I Am God!

Chapter 98: Rukh Brand Taken Back by God

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Seiler Kingdom, deep water port.

In the sky, a terrifying giant like a jellyfish floats. Its translucent fleshy membrane is like a giant umbrella covering the sky, and countless vine whips are like the vines of ancient trees.

When it inhales, the stratus clouds in the sky are swallowed by it, and when it exhales, it spit out the stratus clouds.

Queen Xingluo led her priests to stand on top of the giant beasts. The combination of the powers of the giant beasts and the priests will give out even greater power. This is also the most powerful lineup of the Xilun family.

It can be seen that the Xilun family has done everything in order to reproduce the glory of Shinsai.

"The Saylor family."

"Whether to surrender or perish, you have only one way to choose."

In the river surrounding the deep-water port, a hundred-meter-long terrifying behemoth like a steel helmet gradually emerged.

It drags flexible and thick tentacles behind it, and it moves forward hundreds of kilometers in one swing. You can imagine how fast it moves in the sea when it is pushed.

This is the Sea Monster Seiler, the Lukh monster cultivated by the Seiler family.

It used to directly sink an island on the sea with its head like a steel helmet, and one impact destroyed a city by the sea that dared to rebel against the Saylor family.

The monster looked up to the sky and roared towards the giant beast in the sky, but after the voice gradually stabilized, it turned into the voice of a three-leaf man.

"Queen Star Luo."

"We have not favored either side. The Seiler family has the right to remain neutral."

"The Schilren family still has no control over the Seiler family. We have the freedom not to be restricted by anyone."

The Kingdom of Star Luo wanted the Saylor family to give up the royal power, which was absolutely impossible for the Saylor family to accept.

Having lost the royal power and the Kingdom of Saylor, are they still the superior royal blood family?

Even if they knew that they were invincible, they still hoped that they could obtain the slightest possibility from it.

Their hope, like a life-saving straw, is the Kingdom of Sommer.

Queen Xingluo stood on the sky behemoth, the Luh brand on her forehead burst into light, and she raised her scepter high.

"The king of the Seiler family, I once gave you a chance, and I even said that I am willing to share the gifts of the gods with you."


"You are vacillating, and are even ready to agree to the conditions of the enemies of the Star Luo Kingdom and send troops to attack the Star Luo Kingdom."

"Xingluo Kingdom and the Xilun family, absolutely do not allow existences like you to stay by your side."

Speaking of this sentence, it means that the war is inevitable.

As soon as the voice fell, the priests of the Sky Temple controlled the boulder to fall from the sky and bombarded the deep water port.

The boulders fell to the ground like meteors.

There was a intensive bombardment, and violent smoke was lifted in the deep-water port, and even the city walls collapsed in a few instants.

The first round of attacks alone caused heavy damage to the entire Deepwater Port.

The giant beasts in the sky whizzed up in the wind and landed, blowing away the smoke and dust of the deep-water port, and at the same time rushing towards the Sea-Monster in the river outside the city.


The power of the two giants was transferred, and the earth was shaken.

On the ground, thousands of Sanyemen rushed to the place where the deep-water port city wall collapsed and launched a siege war.

Although the key to victory in the war is the Lukh monster, it is still people who control and occupy the city in the end.

This is also the reason why countries must bring a large number of soldiers in every war.

The war lasted from noon until dusk, and the Seiler family was still struggling to support it, waiting for rescue and news from the Kingdom of Samo.

The fight between giant monsters rushed from the river to the coast, and from the coast to the sea.

Still no winner or loser.

However, the Deepwater Port was gradually unable to hold up under the siege of the army of the Star Luo Kingdom.

A large number of Star Luo Kingdom soldiers rushed into the city to start street fighting, and the fall of the Deepwater Port has entered the countdown.

In the distance, as the sun sets, the tide above the sea also fades little by little.

The road to the sea monster capital appeared on the coast.

Queen Star Luo also noticed this scene, she couldn't suppress the excitement, and shouted at the existence of the controlling Sea-Monster.

"The Saylor family."

"You lost."

The entire Seiler Kingdom was retreating steadily, and the victorious balance completely fell to the side of the Star Luo Kingdom.

She hadn't noticed that during this fierce war, the Luh brand on her forehead was quickly dissipating.

The giant sky beast under his feet also became agitated a little bit, and was no longer so obedient.


In the eyes of the public, the giant sky beast who had served the Xilun family for hundreds of years suddenly became mad and let out a muffled roar.


The sky behemoth is out of control.

It got rid of the control of Queen Xingluo, and also broke free from the enslavement and **** of the Xilun family for hundreds of years.

The giant sky beast pounced directly into the sea from mid-air without any rules, giving up its advantage and entangled with the Sea-Monster, like two wild beasts biting each other.

At the same time, it no longer protects the Star Luo Queen and the Sky Priest Group in its body.

It even feels very uncomfortable and manic, after all, no one likes some bugs to crawl into their body.

The first action it reacted was to kill those bugs that made it uncomfortable.

In an instant, the Queen Star Luo and the Sky Priests group, hiding in the airbags of the giant sky beasts, suffered a catastrophe.

Queen Star Luo and the priests of the Sky Temple were completely panicked. They felt that the gas in the airbag was completely evacuated, and the flesh membrane of the giant sky beast squeezed from all directions like a wall.

There is no way for everyone to escape, they themselves put themselves in a death cage from which they cannot escape.

What was once the safest place has now become their burial place.

"Ah! Her Majesty, how could this be?"

"Help me, help me."

"Your Majesty, let the sky behemoth stop."

The priests of the Sky Temple fell into the squeeze of the wall membrane, turning into a mass of flesh in the blink of an eye.

Queen Xing Luo was also panicked, she shouted at a loss, but there was nothing to do.

"Why is this?"

"how so?"

"It can't stop, it can't stop."

"It doesn't listen to me anymore."

Queen Star Luo suddenly discovered that the reason why she could not control the giant sky monster was because one of the Rukh brand on her forehead had completely disappeared.

Until this time, she didn't understand what happened.

The Rukh brand of the Silen family was gone, and the gods took back the gift once given to Ledrich.

Queen Xingluo's eyes were instantly hollow, and she even lost the strength of her last struggle.


"Is this... punishment for not being religious enough for me?"

The air was drained~lightnovelpub.net~ She felt difficulty breathing first, and then squeezed the fleshy membrane like a stone wall.


She even heard the swallowing sound of giant sky beasts, they were like worms that the other side swallowed casually.

Even, it wasn't enough to cram each other's teeth.

Queen Star Luo finally discovered that they had never been the masters of the Lukh monster.

After leaving the gift of the gods, in front of such a mythological creation.

They are just a bunch of bugs that are too weak to even be the food of each other.

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