I Am In Charge of Myriad Realms Bank

Chapter 713: To cross the sea with a concealment, to


The place where Long Xuan is located is a high spot near Lu's house.

The breeze blows...

The purple wind chimes floating in the air made a pleasant sound.

"Ding Dong!"

"Ding Dong!"

The sound began to spread in all directions, as if there were invisible fluctuations, taking the points as the plane, quickly covering a radius of ten miles... a hundred miles...

Thousands of miles!


Like a calm lake, there are faint ripples emerging.

As the area covered by the sound waves of the purple wind chimes became larger and larger, various voices also sounded in Long Xuan's mind: "The genius of the Qin family recently broke through again! You know that he has broken through several levels this year. ?"

"The price of the medicine in the medicine pavilion is dropping recently, hurry up and buy it! Get ready! At present, there are already a lot of people going there to buy medicine, and there are long queues!"

"Dead man, can you do it? Get down on the old lady, hum and harp twice, and it's over?"


The influx of these sounds is extremely rapid, and the information is massive!

Long Xuan suddenly felt dizzy!

Obviously, he hasn't fully adapted to the purple wind chimes yet, and he still doesn't know how to use it!


Immediately, Long Xuan's heart moved and tried his best to control it!

He didn't want to listen to those useless news, and he didn't want to listen to any news outside of Lu's family!

Immediately, with his mind control, the range affected by the purple wind chime's bell suddenly began to shrink, covering it with directionality!


The entire Lu family is covered!

Outside of Lu's house, no noise entered his mind!

The entire Lu family has no secrets in front of Zi Fengling!

No one perceives the whole process!

This is the magic of purple wind chimes!

"Lu Chen has already practiced Lu's boxing to the realm of Dzogchen, who can be the enemy? This battle, Lu Chen will win!"

"Lu Yi is really handsome! If he can look at me, I will be stunned happily, wow! He looked at me, I..."

"What's the matter with the Liu family? The resource owed to our Lu family, when do you plan to pay it back? Now, our Lu family is also a powerhouse with the Eighth Stage Spirit Venerable Realm! Don't be afraid of their Liu Family! Go get it!"

Immediately, the discussion inside the Lu family emerged in Long Xuan's mind.

Although the amount of information is still large, it is much smaller than before. With the current cultivation base, Long Xuan can barely be able to digest it!

Then, he quickly extracted useful news: "I heard that a strong man entered our Lu's house two days ago? It seems to be looking for something? I overheard this news from my grandfather! There must be nothing wrong!"

"This time annihilating the Zhong family, we have greatly established our prestige! The reputation of our Lu family has increased to a level! Those friends from the past have a different attitude when they meet again!"

"I heard that the Zhong family has a king of sacred artifacts, which is a jade flute! When the jade flute is played, the people around will fall into illusion, unconsciously surrender, or erase all malice against the Zhong family! I wonder if our Lu family got it?"

With the passage of time, Long Xuan received more and more information.

Gradually, he became more aware of the reasons, circumstances, and results of the Lu family’s destruction of the Zhong family.

The overall process is not much different from the rumors.


"Not the news I wanted!"

Long Xuan shook his head and continued to concentrate on listening to the news!

Because the whole process of these Lu family discussions is the same as the rumors!

He is very patient!

He knows one thing well: Any insider information is in the hands of the real high-level people. Those who know the truth will always be a minority!

Now that he has used a weapon like the purple wind chime, he only needs to be more patient than the prey!

He has made plans to monitor Lu's family for a long time!

However, what Long Xuan did not expect was...

He didn't wait too long!

That night, late at night...

Suddenly a conversation attracted Long Xuan's attention: "Ancestor, where is it?"

"Outside the city! The Seventeenth City of Tongtian already owns the people of Ten Thousand Realms Bank, next... we want to survive without scruples and develop vigorously, and we must leave here!"

"It will be the key to our future rise! We absolutely cannot return it!"

"Ancestor, our Zhong family..."

"Shut up! Pop!"

"Ancestor Atonement! Let's Lu Family, where do we go to develop next?"

"Lingxiao Continent! Lu Kun, your next task is to gradually transfer the resources and talents of the Lu family to Tongtian Seventeenth City, within a thousand years, you are not allowed to set foot! This is also the ancestral motto of the ancestors!"

"Otherwise, the death of the ancestors would be meaningless!"



At the end of the conversation, Long Xuan couldn't help but feel a little shock: "What Lu Kun just meant...The Lu family is actually the Zhong family?"

"In other words, the Zhong family actually changed their surname in order not to repay the debt?"

After being shocked, Long Xuan’s mind quickly emerged about the Lu family’s family history: “As far as I know, the Lu family is a new force in the seventeenth city of Tongtian. It suddenly appeared in the seventeenth city of Tongtian more than a hundred years ago. Then it seemed to rise smoothly all the way!"

"If the Zhong family is the Lu family..."

"More than a hundred years ago, the Zhong family was arranging everything for today, with the help of the resources of the clock family, secretly transferred the family genius to the Lu family, and even changed the surname!"

"This makes the Lu Family's rise extremely smooth!"

"Besides...no wonder the Jade Flute, the king of the Zhong family holding sacred instruments, has only been among the third-rate forces of the Seventeenth City of Tongtian for so many years!"

"The other thing is, this trick is to hide from the sky, even the Zhong family does not know it. It is very likely that Zhong Yu made a big parting at the beginning, only allowing a very small number of the mainstays of the Zhong family to change their names and establish themselves. The genius among them is probably also very young, and may not even remember anything!"

"In this case, you can hide it from the rest of the Zhong family at the time, and it can also hide it from outsiders!"

His imagination is extremely rich, and the more he thinks about it, the more terrifying he becomes!

I have to say, if his guesses are correct, then...

Zhong Yu's move is really a big game!

The strategy sounds simple!

But the real operation is extremely difficult!

A little bit of incomplete consideration may leave a lot of loopholes and hidden dangers, which can be self-defeating!


"In order for Ten Thousand Realms Bank to not doubt, Zhong Yu should really be dead!"

Long Xuan took a deep breath, quickly digested these guesses, and then quickly made a plan from it: "Next, let's explore Lu's family further!"

"At the same time, investigate the history of the Lu family back then! And the events of the Zhong family a few years ago!"

"Such a big move, there must be loopholes!"