I Am Invincible From the End of the World

Chapter 612: Soaring rankings (below)

You must know that the seniors and seniors on the scoreboard have already arrived at the front line last night, and the time is at least 10 hours longer than them.

Moreover, when Lin Xinghai was rushing to the rankings, none of the students in the standings would stay in place and wait.

Under this circumstance, Lin Xinghai's ranking was able to rush directly to the 189th place, which undoubtedly proves that the speed at which he can obtain points is definitely far faster than that of others, and it is still the kind that surpasses a lot.

Many people even believed that if Lin Xinghai also arrived here last night, then the top 10 in the standings would definitely have a place for the other party, and he might even be able to squeeze into the top 3.

In fact, this is not an unfounded speculation. Some students from Donghai College have deliberately made statistics, and Lin Xinghai has obtained 217,000 personal points in one morning.

Compared with Zhang Qingsheng, who is currently ranked tenth in the standings, the personal points obtained in one morning are almost the same.

You must know that Zhang Qingsheng's team could have received the third-level task long ago, while Lin Xinghai was still performing the second-level task.

If Lin Xinghai can also accept the third-level task, then the points that can be obtained in one morning are absolutely impossible to only be 217,000.

And many people also discovered another problem, that is, the percentage of points Lin Xinghai earned personally in the team was terribly high.

Generally speaking, individual points can account for 30% of the team's total points, which is already terrifying. This means that his combat power alone is equivalent to about 30% of the entire team.

To give an inappropriate analogy, if there are 100 people in a team, then the role played by this person is at least equivalent to the sum of the 30 people added together.

And this kind of person can stand out like this among the geniuses, it can be called a monster.

Such a situation will only appear among the top talents.

Just like the teams in the top 10.

But what about Lin Xinghai! His personal points actually accounted for two-thirds of the team's total points.

This is the proportion of those evildoers in the top 10 who are far behind.

Of course, some people have also considered whether it was caused by the poor strength of those members of Lin Xinghai's team.

However, with the inquiries and investigations of interested people, an even more jaw-dropping news appeared.

In Lin Xinghai's team, they actually collected all the special students of their class.

The student grading system is common among the three top universities. Because of this, these students can better understand how important this news is.

So after learning about all this, the students at Donghai Academy were immediately excited because they saw hope.

As long as this momentum is maintained, Lin Xinghai will not only be able to enter the top 10, but also has a high possibility of being squeezed into the top 3.

Even if you are lucky, it may not be impossible to win the first place.

Against such a background, Lin Xinghai led the team to appear in the mission hall, and the attention it attracted would be small.

Looking at the people who kept coming over to say hello, Lin Xinghai would greet each other at first, but later found that the teams that came over were almost endless, and he could only ask the little fat man to help block these people.

Even if the teams who came to congratulate were blocked, they were not angry at all.

Because everyone knows that now is the critical moment for Lin Xinghai to be on the list, it is normal to have no time to chat with them one by one, and they are just expressing their opinions.

Finally, after the little fat man stopped everyone, Lin Xinghai was able to continue to observe these third-level tasks with peace of mind.

At this time, not only the Donghai Academy, but also the students of Capital University and Modu University frequently turned their attention to Lin Xinghai.

Because they all know that the Xinghai team's points have exceeded 300,000, and they have obtained the qualifications to receive the third-level task.

They all wanted to know which level 3 mission Lin Xinghai would take next.

Although they are all three-level tasks, among the three-level tasks, there are also difficult and simple ones, and it is also very easy to distinguish the difficulty, that is, the point reward of the task.

The range of reward points for the third-level tasks is still very large, ranging from a minimum of 100,000 points to a maximum of 500,000 points.

Of course, no one dares to claim the 500,000-point mission of the highest level.

Because those were all super-dangerous emergency rescue missions, the rescued objects were besieged by at least 10 or more mutant zombies at the plastic level at the same time.

It is even possible to encounter the fourth-level mutant zombies that are equivalent to the gods and demons.

In this case, even the top teams are likely to overturn.

As long as the mission fails, 500,000 points will be deducted, which is a huge risk, so no one has tried it so far.

And now they all want to know whether Lin Xinghai, the most energetic newcomer, dares to take on this level of task.

Under everyone's attention, Lin Xinghai swept through all the current third-level tasks, but found that none of them were completely in line with his wishes~lightnovelpub.net~ But he didn't really want to wait any longer. Going to pick up a more appropriate one to do first.

But at this time, the little fat man's voice sounded in his ears, "Boss, there is a senior who wants to see you."

Lin Xinghai recovered from his meditation and raised his head in surprise. He knew very well that if it wasn't for someone important, the little fat man would never come to disturb him.

When he raised his head, he saw at a glance a young man who was surrounded by stars and the moon in the middle.

It stands to reason that such a person, even if he is not domineering, should be quite confident, but at this time, Lin Xinghai saw the other party's eyebrows, and there was an inescapable sadness.

Seeing this person, Lin Xinghai recalled the information in his mind a little, and instantly knew who this person was. It was the strongest of their Donghai Academy, Xiang Tianhua, who ranked sixth in the standings.

Lin Xinghai recalled the information in his mind and knew that the opponent's strength had reached the peak of the body-shaping realm.

Moreover, it has been a month since the other party broke through to the peak of the body-shaping realm, which means that the opponent's body has been completely remodeled, and it only takes a few more months of accumulation to try to break through to the **** and demon realm.

It is absolutely unique to become a **** and devil during college, just like Zuo Wenyao.

Of course, now their cultivation resources are much more than in previous years, and it is easier to become a **** and demon, so in terms of potential, Zuo Wenyao is still bigger.

But a quasi-powerhouse who is very likely to break through to become a **** and demon realm in the near future, Lin Xinghai wants to save face for the opponent no matter what.

Immediately, he stood up, took the initiative to go over, and bowed his hands to the other party, "Senior Xiang, I don't know if you have anything to do with me?"