I Am In Charge of Myriad Realms Bank

Chapter 1425: Chen Fan retaliated and happily killed

"[Special Items] Use!"

After Chen Fan and Liu Xinran left the Ten Thousand Realms Bank system, he thought of using the [Special Props], and immediately felt a heavenly eye looking down at an area of ​​1 million kilometers around him!


"found one?!"

Then, what Chen Fan didn't expect was that he soon discovered a map of an area of ​​1 million kilometers in his mind, two of which were particularly obvious.

One of the points is where he is at this time, and another...

Naturally the location of the Shadow Guard!

"Now that I found it, go to hell!"


Chen Fan took Liu Xinran and didn't talk nonsense, and directly pointed out with one hand, the formation pattern appeared, and disappeared in place in the next instant.


Appearing again, he and Liu Xinran had already arrived not far from the shadow guard.

"it's him!"

Chen Fan said.


Liu Xinran didn't say a word, the son and mother tripod appeared directly in front of him.

"You...Liu Xinran, the chief of Dantang of Ten Thousand Realms Qianzhuang!"

This shadow guard also recognized Liu Xinran for the first time, and then his pupils suddenly shrank, and then he saw the son and mother tripod rising in the wind, and his complexion changed drastically.


He subconsciously urged defensive means!


How could a powerful man of the Great Sacred Realm level be able to stop the Child-Mother Cauldron?

This is the Great Sacred Artifact!


"Refining everything!"

After this person was covered by the Zimu Cauldron, Liu Xinran directly reached out with both hands, refining him in the air.



This person was struggling frantically in the cauldron, attacking fiercely one after another, causing the entire son and mother cauldron to tremble.


All this is in vain!

Liu Xinran's superb alchemy, it only took a breath of time to turn him into a top-level blood pill!

Blood pill, an extremely rare pill, can improve the strength of the user from all aspects (ghost, physical body, perception of the laws of heaven and earth, etc.), and restore the state of all aspects of the user!

The specific effect depends on the level of the blood pill!

The level of the blood pill depends on the alchemist's alchemy and...the level of alchemy materials!

This pill is great, but...

First, it is extremely difficult to refine! Even the top masters of alchemy can hardly refining successfully!

Second, Danfang is extremely rare!

Third, this Dan is against the heavens! Because its alchemy material is a living person!

"Go, go find the next one."

Chen Fan glanced at Liu Xinran, who was holding her mouth tightly without speaking, and didn't stop it, but took her to leave.

Damn the shadow guard, use the waste, it's no problem.

From this we can see that after this incident, Liu Xinran's mentality is changing!

"Find another one!"

"The efficiency of finding a shadow guard is much higher than other methods!"

What Chen Fan didn't expect was that he had just rushed for a quarter of an hour before he discovered another shadow guard.



Next, the two kept hunting down the shadow guards.

Based on Chen Fan's formation and understanding of the law of the ‘wind’ attribute of heaven and earth, don’t hurry too fast!

Even with Liu Xinran, the speed is extremely terrifying!


Soon, the two came to the door of one of the villas.

This is a force, surrounded by strong people like clouds, small sacred level powers abound, and even great sacred level powers are not uncommon.

Just along the way to Mo Patriarch, I discovered eight powerhouses of the Great Sacred Realm level!

"Liu Xinran, the enemy seems a bit tricky this time, you may not be able to deal with it alone."

Chen Fan patted Xiao Qing on his waist and said, "Xiao Qing, go and help her."


"the host!"

Hearing this, Xiaoqing was suddenly excited.

Just now it has not dared to speak, because it can also see that the good sister No. 1 is in a bad mood and needs to vent itself through killing.

It was suffocated along the way!

Now that the owner lets it out of the sword, it will naturally not continue to hold it back!


"Sister Kin No. 1, I will definitely help you kill the enemy!"

Xiaoqing flew out, came to Liu Xinran's side, and said through voice transmission.


Liu Xinran didn't hesitate to drag the son and mother cauldron to Mojiazhuang, and at the same time he reminded: "Don't let the blood of the shadow guard flow out, let alone separate his hands and feet, it must be the whole body! Because in this case... …Blood pills can be refined into the highest level."

Xiaoqing: "..."


Liu Xinran said again: "It's best not to kill him. The blood pill made by living people is better! More vivid!"


Xiaoqing's sword flicked when he heard the words.

Good sister No. 1 could say such things so plainly.

It seems...

The damage this time has done to the good sister No. 1 is far beyond imagination!


at the same time.

Mojiazhuang, in the discussion hall.

The owner was sitting in the main seat of the hall, with a figure in a black robe sitting next to him, silent, surrounded by the high-levels of Mojiazhuang, all powerhouses of the Great Sacred Realm!

At this time, they are discussing how to deal with the ghost hand door!

Since the end of the ancient battlefield of the Fifth Heaven, although the members of the ‘Prison’ organization did not kill Chen Shuang'er and her senior brother, the master of the Guishou Sect, Chen Changqing, has fallen!

This is enough!

"The "Yi Prison" organization lost several half-step venerable assassins. The prison owner was extremely furious and sent several assassins to prepare to destroy the ghosts! This is our opportunity!"

"Li Zhan, the eldest disciple of Chen Changqing, the master of the Guishou Sect, took the initiative to contact me in Mojiazhuang, and wanted to reconcile with us and destroy the Guishou Sect. Pity the Guishou Sect that Chen Changqing worked so hard to maintain was destroyed by himself. In the hands of the big disciple who knows how he knows it, how would he feel? Haha..."

"Owner, the Grand Elder has led people to go there, and it should be coming soon! We just need to wait for the good news! At that time, the resources needed by Lord Shadow Guard will also be provided!"


For a time, these Mojiazhuang high-level officials all looked relaxed.

After the Guishoumen were destroyed, their Mo Family Master's power must be even higher!

"I heard Chen Shuang'er say that the half-step venerable assassins of the'Yi Prison' organization were not killed by their ghosts, but by a master craftsman! I don't know whether they are true or not!"

The owner of Mojiazhuang looked at the black-robed figure on the side and said, "How does Lord Shadow Guard see this?"

"Chen Changqing’s pair of ghost hands is unpredictable, and the ghost hand knife technique is even more sophisticated, and can be used against two powerful men in the half-step venerable state! Even facing three strong men in the half-step venerable state You can also protect yourself!"


"Facing the five top killers of the "Yi Prison" organization, they cannot be opponents!"

The black robe figure said faintly: "There must be others secretly helping!"

"Master Shadow Guard, Shengming!"

The owner of Mojiazhuang nodded, flattering.

"Zhuangzhu Mo also guessed this? Otherwise, how could it be possible to wait until the killer of the ‘Prison’ organization to deal with the Guishoumen before sending someone to destroy the Guishoumen?"

The black robe figure said.

"Haha...Where! Where! Lord Shadow Guard is too worthy!"