I Am God!

Chapter 676: The kingship of Ensi, the eldest son o

In the sea of ​​red flowers, Vivien and An Li looked at Osis at the same time.

Although the two guessed something, they felt that there were still many things hidden in the mist that they couldn't see clearly. Even if they were gods, they still couldn't understand the supreme will.

"Why does the master of dreams want you to go to the South Pole?"

"What can you do if you go?"

Osis remembered the stone carving of "Blood of King Power". When he entered the mirror of the sky, this ancient stone carving happened to fall with him.

When he was staring at the stone slab, he saw the dream of the three-leaf man in the fantasy star sea through the slate, and even looked at him together with the son of the **** king in the stone carving of "Blood of King Power".

He felt it all made sense.

They all indicate something, or symbolize something.

He said, "Perhaps it is because I am the king of Sienza, and also the descendant of royal blood!"

"The story of all this begins with the blood of the king, and ends with the descendants of the king, in the temple that King Jesser built for the Creator."

The more Osis thought about it, the more he felt that something was destined.

He even felt that whether it was the coincidence of the stone inscription, or the fact that the Creator happened to be located in the sky temple built by King Jesser at this moment, or that he, the last king of Heinsay, could live until now, everything has already been caused Sai's will was doomed.

"This is fate!"

"Everything in this world, the will of all people, the torrent of all things."

"Everything will go towards Yin Sai's will."

At this moment, Osis seemed to see a huge palm appearing at the end of the world, and everything in the whole world was revolving around her fingertips.

The three roots of wisdom, life, and dreams are docked in the palm of the hand of the god, looking down on all living beings.

That stalwart shadow is too powerful, so powerful that it makes people yearn for it, but also so powerful that it makes people despair.

strong enough.

It seems that as long as you see her, you can see the end of the universe and destiny.

Everything originates from her, and everything depends on her to exist.

At this moment, Osis also really understood why the saint Tito was called a saint, and also understood the meaning of the sentence the Creator asked him; Come, it seems that they all have different meanings.

"God doesn't want to control fate, but her will is fate."


"It is precisely because of this that God gave up the belief of all living beings and the fate of all living beings."

"As long as she thinks, the fate of the world will be under her will, and there will be no changes."

For a moment, Osis stood there in a daze.

At this moment, he even vaguely felt the loneliness and pity that belonged to the Creator.

If an existence is strong enough, even the flow of thoughts can affect the world, and it is so strong that only when it is isolated from the world and the beliefs of all living beings can it hand over the fate to all living beings.

It is so powerful that if mortals don't work hard to control their own destiny, they will be completely enslaved by fate.

What kind of feeling does this power bring?

Osis looked at Vivien and An Li, and then spoke.

"Maybe it's because of this that she doesn't want the oath made by King Deliki to be a shackle!"

"And if the will of the Creator predestined the fate of everything, then the oath of King Ladeliki predestined the fate of King Jesser and the people who came after him."

"Master Sheila, master of dreams, asked me to find King Jesser and end this fate."

Orsis thought he had found the answer.

An Li didn't know whether she nodded affirmatively, or lowered her head while thinking.

But when she raised her head, she said: "No matter how we guess, our guess is just a guess. We must first go to the South Pole to find the traces we want, so that we can prove whether our guess is true or not."

Vivien looked at Osis: "Go ahead and do it, since this is what you have longed for, then go face your test!"

Osis has decided to go to Antarctica to look for the possible existence of the spirit of Jessel, but he still doesn't know what the situation in the South Pole is like.

He asked the two gods: "Has anyone ever been to the South Pole?"

An Li knows something: "Across the Land of Giant Dragons, there is an area covered by ice and snow all year round. The deepest part of it is a field where life absolutely cannot exist, whether it is plants or animals."

Osis has also heard some: "Is it land, not an ocean like the North Pole?"

An Li nodded: "It's land, but if you want to go there, you have to cross a farther distance than the North Sea."

South Pole.

This seems to be the most mysterious place in the world, even more mysterious than the underground cave world of Ruhe Giant Island.

At least, the underground cave world and the mysterious volumes have been visited by witches.

As for Antarctica, there is currently only one great adventurer in the world who has printed his footprints there and returned alive.

That's right.

He is the ceramic villain Naproses.

And at this moment, he was following his other side, Nite, the sloth king of the abyss, happily lying on his throne together, and Osis had no way to ask him.

Although no one said that it was very dangerous there, Osis could foresee that this journey was not ordinary, nor would it be simple.

"I want to find some people to go with," he said.

Vivien and An Li asked him directly: "Who do you want?"

In a hidden temple in Suinhor.

Wearing a cloak, Osis came to a temple with a large number of stone slabs. In the temple, a stonemason was carefully carving something with a hammer and a chisel, appearing extremely attentive.

Osis walked into it and looked at the surrounding stone slabs, all of which were written with wisdom.

He saw that what the other party carved was an ancient mythical chapter, or an ancient epic written by two generations of saints.

Osis began to speak: "The descendants of Stan Tito, until this era, still haven't forgotten that the ancestors engraved the oaths and myths for the gods?"

The other party turned around and looked at Osis.

"King Osis, what do you want from me?"

Osis looked at the man seriously: "Descendants of Tito, are you willing to take another trip for the highest purpose and mission?"

The other party stood up after hearing this, put down everything in his hand and walked outside.

Although he didn't say a word, his actions firmly told Osis the answer.

Osis laughed, turned around and the two of them walked towards the next destination together.


The two of Osis came to the Fire Guard City together.

The magic obelisks released huge power to connect the districts, the roads were full of cars, the magic crystal rail cars criss-crossed, and the high-rise buildings were densely packed.

Most of the former royal palace has now become a hall for exhibitions. The king of Suinhor has come to an end not long ago, and the king was overthrown by members of the ruling faction.

Now Suinhall has once again become an alliance, without a kingdom.

Standing alone in the corner of the palace, staring at a weapon left over from the ancient times in a daze.

Osis walked up to the opponent and stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

"The Kingdom of Suinhall has become a thing of the past, will the former heroic King Alpens feel sad?"

Another person stood on the other side, and the three of them looked at the weapons together. These were left by the heroes in Suinhor's ancient epic.

Another said: "It's an inevitability of the times, some things are meant to come and some things are meant to go away."

The strong man glanced at the two of them: "Why are you two here?"

Osis stared at each other: "There is one thing that requires you to go to a place with me."

"Besides, because you are a member of the Henir family, I will not give you reasons or opportunities to refuse."

The strong man looked into Osis' eyes, and he seemed to be sure of something after looking at it for a long time.

His expression slowly became dignified and serious: "It looks like it's a very important thing."

"There's nothing more important to us right now than that," Osis said.

The three of them set off immediately on the same day, and the time was very tight.

There are no universal portals to Dragonland that are always open, not even the Sky Stairway leading there.

It belonged to the Lizardmen, and if the Land of Light was a backwater to the Snakemen of Ruhe Giant Island, then the Land of the Dragons seemed like a wilderness outside the world.

It sounds more advanced.

This is because the farther away it is, the more mysterious it appears. The legends of lizardmen and giant dragons are quite famous among the people of Ruhe Giant Island, and many novelists and fairy tale writers will use it as a material for their stories.

But there are almost none who have actually been there.

Therefore, if you want to go there, you can only take a boat or fly. Osis and the others chose a medium-sized aircraft.

They set off from the southwest of Ruhe Giant Island and flew to the main mainland.


Above the sea of ​​clouds, the propeller of an aircraft was whirling, and the flame bottle above it was flickering with flames, spewing out wisps of smoke from time to time.

This is a vignette steam aircraft, which is the latest research result of the Land of the Rising Sun. It is expensive to use and is not yet fully popularized.

But the speed is fast and the flight distance is long, and it ignores the terrain, which is exactly what Osis and the others want.

The three of Osis are sitting in the cabin at the back of the plane, and there are special people driving in front. It looks very stable and has a lot of room.

There are many empty boxes in the cabin, and the three of them sat directly on the boxes, and they didn't dislike the simplicity.

At this time, the other two finally asked the question they had always wanted to ask.

"Tell me, what are we going to do this trip?"

Osis stretched out his hand, and the three of them also stretched out their hands together, saying their names at the same time.

"Spo Henir." This is Alpens, the first king of Suinhor.

"Lines Tito." This is Smirkel, the second-generation King of Suinhor.

"Osis Henir." Needless to say.

"Proceed to the gods..."

The names of the three communicated with the power of mythology, superimposed together and turned into a barrier, isolating the inside and outside.

This is the power given to them by mythology.

Until this time, Osis finally stated his goal.

"We are going to the South Pole to find the head of the second-generation King of Wisdom left behind in the world."

In an instant, Spo Henier and Lyons Tito stood up from the wooden box.

The enchantment surged, and the two of them stared at Osis.

It wasn't until the light of the enchantment dissipated for a long time that the two finally sat down.

Lyons Tito: "No wonder you're looking for us, it's a journey worth risking everything for."

Spo Henier: "If that guy Breman knows you didn't look for him, he will remember you."

"He has set out and is currently traveling across the Sunfall Desert," Osis said.

A South Pole expedition team composed of Sanye people embarked on a journey to find King Jesser.


High above.

astral world.

The floating city of the demon family is becoming more and more stable, and the self-circulation of the entire floating city is becoming more and more perfect. Even if it is separated from the world, it still operates by itself like an independent small world.

A large number of machines, ceramics, and puppet puppets are running in the floating city, and a large number of magic tools are driven by demon spirits. The whole city feels like a precision instrument.


The portal above the moon tower opened, and the Demon Queen walked out of the gate with a serious expression on her face.

In godlike form, the god-species traveled through the cold nothingness of the astral plane, through the airless surface, towards the central inverted pyramid.

She walked down the stairs, but just as she stepped out, she saw the stairs and the world reversed, and her steps changed from downward to upward.

At the end of the stairs, a figure in the Temple of Insai was waiting for her.

Elena, the **** of demons, stood under the statue of the Creator, accepting the meeting and saluting from the queen of demons, she asked the other party.

"Did Osis really see the Supreme God?"

The Demon Queen said, "He should have seen it?"

The Demon God looked at the Demon Queen, waiting for her next specific reply.

The Demon Queen got up and said: "I feel that he is affected by the power of a high-level existence. It should be that he has watched the outline of the Supreme God."

Elena: "The master of life?"

But after speaking, the demon **** himself denied it.

"Probably not, then he probably won't even be able to maintain his life form."

"It can only be Sir Sheila, the master of dreams."

In this world, only they, the existences left over from the ancient times, can understand these things so clearly.

The Demon Queen nodded: "When he just came out of the black storm, I was lucky enough to meet him. He was completely immersed in a dream and couldn't communicate at all."

"However, I heard some ravings from him."

God of Demons: "What did he say?"

The Demon Queen raised her head: "Son of the Moon, go home."

The demon **** frowned, chewing on the meaning of this in his mind.

"Son of the Moon?"

"go home?"

After a while, Elena, the **** of demons, suddenly understood something, and she walked out of the temple.

First of all, he looked at Shenyue hidden deep in the sky: "Shenyue, the crown of wisdom."

In a sense, the Moon of the Gods represents all the authority of wisdom, that is, everything brought by King Delici.

And the will of the Creator is projected into the human world through this moon, and appears in this world.

If the moon had a son, Elena immediately turned her gaze to the tower in the floating city.

That ancient building called the Moon Tower.

"Son of the Moon?"

"Prince of the Moon!"

The name of this floating city is called the Kingdom of Demon Spirits or the City of Demon Abyss, but in the older era, it had another name.

Jessel City.

In the god-given era of the ancient times, the sons of the god-kings led Luhe to leave the land bestowed by the gods to open up their own ancient city. Jesser, who has not yet become the second-generation king of wisdom and has not worn the crown, established the This is the city.

Elena thoroughly confirmed something, but because of this she was even more confused.

"Jesel, the second generation king of wisdom?"

"Also, go home?"

"What do you mean by going home?"

Elena, the God of Demon Spirits, didn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all. She seemed to be able to understand the two characters separately, but she couldn't understand them when they were connected together.

King Jesser is an existence in the ancient mythology, and he has long since fallen after the end of the God-given era.

At this moment, the Demon Queen suddenly told Elena that this was something she had been thinking about along the way, and it took her a long time to recall it.

"There seems to be a legend."

"It is said that when King Jesser died, his head fell into the deep sea."

Elena looked at the Demon Queen: "That's just folklore..."

But as soon as the words came out, Elena stopped her mouth.

If this was just a legend before, but if this sentence was uttered by a descendant of the royal power who had just met the Supreme God, then it would be different.

Elena immediately turned her head and looked up at the statue of Insay in a daze.

"go home?"

"It means, let King Jesser return to the land bestowed by God?"

"God has forgiven us, don't you mind what happened back then?"

It is not only the Sanye people who have a strong obsession with the land bestowed by the gods and the past, the people of Moyuan are also a member of the land bestowed by the gods.

You must know that the Sanye people were expelled from the land bestowed by the gods because of Ens and Boone's rebellion, and because of the competition for the crown of wisdom between Jesser and his brother.

Therefore, after the death of King Ledriki, God expelled all people from the land given by God.

King Jesser won the crown but lost the bestowal and grace of God, and the descendants of Ens and Boone even lost their wisdom and kingship.

Elena turned her back to the Demon Queen and told her.

"No matter where they go next, you have to go with them."

"Go to see the second-generation King of Wisdom, everything from the beginning may end at this time."

The Demon Queen looked at Elena's back, and she asked, "Did we do something wrong at the beginning?"

Elena shook her head, the Demon Queen couldn't see her face and expression from behind.

"Two hundred and fifty million years have passed, who is right and who is wrong, what's the point?"

"It's all gone."

"Myth, epic, kingship, and... love and hate."

"It's all gone."

"To us they are myths, and their mistakes are turned into sacredness, into destiny."

"And for God, for the sons of King Quan, no matter what, they all stand side by side on the stone carving of "Blood of King Quan"."

"No matter what, they are family."

The Demon Queen understood, she walked outside without saying a word, she is a more vigorous person than Elena.

However, just as she walked out, Elena called to stop her.

The Demon Queen turned her head and watched Elena walking down the stairs. The tall **** was talking as she walked.

"Bring this on!"

The **** of demon spirits from under his cloak, UU reading www. uukanshu.com took off the sword that he had been carrying around his waist.

The sword made from part of the molted shell of the giant Ruhe.

When Elena handed the sword to the Demon Queen, the Demon Queen was stunned and did not even dare to accept it for a while.

But under Elena's gaze, she still took it carefully, and gently stroked the scabbard of the sword.

"Luhe Sword!"

The Demon Queen's fingertips brushed the faint light on the sword.

Suddenly, her consciousness seemed to be connected to something, and she saw a white comet soaring in the universe, dragging a tail that stretched across the starry sky of the world.

"Death Star."

A long time ago, Ensi, the ancestor of the Demon Queen, was also one of the royal powers.

And the kingship of the opponent is the death star.

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