I Am God!

Chapter 729: The land of shadows and the 1 family w

Sassi and Sanna entered the strange world behind the door, and lived here temporarily after visiting it under the leadership of the elders.

There is no sun here, and the light from the halo overhead illuminates all shadows.

And a place with no light at all is very dangerous. Even an angel like Sassi, the Holy Spirit, dare not go in, because after entering, he may never find his way back.

But as long as you don't go out, life here is extraordinarily comfortable.

Although it was a ruin, the huge locker and the things that kept falling from the sky gave people an inexplicable sense of security.

every day.

The prayer meeting will distribute food on time, as well as work.

Sanna was very active when eating, not only brought Sassi's share, but also secretly took out two bottles of drinks with strange tastes.

"It's frozen," she said happily.

In that mountain-like cabinet, one of the cabinet compartments was made without knowing how, and it was covered with frost all the year round, and all kinds of beverages were frozen inside.

It's just that the taste of these drinks, some are delicious, and some are weird.

Sassi took a sip, then grinned, and narrowed one eye: "Hiss!"

Sanna stuck out her tongue: "It's so sour!"

In the painting-like world, two flat figures sit on the edge of a huge garbage dump, facing the front of the painting, while moving like a stop-frame painting.

As for the work here, the current main task of the Prayer Society is to build cities and settlements.

However, all the objects in this strange world are a flattened shadow, and the cities built are naturally different. The people of the prayer meeting invited Sassi to join the discussion on city construction.

in front of a wall.

Dozens of people spread out from side to side, and the team stretched very long, like paper people holding hands.

The elder used the power of a prop to show a simple map of the world on the wall, telling everyone what the world looks like, which is similar to what Sassi saw outside the portal before.


"This is the world."

It seems that all the items in this world are like pasting a painting on a black wall.

The elder went on to say: "And those of us who are alive are the silhouettes pasted on these different paintings and walking on the paintings."

"When we walk, we are directly penetrating and blending into these paintings, just like painting with creeping paint; at the same time, these paintings keep us fixed here and will not disappear."

"And these are not pasted pictures, that is, there is nothing in the dark place, it is absolutely impossible to enter."

"Once in, we will slowly disappear over time."

Sassi has been to those dark places before, how should I put it.

It should be said that Sassi's feeling is not like disappearing, but that the silhouette is not glued to the painting.

Without the nail, it naturally loses its coordinates and falls into the depths of endless shadows.

The elder said to everyone: "Because everything here is different from the outside, we can't build the city in the way we thought before."

The elder continued to draw, and according to his understanding of the rules of this world, he drew a sketch that he had thought about a long time ago.

"The cities we build can't be made three-dimensional, so that's how they should be."

The elder drew a series of horizontal lines neatly arranged from top to bottom on the wall.

The elder drew ladders on the far right of the horizontal lines to connect all the horizontal lines, and he told everyone.

"We disassembled the materials in the ruins, and then made them into strip-like urban bases, sticking in the void like paintings."

"I have tried, and the objects in this world can be fixed in the shadows in a special way, just like the paintings are glued to the walls; so our cities are such lines stuck in the void, between the cities up and down. Ladder connections."

"And our houses and the various building facilities we need in the future are built on this strip."

The elder finished drawing the main composition of the city, and then drew the construction method of the house on one of the lines.

On one of the horizontal lines, the elder drew a pole, and then built a house with walls on both sides, a roof and a ground floor on the pole.

It looks like this.

They are more like living in the painting.

Elder: "Probably so, this is our future city and home."

Although the drawings are sloppy, and the structure is extremely unreasonable.

But in such a world that is completely unreasonable, everything started in such an unreasonable way.

With sufficient supplies, everyone started building a new home with hope.

And the ruins under their feet are naturally the top horizontal line on the drawing, which is the first layer of the city in the new homeland. After everyone builds this layer, they will continue to build down and continue down.

As long as the materials are sufficient and the time is long enough, no one can imagine what kind of situation they will build such a city.

However, everyone in the Prayer Society is very used to this architectural model, or they have already lived in such a layered structure.

Tower of Babel.

In the following days, Sassi also helped the members of the Prayer Society to start the construction of their new home. Although he was not required to help with this kind of thing as a guest, Sassi said that he should eat the food here. Help out with something.

He is a third-level seraphim angel. Although he didn't use the third pair of wings when dealing with those evil groups outside, he showed it here.

Its powerful power can even directly move the towers and broken airships in the ruins.

In this way, everyone used the secret technique found by the elders to build up those useless stones, metal frames, and wood in the void, and built a thick long strip suspended in the void.

At a glance, it looks like a long road with no end in sight.

on the strip.

At the far left end is the cabinet as big as a mountain, and they began to build neatly arranged buildings along the cabinet.

The abandoned alchemy tower with only an empty shell was leaned against the cabinet to form a triangle, which was used as the entrance hall of the cabinet, and it was also the place where the management staff of the Prayer Society worked.

The dilapidated airship was disassembled and turned into a building.

Once a few shelves are built and pasted into the void, it becomes a house. You can also find some flattened blankets and stick them into the void inside the house, and you can lie on them comfortably like a bed.

There is only one pole supporting a house and it will not fall down, and when walking under the house, even though there is only one pole above it as the bottom of the house, you still cannot see the inside of the house.

It's an amazing feeling.

The members of the Prayer Society also used their brains to create a variety of houses, such as a triangle hanging in the air with a woolen thread, and some directly glued a circle in the void with paper.

Someone directly took hundreds of meters of wire and circled it in the air, poured water into it, and it became a warehouse for storing water.

It seems that in this weird world, there are only ways for buildings that you can't think of, and there are no shapes that you can't make.

The ruins that originally seemed to be piled up like a mountain, it seems that it is not endless to clean them up, and they will be used up one day.

In the hall formed by the round tower leaning against the huge lattice cabinet, dozens of people are holding meetings.

"In this case, waiting for all the materials to be exhausted will not allow us to build a city with several floors, but it should be enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people."

"Since materials are constantly falling from the sky, there should be no lack of them in the future!"

"Tell me, why do things always fall from the sky that day, and where do these things come from?"

"Certainly not from our world, I think..."

Everyone hadn't discussed anything yet, suddenly there were crowds of screams outside, and panic broke out.

"Heaven... heaven..."


"Something broke in."

"Monster...a big monster..."

The elder brought everyone in the hall outside, and saw a terrifying huge shadow appearing in the arc of light above his head, looking down on their world.

When the elder and all the high-level officials were at a loss, the shadow seemed to speak.

She scratched the back of her head and made a suspicious sound.


"It seems that it's not a bug anymore, it's a human."

She made a sound and asked the people below.

"What are you doing in my treasury?"

The elder and the others looked at each other, and the other party didn't seem to be a monster, as if they could communicate.

Several paper figures passed through the shadows and flew towards the high shadows.

In the high halo, it seems that the space is constantly twisting and flickering, a large number of bubbles are constantly breaking, and then something falls from it.

The paper people deflected left and right, and finally came in front of each other.

They can't see the whole picture of each other clearly, but they can feel the huge pressure. They seem to automatically imagine each other as a very terrible existence.

The elder and Sasi asked each other: "Who are you?"

The other party said: "My name is San Rafael, who are you?"

The members of the prayer meeting talked a lot, as if they had never heard of this name, until Sassi suddenly remembered something and exclaimed.

"Saint Raphael, the Storage Fairy?"

"The messenger of the Kingdom of Creation God."

Now, everyone exploded.

Although they haven't heard of San Rafael, the fairies have still heard of it.

In particular, the elder's portal key is said to be another kind of fairy born in the legend, the fairy of the door.

Suddenly, the elder asked the storage fairy above: "Are you the owner here?"

The shadow poked its head further: "You mean the shadow world or here, I am not the master of the shadow world, but this is where I put things, why are you here?"

At this moment, many things seem to become clear.

Whether it's Sassi, the elders, or the high-level leaders of the Prayer Society, they all have the answer to why there are so many treasures piled up in this place.

All kinds of food piled up in the large space locker, and the exquisite and beautiful creations can only be created by the omnipotent creation messengers and dream creatures in the legend.

Although there is an answer, it also means that a crisis has arrived.

It turns out that this place is not a no-man's land, but a place where a fairy used to store things.

for a while.

No one spoke.

The storage fairy looked at the world for a while, and seemed to feel that it was not clear enough.

She squeezed in from the circle.

Her figure slowly shrunk, and was gradually crushed at the same time, and finally turned into a paper figure and fell down.

In this way, it seems that it is not as big as before, just a girl with a golden wreath on her head and a white gauze.

She ignored the others, and landed directly on the top floor of the city that was still in its infancy.

She stood on the huge locker, looked down with one and only one straight line of sight, and watched the homes built by the members of the Prayer Society.

As far as the eye can see, everything seems to be slowly becoming orderly.


“This place is so special!”

San Rafael remembered that it was still a mess of ruins just now, and now many places look like they have a shape.

Those buildings, those houses, all give people a picturesque beauty.

There are strange, absurd and unreasonable buildings everywhere.


Apparently San Rafael liked it.

When the Storage Fairy was inspecting her treasure house, the entire prayer meeting also caused an uproar, and all high-level officials gathered together to start a meeting.

But this time the meeting was completely different, it was about the life and death of the entire Prayer Society and everyone.

"what to do?"

"There is an owner here, and it is also the messenger of the kingdom of creation, a treasure house of a fairy."

"Baoku, this place is a mess, how do you feel..."

"Of course it's the treasure house. Didn't you see the unusual space inside that lattice cabinet, and there are mountains of treasures?"

"No wonder, it turned out to be the treasure house of a fairy highness, no wonder this place is like heaven."

"Can we continue to live here?"

"What if the Fairy Highness doesn't let us live here?"

"You still say this, we have eaten so many things in the treasure house, will the fairy Highness be angry?"

Finally, the elder said with a final word.

"Don't worry, we have to find a way to impress that fairy Highness."

"Go to Her Royal Highness the Fairy first to understand her thoughts and thoughts, and we must do everything possible to obtain her permission, so that we can continue to live here."

Sassi: "I hope you don't have any bad thoughts, even if you don't get a good result in the end."

"Because fairies represent the Kingdom of Creation God, in a sense they are the embodiment of a law."

"People can challenge the world, but they cannot challenge the laws and destiny."

The elder said to Sassi: "Don't worry, we won't."

"After all, my Portkey comes from the fairy clan."

"If she still doesn't allow us to stay in the end, I think it might be fate!"

Sassi: "Can you really accept this ending willingly?"

Elder: "I am old, the old man always believes in fate, and believes that everything is always arranged in the dark."

The elder stood up, with the calmness to face everything. This is an old man who has been seeking light in the last days all his life.

"I've always thought it was fate that we came here."

"It's just that I never thought that this place is actually a fairy's treasure house."

He laughed: "Thinking about it, it's quite interesting. We used to live in the treasure house of a fairy highness."

"But I still think it's meaningful for us to come here. Maybe we can also help His Highness Fairy do something here. If that's the case, His Highness Fairy might let us stay."

Sassi followed: "I'll go too, maybe I can help."

The two left the hall and walked towards the lattice cabinet where the storage fairy was.

The elder asked Sassi as he walked: "Angels, fairies... what kind of existence are they?"

Sassi: "I don't know either. I only know that the book says that they are creatures born from dreams. Every fairy is born in accordance with fate and laws, and naturally carries their own mission."

Elder: "The creatures born in the dream, no wonder!"

Sassi: "No wonder what?"

Elder: "No wonder, this place is like heaven."

Sassi: "This is a ruin."

Elder: "That is also a kingdom of heaven like ruins."

Together, the elder and Sassi came to the top of the ruins to negotiate with the owner.

On the edge of the huge mountain-like cabinet, two paper figurines climbed up the ladder, and saw the storage fairy looking down.

"His Royal Highness Fairy!"

Before they finished speaking, San Rafael immediately spoke to them.

"Did all of you do this?"

"Wow, you have built the shadow world so beautifully."

"Also, your buildings are so interesting. After those things are assembled by you, they seem to be completely different."

The elder's heart was moved, and he immediately continued: "Your Highness San Rafael, do you like it very much?"

San Rafael kept nodding: "Well, I like it very much!"

The elder said: "We can transform this place into what you like."

San Rafael: "Really?"

She immediately became vigilant and covered her pockets.

"I have no money!"

The elder said: "No, no, I just hope that you can allow us to live here and use some of the food in that cabinet."

San Rafael finally breathed a sigh of relief: "You mean those expired snacks?"

"That's useless, I'm about to clean them up."

"Look at this, it's my treasure display cabinet from now on, I'm going to clear them all out, and then put my treasures in."

The elder said, "Treasure?"

After some conversation, the elder and Sassi found that San Rafael's thinking was completely different from theirs, and even made them feel completely confused.

The most obvious point.

It is what San Rafael said is useless, and it is a treasure in their eyes.

And the treasures mentioned by San Rafael are useless things in their eyes.

"Thank you for giving us food!"

"Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to eat expired snacks?"

"The noble utensils you store in the deepest place, we haven't touched them."

"You mean those goblins experimented and made big, useless metal scraps that no one wanted?"

"We are willing to become your believers and fulfill the mission you have given us."

"Oh, are you willing to help me clean up here, it's really a bit messy here, it's hard to clean up!"

In a chicken-and-duck talk, only San Rafael seemed to understand, but in the confused conversation between the elder and Sassi.

San Rafael nodded in satisfaction, and said to the elder and Sassi.

"That's it, that's fine!"

"You can live here, but you can't take the things here out, you can just use those things here."

"If you can, please help me organize the things here, don't let this place be messy, and help me collect the treasures in the treasure house by the way."

San Rafael pointed to the large lattice cabinet under his feet, and said to the elder and Sassi.

"This is it!"

"After you clean up those expired snacks, help me put the treasures in."

San Rafael looked at the city below, and suddenly felt that his thoughts had changed.

"No, this city is a big treasure!"

"Look, it's so beautiful."

After a mess of "negotiations", perhaps it can barely be called a negotiation, the elder and Sassi obtained a result they wanted.

They can live here and use the contents inside, but they cannot take the contents out.

By the way, they have to clean up here and help San Raphael organize things.

After the agreement was made, San Rafael spoke to them very seriously.

"You can't take the things here out!"

"Or I'll tell the Hammer of Justice that you steal and let it hit you."

As if feeling that his name wasn't enough of a deterrent, San Raphael even brought out the name of the famous Hammer of Justice.

Unfortunately, none of the people present knew what the Hammer of Justice was.

Sassi asked, "What is the gavel of justice?"

San Raphael: "The hammer of justice, the artifact left by the creator, don't you know, it's a very fierce one."

While Sassi and the elder were terrified, they felt that they hadn't been so sinful and tyrannical that they needed the artifact made by the Creator to punish them.

He glanced at the city below again with satisfaction.

In this case, there is no need for her to clean up here.

"That's it, I'll come to see your city next time."

San Raphael just floated away, turned into a piece of paper and floated out of the shadow world.

Below, Sassi and the elder saluted her.

Sassi respectfully said: "Goodbye, Your Highness San Rafael."

The elder admired this dream-like existence from the bottom of his heart: "Thank you for your generosity, and look forward to your next visit."

The elders don't know the difference between the God of Creation Kingdom and other places, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com doesn't understand the concept of time for the dream creatures.

She inadvertently said to come again next time.

By the time she actually came, everything had changed.

For her, that was just a brief moment, but for the people here, it was a change of an era and several generations.

The elder stood up, and when he looked at this world again, he had a different feeling: "So this is called the Shadow Realm!"

Sassi nodded: "This is also the kingdom of the gods, but in a more hidden corner of the kingdom of the gods. Congratulations, you have found a real paradise."

From this point of view, the name of this city and country that has been hesitating and discussing for a long time seems to have an answer.

The land of shadows.

(end of this chapter)