's the messenger of the Death Star Giant God."


I have seen many descendants of the giant gods of the earth on the upper floor before, and this is the first time I have seen the descendants of the giant gods of the Death Star.

And the one in front of him looks like an adult.

When Yin walked to the foot of the hill, the corner of the hill suddenly lifted up.

It was a huge sucker limb with dense tentacles growing on the sucker.

Every tentacle is collecting the breath outside, sensing the presence of silver.

Yin's eyes have the complete mark of Ruhe, and the blood of the body also makes the son of the Death Star sense that they are the same race.

Yin looked at the son of the Death Star: "Hello, can you take me to the location of the Altar of Life, and take me to the great Ruh Death Star Titan."

Unfortunately, the son of the Death Star in front of him couldn't speak, and he couldn't understand what Yin was saying.

But it seemed to sense that the fellow in front of him was asking for help.

Immediately, the tentacles of the Son of the Death Star continued to stretch forward. Finally, he tapped on Yin's forehead.

Silver has become a life species, but has never formally accepted the inheritance of life species. Most of her previous powers were exerted through the gravitational star.

At this moment, the hearts of Yin and the Son of the Death Star are connected together, and this part of knowledge is immediately sensed.

Yin saw how the power of the life species transformed, how to become stronger step by step, and how to use the power deep in the blood.

"Tier 1... Fusion Organs."

"Second order, life energy."

"Tier 3, life template."

The tentacles radiated starlight around Gin.

And Yin also knew in an instant what to do next on the road of life power.

At this time, the gravity stone on the gravity star hanging on her chest also changed, slowly shrinking to the point of being invisible, and finally disappearing completely.

Even the structure of the gravitational star suddenly changed.

I only saw that the gravitational star suddenly moved, like a living creature, waving the star's horns.

Finally squeezed into the flesh and blood of silver, and drilled into her body.

The Gravity Star is not an ordinary tool, but a life tool created by the Starlight Penance Society through a unique method.

And its raw materials are also taken from living organisms, a kind of special starfish in the sea.

When it merges with the power of the Gravity Stone, it can produce a special effect.

Before she knew it, Yin had completely absorbed the power of the gravitational star given to her by the astrologer, and even swallowed it into her body. Silver fused with external organs.

Her hair danced and her body changed again. First, the hair came out of the hat, extended frantically, and instantly showed a trend of flying in the sky, and then shrank back.

Then her skin first transformed into a terrifying existence like acanthus, and then returned to its original state.

Finally, a bizarre pattern appeared on the palms of her palms, which looked like the previous gravitational stars.

She opened her eyes and felt a strange force gushing out of her body.

"Life Energy!"

It is a kind of power belonging to the life species, similar to the spiritual power of the wisdom species.

If it is a bright red apostle, it can be called blood energy, because their energy is presented in the power of blood.

If the relatives of the Death Star can also be called star energy or the like, there is a certain difference between them, just like the spiritual power with different characteristics after activation.

But it is the energy of the species of life.

Yin felt that her body was stronger, and even before her life energy was exhausted, no matter how many times her body was destroyed, it couldn't really kill her.

Yin raised his eyelids, and his eyes seemed to see a strange force in the air twisted together and woven into a large net.

The Son of the Death Star in front of him was like a huge stone, pressing down the big net deeply.

Yin stretched out his left hand, and a boulder in the distance immediately flew towards her.

Yin stretched out his right hand, and immediately saw that the stone was twisted into a mass of slag.

Yin looked at his hands, and at this time, the son of the Death Star in front of him also retracted his star tentacles and slowly fell down. Silver thanked each other.

"Thank you."

"If I can see the gods down below, I'll come back and tell you."

The Son of the Death Star did not answer, as if asleep. in the dream world.

A certain guy who was wandering in the dark was cursing in exasperation at the moment.

The shadow with a mass of broken ceramic shards rolled up in the void said, "The Crimson Goddess is really too arrogant to use this method to deal with the ceramic master."

"These gods really have no bottom line."

"I don't have the temperament of a strong man, I just know sneak attacks..."

The ceramic villain's body is broken, and it cannot be exposed to reality until it repairs its own body or finds a new carrier.

And to repair its body, it obviously needs help from the outside world.

Therefore, it has tried to contact the outside world several times through its own **** name, and it has also spread its own **** name in some way.

However, there is no good effect.

Instead, what I get is dazed and sad, as well as creepy and desperate.

For example, just now, it was full of joy when it heard someone chanting "His God's Name", so the great Naproses penetrated his consciousness into the world, ready to receive the cheers, worship and offerings of his followers.

Unexpectedly, at the other end of the door, a certain red-haired woman was waiting for it with a group of family members.

If it hadn't kept an eye on it, it would have quietly glanced out from the exit of the dream world that had just opened, and then cut off the connection quickly and swiftly.

Otherwise it is now.

It is estimated that someone has chopped melons and vegetables, and cut them into eight pieces.


"Thinking it's a way to fool those lowly abyss idiots,

Can you fool me into Naproses? "

"Master, I have seen the world."

Although Naproses said that, he was so frightened that he was trembling faintly now.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from a distance.

"God of knowledge from ancient times!"

Naproses made a puzzled voice: "What's going on?" Because the voice didn't come from the human world, but more like it came from the dream world.

And listening to the sound, the other party seems to be getting closer and closer to it.

Soon, it sensed that there were two shadows in the depths of the dream world calling its divine name to lock its position through certain items and means.


"Dark Moon?"

The ceramic villain immediately recognized who the other party was.

It's just that the abyss species can't easily enter the human world, but that doesn't mean they can't leave the abyss and travel in the dream world.

It's just that even if it is the king of the abyss, or even the **** of original sin. It will not leave the abyss easily.

The first is that without coordinates, it is easy to get lost or break into some places where even the gods may be in danger. The characteristics of the dream world are not as good as those of the human world.

The second is that the abyss is sheltered by the behemoth. Even if it encounters multiple mythical sieges, there is still room for a last-ditch battle.

If you get stuck outside and get blocked by a certain myth, then the situation is different.

It can't kill you, but it can also seal you.

Just like Ackermanmon, the former ghoul king.

When Naproses called out the opponent's name~lightnovelpub.net~, the opponent immediately locked its position completely.


The ceramic villain was frightened, turned into a black light and fled.

But to be honest, its current strength is really far from the King of the Abyss.

Seeing that Meld's dark giant hand descended from the sky, it was about to grab him.

The ceramic villain was terrified.

"How to do?"

"How to do?"

And at this time, it heard someone calling its name again.

That voice came from the world. Ceramic villain: "Damn?"

"Who is this?"

"Goddess of Crimson? God of Truth and Knowledge? Lord of Purgatory?"


It counted around and found that there were basically no true believers, and those who "worried" about it were really countless.

But no matter who it is in the hands of, even if it directly dissipates in the world.

That is better than falling into the hands of the king of the abyss.

One of these two guys is more perverted than the other, and the other is worse than the other.

Especially Dark Moon, when the ceramic villain made this guy miserable, the ceramic villain didn't have to think about it to know how much this guy hated himself.

Even if it falls into the hands of the Crimson Goddess, the opponent at least falls into the hands of these two guys.

Thinking of this, the ceramic villain doesn't care who it is, just like a diving master, he slammed into the world with a sudden posture. It escapes the dream world.

in the dark.

The huge dark seal palm fluttered in the air, and two figures followed closely behind, standing in the void.

Meld looked at the passage through which the ceramic villain escaped: "What's going on?"

Dark Moon is thinking: "Who is calling the ceramic villain in the world?"

The second underground fluorescent cave is located in the middle and south.