I Am Invincible From the End of the World

Chapter 901: Mecha dispatch (Part 2)

"Okay!" Seeing the changes in the situation, Captain Sun couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Of course, logically speaking, this is only the first wave of impact, and he shouldn't have such a mentality, but the problem is that looking at the mechs that are rushing over from the direction of position 114, he feels relaxed for no reason.

It was as if this mecha came and could help them solve all their problems.

Of course, he also understood that such thinking was incorrect, so he took a deep breath and quickly adjusted his emotions.

While giving an order to the other team members not to relax, he strode to the side of the position, ready to welcome the opponent's mecha.

"Hi! I'm Sun Mohan, Commander of Position 114. Thank you for your assistance." Captain Sun shouted enthusiastically when he saw the mecha approaching.

"Yeah! You're welcome." From the mecha's loudspeaker, came a neutral response.

Captain Sun didn't care either, he smiled and was organizing his words to invite the other party to come in for a rest, but the sound came out again from the mecha loudspeaker.

"You continue to command, I will get rid of those approaching abyssal creatures."

After watching the other party confess, he rushed directly into the tide of corpses. Captain Sun opened his mouth in surprise as he watched this scene, and couldn't recover for a long time.

"What is he going to do?" Captain Sun murmured in a low voice.

According to his understanding, what is the most important role of mechs?

That was of course dealing with mutated zombies.

And under normal circumstances, instead of rushing up directly when seeing a mutated zombie, they would wait for other team members to bombard them with artillery fire for a round, consume them before rushing up.

And this process will not be too far away. Only in this way can we get more fire support from our teammates in the fierce battle with mutant zombies.

But what is the other party doing?

Isn't it a joke to drive a mecha to kill abyssal creatures?

After all, driving a mech consumes perception power all the time, and the more intense the battle, the faster the perception power will be consumed. Like the opponent who directly rushes into the tide of corpses and starts killing, it may take less than half an hour for the perception power to decrease. will be exhausted.

When those mutated zombies charge up again, what will they use to resist?

Yes, the mutated zombies did not continue to press up at this time, they stayed 3 kilometers away.

After all, mutant zombies are intelligent, and they will definitely use those fish zombies as cannon fodder, consume their ammunition first, and only come to kill them at critical moments.

So what the mech pilots do is actually similar to those mutant zombies.

Now the pilot in front of him is directly driving the mech to fight those abyssal creatures, which feels like a cannon hitting mosquitoes.

But soon, two words emerged in Captain Sun's mind, it smells so good!

Although it is too wasteful to use mechas to kill abyssal creatures, it is really cool.

After all, the defense power of abyssal creatures cannot be compared with mutant zombies. As long as they are approached by mechas, they can be killed with a single blow.

Even those water ghosts couldn't withstand the mech's attack at all.

Many people can't deal with these water ghosts with firearms. That's because the attack area of ​​the bullets is too small, which makes it difficult to hit the opponent's core.

But the mecha is different, stepping on it can cover most of the water ghost's body, directly crushing the water ghost and the opponent's core.

Of course, some water ghosts react quickly and move the core to a position where the mecha can't step on it.

But if you can't die with one foot, you can immediately step on the second and third feet, or even stand still, and you can always be crushed to death.

Moreover, the mecha didn't just kill these abyssal creatures, it also cleaned up the fish zombies around it.

Especially those with strong defenses, such as turtle zombies, crocodile zombies, and cancer zombies, will receive more attention.

It is true that they are strong in defense, but in front of the 5-meter-long high-frequency broadsword of the mecha, it is as easy as being cut into tofu.

Don't doubt that, at any cost, the weapons equipped with these mechas are all made of three-level alloys.

Not to mention these fish zombies, even a first- and second-level armored corpse can open their stomachs with a single stab.

Under such circumstances, the pressure here at position 113 was greatly reduced again.

Even Captain Sun felt a sense of trance. Although the horde of corpses was huge and terrifying this time, the pressure on him was not as strong as before!

As for Xiao Gao at this time, he was quite excited at this time.

Before, he had only driven the mecha on the simulator, and it was the first time for him to drive it in real life.

So when I first heard that he was asked to drive a mech, I was actually quite nervous.

But when Pang Lun told him that the main body of the mecha was made of three-level alloy, so that he didn't have to have any psychological burden, he also really experienced the joy of fighting in the mecha.

When you have no worries about the future, you will let go, and it is easy to perform supernormally.

And training in actual combat is undoubtedly the best. Xiao Gao can feel that his proficiency in mechas is constantly improving almost every second.

And the more proficient he is, the more efficient he will be in killing abyssal creatures, and the pressure on position 113 will be lighter.

Therefore, these soldiers in position 113 felt more and more at a loss as they fought.

They all felt that they were serving as a foil. Facing this ferocious wave of corpses, needless to say, the main force was the shelling team behind.

The originally dense group of corpses~lightnovelpub.net~ went through a round of bombing, and then went through heavy machine gun fire. After two rounds of blows, those weaker fish zombies were almost all dead or injured.

And those relatively strong abyssal creatures and fish zombies will be attacked by mechas after finally rushing to the front of the defense line.

In the end, the number of fish zombies that could escape the triple blockade and attack the position was only 20-30% at most.

As for position 113, a combat team had been reinforced before. At this time, the combat power was greatly increased, and with sufficient manpower, it was a bit idle to face this wave of corpses.

Yes, it's just a little free. They don't even need to mobilize all the staff. Captain Sun only needs to mobilize half of the staff to be able to resist, and the rest can even rest.

It's unbelievable that such a thing happened, but it really happened.

It's just that Captain Sun didn't really relax. Instead, he stared nervously at the mecha that was still rushing forward.

Such a high-intensity battle simply cannot last long.

And the fact was just as he expected, only 15 minutes later, after the mecha finally killed a group of abyssal creatures, it began to retreat.

"Half of my perception has been exhausted, I'll go back first." An explanation came from the mech loudspeaker, and then quickly returned to position 114.

Looking at the mecha that was away in the blink of an eye, everyone in the 113th position was stunned at first, and then nervous.

"No way! He's leaving now, who will resist the mutated zombies behind? And it consumes so much, how dare he charge for so long?" Some soldiers couldn't help complaining.

Captain Sun was about to say a few words of comfort, but he immediately noticed that the mecha that had just left rushed back.