I Am Invincible From the End of the World

Chapter 803: Retreat the enemy easily (on)

At this moment, all members of Xinghai Squad pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The machine gun spewed out flames, and bullets shot out one after another. During this process, everyone also quickly adjusted the direction of the muzzle of the gun.

At this moment, the little fat man was also doing the same thing. At this moment, he only had one feeling, that the gun in his hand had never been so smooth before.

You must know that the difficulty of killing zombies accurately in the shooting mode can be called hell.

When a bullet flies out, the first thing is to use skillful force to remove the recoil from the **** of the gun, and to keep the sound of the gun steady while moving it slightly so that the muzzle of the gun is aimed at the next target. The zombie movement trajectory is predicted to a certain extent.

Even if the little fat man had reached the peak of blood energy before, but the speed of machine gun fire was so fast, it was impossible for him to complete so many micro operations in an instant.

But this time is different. After the speed of thinking is increased by 10 times, although he can't say that he can complete it with ease, at least he can keep up.

His fat hands were like phantoms at this moment, making all kinds of subtle operations with great precision, and from time to time he could mobilize the power of blood in his body to assist.

And the results he achieved also surprised him. In the strafing mode, his hit rate can be as high as 80% or more.

At this time, the heavy machine gun they were using could fire 30 bullets in one second, and an 80% hit rate meant that he could kill at least 24 zombies in one second.

1440 can be killed in one minute.

This kind of killing efficiency is simply crazy. Even if these are just ordinary zombies, if he wants to kill 100 zombies with his bare hands, it will take at least three or four minutes. If he wants to kill 1440, then Not more than an hour.

But at this moment it all compressed into one minute.

And the little fat man's marksmanship can only be regarded as a middle-to-lower level among all members. Some members who are already good at marksmanship, with the help of Lin Xinghai's time ability acceleration, the hit rate of the strafing mode can directly reach 100%. There are still many that can reach 90%.

And this is the average hit rate of 48 people, and it can also be around 90%, which means that on average, each person can kill 27 zombies in one second, and 1620 zombies in one minute.

You must know that this is the average number of zombies killed by each person, and 48 people add up, and the number of zombies killed in one minute can reach 77,760.

It was even more terrifying than Lin Xinghai's all-out burst.

Under such circumstances, the front of the corpse wave was quickly pushed away from the city wall, and there was a tendency to spread outward.

It wasn't until the tide of corpses pushed to 50 meters away that the shooting accuracy of these members decreased, and a certain balance was reached.

At this time, Lin Xinghai's pressure also dropped sharply, because he only needed to control 15 heavy machine guns, and he was in charge of the first half of the city wall.

Seeing that everything was going smoothly, Lin Xinghai couldn't help exhaling a long breath, with a smile on his face.

At the same time, he also pressed the communicator next to his ear and said, "Now withdraw all the soldiers on the east wall. They have a two-hour rest."

At this time, the soldiers and officers on the top of the city wall have long been dumbfounded.

No one thought that the 10-kilometer city wall could be easily defended by a team of less than 50 people, and the speed of killing zombies was at least 10 times faster than theirs, or even more.

As for the exact number, they don't know, because the tide of corpses can't be replenished now.

This is outrageous.

After getting the order, they were all in a daze, but they all quickly obeyed the order and left.

Because they really don't need them here, and the replacement comrades made them feel at ease like never before. After two days of fighting, they were finally able to sleep peacefully.

Of course, in the end, Lin Xinghai did not follow Lin Xinghai's order to withdraw all the soldiers, because the incineration team needed to stay to deal with the corpses of these zombies.

And one incineration team was not enough, Lin Zhengyang hurriedly formed five incineration teams and pulled them over. Only in this way can they barely keep up with the speed of Xinghai team's killing zombies.

Otherwise, according to this situation, these zombie corpses would pile up higher and higher, eventually surpassing the height of the city wall.

In this way, the east city wall became a meat grinder. Basically, any zombies within 50 meters of the city wall would be instantly killed. The killing efficiency increased by 10 times, which was completely unmatched by the other city walls.

And it was precisely because of Lin Xinghai's killing spree here that he quickly attracted the attention of those mutated zombies.

Some mutated zombies wanted to approach, but they were quickly repulsed by heavy machine gun fire.

After all, the power of a heavy machine gun is not comparable to that of an automatic rifle, especially after replacing the armor-piercing bullet, it can easily penetrate a few centimeters thick steel plate.

Facing such firepower, the mutant zombies of the first and second ranks could not ignore the heavy machine guns and rushed towards them.

Here on the east city wall, no matter whether they are the machine gun position near Lin Xinghai~lightnovelpub.net~ or the second half of the city wall defended by the Xinghai team, they will encounter at least two heavy machine guns.

And it's the kind that hits the head with a gun.

Under such circumstances, even the armored corpse with a strong defense force had to be wounded and retreat after being hit by hundreds of bullets.

After being unable to charge, these mutated zombies began to command the ordinary zombies to charge, especially the advanced zombies, who were mobilized in large numbers by them, wanting to rush over here as quickly as possible.

But this is exactly what Lin Xinghai wants to see, because they are under a lot of pressure here, and the other three walls will be much easier, and this will also speed up their speed of harvesting zombies.

Time passed, and an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

In just one hour, the number of zombies killed in the meat-grinding battlefield on the east city wall has exceeded 3 million. This is because these zombies cannot be replenished fast enough.

Otherwise, according to the calculation of the limit theory, Lin Xinghai and the Xinghai team can kill 6 million zombies in an hour, and there is no problem at all.

Of course, even 3 million zombies are enough to make those mutated zombies in the zombie tide uneasy.

After all, this is already equivalent to one-tenth of the number of corpses.

In fact, it's not just the mutated zombies who are not calm, but the high-level executives of the Star Shield base are also unable to calm down at all.

This kind of killing speed is really terrifying. Facing a huge wave of corpses of more than 30 million, no one in the Star Shield base has the confidence to survive this wave of corpses.

Even just thinking about that huge number makes one's scalp tingle.

But now just over an hour has passed, and everyone's worldview seems to have been refreshed.