I Am In Charge of Myriad Realms Bank

Chapter 1313: Inferior means, misunderstood again



"Late Stage of the Great Sacred Realm!"

Looking at the winged spirit that looked like a bat in front of him, Chen Fan raised his brows: "Kill it, and your perception of the laws of heaven and earth should be able to support you in breaking through to the Great Sacred Realm!"


Jiang Rongyu's eyes lit up.

Great Holy Land!

She must reach it as soon as possible!

If you can't quickly break through to the Great Sacred Realm level, it will be far more difficult than imagined to get in touch with the top genius of the Qiao family that has been rare in a hundred thousand years.

Getting close to a person by looks and charm alone is ultimately an inferior method.

There must also be a strong talent and strength enough to make the opponent respect!


Chen Fan nodded, then his legs bent sharply and ejected directly.


In the next instant, before the spirit of the law of the later stage of the Great Sacred Realm could react, Chen Fan grabbed its leg and slammed it down.


Then, he slammed to the ground.




a bit!

Two clicks!


Until the spirit of the law of the late stage of the Great Sacred Realm was dying, with a languid breath, and his body collapsed at any time, Jiang Rongyu slapped it on the head with a palm.


In the next moment, a familiar scene appeared.

A large amount of law power poured into Jiang Rongyu's body, and then she felt that her perception of the law of heaven and earth had suddenly risen to a level.

Can't help but show the state of comprehension!




When Jiang Rongyu digested the majestic and pure power of the law, Chen Fan couldn't help but raise his brow.


At this time, in the area where Chen Fan and Jiang Rongyu were, two strong men appeared before and after.

The short, fat and strong man in the back faintly appeared from time to time, and there was a lot of evil spirits all over his body.

"is her?"

At this moment, he spoke to his companions and asked.


"It's her!"

"Yuan Xiaowu!"

"A new talented disciple of the Qiao family discovered!"

"According to reliable sources... his talent is no less than that of Qiao Xie! It has also reached the middle or lower level of immortality!"

The strong man in front was tall and thin, and his voice transmission replied to the short and fat strong man.

If you look at it from the side, you will find that this tall, thin and strong man is not a living person at all, but... a piece of paper!

That's right!

It's just a piece of paper!

The breeze blew, his body swayed back and forth, and it seemed that he might fall down at any time.

"Xianpin middle-lower! Tsk tsk..."

"Qiao's **** luck, isn't it too good?"

"A Qiao Xie is enough for me to have a headache. I never thought I could find another super genius in the fairy product!"

The short and fat man did not rush to do anything, but continued to speak through his voice: "God, this thief, how unfair!"

"Kill her!"

"Or catch her alive, it's fair."

The tall, thin and strong said lightly, and the wind started to blow around.

"She was unlucky when she met us."

"This trip to the ancient battlefield not only solved the potential threats, but also cut off the hope of the Qiao family's complete rise, but also got a lot of good things, especially the ability to quickly enhance the perception of the law of the'wind' attribute of heaven and earth, it can be described as killing two birds with one stone! "

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

The short and fat man licked his fat lips, raised his brows, showing a fatherly smile, then turned his gaze to Chen Fan, and asked with interest: "This human man next to her is also very interesting!"

"Unexpectedly, with the strength of the small sacred realm that has survived the five-fold tribulation, it is easy to abolish a spirit of the law of the late stage of the big sacred realm! I have never seen this kind of combat power! Even if it is a fairy-level cultivation legend Qiao Xie, can't do it, right?"


"It's really interesting!"

"There is definitely a big secret in him."

"What to do with this person?"

The tall, thin and strong man slowly drifted towards Chen Fan, and at the same time said through a voice transmission: "Grab him, what you and I have is a way to get what you want from his mouth."


"Before this, you and I can't be careless!"

"Quick battle!"


"rest assured!"

The pudgy and strong man once again showed a fatherly smile, and said: "Capture this little couple alive, there are many benefits, I will not allow any accidents to happen!"

The forces behind them are rivals to the Qiao Family!

One of the purposes of entering the ancient battlefield this time is to kill the Qiao family envoy, and at the same time capture or kill the top monster named Yuan Xiaowu alive!

Exhausting all means, they finally got what they wanted from Yantianzong!


Followed all the way here!

How can you be paralyzed at the most critical juncture?

"The perception of the attribute of'wind' is so deep."

Chen Fan felt the fluctuations in the laws of the surrounding'wind' attribute heaven and earth, looked at a piece of paper floating in front of him, and couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

Jiang Rongyu is feeling it, so you can't interrupt!


"What does he seem to be aware of?"

The humpty strong man looked surprised, and at the same time a dignified color was drawn in the depths of his eyes.

"be careful!"

"You and I shot together!"

"Quick battle!"

The tall, thin and strong once again emphasized it, and at the same time an ominous premonition emerged from the bottom of my heart.

"Have you finished your time?"

Chen Fan asked indifferently: "Don't do it yet?"


Hearing that, whether it is the short, fat, strong or tall and thin, their pupils shrank, and their hearts were alarming!


This is not the point!

The key is that the little saint realm powerhouse who has survived the five-fold tribulation in front of him can detect their existence?

They are strong in the Venerable Realm!


Chen Fan was already holding Xiaoqing tightly, and randomly arranging several 7-Rank chain formations around Jiang Rongyu, and then a terrifying sword intent rose into the sky.

Ready to fight!

"Venerable Sword!"

"Grandmaster of the Seven-Rank Formation Magic!"

In an instant, the complexions of the short, fat, strong and tall, thin and strong changed again.

It is no longer as easy as before, and his face is full of solemnity!

"I don't know your name?"

"Such a powerful technique of keeping faces almost deceived us!"

The short and fat man didn't rush to do anything, but stared at Chen Fan firmly, and said tentatively.

In his opinion……

Chen Fan must be a very old monster who is proficient in beauty, so he looks very young!

Otherwise, it would not be so powerful!

Proficient in both kendo and formation method!

The physical body is still very strong!


Chen Fan shook his head helplessly.

Misunderstood again!

He was too lazy to explain, the long sword in his hand trembled fiercely, directly urging a certain sword skill to attack the tall, thin and strong!

How long has this been...

He had never expected to encounter two powerhouses with the strength of the First-Rank Venerable Realm again!

At this time, Chen Fan, although he has received a lot of resources and his strength has been further improved, but he is not an opponent at the same time facing two powerhouses with the strength of the First-Rank Venerable Realm.