I Am In Charge of Myriad Realms Bank

Chapter 475: Break through the shackles, the heart is

"Shen Haohao's resources: There are 8866 dragon spirit veins... 23 properties in Tongtian Eighteen City... Ziyang Pill... Nine Sun Techniques... Nine Types of Aphrodisiac... Sacred Artifact—— Zijin Gourd..."

Chen Mi began to count Shen Wanhao's resources.

Hearing this, Chen Fan nodded and said: "The resources obtained from the debt contract this time are far greater than imagined."

"So, your reward this time is relatively more."

"One year and seven months!"

His criteria for judging rewards are the resources corresponding to the debt contract!

"Thank you, the owner!"

Quotient immediately showed ecstasy.

Then, he decisively prepared his own resources and prepared to cultivate and make breakthroughs in this year and seven months!


In the next moment, Chen Fan directly applied time to the quotient.


Although his talent is not bad and he has so many resources to supply, he is quite old, and he has just broken through to the level of the fifth-grade spirits!

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to break through again!

During this year and seven months, his aura continued to improve, but there was still a certain gap between him and the sixth-grade Spirit Venerable Realm.

Seeing that time passed, the possibility of him wanting to break through became smaller and smaller.

At this moment...


When Chen Fan moved his mind, a tenth-rank Nine Profound Pill entered the mouth of Quotient.

Suddenly, the medicine was released!

Suddenly, there are hundreds of limbs scattered into the quotient!

Immediately afterwards, the spiritual power in his body seemed to be greatly stimulated. Under the traction of the medicine, it whizzed through the body of the quotient at an extremely fast speed!

His meridians are all suffering from swelling and pain!

His dantian is a bit unbearable!

The limit is about to be reached!

This is also the mystery of the Nine Profound Pill: it can reach the limit of your body in an instant, but it will not exceed the limit of your body, and then continues to draw your spiritual power to run in the body to improve your cultivation.

There is no doubt that the stronger your dantian and meridian, the more terrifying the increase in strength!

The quotient received special training since childhood, and the physical limit far exceeds that of ordinary people, far surpassing the geniuses and powerhouses of the same level, so at this moment, the breath suddenly skyrocketed!

Under the guidance of the power of the Nine Profound Pills, the spiritual power in his body quickly turned around!

Then, it slammed into the shackles of the next level!

Then, his breath soared!

The same is true for the second lap!

The third lap...


The ninth lap!


Finally, his spiritual power, at the last moment, brazenly broke through to the shackles.

The breath suddenly soared!

"Sixth-Rank Spirit Venerable Realm Powerful!"

At this moment, Song Lan's beautiful eyes shrank slightly!

During this period of time, she saw with her own eyes that her original strength was equal to hers, or even worse than her quotient, but she broke through one after another in such a short period of time!

Reached the level of Sixth Stage Spirit Venerable Realm!

A powerhouse of this level, before her Ninth Reincarnated Rebirth Skill is fully operational, she can't beat it at all!

At this time, she was a little urgent...

She is being distanced quickly by others!

Although Chen Fan did not stop her from practicing during this period of time, compared to those who joined the Ten Thousand Realms Bank, her speed...

It's as slow as a tortoise crawling!

This is obviously unacceptable to her who is extremely proud in her heart!

Could it be...

Really want to become the slave girl of the owner of the Ten Thousand Realms Bank?

No way!

What a shame!

She is a magnificent goddess of war, who crosses the world, how can she become someone else's slave girl?

Song Lan hesitated, but soon was persuaded by another voice in her body!

She can't give in!


At this moment, Quotient opened his eyes, then knelt on one knee, grateful: "Thank you, the owner!"

"No need."

"Ten-Rank Nine Profound Pill, you need to pay the price."

"Market price, 5000 dragon veins! And there is a price but no market! But..."

Chen Fan said, "You are an apprentice at Ten Thousand Realms Bank, and you enjoy the internal price."

"You only need to pay for 2500 Dragon Spirit Vessels!"

Hearing that, Quotient immediately took out 2500 dragon spirit veins without hesitation!

However, after he took out these 2500 dragon spirit veins, his "pocket bag" was also deflated a lot.

"It seems..."

"Need to think about a little idea and make some money."

"Owner, can Shang buy another tenth-rank Nine Profound Pill?"

Quotient asked.


Chen Fan nodded.

According to the code of conduct of the Wanjie Bank, the internal personnel of the Wanjie Bank are not allowed to resell the internal resources of the Wanjie Bank on a large scale!

Even if you spend resources to buy!

Of course, it's okay to buy in small quantities.

"Thank you, the owner!"

After obtaining a tenth-rank Nine Profound Pill again, Quotient came to Song Lan's side immediately!

His sudden move surpassed all expectations!

Both Chen Fan and Chen Mi watched this scene quite strangely, wanting to see what the Quotient would do.

Song Lan frowned her eyebrows, glanced at the quotient, and did not respond.

She is still so high above!



"Song War God, do you want to buy it?"

"3000 dragon spirit veins."

Quotient said.

Chen Mi: "..."

Chen Fan: "..."

Although everyone at the Wanjie Bank can purchase a small amount of the resources of the Wanjie Bank and has the right to deal with it by himself...

However, it’s not so good if you sell it directly to others in front of the owner.


Upon hearing this, Song Lan's eyes were cold, and she stared coldly at the quotient!

She still didn't speak!


Quotient can feel the cold killing intent!

Even if he broke through to the level of the sixth-rank Lingzun realm, he couldn't help feeling a chill at this time.

It can be seen that the killing intent of this **** of war is terrifying!

Taking a deep breath, Quotient said, "Song God of War, I only ask once, do you buy it?"

"3000 dragon spirit veins!"

"No bargaining!"

"It depends on the acquaintance between you and me, so it is a friendship price, otherwise..."

"The price is at least 6000 dragon spirit veins!"

In fact, his purpose is also very simple: to make Song Lan surrender to the owner!

Everyone will be surrendered!

The reason why he has not been surrendered is that he has not met anyone who can deter him!

Song Lan's heart is higher than the sky, but...

The owner is God!

Surrendering Song Lan is inevitable!

It's just that Song Lan is still maintaining the arrogance in her heart, so she has been unable to make up her mind.


Let him give Song Lan a step!

As long as Song Lan buys this tenth-rank Nine Profound Pill, she will be able to prove from the side that she has actually been subdued!

It's just an opportunity!



He still underestimated Song Lan's pride!


Quotient looked helpless, and then left.

He will continue to execute the debt contract and will not waste too much time on Song Lan.


Chen Fan picked up the corner of his mouth and turned upstairs.