I Am God!

Chapter 675: the oldest vows and promises

The light is hazy and mottled. It pierces through the water surface of the mirror of the sky and refracts to the holy mountain below, while shaking gently.

The slate of "Blood of Kingship" and Osis fell down in this mottled light and shadow. When it fell, the slate of "Blood of King Power" was just spinning in front of Osis.

And Osis lay with his arms outstretched, looking up at the stone slab as if he was drowning in water. During the fall, he seemed to hear many people calling his name and watching him.



"Osis...Osis..." Osis opened his eyes wide. He saw the obsessions of countless people surrounding this "Blood of Kingship" slate, and the shadows of those people emerged at this moment.

Generations of descendants of **** kings looked at him, he even saw his father, saw his grandfather.

Vaguely, he even saw the sons of the **** king in the stone carvings turning their heads together. looked at him.

The shadows of countless people surrounded Osis, floating in the hazy moonlight, trying to shout something towards him.

But all he could hear were small, overlapping sounds.

"Osis, God is leaving...Osis...God is leaving..."

"Going away...going away...God is going away..."

"Find him, bring him back, go call him back."

"Let him... go home!"

"Go home...go home...go home..." Osis looked blank. I don't understand what this means, what does it mean to bring him back, and who is he?

He fell faster, and could only watch the stone slab gradually distanced from him, getting farther and farther away. He stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to reach out to those shadows.

He asked: "Who is he?" When he came back to his senses, he had already landed in the holy mountain, and those shadows had disappeared.

He got up from the ground, headed towards the direction where the "Blood of Kings" slab fell, and chased after it vigorously.

Osis walked through the long steep stairs and the streets of the City of God's Servant. He stared at the stone slab like falling stars, and kept chasing it.

He didn't use any extraordinary strength, just ran towards it. When passing through the city of servants of God, a wide staircase appeared in front of him.

Looking up, he could see the stalwart temple at the end of the stairs, and the stone slab just fell into it at the moment, and he wanted to continue running up, but his body was panting violently.

"Huh...huh..." His body is already a little old. No matter how powerful his mental power is, the wisdom species cannot leap forward towards the myth, and his body is just a sand sculpture that will be washed away by the years.

And his heart is no longer young. He has been chasing something in a heavy sense of fatigue, and he never stops.

He exhaled breath after mouthful of white air violently, then he lifted his legs vigorously and stepped onto the steps, climbing towards the top, staring fixedly at the temple.

"The Temple of the Sky...the Temple of the Sky..." Osis climbed the stairs step by step, and he only had the Sky Temple in his eyes.

Suddenly, two huge shadows projected down from both sides, crossing over Osis's body.

He raised his head higher, and saw two colossal statues. he saw

"King Ledlich" and

"King Jesser" knelt on both sides of the road. Osis stopped immediately. Only then did he come to his senses, he was chasing the trail where the stone slab fell, and went to the wrong place.

This is the staircase built by Jesser, the second king of wisdom, for the coming of the gods. Everything here was built in the oldest era to welcome the coming of the gods.

This is not the path he should be on. He dared not go any further.

"Buzz~" At this time, he heard the sound of the door being slightly opened. Thick, slow, powerful.

It must be a very large door, and he can even imagine the patterns and ancient mythological stone carvings on that door.

In Osis' eyes, gold covered the stairs, the entire holy mountain, and the sky.

he saw

"sun". The sun is a god, and she is looking at Osis standing in front of the sky temple at the end of the stairs.

And Osis looked up at the other party in the golden river of light. now. Only the light is flowing, and no sound can be heard in the whole world.

He opened his mouth, his throat was trembling, but no sound came out: "It is the master of dreams." He said in his heart: "I have seen the Supreme God." Osis had a thousand words to say before he came, but at this moment At this moment, he couldn't say anything, as if he had become a mute, a withered statue.

And he doesn't need to speak, because the Supreme God on the steps knows everything about him, his ancestors, his longing and reluctance.

He has no secrets in front of that stalwart.

"Osis!" The moment the master of the dream yelled his name, his fate and long life seemed to be turned into a long river at her fingertips. Osis saw his past and future reappear, and even faintly saw his destiny end.

The Supreme God, as bright as the sun, stretched out his hand, pointing to the end of his long life's pursuit.

He gave him the end of fate he wanted.

"Jessell is at the South Pole."

"God, I'm waiting for him to come back." Osis finally understood who he was, and he turned his head to look at the same drowning place beside him.

Statue in "Light of the Sun".

"The second generation king of wisdom."

"King Jesser." With those words, the golden ocean covering the world surged. Countless figures appeared in the golden river of light, as if the Sanye people woke up from their dreams hundreds of millions of years ago. They stood under the steps of the Sky Temple and behind Osis.

It spread from behind Osis, to the city of the servants of God, to the auxiliary cities below, and to the end of the sky.

"go home…"

"Go wake him up and let him go home."


"Osis, the king of Sinnsay."

"The descendants of the royal blood..."

"Go home...go home...go home..." The word "go home" became louder and louder, deafening.

Looking up at the sun, Osis's head was left blank by the impact of the supreme power, but his expression showed the same bright smile as when he was crowned in the city of God's descent that day.

----------------------------- When they left, the three of them were still on the Black Sand.

However, compared with the incomparable ferocity shown by those monsters when they came, at this moment they are all hiding in the corner and dare not move. It seems that they can also feel that these three guys who can reach the mirror of the sky and come back alive are not good. Simple.

Compared with the anxiety when they came, the three people who went back were much calmer, but they were still full of worries.

None of the three spoke. Osis remained motionless from the beginning to the end, while Duma showed a worried expression from time to time. How to control the future direction of the Land of Light after the signing of the contract of the gods, and what kind of problems will be encountered next? Let Duma bother.

But Sha Jin was confused. He wandered outside the black storm for so long and finally entered it, and completed the picture that they had dreamed of, turning the Land of Light into the same place as the giant Ruhe Island, and letting Yi The kingdom and civilization of man are as prosperous as there.

What's next, where should we go next? What should be done?

"Let's go to the Land of Light and see what it will look like after the contract of the gods is concluded." Unknowingly, the boat sailed out of the black storm.

Sha Jin looked outside, knowing that the time to part was coming. For a little man like him, to have such a legendary experience in this life is enough to brag about half his life.

And the two fellow travelers next to him, to them, he was probably just a mortal who passed away in the blink of an eye, and this was the only time they met in this life, so he must say goodbye to them well.

Shakin stood up. He was ready and just about to say goodbye to Duma and Osis, but when he turned his head, Osis disappeared. The other party seemed to be very anxious, and he disappeared as soon as the ship got out of the black storm.

Sha Jin looked to the other side, where it was already enveloped by a mass of white light. In the white light, Duma revealed her true form, a nine-winged sky angel.

The king of angels smiled and nodded at the sand gold, and glanced into the distance.

"Someone is coming for you."

"No need to say goodbye, I think we will meet again in the future." After that, he disappeared without a trace.

This made Sha Jin raise his hand in embarrassment, touched the back of his head, and then put it down. Seeing that the ship was about to sink into the sea covered with ice floes and icebergs, Sha Jin flew up from the ship immediately, and he spread his wings to shuttle across the primordial ocean, but he was thinking about what Duma had just said in his heart.

"Someone looking for me?"

"Who is looking for me? Where did this person come from?" Just as Sha Jin finished speaking, a tall tower appeared in the sea of ​​clouds, and the light on the tower shone on him who was flying under the sea of ​​clouds.

The light was a bit dazzling, and Sha Jin immediately raised his hand to block it. Someone in the sea of ​​clouds spoke: "I am looking for you." Sha Jin looked left and right, and vaguely saw a figure: "Who are you?" The other party told Sha Jin: "My name is Aolan." A force pulled and flew to the tower of Yunhai, and saw the real face of the other party.

It was a young man in the shape of a god, and his movements seemed to be mechanical and stiff as he walked forward, as if it was a special habit left by some previous experiences.

Sha Jin felt a bit like the demon family he had seen before, or a puppet. Sha Jin faced the other party face to face, and he called out the other party's true identity.

"Are you the God of Happiness and Wishes?" He was able to remember who Oran was so quickly, or because he only knew that the God of Pain and Potion died in the hands of the other party not long ago, or most people's memories of God First impressions are basically titles, not actual names.

Oran looked at Shajin, and said straight to the point: "The Wingman contract in the Land of Light has signed a contract with the gods. We need a Wingman myth to develop the belief of the Wingman." What do I do when I say this: "What can I do?" Oran still said directly: "Become a god." Sha Jin stood in front of the giant tower on the sea of ​​clouds, chewing on the name of Oran, and it took him a long time to realize that the other party said what does it mean.

He pointed at himself in shock: "Me?" He wondered if the other party had said something wrong, but the other party didn't deny it for a long time, but looked at him with certainty.

"Why did you choose me? I'm so weak." Oran looked at Sha Jin and told him three reasons why he chose him.

"First, your talent is good. It's just that you lost some time, but you can still make up for it."

"Second, you are a person with a firm heart."

"Third, your path and desire can board the ship of the Desire God System to the future." Finally, Oran looked in the direction of the black storm.

"And..." Sha Jin waited for a long time but did not get an answer: "What else?" Oran looked back, and he told Sha Jin.

"You went to the Sky Mirror as an ordinary person, and you were able to come back. We think you are different."

"It is precisely because you went to the Mirror of Heaven that God Yin Wa and I saw you and realized that there is still a person like you."

"Whether you can walk with us or not in the end, God Yin Wa and I are willing to give you a chance to try." At this moment, Sha Jin suddenly remembered the fate that Osis always talked about.

He lowered his head and muttered to himself: "Is this fate?" Oran said to Sha Jin: "Fate is illusory, but some things become true when more people believe in them." Oran looked Holding Sha Jin, tell him seriously.

"If you can return from the Mirror of Heaven, everyone will believe that you are different, and that you will definitely do something."

"But in the end, it is every step you take and every choice you make that determines where you go."


"You can believe in your own destiny, but you can't rely on the so-called destiny." Sha Jin was thoughtful. He might not fully understand what the other party said at the moment, but he felt the specialness of the happiness and wish-lord in front of him. .

This is a **** completely different from the **** of pain and potion. One is pushed down by the power of time and desire until it is submerged, and the other is to actively fight against the power of desire and control them.

For the first time, Sha Jin had a concept of what a real **** should be like. After Oran finished speaking, he handed something to Sha Jin, which was a crucible-like item that exuded special power.

"This is the Crucible of Pain."

"The previous God's Chosen broke his oath and was also swallowed by desire. This is his end."

"And now, you are the new God of Pain and Potion." Sha Jin took the crucible blankly. While he was excited and dazed, an untimely idea also appeared in his mind.

he was thinking. If I am also swallowed by desire, will I become such a crucible in the end?

And when he raised his head to ask something more, the **** in front of him had already left, together with the lighthouse.

"Hey, it's gone like this?" He thought it was God's Choice. Is it that simple? Is it a little sloppy?

It may be because he has not really embarked on the path of becoming a god, and those steps have not yet come to him.

But Sha Jin felt that there was another meaning in it, that the other party was telling him that all the road to becoming a **** had to be walked by himself.

--------------------------- The other side of the sea, towards the giant island of Ruhe.

A figure is quickly heading to the distance. The Demon Queen suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea, staring at Osis who was coming across the ocean, and suddenly stopped him when the other party passed by her.

"King Osis!" The Demon Queen asked him, "What did you see in the mirror of the sky?" Osis ignored him, as if he was a bit out of his wits.

Or they are completely immersed in another world, and they can't even feel or hear what's going on around them.

The Demon Queen stepped forward and asked again.

"Did you really... see the Creator?"

"Is the Creator really here, in the world?" She asked several questions in succession. However, Osis still looked the same, he walked towards the distance, gradually moving away from the Demon Queen.

"go home!"

"Go home~"

"Son of the Moon... Go home..." The Demon Queen who descended outside the black storm did not stop her, just watching the other party leave like this, she frowned deeply, not understanding what was going on with the other party?

Was he ignoring her on purpose, or what.

"What is he talking about?" Osis then walked towards the distance, gradually leaving the influence range of the black storm.

But at this time, the cup of blood mist on his body fell down, and a flower spread, turning into a flourishing sea of ​​flowers.

Ancient temples and various buildings appeared in the sea of ​​flowers, as well as two gods. The red and blue goddesses are looking at Osis, looking at each other walking in the sea of ​​flowers in a daze.

Anli, the **** of magic nets and spells, looked at Osis and was the first to ask.

"Osis, have you seen the Creator?" But Vivien clearly paid attention to Osis's question.

In this state of the other party, it feels as if he has seen an existence with an inconceivably high personality, and thus has been affected in some way.

And the other party had just come out from the depths of the black storm, Vivien felt that he must not have looked directly at the Creator, that was definitely not what he looks like now.

Then, it should be seeing the Juggernaut.

"He looked directly at the Supreme God."

"He was affected, but what sheltered him was just a few shocks."

"It's really reckless, I know I have to bow my head." This is a etiquette passed down from a long time ago, and it seems that everyone has instinctively practiced this etiquette since the beginning of everything.

Seeing the gods bowing their heads and prostrating themselves is not a simple salute, but also a kind of protection for mortals.

Vivien stepped forward, and a **** mist surrounded Osis. she says.

"Osis, stop indulging in sweet dreams."

"Wake up!" In the sea of ​​red flowers, Osis' eyes slowly lit up, and he finally woke up from the sinking of sleep.

He looked at the red and blue gods in front of him, then turned his head to look around, and asked suddenly.

"Why am I here?"

"Aren't I in the mirror of the sky?" Osis opened his mouth wide: "No way, it was just a dream?" Vivien laughed: "You had a dream, but you did enter the mirror of the sky .”

"You looked directly at the ruler god, you are too reckless." Osis remembered that when he saw the ruler god, he forgot to bow his head.

But at that time, the will of the Sanye people in the entire Fantasy Star Sea was attached to him. He only thought about listening to those voices, and only thought about seeing the Supreme God, and he forgot everything.

Osis once again recalled the picture he saw, the sun rising from the temple in the sky.

"I saw the master of the dream." He sighed a little, lamenting that the legends and myths are exactly the same as the real ones.

"Ah, that is really a **** like the sun." Vivien also guessed that it should be the master of dreams.

An Li couldn't wait any longer: "What's next?"

"What else did you see, did the Supreme God say anything to you?" Osis looked at the red and blue gods and spoke.

"The master of the dream told me."

"King Jesser is at the South Pole, God is waiting for him." What Osis said completely shocked the two gods in front of him to show expressions of astonishment and disbelief.

Even if it was Osis who said this, it made the two gods wonder if he was dreaming. They observed Osis's expression again and again to make sure that he was not joking, and it was indeed impossible to make such a joke.

The two immediately looked at each other. After a while, An Li seemed to remember something.

"I remember what was recorded in the myth that the resentment of the father-killing son of Ensi, who wanted to seize the throne of the god-king, attached to his heir, and killed the second generation who swallowed the cup of God bestowed by God Insai in his body. Jessel, king of wisdom."

"Even in the performance of the goblin troupe, King Jesser's body was swallowed by the Cup of God, and the crown of wisdom was lost."

"Should it be like this?" Vivien obviously knew more than An Li. The myth had become intricate and had multiple versions when it was passed down to their time.

And most of the records in the ancient chapters are just generalizations and a few words, and the death of King Jesser is only a few words.

"No, there is another theory." Vivien tried hard to remember something, trying to piece together some truths of the ancient times from those legends.

"King Jesser was indeed devoured by the Cup of God, but in fact, King Jesser's head was not swallowed by the Cup of God at that time, but fell into the deep sea."

"I also heard that King Yali once went to the deep sea to look for King Jesser's head, but he couldn't find it in the end."

"It's just that this legend is just unofficial history and has never been confirmed."

"I always thought it was fake." Vivien and An Li looked at each other and opened their mouths wide at the same time. An Li couldn't believe it: "Where is the second-generation King of Wisdom?" Vivien said with a sad expression, "Maybe it's just the spirit of obsession and unwillingness to leave." The two looked at the world. the other end.

Looking beyond the origin and beginning of the Sanye people in the past ~lightnovelpub.net~ to the end of the world. They seem to have seen the spirit of a certain ancient **** king still lingering in the world, unwilling to leave, let alone enter the sea of ​​stars.

She used to have it all. But he just wanted to go back to his hometown, under that pyramid. He is the god-king of all Sanye people, but he only yearns for Insai's eyes.

An Li felt a little out of breath just thinking about it.

"What kind of obsession is that?" Vivien looked into Osis's eyes, and she finally lowered her head weakly and said.

"That's the oath of the god-king Laideliki."

"It is the obsession of the first generation of God King Wisdom, and it is her promise to God Insai."

"Even if hundreds of millions of years have passed, that promise still flows in the blood of the King of Sinnsay!" It is the oldest oath and agreement in the world, and everyone who has read the sacred oath and the chapters of the saints, Everyone felt that the story and the agreement were so sacred and beautiful.

But now it seems that the oath is so terrible. Not a curse. But scarier than any curse in the world.