I Am God!

Chapter 71: The secret left by the poet

   Countless people at the foot of the sacred mountain are looking into the distance. They have long known the news and are waiting for someone's return.

   When a dusty team appeared at the end of the barren land, the crowd immediately became agitated, and they rushed forward.

   They greeted the arrival of the team from a distance, and waited until the team passed by before the crowd cleared the way and knelt on the sides of the team.

   They kissed the ground, chanting the Ledericky Oath.

   During the whole process, no one spoke loudly, only the sound of pious prayer was heard.

   There is a peculiar silence in the scene.

   The blind poet Tito is among the team's guards, and what he holds in his hands is the slate of King Ledrich.

   The guards surrounding Tito and the slate of writing stopped at the foot of the holy mountain, and Tito alone set foot on the road to the sky temple.

  The poet stepped on the first step and looked up.

   His mental power can't explore the high place, but the scene here has appeared in his memory.

   There is a majestic servant city and a majestic temple, with the blue sky as the background and white clouds.

   The poet felt extremely relaxed, and even let out a long breath, and said in his heart at the same time.


   "I'm finally back."

   The pilgrimage ladder was full of guards with spears. The team stood on both sides, leading to the highest city of the servants. They knelt on one knee and hugged them in front of their chests.

   The Kingdom of Star Luo launched a grand ceremony and ceremony, in order to welcome the poet returning from the god-given land, and the arrival of King Ledrich's slate.

  The poet walks to the heights step by step.

  He entered the city of servants of gods, and all servants of gods knelt down religiously.

  He entered the sky temple, and even the queen and the priests bowed their heads on both sides.

   He put the broken text slab into the sky temple, together with his completed "Anthem of the King of Wisdom".

   They will become the holy artifacts of the Sky Temple and will be passed down from generation to generation.

   The poet put down the sacred object, and when he turned his head, the priests who were kneeling on the ground also got up.

   The queen of the Star Luo Kingdom is also the chief priest of the Sky Temple, walking to him with a scepter in hand, and blessing him.

   "The glory is added to your body. This is a great journey. Everyone will remember your achievements, and you will be immortal with your mythical epic."


"what do you want?"

   Tito shook his head: "No need, Your Majesty the Queen."

   "What I want, I have already gotten on this journey."

   "I only hope that the "Anthem of the King of Wisdom" can be spread, and everyone can sing this poem."

   "All the people of Hiinsai can know where we came from and why we were born."

"I hope."

   "Everyone can remember our glory, the gifts and powers God gives us."

   Queen Star Luo: "This great poem, the myth of King Insai and Ledreki, must be passed on forever in the kingdom and the world of Shinsai."

   The poet nodded, and bid farewell to the queen and the priests who used to be aloof.

   didn't even have the idea of ​​participating in banquets and celebrations, and went straight back to his home.

at home.

   The elderly father sat on the stone bench and looked outside. Hearing the movement outside, he immediately stood up excitedly, and then sat down pretending to be calm.

   But everything is seen by Tito's mental power.

  Tito can imagine how many day and night fathers are so eagerly looking forward to his return.

   Tito burst into tears instantly: "Father!"

   The elderly father got up and looked at Tito, and touched the scar on Tito's face: "You are finally back."

   "It seems that you have suffered a lot."

   Tito nodded: "Father!"

   "What you said is not wrong."

   "When I fell into the abyss, when I was facing death and losing everything."

   "I once said that I won't regret it, it's so ridiculous."

   The young poet smiled and looked at his father and said, "I regretted it at the time. I even screamed and wailed, showing the ugliness."

   Old father: "But you walked out of the suffering and completed this impossible feat."

  The poet stood up and hugged his father.

   The light of the sun shone in from outside the door, and the light and shadow changed as the sun moved.

   Then, the moon appeared outside the window, and the city changed from noisy to quiet.

   The sun and the moon revolve, round after round.

   The furnishings in the room have been changed several times.

  The poet also called someone else’s father to his child calling him the father.

   The poet was lying in front of the case, and he wrote something on a bone plate with a carving knife.

   This is not a poem, but a record of his journey.

   He has written myths, epics, and heroes.

   Finally, he wrote a story that belonged to him.

   In the story, there are the cruel Lord Sara, the wise old man with stone helmet, the king of the Demon Abyss, the god-given land full of sun flowers, and the gorgeous sacred hall surrounded by dreams.

   In the story, he wrote down secrets that he had never mentioned to anyone else.

  He embarked on this journey not only to find the god-given place, but also to **** the artifact **** cup.

   More than a dozen thin bone plates were connected in series, and he wrote four characters in front.

   "Tito's Travels"

   He put it on a shelf full of bone plates and slates, cautiously.

   At this time, the kids outside rushed in and came to Tito's face.


   "Tell us your story!"

   Tito picked up the child and sat in front of the table.


   "Then talk about the most beautiful creature my father has ever seen!"

   "In the legend, there is a strange life with the appearance of a god."

   "In the hall of the gods, the messenger of the gods is a kind of spirit called the dream demon."

   "They have the power of a dream and miracle, and they can transform what you want out of dreams."

   The children widened their eyes and exclaimed one by one, "Can you change anything you want?"

   Tito nodded: "Of course."

   "Anything you want can be changed, that is the messenger of God."

Children: "Then how can I find the fairy of dreams? I also want to change the things in my dreams~lightnovelpub.net~ The poet stood up holding the baby, and the other children chased after him. pace.

   "Dream fairies also have names, which belong to their real names."

   "You may be able to see them by calling their real names when you are dreaming."

   "Have you never heard of the legend of the God Envoy Polo?"

   "When the Queen of Stars called the name of the envoy Polo, the envoy of the **** descended."

   A few children clamored around the poet and asked: "Then how do you know the name of the fairy fairy?"

   Tito did not answer.

   He stared closely at the cup of the sun in the flower pot in the corner, which was a precious thing given by the queen.

  The poet suddenly remembered the scene where he saw the God Envoy Polo in the sea of ​​flowers, and then laughed.


   The battle turns and the stars move, time passes.

   After the death of the great poet Tito, who once arrived in the temple of the gods, a legend began to circulate among the Hiinsae,

   Some people say that the poet Tito received not only the Ledrich King slate from the god-given land, but also more precious things.

   He knew a secret about the god-given land, an earth-shattering secret.

   Some people say that the great poet hid everything in a mural.

   Some people say that the great poet hid the secret in one of his poems.

   Someone also said that it was an unpublished manuscript, a travel account of the poet's journey to a god-given land.

   Whoever can find the secret passed down by the great poet can get unimaginable rewards.

   That is enough to turn the times.

   The power to open up the future.