I Am God!

Chapter 568: Famous painting "Dragonfly"

[I am God! 】Novels are free to read, please collect Yiqi novels【】

Spring is coming.

Although he couldn't hear the sound, he seemed to be able to hear the rapid growth and climbing of the vines outside the window, because in just one night, it had already overflowed the window sill of Matavus.

The growth of life cannot hear the sound, but our hearts can hear the rhythmic sound and imagine the beautiful picture.

In a hotel room in Lime City, Matafuss was reading a book.

It was the "Biography of King Meurabi" given to her by the Arab priest.


The room was very quiet, only the sound of pages turning could be heard.

In the book, King Meurabi is a follower of King Osis. He is Suinhor's first mortal king, and he has been promoting the policies of Osis all his life.

It is also because of this that there is the Suinhall Kingdom today, rather than a divided city-state.

He suppressed the rebellion, divided the nobles, and killed a large number of opponents. In the end, Anu, his most loyal arm, was not spared.

In this biography, we can see how Morabi broke with Anu step by step. At first, there was a disagreement over whether the snake man could enter the Feathered Serpent Pyramid, and then the Harvest Temple grew stronger day by day.

In the end, it was because of the appearance of the totem pole.

The ability of totem poles to transform the power of lizardmen worries Morabi.

But this is not the fuse, the real key factor that overwhelms the last straw.

King Morabi is old.

He is going to die.

That's why the last scene happened. The former friends and companions fought each other desperately, one wanted to kill the other, and the other cut off the other's arm.

The biography is much longer than the canon, but a book always has a final page.

On that last page, there was written what King Meurabi had said.

"He's right. I'm sorry for him."

"I lied to him. I told him that snake people and lizard people can coexist."

"People change."


Matafus finished reading the biography of the mortal king Murabi according to what the Arab priest said.

When she finished, she didn't know how to describe Morabi, the king of mortals.

At least, it's not just a bad word.

He is not a qualified friend, nor is he a person of high moral character, but a king who does not hesitate to sacrifice anyone in order to achieve his goals.

But in the end, he did what he promised King Osis, and also completed the transformation of the Suinhor city-state alliance into a complete country. qδЙεω

After reading the words on the last page, Matafus did not close the book for a long time.

"People change."

Perhaps, Morabi once imagined that they lived together in harmony and supported Suinhall together.

It's just that in the end, he didn't choose to believe in Anu.

"We sleep with the best hopes, and wake up with the worst plans."

Matafus didn't know why, but said what Rab said before.

"We believe in the beauty of human nature, but we know that beauty cannot stand the test. We believe that justice exists, but we don't believe that justice belongs to us."

"So we dream the best dreams and tell the best stories."... "But we always do mean things and do ugly things."

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