I Am God!

Chapter 638: Go find the ice fairy!

[I am God! 】Novels are free to read, please collect Yiqi novels【】

Holios became weaker and weaker with the naked eye, the spiritual decay became more and more obvious in his body, and his consciousness occasionally became hazy.

He began to tell Michel his story.

He seemed to be afraid that he would forget these things, and hoped that Michelle could tell these things to his future self.

The sun on the sea of ​​endless sand is pure gold.

The light was not so vicious after falling through the crystalline sky barrier of the Floating Void City, but the dazzling pure gold remained and was reflected in the small courtyard of the Holios family.

There are trees and various ferns and gymnosperms in the yard, as well as special potion plants, which look extraordinarily lush and beautiful.

The not-so-big yard looks very compact. Looking forward and looking back, you can also see hidden paths and passages.

It gives people a feeling of paradise.

Michelle leaned against the side of the basin stand, put one foot away, stepped on the wall, and asked Holios, who was basking in the sun, with his arms folded.

"Why not make a copy of the memory?"

Holios didn't answer, but instead asked Michel. "What about personality?"

"Personality and other things cannot be copied!"

"Even if I have the same memory, if the last memory makes my future self feel pain, it will be meaningless."

"There is more than one person who has fallen insane because of this. We have seen many."

"Isn't it?"

Of course Michel had seen it before, and as a member of the Demon Spirit, he felt empathy for Holios' words.

"Glass Man" Holios was holding a pipe that looked like a chimney. The metal handle of the pipe was burning red, emitting smoke like a steam engine.

He tapped the pipe and said to Michel while lying on the chair.


"Some things I want to remember, but I don't want to remember so clearly."

"There are some things I want to forget, but I can't completely forget them."

"Another person will tell another me what kind of person I used to be and what my past was like, so that he is full of interest in my life without feeling bound!"

"Just right!"

Holios seemed to be an unsociable and somewhat rude person. He was extraordinarily rude to those guests, and would drive them out if they didn't like it.

But at this moment, in front of Michel, he showed his own views on life, revealing a different wisdom.

"In this way, I can look forward to life and the future again."

"Then the other me will be the same as the current me, moving towards the place of dreams and longings."

The other person Holios was talking about was naturally Michel, although he didn't say the request.

But Michel decided to accept the commission from Holios. It was tacit.

Michel knew about the second half of Holios' life, most of what Holios told was about his first half of his life, and most of the stories contained a very important character, that is, his contractor. Early in the morning, Hollios plays with his model steamship. Suddenly, he raised his head and said to Michelle.

"That guy is a very powerful person. He was born in an extraordinary family that has been passed down for thousands of years. He was recognized as a genius when he was born."

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