I Am Invincible From the End of the World

Chapter 355: Legendary Mecha

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Hearing that the other party was actually talking about a deal, Lin Xinghai finally got a little bit of interest, "Then what kind of trading method do you want?"

"Let me ask first, your strength should be very strong!" Ye Xin did not directly say how to cooperate, but asked first.

"Yeah!" Lin Xinghai nodded.

"Then, let me join your team. If you can make me achieve excellent results, how about I customize a rare-level mecha for you?" Jin Xin made a condition.

"The rare-grade mecha you are talking about is the kind driven by the powerhouses in the shaper realm? Can you really provide mechas of this level?" Lin Xinghai's eyes lit up immediately, and he asked quickly.

After Lin Xinghai and Zhang Yue had gotten to know each other before, he had also heard from the other party that the military Type I combat armor was actually just an ordinary standard mecha.

Even if it has been modified, it cannot be separated from the category of standard mecha.

However, on the standard mecha, there is a rare grade mecha.

This kind of mecha is said to be made of a stronger bio-alloy, but this bio-alloy is quite rare, so the rare-level mecha cannot be mass-produced, and almost every one is tailor-made.

And in their Star Shield Refuge, only General Lin Zhengyang has a rare mecha, not even Wei Tianxing.

From this we can see how rare and precious this mecha is.

"Don't worry, my family business is specialized in making mechas, and a rare mecha can still be taken out."

Ye Xin paused when he said this, "But I want to make it clear in advance that when I say good grades, I mean that I can become a first-class student."

"Of course, if you can't make it, even if you become a second-class student, I am willing to give you a perfectly modified standard mecha."

After hearing this, Lin Xinghai turned to look at Jin Tong and asked, "What kind of grades do you need for a first-class student?"

"Top 100 first-class students, top 1,000 second-class students."

After Jin Tong answered, he added, "His strength should be average, so you will be under a lot of pressure."

Jin Tong didn't want Lin Xinghai to agree to the other party.

In his opinion, Lin Xinghai was thankful that he was able to squeeze him into the 2,000 places, and he got the admission quota.

If he added another fuel bottle now, he felt that it would be a problem whether he could be admitted to Donghai Academy.

"That's it!" Lin Xinghai touched his chin and thought.

This made Ye Xin a little nervous, and he was worried that Lin Xinghai would refuse.

However, the next moment, he heard an answer that stunned him.

"If I put you in the top 10 and make you a special student, what kind of remuneration can you give me?" Lin Xinghai asked.

Ye Xin was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses. He felt that Lin Xinghai was bragging.

However, after so many years, under the influence of his father's ears and eyes, he has practiced the skill of observing words and expressions to the point of pure fire.

From Lin Xinghai's eyes and expressions, including the subtle movements of his body, he could tell that the other party was serious when he asked this question, not to amuse him.

In this case, either the other party is a megalomaniac, and he has nothing to do with his own strength.

Either he has real skills, and he is capable of overpowering other top geniuses.

In fact, it is not difficult to judge what kind of person the other party is, because Ye Xin remembered the battle armor that Lin Xinghai took out, and the 5 million Huaxia coins.

In an instant, the little fat man's breathing became heavier.

"If you can really make me a special student, I can give you a legendary mecha for the powerhouse of the gods and demons, and it will be regarded as a friend of yours."

Ye Xin was worried that the other party didn't know the preciousness of the legendary mecha, and quickly added: "Only half of the legendary mecha are equipped with the power of the gods and demons."

Yes, this level of mecha is difficult for even the strongest in the realm of gods and demons to get.

And this level of mecha, the importance has completely exceeded the quota of a special student, but Jin Xin is still willing to take it out.

Because, getting into the top 10 and getting a special-class student, and helping others to get a special-class student are two completely different concepts.

The latter is more than 10 times more difficult than the former.

If Lin Xinghai can really do it, he doesn't mind using such a mecha to make friends with Lin Xinghai, the future top powerhouse.

After all, according to past data, the probability of breaking through to the Body Shaper Realm is 100% for each class of special students, and the probability of breaking through to the Demon Realm is also 30%.

If Lin Xinghai has the ability to help him become a special student at the same time as he becomes a special student, breaking through to the realm of gods and demons with such strength is almost a sure thing.

It is even very likely that he is still the top powerhouse in the realm of gods and demons.

Hearing Ye Xin say this, Lin Xinghai's eyes also brightened, "Okay, then it's a deal."

Next, several people came to a corner of the square and chatted while waiting.

Since we want to cooperate, we must understand each other.

Lin Xinghai also quickly learned that Ye Xin's genetic evaluation was also B-level, and he awakened a rare-level wind power: hurricane tornado.

Such strength is indeed normal. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Of course, Ye Xin will also ask about Lin Xinghai's strength. In order not to disappoint the other party, Lin Xinghai did not dare to say too much, but only showed that he has the ability of speed, and his speed is definitely everyone in the field. the fastest among them.

"Speed ​​type abilities?" Ye Xin heard this, his face tangled.

Is such a power really that powerful? At least he hadn't heard of it.

In order to stabilize this partner, Lin Xinghai quickly shared Liu Miaomiao's information.

When I heard that Liu Miaomiao was an A-level genetic assessor, that the rare ability had been awakened twice, and that he still possessed a special physique, let alone Ye Xin, even Jin Tong was stunned.

Jin Tong always thought that Liu Miaomiao was beautiful, but her strength should be the same as his, she was a dragging oil bottle.

But never imagined that this is the real golden thigh.

And the most hateful thing is that his second uncle didn't even mention Liu Miaomiao's strength.

"Brother Lin, it's amazing." Ye Xin praised sincerely after he regained his senses.

With such talent as Liu Miaomiao, coupled with such a beautiful appearance, she is absolutely the arrogant daughter of heaven.

Logically speaking, wherever you go, there should be a star-like existence.

But the other party was willing to stand silently behind Lin Xinghai, how could he not admire it.

At the same time, he no longer has any doubts about Lin Xinghai's strength. If he can convince such a proud woman, then he can imagine how good the other party is.

Time passed gradually, and after half an hour, the check-in time ended.

Lin Xinghai glanced at the square again. At this time, plus the number of people who came to sign up, it turned out to have exceeded 30,000.

Among the 30,000 people, only 2,000 people can be admitted. It has to be said that the competition in this session is absolutely unprecedented.