I Am God!

Chapter 664: God of Heaven and Hell

Under the rainbow tree.

Mataves finally figured it out, and she was quite sure.

It turned out that it wasn't her who was wrong but the world.

Although she lost her memory and everything else seemed to prove that this place was indeed two months ago, Matafus still discovered something unusual.

That's why there are so many strong people around here. These guys arrived almost at the same time as her, and wandered around in the same daze.

A small barren city on the border, where did so many strong people come from.

Matafus immediately communicated with the gods and learned what happened before. After learning everything, Matafus originally planned to go to the Kingdom of Brightness to pass the news on immediately, but in order to inform the seated angel Romil as quickly as possible, she finally chose to find a nearby rainbow tree and put herself Everything he knew was written in a letter and sent to the Bright Kingdom.

The colorful light surged in the tree hole, and the letters were gradually submerged in the light.

"Uncle Romir!"

"If you were given a chance to do it all over again, this time you will definitely not let those guys find any flaws again!"

Matafus sent the letter with anticipation. Although she came here for nothing this time, she felt that she still played a great role.

At least this letter should be able to play a key role!

Matafus walked out of the forest in the snow.

She stayed here for another purpose, which was to find the personality of Duma, the King of Angels. It was said that it should have appeared near here in the end.

Before that, although she was the only one who knew the essence of the heavenly contract ceremony from the very beginning, even she didn't know where Duma's three divisions were and what forms they each took.

It was also the first time I knew that the core of the original personality finally appeared in the form of a human being.

But now she is not the only one who knows the news, and there should be many people around the entire Covenant City looking for each other!

Matafusi wants to find each other in advance.

on the way.

Matafus took Duma's source of spirituality and moved forward by feeling.

Worried about missing something, she walked slowly, feeling carefully.

She walked under a huge tower-like building, and saw the source of spirituality emitting light, but she looked left and right, but saw nothing.

It seems that this place has been deserted for a long time, and there is nothing in it.

Suddenly there was movement overhead, and she looked up to see a messenger wearing a hat and scarf resting and eating at the top of the tower.

"found it."

The messenger lady on the tiles on the top of the tower looked at Matafus who was pulling her away blankly, not knowing what she was going to do.

She clutched her messenger bag: "My letter hasn't been delivered yet!"

Matafuss pulled the other party and kept flying and said, "There are more important things. You are the focus of the storm now, and many people are looking for you!"

Matafus dragged Miss Messenger to the center of the covenant city, preparing to get the scroll of the heavenly contract there, which was also a very important thing.

On the way, Miss Messenger finally understood what Matafus said.

Although Matafus spoke in a bit of confusion and haste, Miss Messenger was able to roughly understand what Matafus meant from the confusion and haste.

She pointed to herself: "So, I am Durma, the king of angels, a god?"

Matafuss nodded: "Yeah!"

Miss Messenger pointed to herself and asked: "I'm dead, but I'm alive again, because the time I thought I was in was actually wrong, I thought it was now, but it was actually two months ago , while the rest of the world is two months later.

Matafuss nodded again: "Yeah!"

Miss Messenger asked again: "Actually, I was dead two months later, but because the Ice Fairy used an artifact to reset the time here

, so I went back to two months ago, but I happened to meet you who came to see me two months later. "

"So the current situation is that the me two months ago met you two months later. Matafus's eyes lit up: "Yes, yes, that's it!"

It's one thing to understand, but quite another to believe.

Such nonsense.

Whoever believes is a fool.

Miss Messenger looked at Matafus with pity.

This is really a poor girl, who seems to have gone crazy at such a young age. she says.

"Where is your home, or I'll take you back!"

"You probably sneaked out, so the family will be worried."

Matafuss: "I didn't sneak out of the house."

The messenger lady immediately understood: "That should be some kind of medical fort?"

Matafus was speechless.

She did indeed run out of a certain castle in a hurry, but it was probably a little different from Miss Messenger's imagination.

Matafus could only bring Miss Messenger to the various temples in the city, one of which was not too conspicuous.

Here, they got the Scroll of Heaven.

And the moment Miss Messenger stood in the heavenly scroll ceremony, the whole ceremony changed.

Thousands of shadows appeared beside Miss Messenger, chanting her name and praying to her.

At this moment, all the servants of the gods in the hidden hall knelt down and kowtowed to Miss Messenger.

At this moment, Miss Messenger had some letters: "So what you said is true?"

Matafus felt a little wronged: "Of course what I said is true, everything is true, but you don't believe me."

Miss Messenger asked: "When time goes back, what happened here?" Matafuss: "I don't know too well, it is said that a guy named Nite opened the gate of **** and summoned the king of **** together with him. All together, the King of Heaven destroyed the Kingdom of Light, and the area centered on the entire Covenant City is said to be completely dead.”

Miss Messenger was a little terrified imagining that scene: "Why did he do that?" Matafus spread her hands, "If I can guess what those crazy guys are thinking, wouldn't I be a lunatic?"

Miss Messenger thinks.

When the other party just told me those things, in my eyes, the other party was almost no different from a lunatic.

Perhaps the boundary between a lunatic and a normal person is not so clear.

Or maybe people just give a name to those who they can't understand thinking. Called a madman.

Suddenly, the patterns under his feet changed again.

The entire scroll ceremony of the kingdom of heaven was activated, as if a certain existence in a distant place received some news and made a certain decision.

At the same time, I also felt the presence of Miss Messenger.

The distant Kingdom of Good News.

Lomir took the letter from Matavus and started the ascension ceremony without any waiting.

He was very decisive, so decisive that he didn't hesitate at all.

He chose to believe in an instant, and announced the start in an instant.

This time has come, it is not time to prepare or do anything else, the most important thing now is to take advantage of this gap to finish everything quickly.

The Kingdom of Light had just arrived at the junction of the Kingdom of Silence and the Kingdom of Good News, and saw the official start of a huge ceremony covering the three kingdoms.




Rays of light rushed to the sky.

Matafuss and Miss Messenger raised their heads, just in time to hear a voice coming from afar. "Ah, it's gone!"

The scroll of the Kingdom of Heaven in Miss Messenger's hand was shining brightly, rushing to the sky.

Under the eyes of the two people, the scroll with a large number of names is wrapped in a dense light path and rushes to the distance.

With the temples and prayer halls as nodes, an indescribably complex ritual array structure is formed.

This ceremony covering the three kingdoms brings all the power together to the holy mountain of light in the distance.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang~"

The bells of the kingdom of heaven came down from high above, and among the buildings with palaces, the light and shadow of white feathers falling from the sky could be faintly seen.

Along with the sound of the bell, an existence broadcasts the sound to the world.

"I am an angel Romir."

He declared his identity, and then said as if taking an oath.

"I shall."

"Incarnate the seat of the king of angels, and protect the place of light believers with light."

As soon as the word came out, it could be seen that a large number of believers inside and outside the temple began to gather automatically, praying towards the bright heaven.

Matafus and Miss Messenger stood, and the voices of the believers passed through them, heading for the kingdom in the sky.

"Above the bright kingdom of heaven, there are messengers from the sky who preach the gospel to us. When that day comes, the world..."

"Angel Romir..."

"Servant under the Throne of Angels..."

As a large number of voices came from afar, densely packed spiritual bodies showing prayers and pious gestures also surrounded the heaven.

They ascended to the kingdom of heaven and stepped into the water of the kingdom of heaven with the light.

over there.

They merged with the kingdom of heaven, and the spirit body became another form.

More and more spiritual bodies have entered the Holy Mountain of Light, and the Kingdom of Light has finally completed the real domain of the Kingdom of God, and Romir has also acquired a brand new body in the process of transformation.

In the temple, the angel Romir fell from the height little by little.

It can be seen that his nine wings have grown another wing, forming a complete and symmetrical shape.

It's just that his body cannot leave the Holy Mountain of Light easily, and without this heaven, he will also disperse.

However, he finally ascended to the position of God and passed the most dangerous stage.

All the sky angels showed ecstatic expressions, they flew in the heaven, some sky angels blew horns, and some sky angels played harps.

But Romir looked into the depths of the dream world, declaring his **** name.

"Wingman Romir, engraved the name of God in the depths of the dream world."

"My name is."

"Guardian of the Kingdom of Light, King of Angels under the Throne of God, Romir, Judge of Light."

With Romir's oath, the power of the Bright Kingdom began to gather in one place.

The angel transformation pool also changed instantly, becoming an existence similar to a mythical altar, spreading its power far away.

In an instant, the door to the dream world opened.

The entire Bright Kingdom began to leave the human world and temporarily entered the dream world, where Romir was going to finish his repairs.

It was also at this time that Romir looked into the distance.

"Master Duma!"

"It's time for you to come back."

In front of the Temple of Light in Covenant City, Matafus was excited.

"As soon as I sent the letter, Uncle Romil became a god!"

Matafus felt that she must have made a great contribution this time.

She originally thought that with her small body, even if she ran over, she wouldn't be able to hit twice with the hammers of the ancient King of Sex and the King of Hell, and she came so late, it was already too late.

But I didn't expect that I came just in time.

But look back.

I saw the Miss Messenger behind her lighten up a little bit, and endless power gathered from the surroundings and poured into her body.

This is the power that the king of angels dispersed into the covenant ceremony of the kingdom of heaven in the first place, and at this moment it finally belongs to herself.

Under the light, Miss Messenger first showed surprise, then suddenly realized, and finally she looked in the direction of heaven and smiled gratifiedly.

In the end, it turned into a ray of light that soared into the sky.

The heavenly covenant ceremony is over.

Duma turned into the light and went to the kingdom of light.

Matafus followed, shouting as she flew.

"Wait for me!"

Matafus also went there together. Under the heaven, she saw two other rays of light converging from afar, and then rushed towards the high heaven together.

The kingdom of heaven rises into the dream world, and the gates of the kingdom of the gods close.

Everything came to an end for the time being.

In the Land of Light, a large number of dazed people finally left with the Kingdom of Light, as if waking up from a dream.

Or, he finally received a message from afar, or was taken away by the rushing people. Some of them looked shocked, some couldn't believe it, and some fled in horror.

"Is the time really wrong?"

"Our time was taken?"

"How is this possible?"

"I can not believe."

These people showed various gestures, but in the end those who came from outside proved him with everything.

"You just have to believe."

But even so, those people still can't believe what kind of power can do such a thing.

The legend of the ice and snow fairy and the monument engraved in history also fell down.

Deep in the dream world.

In hell.

Polik sat on the throne of the king of hell, receiving the worship of countless ghosts. The moment Romir became a god, Polik also completed the transformation in hell, completing the transformation to the second path of demigod.

He used the accumulation of the Polik family and everything he got in the Evill Peninsula in the second era to enter hell, barely making up enough of the myth.

In the form of the spirit of mythological props, he ascended to the throne of God.

This may be what A Sai said to give him before, the result of countless years of waiting. only.

The movement of him becoming a **** is much smaller than that of Romil, and no one pays attention to him in the depths of the dream world.

He inherited the name of the Cthulhu in the Bottle, and also obtained the core and only remaining authority of the Cthulhu in the Bottle.

The authority of ghost species.

A dense crowd of ghosts came, whether they were from the city of the Kingdom of God or the cold wilderness outside, they all came to meet him under the throne of God.

The transparent spirit body looked up at the master of hell, and there were neat holes in his eyes.

Polik's eyes swept over those ghosts. At this moment, he had completely recovered his consciousness and emotions, and his eyes were completely different from those of ghosts.

"I am not the one who sacrificed you."

"You are not my followers either."

"However, I got this authority and inherited this kingdom."

"From now on I am your god."

Poric's death scythe was stuck in the ground, he told the ghosts.

"The moment the gods become true gods, you also have the opportunity to transform."

"You have paid the price, and you will naturally enjoy the glory under the glory of the gods."

When Polik spoke, he stood up little by little with the death scythe.

The whole **** moves with him, traveling through the dream world to a distant place.

between illusion and reality.

The Kingdom of Hell God and the Kingdom of Light, which has just risen from the world, passed by.

It's just that one enters the dream world from the human world, and the other returns to the human world from the dream world.

Above heaven and hell, Romir and Polik looked at each other, Polik's eyes were indifferent, and Romir's eyes were a little shocked and suddenly enlightened.

In the end, **** fell to the Evil Peninsula on earth.

You can see a huge divine kingdom far beyond **** floating in the sea of ​​clouds, which is illusory and hazy, composed of information and words.

There are shadows of books, scrolls, and transparent phantoms of spirits.

Hell merged into it and appeared at the bottom of the **** system kingdom.

That huge kingdom of God immediately began to change and stratify.

The huge mythical gate stands at the very top.

The first layer of libraries where knowledge is stored and the sea of ​​information spread to far away. The second layer is a series of trial codes, as well as a world composed of scrolls and contracts. And the countless ghosts at the bottom look up at the illusory kingdom. They are spirit bodies carrying memories, and to a certain extent, they are also the initial source of the power of extraordinary professional witch spirits and lawyers. Hell is not part of the abyss, if it is a part of the abyss, it cannot appear in reality, nor can it have the ability to lead to the high heaven through the astral gate.

It is just a kingdom of props built with the power of the evil **** in the bottle.

In the lowest level of hell, Polik flew upwards little by little, passed through the kingdom of trial courts and contract codes, and came under the gate of mythology.

Under the huge door, the **** with a cane looked at him and said.

"Welcome back, Polrick."

Polik knelt in front of him: "This is my duty and mission, Master Asai." The two raised their heads, and suddenly they both showed a hint of smile.

Polik said, "I have finally taken back the power of the ghost."

A Sai nodded: "For us, if the ghost's power is not brought back, it is indeed a hidden danger and a huge flaw."

"And, after you become a myth, the basic composition of the **** system is already in place."

The pantheon of knowledge is based on ghosts.

If Ghost's authority is not taken back, it means that there is a flaw exposed outside.

The conversation between Polik and Asai didn't last long, and the two didn't need to say anything more. When Polik was walking down the Gate of Truth, he ran into Sukob on the road.

God of contracts and codes.

The other party seemed to be looking for him for something, and was waiting for him on the road.

Polik also stopped, staring at Sukob.

Su Kebu first congratulated Polik, and then asked him one thing: "Having obtained the authority of **** and ghosts, how do you want to govern that **** kingdom?"

The information flowed in Polik's eyes, and he seemed to have guessed Sukob's intention: "Do you want to bring your code and contract system into hell?"

Su Kebu said: "Since you have become the master of hell, don't you plan to sort out your own authority, build **** according to your own ideas, and use it to its maximum function?"

"Are you going to treat **** as a so-called cage like Naproseth?" "Using death and fear to rule all living beings?"

"To be honest, this method and method is really stupid."

Polik did not deny: "The **** under Naproseth is like the door of truth in the hands of the evil **** in a bottle. He has not played its true role at all."

The two reached a tacit understanding in an instant, and announced the upcoming cooperation.

Polik lowered his head and thought about what it might look like after the combination of the power of the two and the kingdom of the gods.

"The power of the contract, the code, and the court of justice, combined with the power of death and ghosts." "It can indeed improve the system of the gods, and also make our path and power stronger."

Polik and Sukob were discussing about the future of the pantheon, about the relationship between the kingdom of God and power between the two.

The master of this pantheon in front of the Gate of Truth looked at Gao Tianshang and said.

"It's time to open the astral gate."

for a while.

Becoming a god, becoming a god, returning to the kingdom of heaven, looking up at the sky, preparing to open the gate of the astral world.

In the Kingdom of Silence, a spar kept sinking in a mass of filthy black mud, sinking into the depths of darkness.

The hedron quietly skirted the darkness of the dream void, and finally fell into the abyss. Just unconsciously.

The original black mud abyss fell from the original first floor to the last floor.

Abyss got stronger, but ***

The original sin and law of the world have become weaker than ever before.

Behind the Gate of Original Sin.

Xiao stared at the spar, watching it write the symbol of *** on the paper after its return. He looked down and looked at the paper carefully.

There are seven symbols drawn on it, which also represent the seven original sins of the abyss.

Some original sins have names written on them, and some original sins have props written on them.

Xiao: "The law of laziness also appeared."

"***Melde, arrogant Jokic, raging dark moon, lazy nit."


"The evil eye of envy, the brass lamp of greed, the gluttonous stomach."

Xiao randomly drew a circle, which just happened to frame the seven symbols.

"It's almost there. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Xiao, the evil **** of original sin, put down his pen, and at this moment a figure holding a lamp of greed appeared just at the end of his gaze, and knelt down in front of the long table.

Xiao stretched out his hand, took back the copper lamp that had gone through countless generations of owners, and placed it beside the table.

He stared at that figure, there seemed to be no will in the other's eyes, or the will had been completely eroded by the power of original sin long ago.

"All the memories of the split puppet entering the Kingdom of Silence are gone, even the memories transmitted back are the same. Is it because the puppet locked me directly?"

"Ignore distance, and ignore power?"

"Did it directly lock on my existence from the root of the dream?"

Xiao couldn't figure it out, no matter how much he knew about wisdom and power, it was only wisdom and power, and this was already the realm of miracles and dreams.

On a certain level, at least in their view, this is an unreasonable or even logical ability.

In other words, they haven't fully comprehended that kind of truth and logic.

"However, the height of authority of that historically inscribed monument must exceed imagination."

"Is it the extension of the authority to dominate the gods?"

"The Key to the Star—Space."

"The monument engraved in history—time."

Xiao Shu picked up the pen again and left the name of the monument engraved in history.

The next time he encounters this artifact, or the place where the ice fairy appears, he thinks it's best not to get close.

Frozen fairies may sometimes don't care what others think or do, but if another snow fairy appears next time, the other party will frame themselves in and take away something. up.

It's that no matter how much he lost, he didn't know whether he lost it or what he lost.

And this can kill people at critical moments.