I Am In Charge of Myriad Realms Bank

Chapter 1424: The one who knows me, the system too!

Wang Xinru would never let the other party insult him anyway!

She would rather die!


At this moment, when she wanted to bite her tongue and commit suicide, the strongest black-robed shadow guard protruded with her right hand, and Wang Xinru flew up on the spot, her mouth tightly pinched: "Want to die?"

"You are Zhenyeol! But..."

"You don't have this right now!"


In the next instant, a purple-black pill was thrown into Wang Xinru's mouth, and then she felt weak and weak, even opening her eyes was strenuous!

Not to mention biting his tongue and committing suicide!

However, her consciousness is still there!

You can still hear the surrounding movement!


The strongest black robe shadow guard then issued an order.


The teleportation array is activated!


They can't leave!

"Owner, there!"

At this moment, Liu Xinran's voice resounded: "They want to run!"


Hearing this, Chen Fan's eyes condensed, and when it turned into an afterimage, it disappeared.

"Huh? It's Liu Xinran! Go away!"

Immediately afterwards, the three black-robed figures also found Liu Xinran's figure, their complexion changed slightly.

Found it so soon?

If they lose Wang Xinru, not only will they die, but also their family will be destroyed by the Seventh Master!

Therefore, they use various methods at the same time.


The formation pattern around the teleportation array is also getting stronger and stronger, and they disappeared in an instant, moving towards the seventh heaven.

"Did the owner let you go?!"


Before the three figures in black robes could breathe a sigh of relief, they heard Chen Fan's voice in their ears, and their expressions changed drastically.

Then they saw a sword light directly tore the teleportation formation!

The three of them were even cut off at the waist, dying to death on the spot!

Wang Xinru fell from the sky!


Liu Xinran hurriedly took over Wang Xinru and took care of it carefully.

And Chen Fan turned his gaze to these three people and asked: "Tell all you know, I can make you die a little easier."

Hearing that, the three shadow guards looked at each other, and they all wanted to commit suicide for the first time.


Upon seeing this, Chen Fan thought, and all the three shadow guards passed out.


Then, he put out his hands and began to perform the soul search technique!




After three breaths, Chen Fan threw their bodies on the ground as if throwing rubbish: "Sure enough, there is no valuable news."


"Thousand-face Yama's action seems to be just an example! The Shadow Guard did not proceed on a large scale inside!"

"However, after this incident, the shadow guard may not carry out similar actions against other members of the Wanjie Bank!"

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, thinking about the next thing that needs to allow the family members of the members of the Wanjie Bank to enter the living space as soon as possible!

At this moment, he is also further aware of the importance of living space!

"Mother, are you okay?"

At the same time, Liu Xinran suddenly panicked when she realized that her mother was weak and weak.

"She's okay."

"Go back to Ten Thousand Realms Bank."

Chen Fan said.


"The owner!"




After returning to the Ten Thousand Realms Bank, Liu Xinran took Wang Xinru to rest in the lounge, while Chen Fan released a large number of Ten Thousand Realms tokens for the first time, and then looked at the members of the Ten Thousand Realms Bank and gave orders directly. : "Let the people you care about enter the living space as soon as possible!"

"Those who don't enter, if anything happens in the future, the consequences will be at your own risk."


"The owner!"

Everyone didn't know why, but it was the first time to say it should be.

Immediately, Chen Mi told everyone about Wang Xinru, and everyone suddenly felt anxious.

Next, everyone left and began to persuade their families.

Originally, for the vast majority of the members of Wanjie Bank, it was hoped that their family members would enter the living space, so that it would be safe and they would be assured.

Now that I heard about it, I want to do it even more!

of course……

There are still very few new members of the Ten Thousand Worlds Bank, who feel that this is a means for the owner to control them!

Hijacking their family members, so that they dare not betray the Ten Thousand Realms Bank!

However, no matter what they think, Chen Fan is not in the mood to know.

He is thinking about one thing now...


The Shadow Guard took action to create this incident, how could he not respond?

"The best way is to hunt down the shadow guards!"

"Kill its vitality as much as possible!"

"Information is the most important!"

At the next moment, Chen Fan began to think about the way to kill the Shadow Guard. He always felt that ordinary methods were too slow!

The Shadow Guard must be given a thunderous blow!

And the sooner the better!

Thinking of this, he knew that he could only rely on the system!

"Look at the system warehouse and see if there are suitable means."

Then, when he started to look at the warehouse items, he didn't find any suitable means, and then clicked to view a [special item].

At that time, Wang Xinru's trace was found, so he did not have time to check it.


"good stuff!"

At the next moment, Chen Fan's eyes lit up: "The system guessed in advance that I want to kill the shadow guard's vitality!"

[Special props]: One, sky eye, the user will automatically display the approximate location of a target within a 1 million kilometers radius!

Friendly Reminder 1: The opening time of the Sky Eye function is 10 days!

Friendly Reminder 2: The scope of use of Sky Eye is limited to the sixth day!

Friendly Tip 3: Once used, don’t stop!

Friendly Tip 4: Once the target is selected, it cannot be changed!

For example: if the target selected by the user is a shadow guard, the "shadow guard" cannot be changed to another life or item in the middle.

"The one who knows me, the system too!"

After getting this [special item], where can Chen Fan live?

This time, he will do it himself!

"Small Mi Mi, the owner will go out for 10 days!"

Chen Fan glanced at the relatives of the members who had already started to enter the Ten Thousand Worlds Bank, nodded with satisfaction, and then exhorted Chen Mi.


"the host!"

In this regard, Chen Mi did not feel uncomfortable.

After all, the master is often out of the system these days.


The next moment, just when Chen Fan wanted to turn around and leave, Liu Xinran suddenly appeared beside her and asked: "Villager, you...are you going to kill the shadow guard?"


Chen Fan nodded without concealing it.

"Can I be with you?"

Liu Xinran asked.


Hearing Liu Xinran's request, Chen Fan was really surprised, but when he thought about it, he could understand it, and even looked forward to Liu Xinran's change.

"What about your mother?"

He asked.

"Hall Master Hua said that my mother is fine, and I can take care of her."

"I... I want to kill the Shadow Guard now."

Liu Xinran pressed her red lips tightly, then spoke, her hands clenched into fists, her beautiful eyes flashed with firmness...