I am Kaka

Chapter 386: Essien is hard to come by, who is the on

"I am Kaka Kaka (

At the start of the game, Milan served first.

Their most effective routine is the previous wave, Pirlo dispatched from the backcourt, Lampard and Seedorf attacked back and forth, Gattuso swept the backcourt, two full-backs assisted, but they played cautiously after the opening. Staying honestly in the backcourt with Maldini, even Seedorf and Pirlo are full-time intercepting midfielders, and they rarely pass halftime.

The home fans are naturally not happy with such a conservative play. This game was originally intended to prove to the three former Milan players that "we live better without you", but Capello is good, almost lying flat and letting anyone come. Fuck it.

But what makes the Blues fans depressed is that An Pang is also a similar tactic. Although the offensive seems to be stronger than Milan, the defensive counterattack intention is obvious.

Essien and Gattuso became the busiest two people in the opening stage. Both sides didn't invest enough in offense. Basically, football was blocked as soon as they reached their level.

Milan's paper strength is still at the A+ level. If you ignore the age factor, S-level is possible, but the results in actual combat are a bit unflattering. In the league, it was beaten by the other two tops of Serie A. The only point is The impressive record is that Bayern had just been eliminated in the Champions League, but it was also a draw in both games and a narrow win on a penalty kick. It was unconvincing. In contrast, Chelsea had only one draw with Arsenal in multiple strong confrontations and one loss. After Manchester United, the other games are strong to get the opponent.

So Capello's recognition is understandable, and Chelsea's tight schedule comes from a long way, and Milan's use of anti-counterfeiting is also justified.

On the other hand, it is a bit confusing to see An Pang playing so conservatively in this situation.

"What kind of plane does Ancelotti run, holding a good hand of cards and pretending to be grandson, what mentality is this?"

"Because this is how Sun Tzu plays, the "Army of War" has a saying: Soldiers are also tricky, so they can do but they can't."

"...You can talk to Sun Tzu's art of war if you watch a ball?"

"How about I tell you a few "Book of Changes"?"

"Big guy tell me some "Golden Scales", this game is so boring and almost falling asleep."

"What the **** is "Golden Scales"? You are talking about "Wind and Clouds", isn't the Golden Scales a dragon in the pool when it meets the situation?


The audience and the commentator were still talking about how silent and boring the game was, and Capello was still secretly delighting in the little understanding between himself and Ann, Chelsea suddenly turned his face.

It's like the plainclothes suddenly took out the certificate and pulled out the gun, without saying hello, turning the face when you said.

"Seedorf passed Lampard diagonally! Lampard dribbled the ball in the middle and faced Essien...fake faxes! Drift... Essien was not fooled! Lampard was too careless, and dribbling through is not what he is good at. , Not to mention that he is facing a defensive player with outstanding ability like Essien. Maybe he wants to show himself when facing Chelsea too much..."

Essien immediately dribbled forward after stealing the ball, Lampard turned around and grabbed, and after being dodged by Essien, he immediately chased after him.

Essien blocked the magic lamp with his shoulder and passed it straight to Sneijder.

Sneijder faced the ball and knocked slightly diagonally with his heel.

The football rolls to the left.

Kaka blocked Gattuso with his body and ran towards the football lightly, but suddenly turned around when the football came to his feet and leaked the ball.

Gattuso scolded his mother secretly, trying to stretch his foot to block the ball, but he still slowed down a bit. The football rolled past his feet and he could only immediately turn around to chase.

The football was about to go out of bounds, Kaka came first and came out of bounds, but did not immediately slew the ball to the direction of Milan's goal, but faced the field with a light toe forward.

Gattuso, who was rushing towards Kaka, couldn't react, and watched the football pass between his feet.

Kaka gave a little to the side, let Gattuso rush past him, and then ran into the field and caught up with the football.

"It's been twelve minutes since the game started. This is the third time Kaka has touched the ball. In the first two times, he passed the ball very quickly. Unexpectedly this time it broke out..."

"It's a familiar scene of leaking the ball and molesting the opponent through the crotch. We haven't seen such a performance in the San Siro Stadium for a long time. Unfortunately, the people who offer this performance are not wearing AC Milan jerseys. "

After catching up with the football, Kaka did not stride directly into the penalty area as expected, but immediately took the ball back to Sneijder, and then rushed to Milan halftime along the left.

After Sneijder got the ball, he found Figo on the right. The two cooperated briefly twice and then came near the penalty area.

Figo confronted the Colts, a fake action tricked the horses into the center of gravity and immediately cut in, and then went straight into the penalty area.

Torres caught up with the football, first took a gentle pause, stabilized his body, and faced Nesta with small steps to dribble the ball.

Nesta stepped back a little later, his eyes fixed on the football.

Torres suddenly slammed the ball to his left, then used his feet to chase it out in the direction of the football.

Nesta immediately stretched his foot and did not touch the football. On the contrary, Torres was still hitting his feet.

If he hits this time, Torres must have tripped to the ground. A penalty is indispensable. As for Nesta's red card or yellow card, it depends on the mood of the referee.

Nei Shao was very decisive, and immediately moved his body's center of gravity. Torres immediately hit him and both fell to the ground.

The referee had just been chasing Figo on the right, and had just rushed in this direction, did not see the details, hesitated for a moment and still did not blow the whistle.

The football rolled near the small penalty area, Sheva followed and hit the goal with his left foot.

"Shevchenko shoots! Left! Stam!"

Dida made a save, but the football didn't fly over. Instead, it hit Stam's knee from the sliding tackle, flew high and landed in the direction of the goal.

Sheva immediately jumped over from Stam, trying to make a header shot, but Dida was quicker and jumped from the ground, and his left hand dropped the ball dangerously.

Torres just stood up at this time and suddenly found that the football was flying towards him.

Nesta, who had also just gotten up, cursed secretly, and continued to stand in front of Torres.

Torres was about to take two steps back, stopping the ball in his chest, and Kaka's voice suddenly came over.

"Squat down!"

Tuoniu didn't even think about it, and immediately flexed her legs and squatted down.

The football flew over his head and bounced to Kaka on the sidewalk~lightnovelpub.net~ Kaka quickly ran towards the football and stretched out his feet when the football touched down again.

The football flew up, passing over himself and Cafu behind him.

"I picked the ball! Kaka turned and chased the ball. Kafu stretched out his hand and didn't hold it, and then followed! Kaka dribbled the ball from the side! Shevchenko and Torres both ran to the goal and made a pass! "

Too close to the bottom line, Kaka’s speed advantage could not be used, and he was quickly entangled by Cafu. He knew the difficulty of this guy, and now there are two fronts in front of the goal, the opportunity is fleeting, so he did not What kind of adjustment? After coming near the bottom line, he drew the ball in the direction of the Milan goal.

This is a pass with a left foot. The ball is extremely fast and has a great arc, but the height is very awkward. It is at the waist.

Sheva immediately jumped to the top, but the ball was so fast that the football flew directly in front of his forehead.

Later, Torres chose to raise his thigh and bounced in the direction the football flew, but unfortunately he also rushed to the air.

Seeing that the football was about to pass the goal and flew to the right, the Milanese were relieved, who knew that the football suddenly turned a corner.

It flies in the direction of the goal.

Dida's position happened to be in front of the area between Sheva and Toniu. When Sheva rushed to the top, he raised his right hand. When Toniu shot into the air, he waved his left hand again. Although all was empty, there was a big rock in his heart. Fell to the ground.

The audience fell silent in the next second, and then various noises followed.

Many Milan fans even cheered subconsciously, and then suddenly closed their mouths as if being silent.

"Kaka... GOAL! Break at a zero angle!"

"This is the second time Kaka has scored in this way. Unfortunately, it was AC Milan's goal that was breached this time..."