I Am God!

Chapter 637: Something different from a universal m

When the messenger representing time and years was born.

At this moment, the ancient metal puppet demon Michel was also looking at the universal manufacturing machine at the Silverfish Skyport.


"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka! "

"Kang Dang! "

He watched the humming sound of the huge metal ball, and then cast beams of light from a high place, shaping various objects.

Stone main body, glass windows, metal pipes and painted walls.

as well as.

Various decorative and practical items such as reliefs, lamps, gemstones, etc.

Compared with when I saw it just now, it has several more miraculous powers, and it has become more and more powerful.

Both the alchemist and Osis are constantly improving, strengthening and adjusting it, making the metal ball more precise and moving towards their ideal "wishing machine".

Michel watched the big metal ball carefully, turning it to one side and then to the other, as if wishing to take it apart. However, at this time a guard came to Michel: "Hi, no one is allowed to enter here. "

Michel said, "Just look, I won't touch it!" "

The other party still said: "Sorry, you are not allowed to enter here."

Michelle said dissatisfiedly: "Huh~"

"What's the air, isn't it the fusion of miracle power? "

"It's too arrogant to call it a universal manufacturing machine when it can only make a few things. "

"Don't let me see it, as if no one has it!" "

As Michel walked away, she muttered in a voice that she could only hear.

But although his words were full of contempt and indifference, when he left, he looked back three times step by step, and kept looking back at the universal manufacturing machine.

It has to be said that this idea does make good use of the miraculous power of the goblins in terms of matter, and one day it will really be able to truly achieve omnipotence.

After Michelle went back, she said loudly to her companions. "They build universal machines, and we have to build one too. ""wrong! "

"We want to create a completely different and more powerful one. "

Michel is a demon spirit who refuses to admit defeat and wants to be strong, can she not talk about it first, but speak out the big words first.

Maybe, in the end, the big talk will come true?

Michelle is different from most people who like to talk big and are not convinced. He really does what he blows out.

Like the Sanye people, the metal puppet monsters transformed from the people of the Primordial Demon Abyss also have the power of miracles.

However, the ancient metal puppet demon spirits that originated from the people of Moyuan also have their own arrogance, and it is necessary to create one that is different from the Sanye people. but.

Michel grabbed his metal skull and fiddled with his miracle ritual slate.

In the end, I couldn't think of any other good way to use the power of miracles.

"Let's build the sky train first!" "

"After I have the complete apostle and the power of all things, maybe I will have an idea. "

That's right, Michel is ready to break through the apostle rank here.

And his Vientiane magic equipment is the train that runs to the sky and shuttles through the sea of ​​clouds.

Not only did a large number of magicians, tower keepers, and alchemists come to the construction of Yinyu Skyport, but also thousands of demon spirits rushed here.

The bottom of the giant tower.

It can be seen that all kinds of extraordinary materials have piled up in the train station below to form a mountain, and the summoned demons and a large number of craftsmen are rushing to work.

As the developer of the steam train, Michel is also a "rich man" among the demons, but this time he almost emptied Michel's savings in order to build the Vientiane Magic Equipment. Thousands of tasks were issued at one time, by imitating the props made by the first generation Zhan Planet.

This is also a gluttonous feast for the monsters

, Ordinarily, there is no chance to join in the manufacture of Vientiane magic equipment, and to be able to get so many magic gold coins and rewards for special materials.

A series of egg-shaped mechanical airships have been here since last year, and they have been combined to form a huge abrasive tool manufacturing workshop. You can see a large number of parts produced from it, and then the closed train that has not yet opened Station for assembly.

One after another, the monsters took over the mission and joined in the construction of the Vientiane magic equipment.

As the mountains of extraordinary materials get shorter and shorter, until they are exhausted.

In the train station, a steam train of more than 1,000 meters has finally gradually taken shape.

The black and shiny monster-like body is full of mechanical and dynamic structures, two headlights that look like eyes, and a tall chimney.

All give a strong sense of impact.

On a winter morning.

It was still dark, and a large number of figures could be seen gathered around the train station, as if they were waiting for something.

Some of them were craftsmen, and each of them held a lantern in their hands. The weather was a bit cold, and these people chatted shivering in the wind.

Some people are powerful persons who have come from afar, and they seem to have come here specially to witness something.

There are more monsters driving their own magic tools to patrol the water and sky, and even pulling ribbons and banners.

"Is it going to open today? "

"It should be officially launched. "

"Is it the ladder into the sky or is it?" "

"It should be just a trial run of the Vientiane magic equipment sky train. We can't take it. After all, the sky port has not yet been built, and the sky ladder ceremony has not yet officially started. We must first hold a sacrifice ceremony to the sky giant. "

In the train station, Michelle was leading several of his partners towards his Vientiane magic equipment train.

They lined up very calmly, as if they had trained many times, advancing safely under everyone's gaze.

"Cross rub! "

The front of the car is the power compartment of the train. With a wave of Michelle's hand, the pneumatic door automatically opened, and a puff of white smoke came out. Through the door, you can see the complex structure inside the front of the car. Densely dense metal pipes, one after another large long jars, glass fire element burning vessels, and altars connected to all the circuits of the ritual circle.

Michel took out his own mythical organ, the mechanical heart, and pressed it into the altar's mosaic groove.


A huge force turned into light and spread from the altar to the entire train.

It can be seen that a powerful spiritual force field spreads from Michelle's body, and the magic gold metal on the car seems to come alive. Michelle's spirit keeps resonating with the steam train, Integrating with the ritual array, the ritual and the altar are completely connected together.

He felt his consciousness float out, as if he had become the spirit of this train.

And as the influence of the mental force field became stronger and stronger, one shadow after another squeezed out from the bulkhead of the train.

Ka Ka Ka Ka! "

There are dark train conductors wearing black hats, maintenance personnel who seem to be pieced together by countless mechanical gears, and security guards who maintain order and are responsible for fighting.

"repair! "

"examine! "

"Please show your ticket. "

"Passengers on the train, please obey the rules of the train. "These curse-sealed puppets spoke different words as they walked around. And next.

One by one of Michel's friends also stood up, and some of them merged into the power furnace.

Some are integrated into the train tracks, and some are integrated into the window glass to form an enchantment.

"Power furnace, open. "

"Wind energy track, open. "

"Vientiane enchantment, open. "

Voices came out one by one.

The extraordinary fire element steam engine was ignited, and violent flames rushed along the pipeline like a fire dragon, spreading to the entire train.

"Puff puff ~"

"Woo woo woo~

The dark carriages were lit up one by one, and the whistle of the train also sounded sharply.

The wheels turned and began to move forward slowly.

The moment the whistle sounded, the entire train station became a sensation, and thousands of people crowded forward.

"It opened. "

"Do you really want to drive to the sky?" "

"Such a big guy can fly in the sky, how many people can it bring! "

All the demon spirits set off magical fireworks, and a long message of congratulations hung down from the airship.

"Vientiane magic tool! "

"Vientiane magic tool! "

"Sky train. "

"The new Vientiane Demon Michel. "

"Michel, the apostle of the great demon god, the master of the sky train. "

The train keeps moving along the track, faster and faster.

It drove out of the train station and headed towards the giant tower.

It was getting faster and faster, continuously going up around the giant tower, passing through layer after layer.

Every time you pass through a floor, you can see that the voices and cheers under the giant tower become louder, and everyone is extremely excited.

The owner of the train, Michelle, was standing by the window at the front of the train. Hearing the cheers, he rested his hand on the window sill comfortably and looked ahead.

Eventually, the train reached the top floor.

At this time, the sun also rose, and it happened to shine on the top of the giant tower, and also on the moving train.

"Kucha Kucha Kucha~"

But it's not over yet.

The train actually drove out of the top of the giant tower like this, jumping high.

It looked as if it was about to fall like this, but everyone immediately saw that under the rotating hub of the train, there appeared an illusory air track outline that continued to spread into the distance, and the train was driving on the illusory track continuously towards away to the sky.

The lines on the glass windows continued to spread, and an enchantment enveloped the entire body, isolating the inside and outside.

Although the train was tilted up, the inside of the train did not seem to be affected.

It just passed quietly under the blue sky.

Go straight to the sea of ​​clouds.

People looked up at the giant steel beast passing through the sky, and watched the rotating hub follow the illusory track, as if seeing a brand new era.

It was also at this time that the body of the ancient puppet and demon Michel in the front of the train changed a little bit.

His body turned into flesh and blood, his facial features softened little by little, and his hair grew out with the light.

He became a being in the form of a god.

He has the same silver-blue metallic hair color as Lei, but his eyes and face are sharper.

Michelle always had a slightly proud and unyielding smile on her face, holding her head high, pretending that I was the best.

And behind him, several of his partners also changed one by one, possessing the form of a **** just like him.

A group of people standing together and looking at each other.

Then all of a sudden they jumped up together, high-fiving each other and yelling. "We did it! "

"Vientiane magic tool, we really made it. "

"Oh my god, I actually have the form of a god. "Different from the calm posture shown in front of the people, they are much more excited than those outside at the moment.

Michelle leaned against the window, pressed her hands back on the window sill, raised her head high, with a proud smile on her lips.

If that fellow Holios knew, he would be furious. "

"I can already imagine the picture of the flames in his head turning red and black and spraying out from both sides of his head. ""But it's useless, who made me Michel, the strongest opponent in his life! "

"I built the sky train before him, and I will definitely build the star before him in the future."

World special train. "

Holios was the flame demon who had a problem with Michel at the beginning, but in the end, Michel chose the path of the steam ironclad ship, and the two of them also started to run in two different directions.

For so many years, the two seem to be like mortal enemies, bickering non-stop when they meet, and looking like they are going to fight every time they meet.

They competed with their own technology, with the magic equipment they built again and again, and with their influence on the world.

Who is smarter and who is stronger.

Is it the steam train that has had a greater impact on the world, or the steam ship?

They fought from the Demon King City to the kingdom of yellow sand, from the desert to the continent and the ocean, and from the giant island of Ruhe to another world. And now they have begun to compete in the sky.

Perhaps in the not-too-distant future, they will start a battle in the star realm. "

The Vientiane magic tool sky train turned round and round above the sea of ​​clouds.

Finally, it stopped and fell to the ground.

"I will be the first one to go in when the Sky Harbor is finished and the Sky Ladder opens. "

At this time, someone sent a letter.

After reading it, the companion on the side looked at Michel: "Michel, Holios is really going to die."

Michel just said that Holios was going to die of anger, and in a blink of an eye his companion said that Holios was going to die, which made Michel think that the other party was joking: "What nonsense are you talking about? "

The companion handed the letter to Michel: "Look. "

Michel quickly took it, read it from beginning to end, and then fell silent.

The flame demon Holios, who has been competing with him for a long time, has entered the final stage of life.

It was originally a flame monster, wandering in the world for hundreds of years, and later followed a snake-man contractor to the Moyuan King City, where it transformed into a demon spirit.

For most monsters, he is already a very successful and even legendary existence.


In this world, not everyone has the opportunity to be an apostle.

Not all apostles can become reincarnated and embark on the path of godhood and eternal life.

Some people are doomed to face life and death.

As a demon family, his consciousness will decay, and a brand new consciousness will be born from his body.

However, no one knows whether the new him is the old one. Some things can be inherited, but some things are destined to dissipate over the years.

"Michelle? "

"Michelle? "

The people on the side called Michel's name a few times, but Michel didn't recover.

Michel stood where she was, not knowing why the joy in her heart just now dissipated without a trace, and she even felt a little overwhelmed.

He suddenly understood that some games and competitions cannot go on forever.

He once thought that the endless race was in the blink of an eye, but he was suddenly told that he was about to reach the finish line.

He seems to have won.

But this is not the way he wants to win.

Not only did he not feel happy, but he felt a strong resentment in his heart, as if he had prepared for a long time to defeat a certain enemy and made up his mind to go all out, but in the end the other party escaped.

He stood alone on the podium and won the medal without even having a good competition.

Snowflakes floated in the sky, and the first snow of winter came, sprinkled on the giant tower, and sprinkled on the vast lake. "Snow? "

This has never been seen in Thunder Swamp, not because the climate here is so warm.

It's just that before the sky-breathing cloud mountain and the lost country leave here, no matter how cold it is, no snow will dare to fall between the heaven and the earth.

And this year's snow is particularly heavy, drifting all the way along the north, sprinkled all over the

The whole world.

As if celebrating, the messenger of ice and snow came to the world. Michelle wiped the snow off her face, and then said.

"Our victory has not yet been decided, that guy wants to just run away. "

"It's disgusting. "

Michel walked forward and threw the letter aside.

Demon Abyss King City.

This floating city is floating in the sky. The construction of several areas on the surface has been completed, and the construction of the lower floors has also been completed.

Passing through the gate on the basement floor, you can see strange jungles and plants, as well as running beasts.

There is even an artificial ocean at the bottom of the floating city, where a lot of marine life lives.

The Celestial Stone at its core has been molded, gravity and buoyancy are stabilized and self-regulating.

Everything has come to an end.

It can be said that the demon family is ready to go to the star world.

Just waiting for the astral gate to open.

And this is not a problem, the Destroying Witch has returned, and the Demon King has gone to the Destroying Natural Disaster Salvation Association to discuss this matter. It seems that the journey to the high heavens is close at hand. "set sail! "

"set sail! "

"Star Realm, set off towards the stars. "

"The target is the sea of ​​stars. "

When Michel came back, all he heard was this kind of slogan. The entire demon family was full of yearning for the star world and full of vigor. There is a huge population in the city, not only the demon clan, but also many snake people, wing people and even lizard people. Some of these people are tourists, and some of them settled here as contractors. He went round and round, and quietly came to Holios' house. It can be seen that there are many people at the door of Holios' house, including Holios' friends, his partners, and even envoys from kings of various countries.

All kinds of people gathered in front of Holios' house, and it was a huge crowd.

Although Holios is not very good at dealing with the world, as a powerful demon who is good at making extraordinary iron-clad steamships, he is a special existence in the eyes of all forces.


None of these could go in, and they were all blocked outside. Hollios is not a good-natured and polite fellow. But this couldn't stop Michel, he circled around Holios' house, and then found a loophole in the barrier set up by the other party. He opened an opening from a low wall, and then turned in. He walked around generously, and finally saw Holios in the courtyard, who was looking over and over with a paper airplane. When Holios saw Michelle, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said furiously.

"Michelle? "

"How did you get in here, you broke into my house without permission. "

The flame inside the flame demon's humanoid glass shell body instantly turned crimson, and then turned into an almost black color.

Finally, with the sound of violent jetting, flames sprayed out from both sides of his head.

But Michel walked in front of him indifferently, picked up the steamship model on the table, and sat on the chair that originally belonged to Holios, looking like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"Crossing all the way, what are you going to do! "

Holios was furious and bickered with Michelle for a long time, and the two of them stopped cursing until they couldn't move.

Holios asked Michel, "What are you doing here?" "

Michel said sharply, "Let's see when you die!"

"I'm not going to die, I'm just going to the next round," Hollios responded.

Michel laughed: "Oh, with such confidence, the next one may not remember anything, you are a fool!"

Holios: "Don't think that becoming an apostle means you've won. It's just because I was a little late from a monster to a monster, so you got the first chance. "

Michelle laughed loudly: "Anyway, my Vientiane magic equipment skyship has already parked in the sky port, and the sky can no longer stop me. It won't be long before the astral train will appear

. "

Hollios was furious.

At this time, the paper airplane in his hand also fell to the ground. Michel was about to help him pick it up, but seeing Holios snatching it up first, she said nervously.

"Don't touch my stuff. "

Michel was a little curious and asked Holios.

"What is it, so precious? "

"A rainbow tree letter," said Hollios.

Michael: "Whose letter?"

Holios glanced at Michel, and didn't hide it: "A letter from my contractor."

Michelle was very surprised after hearing this: "When did you have a contractor, I have never seen it before."

"It's been a long time," Hollios said, "but she's a nonchalant person who never stays in one place and doesn't have regular friends and no one can find her."

"Only when you think of me occasionally, will you send me a few letters. "

At this time, Holios seemed a little lonely. He squatted on the ground holding the letter of the rainbow tree that had turned into a paper airplane, and gently brushed away the sand and ash that did not exist on it.

At this time, Michel saw the cloudy color on the glass shell on Holios' body, and the steaming black gas from his flame. All of this means that Holios' spirituality and consciousness are decaying.

Michelle's expression changed.

But in the end, he didn't express the sadness in his heart. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders, and then said something irritating: "You have such a strange and bad temper, no wonder people only send letters and don't want to see you."

Holios jumped. "I'm grumpy? I'm weird?" "Her temper is weirder than mine, and I'm not half as weird and bad as she is. "

Michel went nowhere.

In the past few days, he has been staying at Holios' house, which has also annoyed Holios.

This guy is like an annoying bug that keeps buzzing around your ears, but you can't catch him or drive him away. In the end, he was even somewhat used to Michelle chattering beside him, bragging about how powerful his sky train was. But every time, Hollios would fight back strongly. But at dusk one day.

Holios held the letter and looked at it alone for a long time. In the end, the fiend, who was as violent and serious as fire, spoke to Holios very lonely.

"You're right, maybe the next me will not be as smart as the current me?"

’ He may also stop making all kinds of machinery, stop making ships. "

’ He’s not going to be interested in that, and he doesn’t remember everything I remember. "

Michel didn't like what Holios said: "Why are you so downcast? This is not you. Didn't you say that you will fight again next time?"

Holios looked at Michel, and did not argue with him this time.

"I want to, but... there is no way! "

"I can't fight the years, I don't have time. ""In the past, no matter how big my ideal was, everyone would think it was ridiculous, but I believed that I would be able to accomplish it, because I still have time, and I can keep chasing after it. "

Holios paused for a moment, and finally spoke like an old man at the end of his life.

"But now, big talk... really big talk. Michelle also became silent, he didn't know how to comfort Holios, he wanted the other party to still maintain the fighting spirit, and wanted the other party to continue with himself.

But, just like Hollios said.

We cannot fight against the years.

Suddenly, Holios said to Michelle.

"Do you know why I build machines? "

"Making magic equipment that runs on land and magic equipment that runs on the sea. "

Michelle thought for a while, and then said, "Because I want to compete with me."

Before Michel finished speaking, Holios immediately said with disgust: "You are not qualified yet."

Michel was not happy:

"I am the demon who created the sky train. "

Next, Holios told Michel.

"A long time ago, when I was a monster. ’” I made a pact with a man, and it was a very powerful guy, a genius of power. "

Michelle: "And then?"

Holios: "I followed her for a long time, but then she felt that the pure fire demon was not strong enough, nor smart enough. "

"So he wanted to turn me into a powerful demon, so he took me to the Demon King City. "

Michelle understood something, suddenly realized.

"You have a deep relationship with her, so you later embarked on the road of becoming stronger because of her? "

Holios's head was on fire again, he said aloud excitedly.

"never! "

"I became a demon spirit, but she still disliked me for not being strong enough, running slowly, and becoming weaker in the sea, so she abandoned me. ""I can not be reconciled. "

"I want to prove to her that I am very good, the best one. "

"Not only the steam engine and steamship I made run fast, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is also the most powerful on the sea, I not only want to fly the fastest in the sky, but also fly the fastest in the star realm quick. "

Holios held up the letter, still more annoyed.

"This guy has been traveling around the world these years, becoming stronger and stronger, and even showing off to me in letters! "

"She went to islands in the sea that no one had ever been to, and she went to the Evil Peninsula. "

She also said that she flew over the Sea of ​​Storms, went to the Sunfall Desert, picked up meteors in the desert, and flew to the kingdom of the Winged Man. "

"What's the air! "

After Holios got angry, he became even more depressed.

"The most annoying thing is! "

"In the end, I still told her, it's useless, I can't compare to her at all! "

"She has become an apostle, she is as free as ever, she can do whatever she wants. "

"But I was always trapped in the past. I fought with her all my life, but in the end I lost. "

Michelle opened her mouth wide: "Huh? "

"Shouldn't it be that you have been serious with me for a lifetime, aren't we opponents for a lifetime? "

Holios looked at Michel with contempt. Although he didn't speak, his eyes already represented everything.