I Am God!

Chapter 646: Remake of the Vial of Original Sin

Deep in the dream world.


Sitting on the throne, Naproseth was dressed in a black robe, with a terrifying long-handled sickle leaning aside.

Under his feet is the city of the dead that is full of darkness and dilapidation. The overwhelming ghosts have turned into an army of undead and servants of all ranks.

In the corners of the ruins, there are a large number of wandering shadows that do not have any other ranks.

The king of **** dozed off on the throne like this, maybe it wasn't sleep. For a strong man who had reached the boundary between **** and man, sleep was not necessary, it was more like a mental recuperation. but.

Naproseth's spiritual healing does not seem to have been successful. He just closed his eyes and dreamed of the long years spent in the dark prison.

He dreamed that he was wandering in the cage again and again, and he saw himself screaming and screaming in misery and despair, cursing at the sky. "Why?"


"I don't agree!"

There is no time in the darkness, one hundred years, one thousand years, one hundred thousand years.

or even longer.

He is clearly only one step away from becoming a god, but he can no longer grasp it, and can only face despair day after day and year after year. Next, he dreamed of other images.

under the setting sun.

A samurai with a black sword is holding a book of poetry in his hand, reciting sentences from the book.

"Everyone is a little man in a bottle, forever bound by something."

"It doesn't come from someone else, it comes from yourself." A guy who is obviously a child is also wearing armor behind him, wearing a ridiculous helmet and heavy armor, and the skirt armor drags on the ground so that he can Like a tin can, it makes a clanging sound when it walks.

At the end, a girl followed step by step, and the three of them walked leisurely.

The screen turned again, and he saw the black sword warrior again, but he had already died and turned into a ghost.

But he still sang the poems over and over again, as if mocking himself.

And finally.

He passed by the armored woman again and again, looked at her again and again, and then turned away.

Occasionally, he would look at the mottled and dark helmet from a distance, absent-minded and not knowing what he was thinking.


"It's all fake."

Naproseth opened his eyes, muttering in his mouth. He was obviously very angry and should have yelled loudly.

However, when it comes to the mouth, there is only a low voice and a calm voice. Some people will lose their emotions if they talk too much, because the emotions have already been engraved in the body.

He denies all that.


The scene that kept reappearing in his dreams, which made him unable to escape, had already proved something.

Some things are fake for others, but for those who have experienced it, it is an indelible life.

Naproseth picked up his scythe, got up and left his kingdom of God.

He walked towards the other side of the dream world. The dream world in the chaotic space was a bit lost. He first crossed back to reality and resurfaced. at this time.

The abyss has already appeared in front of you.

He came behind the gate of original sin and saw the evil god. From a distance, Naproses was quietly looking at the other person's face.

Unlike him, the other party seems to never dream, and is always awake.

The deity never seemed to have any fear, and would never make a desperate cry like him.

In fact, the pain of Naproses, the little years he experienced was compared with everything the other party experienced.

It seems so understatement.

This made Naplow stop, bowed his head and said something.

"A real strong person should be like this."

Naproseth has extremely complicated ideas about the evil **** of original sin.

Even he himself didn't know how to describe his emotions.

He adores each other and fears him at the same time.

He used to look forward to the powerful posture of the other party from the heart, but now he somewhat loathes the other party's existence.

at this time.

The evil **** didn't look up, but just turned his palm slightly and raised his finger.

Meaning, let him come over.


Naproses immediately ran over with a bright smile.

At this moment, he seemed to have become that little ceramic figure again.

When Naproses got closer, he found something extra on the table: "What is this?"

Xiao: "The magic eye of jealousy."

Naplow couldn't help but take another look, and Xiao seemed to say something casually.

"Like it?"

Naproses raised his head: "Huh?"

Then, he heard the evil **** in front of him say, "Give it to you."

Of course, Naproseth would not refuse to obtain such a pair of powerful eyes, which are equivalent to a pair of props beyond the level of ordinary apostles.

As long as it is used well, it will be able to have an extra super-level combat power and subordinates, even if it cannot bear the power of original sin in the end.

Naproseth accepted it happily, and then asked cautiously: "Master, the gate of the astral world was opened by the demon god." Xiao nodded without seeming to show any emotion: "That's really congratulations!" Ms. Lianna."

But after a while, he asked again.

"So, what about you?"

Naproseth lay on the ground and said seriously: "I have already decided, I will use that method."

Xiao nodded: "Then do it, I will prepare it for you."

Naproseth said excitedly: "If it goes well, I will soon become a myth."

"Master, don't worry."

"I will open the door to the high heavens for you, and make the abyss and original sin everyone's deepest nightmare."

Xiao's expression moved slightly, but he said something that had nothing to do with what Naproseth said.


"Trapped in narrow caves, the era of intrigue is finally coming to an end."

"Looking up, it's the age of the stars."

Naproseth couldn't help being excited when he saw the astral gate open.

After meeting Xiao and returning, he finally made up his mind. While walking in the darkness, the king of **** kept chattering.

"It's about to start!"

"It's about to start!"

"It's starting again, Naproses, are you ready?"

"This time, there will be no mistakes, definitely not." "..."

Naproseth is no longer the ceramic villain before, the monster who laughed and scolded and ignored everything.

He has experienced ups and downs, and he also understands what terror and despair are.

It is precisely because of this that the strong desire is born from the heart.

People who have everything, people who have never experienced pain, don't know what it's like to be so desperate.

It's as if a vine has grown out of your heart, and the roots are densely crawling. You feel itchy all over your body, and you want to scratch your chest and dig out your heart.

Until the tentacle passed through his chest, passed through his blood and took root in his fingertips, and finally pierced out from his fingertips and skin, turning into young shoots that greedily sucked the sun.

back to hell.

He took out two things that he had already prepared. The same, it is a finger-sized ceramic doll, with a strange appearance.

Same, shards of shattered glass, gleaming with corrupted light. Naproseth looked at the little ceramic figurine first, but finally put it down and turned his gaze to the glass shards.

Naproses stretched out his hand, and the huge power in his body gathered towards the glass shards


The ritual array spread throughout the kingdom of God and spread far away.

"In the name of the **** of knowledge from the ancient times!"

"The original bottle of all original sins, please return to my hands across time."

"I need your strength."

Spells, words, hearts are powerful in this world, especially in this era.

They can really communicate with the power of the ancient existence in the dark.

The power of Naproses was constantly soaking the shards of the glass, and the corrupted and filthy light on it was constantly spinning, and then the crystals were continuously spreading.

Small pieces of glass continue to grow and recover bit by bit. Draw an arc and turn it into a spherical shape.

Above the spherical shape, a bottleneck gradually grew.

In the end, the death monarch in black robe took out a mysterious cork filled with spells and pressed it.

after the end.

Naproseth was very excited.

He leaned close to the flask and studied it, turning the handle over and over in his hand.

"The embryonic form came out."

"The bottle of original sin, an artifact from the ancient times."

Even if it is far from being a mythical item, it does not have the terrifying power of the bottle of original sin in the ancient times.

But as long as such a thing is held in the hand, it seems to be able to give people an inexplicable confidence.

A kind of confidence that can call the wind and rain, omnipotent.

The bottle of original sin has a long history. If it goes back to the earliest times, it can be traced back to Haru, the ancestor of monsters.

After Haru, Anhofus, and the Cthulhu in a Bottle, it has been re-refined and appeared in the hands of Naproses.

Naproses wanted to completely inherit the power of the evil **** in the bottle, and the bottle of original sin of the evil **** in the bottle became his first choice for quickly gaining power.


The power of original sin has already been taken away by Xiao, and Naproses recreated the bottle of original sin, which has a different meaning. Next, Naproses looked at the ceramic doll. He put his hand on his head, and then saw the light of emotion and desire being pulled out.

He extracted the weak things in his own experience and memories, and turned them into a seed.

It can be seen that the images that repeatedly appear in his memory lose their luster one by one, as if they have changed from memory to an old photo, a movie made by others.

"Fear, obedience, tenderness."

"None of these belong to me."

At this moment, Naproses thought of Xiao's appearance. He said: "The strong are not affected by these meaningless things." Naproses integrated the extracted things into the ceramic doll.

Then, the stopper of the flask was opened and the ceramic doll was put in. He took it very seriously.

It's like putting my past self, the weakest part of myself, into a bottle.

The only one left outside was a powerful god-like king of hell.

Finally, he opened the exit from **** to the world.

Throw down the bottle that was just refined, and throw it into the world. "I will reproduce your power!"

Naproseth pointed his sickle at the world and said in a cold voice.

"The oldest myth of devouring all beings and enslaving all beings."

"The evil **** Anhofus in the bottle!"

The kingdom of the winged people.

The volcanic land was originally an inaccessible place in the west. After all, the volcanoes here are dense and remote, and there are only a few people, which is not considered a dense duke and earldom.

However, in the past few years, the volcanic land has suddenly become lively, and a large number of pioneering nobles have come here to establish their own territories. last year.

The pioneering nobles of these winged people held an alliance meeting with the original duchies, and finally elected a king and established a united country.

The name is Turgzman Kingdom.

The meaning is very straightforward, it is to board the gate of the sky kingdom

. After the kingdom was established, a large number of immigrants from various reasons gathered here, and even many foreign races also gathered here. Those powerful and powerful people built all kinds of strange buildings between the sun and the sun, and easily built cities after cities. A large number of demonic airships came from afar, bringing the residents who settled here.

Brand new railroad steam trains stop next to the station, bringing in load after load of goods.


None of these sights could compare to that majestic giant tower. "Wow!"

"What a big tower!"

Outside the airboat docking station.

The little winged man Nite, who was only three or four years old, came with his mother Miggina in the airship of the devil. He hadn't even learned to fly, so he could only walk with his mother on the side of the road.

And his mother wore a wide cloak and a turban on her head to cover her face tightly, like a devout monk. At this moment, Nite's pupils flickered and pointed at the building at the end of the sky. The building was built on the mountain, as if the clouds were floating in the middle of the building.

The Wingman children saw a large number of airships and powerful people set off from the port to the sky, rushing into the cloud vortex, and also saw a train revolving around the giant tower like a long dragon, and finally galloping in the air. Nit: "Mom, what's that?"

His mother had seen it a long time ago, and smiled and told him, "Sky Harbor."

This is the real reason for the establishment of the Turgzman Kingdom.

Everyone can see that this place will become the most prosperous place in the Yiren Kingdom, and it will also become a center where the power of the world gathers.

Those nobles and pioneers also joined forces to keep their interests here.

Nit asked: "What is the sky port, and who built it?" Mother: "It was built by a powerful person of a foreign race, in order to connect the sky ladder leading to Ruhe giant island, and to get closer to the stars above the sky. The gate of the world."

"They arrived with a special train from the sky, and they used strange devices to directly create a city and port out of thin air~lightnovelpub.net~For ordinary people, they seem to be omnipotent."

The giant island of Ruhe, the ladder to the sky, the gate of the astral world, etc., are named one after another.

Nit couldn't understand, but felt very powerful.

Walking to the edge of the docking station for the airship, my mother watched the giant tower tightly holding Niter's hand, and the joints were faintly white.

Nit felt some pain, but didn't dare to break free.

"Have you seen!"

"The gods ascended to the star realm from here, chasing the true eternity."

"The strong carve up the world, the strong occupy the sky, and the strong rush to the sea of ​​stars."

"And the weak can only watch from the bottom that they have everything." Nite asked, "Mom, what is a strong?"

Mother said, "The Powerful One."

Nit looked at the giant tower and the sky train that was about to fly out of sight, and suddenly had a concept of the term "powerful person". At this time, his mother suddenly asked him, "Are you going to be a strong person or a weak person?"

Nit said loudly: "Of course you must become a strong person, and you must become the strongest among the powerful."

Nit's mother hugged him and said happily. "I knew it, my nits are the best."

"You will be my pride."