I Am In College And Start To Become A Daddy

Chapter 410: I also want to kiss my parents

"But Dad is-it will be better, do you have any other wishes?"

"No la"

The three little guys shook their heads and said in unison.

They all said that they didn't need any wishes until their father got better.

"Mom, when I was sleeping last night, I lay on the bed and closed my eyes and prayed to Empress Guanyin."

Sambo said with milky voice.

"Dad will definitely be a little better today!"

"I also told Goddess of Mercy that mother should also be well, don't get sick."

"Make a wish to Goddess of Mercy?"

"It should be because of me."

At this time, Tang Yumin sitting on the sofa said softly.

"I would be at home every day these days, worshiping the Bodhisattva and praying for Xiaoxuan's child. I was seen by the children that day and asked what I was doing, so I told them."

"There's me, and me! Dabao held up his hands high," I was lying on the bed and talking, Goddess of Mercy could not hear. I secretly got up and talked to her in front of Goddess of Mercy. "

Dabao pointed to the small Guanyin statue on the shelf that Tang Yumin invited home.

However, when he was speaking, Dabao suddenly covered his mouth because he had missed his mouth.

Hearing this, Yang Ziyi was so angry and funny. Looking at Dabao, she didn't expect that this little guy didn't think he could sleep well, so he got up secretly.

It's just that, after all, this is the kindness of the child, and she didn't say much.

After a busy day, Yang Ziyi, who was a little tired, opened the door of the study.

In the study.

Found that Old Justice was sitting in a wheelchair, looking down at the book.

Yang Ziyi walked over gently, trying not to make any noise.

However, how could Lin Xuan not notice her coming in.

As soon as Yang Ziyi entered the door, Lin Xuan smelled the faint scent of her.

Deep eyes narrowed slightly, Lin Xuan put down the book, raised his head and smiled at Yang Ziyi: "Tired? Sit down and rest."


Yang Ziyi nodded, and Yiyan walked to Lin Xuan and leaned his head lightly on his shoulder.

His eyes fell inadvertently, and Yang Ziyi's brows suddenly wrinkled slightly on the open book on the desk.

"Husband, when you are recuperating from your injury, don't read books and make notes. Now, it's enough for you to take good care of your injury."

"I, isn't this boring, sitting in a chair every day, I can only read a book to pass the time."

"But, don't you bother to get these notes?"

Yang Ziyi glanced at the notes, and found that they were all notes about some scientific and technological knowledge, and she had a headache when she looked at it, let alone her husband.

"It won't."

"I found that there are a lot of knowledge that I didn't expect in ordinary times, and now I can take a good rest. In this quiet room, I can think of a lot, so I wrote down all the things I thought."

"Husband, you are really good, but well, don't read books now, take a good rest, let's talk and chat, I will accompany your husband to ease your mood."

Just when the husband and wife were warm in the study, in the living room, under the care of Yang Zhihui and Tang Yumin, the three little guys were already preparing to sleep.


"I haven't said goodnight to Dad yet."

When he was about to go to bed, Dabao suddenly thought of something.

So the three children immediately ran out of the bedroom and walked towards the study.

As a result, as soon as he approached the study door, the children heard from the crack in the door and found that mom and dad seemed to be whispering!

The three little guys who probed their heads sneaked into the gap in the doorway.

"Huh! Mom and Dad are kissing each other."

"Grandma said that Dad and Mom should not disturb Da when they kiss her."

"I also want to be with my father and mother...

Little guys, you said a word to me, but in the end they didn't know what a brain circuit was. After a babbling discussion, they ran into the living room.

At this time, Yang Zhihui and Tang Yumin were also going to sleep, except for three children in the living room.

There was only Vanilla, and when she noticed the children appeared, Vanilla flung her tail and meowed.


Dabao hurriedly made a silent gesture.

Then Dabao found an empty cup, Erbao searched for the tea spit cake, and Sambo poured out a pair of scissors.

"Dad used to do this, first cut the tea with scissors and spit it in."

Under Erbao's command, Sanbao carefully used scissors to cut off the tea cake facing the Dabao handworm.

Click.... Most of the tea cakes fell to the ground.

"Oh, it's dropped."

"It's okay, it's okay, just pick it up."

The little guys picked up the tea cakes, and the Sambo even blew them very interestingly, and then put the tea cakes into the cup.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, it's me next."

Er Bao took the empty cup and ran to the drinking fountain.

Children have never used the water dispenser themselves to pour hot water, but they have seen adults operate it many times.

So Erbao knew that you only need to press the round button, and hot water will come out after a while.

She put her toes on her toes, tried to reach out her hand, facing the hot water switch, and then pressed it down.

The water dispenser started to operate.

Wow, beep.

Hot water gurgled out from the outlet. .

"Oh, I haven't put the cup on it yet, hurry up." Hearing Dabao said this, Erbao hurriedly moved the cup up.


The little guy accidentally burned his hands!

The pain caused Er Bao control to let go of his hand, and the cup with tea cakes suddenly fell to the ground.

The children were frightened.

Vanilla meowed, then rushed over, leaped halfway, and wiped the water dispenser. The little cat melon seeds patted the hot water valve and immediately turned off the hot water.

After that, it ran in the direction of the study without looking back.

"Miss, what's the matter?"

The maid heard the movement and walked over from the other side. When she saw a cup on the ground and a lot of tea, even the hand of the lady was red, the maid hurried forward and asked.

"Sister... Erbao's hands were scalded by hot water."

The three little guys suddenly lowered their heads when seeing the maid sister coming, Dabao said.

"Don't touch the water dispenser. Go there and sit down. I'll get the medicine kit."

The maid asked them to sit on the sofa, and then went to get the medicine kit first.

In the Si Lan Mansion, a medicine kit will be prepared to prevent the people in the Si Lan Mansion from getting injured. If you are slightly injured, you can use the medicine box to deal with it.

"Hmm...husband, your injury is not healed yet."

"It was the same last time."

"It's really not honest at all."

The couple who were about to grow up suddenly saw the door of the room being pushed open.

Xiang Zilan slid in.

"Vanilla? What's wrong?"

Seeing Xiang Zilan running in suddenly, Lin Xuan frowned.

The kitten ran in front of Lin Xuan and Yang Ziyi, raised his head and started to meow.

"What happened to the baby?"