I am Kaka

Chapter 411: Popular

Three-time World Footballer and two-time European Ballon d'Or winner Ronaldo, two-time World Cup and two-time Ballon d'Or winner Kaka, this year's World Cup footballer Ronaldinho, Serie A champion and Champions League runner-up Adriano, With the addition of the world's number one left-back Carlos, Brazil has the best No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9 and No. 10 in the world.

Even the midfielder that has been criticized in the past, this Brazilian team is full of talents. Juventus's main midfielder Emerson and Bundesliga hegemony main midfielder Ze Roberto are all veterans who participated in the last World Cup. Falcao, Maicon, Lucio, etc., who have just won the four titles with Chelsea, are all super celebrities who have made countless giants chase desperately.

   Even on the bench, Brazil sits with such talented players as Real Madrid star Robinho and Lyon core Juninho.

   With such a luxurious lineup and such a strong bench depth, many media and fans believe that it is only a matter of time before the Brazilian team defends the Hercules Cup.

Of course, the Brazilian Football Association thinks so too. After the players arrived at the Viggis training base in Switzerland, the pig heads of the Football Association confidently regarded this powerful and luxurious team as a cash cow and openly sold the Brazilian team's training to the media. Live broadcast copyright.

   Behind the expensive copyright fees, every detail of the Brazilian team was exposed in the live media footage.

   The players not only didn't care, they also showed great enthusiasm under the spotlight.

   Self-satisfaction pervades everyone in this country.

Even if Edmilson had to withdraw from the World Cup because of a serious right knee injury, the sudden situation could not slow down this excitement. This incident reminds some people of Egypt who was injured before the last World Cup. Mawson was regarded as a sign that the Brazilian team was about to defend their title.

For Brazilian football, the past four years have been an absolute golden age. They not only have international superstars such as Kaka, Ronaldo and Ronaldinho, but also Robinho and other groups from South America. The young talents of European gold rush, easily qualified in the qualifiers, successive wins in the Gold Cup, Confederations Cup, and America's Cup all illustrate the strength of this team.

   Kafu’s old age, Ronaldinho’s fat body, Ronaldinho’s depressed state, Ade’s sluggish fighting spirit, and Kaka’s tired expression were all ignored.

   Everyone is addicted to the fantasy quartet, preparing for the championship in advance.

   In this context, Pereira led the Brazilian team, known as the strongest since 1970, on the flight to Germany.

   On June, local time in Germany, the 2006 World Cup in Germany kicked off at the Allianz Arena in Munich, and the month-long World Cup officially began.

   After various cultural performances, the opening ceremony gradually reached a climax. The big screen of the stadium showed the cup-winning scenes of the captains of the previous World Cup champions. Then the ball king Bailey and the German supermodel Simf became the protagonists.

   Bailey entered the arena with Sin Fu holding the Hercules Cup, came to the center of the arena, and then raised the trophy that enchanted the players, causing the audience to cheer.

   The next scene was filled with emotion. The organizing committee invited 170 representatives of the players who had won the World Cup trophy to enter the stadium.

   Walking ahead is the representative of the England team. The 1966 championship team member Bobby Charlton and others brought people's memories to the distant past.

Followed by members of the French team such as Desaili, Lizarazu, Zidane, and Henry in 1998, followed by the legendary Uruguayan star Schiafino and the 1978 World Cup top scorer Kempez ...

   However, regrets always come inadvertently. In the blue and white Argentine lineup, people can't find Maradona, who has said that he will participate in the opening ceremony.

   Lao Ma was serving as a guest commentator for Spanish TV Station 4. He also explained why he did not attend the opening ceremony.

   "I want to watch football, not Pele or Beckenbauer. Of course, I will definitely come to Hamburg tomorrow to cheer for the Argentine team."

   The words are loud and loud, which is in line with the old horse's usual unrestrained personality and personality, but Kaka extremely suspects that it is because the Banya people give too much...

   After Argentina, the admission of the host German team caused the audience to burst into the most enthusiastic cheers and applause. Familiar faces such as Matthaus, Waller and Bremer appeared in people's sight.

   The last entry is the eternal protagonist of the World Cup and the biggest favorite of this year's competition: five-star Brazil.

   Pele, the ball king, returned to the parade, and Jailzinho, Leonardo, Ronaldo, Rivaldo and others entered one after another.

   Most of the representatives of other teams have retired or even entered their old age. Only the Brazilian team that won the previous championship has a group of active players. The youngest Kaka is only 24 years old, which is too dazzling in the crowd.

The camera was naturally stunned at Kaka, wishing to show every hair on his face clearly in front of the camera. Fortunately, that face that has overdrawn the appearance of Brazilian football for a hundred years can indeed be beaten and withstood. The test of all the close-ups.

   After a wave of noise, the stadium returned to calm.

   Accompanied by FIFA President Blatter and World Cup Organizing Committee Chairman Beckenbauer, German President Koehler announced the opening of the 2006 World Cup.

   The World Cup returned to Germany after 32 years.

   Nearly 32 years ago, also in Munich, the Federal Republic of Germany won the 10th World Cup. The Germans hope to replicate history and once again raise the Hercules Cup on their own soil.

   According to reports, in addition to the 65,000 fans at the scene, 1.5 billion people from more than 200 countries watched the opener live on TV.

   This is also the first time since 1970 that the host team participated in the opener. The last time the German team participated in the opener was in 1994. They defeated Bolivia 1-0 as the defending champion. The current head coach Klinsmann scored the only goal.

   Before kick-off, there was a one-minute silence in the stadium to commemorate former football stars such as the former Brazilian coach Santana who passed away this year and the legendary Irish star George Best. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   Only 6 minutes into the game, defender Lahm scored the first goal of this World Cup, but the Costa Rican goal record holder Wanchop quickly equalized the score.

   Since then, Klose, the silver boot winner of the previous World Cup, kicked his head and celebrated his 28th birthday with two goals.

   Wan Qiaopu then broke through the German team's door again, scored twice, but unfortunately still failed to bring the team a victory.

   With Flys' wonderful long shot to seal the victory, the German team defeated Costa Rica 4-2, maintained the unbeaten record of participating in 4 openers, and created the record for the most goals scored in the World Cup opener.

   In the next two days, the results of the first two rounds of each group were released.

   In addition to France's 0-0 tie with Switzerland, which once again made people laugh out of their teeth, the other big players have won.

England 1-0 Paraguay, Argentina 2-1 Côte d’Ivoire, Netherlands 1-0 Serbia and Montenegro, Portugal 1-0 Agra, Italy 2-0 Ghana, etc. Although the process is difficult, most of them are narrowly won by small scores, but the results are basically expected. Among.

   With Australia defeating Japan 3-0, the second game of Group F is finally overdue.

   Brazil VS Croatia.

  In the eyes of the public, the old coach Pereira unexpectedly hid the captain Cafu, and sent Maicon who had just made the limelight.

   And the captain's armband was put on the arm of the deputy captain Kaka.

   Everyone hopes.

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