I Am Not A Mage Lord

Chapter 1: Unusual "Master's Intellectual Proficien

   "Mysterious Magic Unified College Entrance Examination", a special examination room for Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

   "Be honest!" the police uniform invigilator reprimanded, "the test will start in five minutes, don't play tricks!"

   Lynch was dizzy and awake, trying to hold his head that roared like a hammer, but his wrists were restrained by alloy steel handcuffs, and the crash sound was clear.

   After a long time, the blinking eyelids opened steadily, and the pupils shrank slightly, staring at the reality in front of them.

   Looking sideways, a strange and handsome face was reflected in the window, but his face was pale due to lack of sunlight.

   lowered his head, the yellow vest with the word "Prisoner" was being put on his body, and his ankles were locked with the standard shackles for serious prisoners.

   Lynch looked around cautiously, constantly capturing key information on the scene.

   Crossing? prisoner? magic? examination room?

   "Don't look at it, this is the single examination room that serves you. Take the test well, and the results will come out at night. If you don't get accepted, you will definitely hit the target tomorrow morning." The police uniform invigilator beside him said.


   Lynch's chest was suffocated with blood.

   Very good, it seems that the original owner of the body left him a "dihu" start.

   Lynch wasn't upset either, at least it wasn't Lin Pingzhi or Yang Lianting who started the game.

   "This is this?" He regained his composure, pointing to the blackboard and asked.

   Lynch, who was born as a tester in a small town in the previous life, is just good at exams.

  The police uniform invigilator looked at Lynch, who was tall and thin, sitting upright, guessing the "pretend garlic" ingredient, and said for a long time, "Yes, this is the'Mage Intelligence Test', your last chance to survive."

  In an instant, Lynch’s cerebral cortex seemed to be filled with hot mercury, and the remaining memory fragments of his body surged up, like a slide projection, the dream was faint, and the curtain passed.

   He smiled bitterly on the surface and understood in his heart.

   This is a magical world that is slightly inferior in technology to the earth, but is magnificent and mysterious.

   More importantly, the mage has the supreme dominance!

  Zero Ring, First Ring, Second Ring and Ninth Ring spells, can be called overwhelming, destroying the world!

   Bleeding wound, "treatment injury" healed in an instant.

   Incurable disease, "Remove disease" instantly recovers.

   There are rumors of the "transportation technique" that spans thousands of miles, the "dominance of mankind" that manipulates others, the "dissociation technique" that annihilates all things, and the "stop time" spell that suspends time, all kinds of extraordinary powers.

   The qualification to learn magic and the chance to become a master is on the "college entrance examination" in these two days!

   Last night, Lynch’s "Basic Knowledge" score has come out, with a perfect score of 500 points and only 250 points at the upper-middle level.

   According to the total score of 650 points in previous years, it will receive the admission notice from the Magic Academy.

   Today's "Intelligence Test" exam with a full score of 500, he must have a score of 400 or more.

   The Arabian Nights!

   Putting on the college entrance examination in the previous life is equivalent to one less English test and one more line.

   No wonder the police uniform invigilator beside him looks like a dead person.

   "唰" sounded like a death knell sounded.

   The formal invigilator who was in charge of distributing the test papers pushed the door in, walked straight to Lynch’s test desk, handed out the test paper portfolio, asked him to sign on the seal to confirm that it was intact, and then unpacked it.

   "The test time is 4 hours in total, and papers cannot be handed in in advance, understand?"

   Two formal invigilators asked at the same time, and by the way, they looked at the police uniform invigilator to confirm that the situation was normal.

   Lynch nodded, and took the stack of test papers comparable in thickness to the "three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation".

   is a matter of life and death, he is like receiving: the mysterious code of xt, solemnly open it.

   [Topic 1: Define a chess rule as follows: the five-piece line wins..., please demonstrate the possibility that black will win first, and the balance measures. 】


   Lynch squeezed the pen heavily, revealing his veins, and his handcuffs could not suppress his surging thoughts.

   He finally understood the difficulty of the "Mage Intelligence Test" and at what level!

   There is no gomoku in this world.

   is equivalent to allowing the answerer to come into contact with a new type of chess in just half an hour, and then to study the game from beginning to end. No wonder the test papers are thick.

   With a sense of tension, Lynch immediately jumped to the second question, first feel the overall difficulty gradient, and plan the time.

   [Topic 2: Two accomplices are in prison and cannot communicate with each other. If the two do not disclose each other, the evidence is insufficient and the two will go to jail for one year; if one does the report and the other is silent, the whistleblower will be released, and the silent will go to jail for ten years; if they disclose each other, the evidence is conclusive and the two will go to jail. Eight years. Please elaborate on specific options and theoretical models. 】

  Prisoner's Dilemma!

   Lynch almost laughed out loud.

   From the perspective of a prisoner, there is a possibility of release and eight years for exposing, and one and ten years for silence.

   In the absence of mutual trust, the prisoners will inevitably fall into a situation of exposing and fall into the point of non-cooperation.

   This is the famous game theory of later generations.

The protagonist of the movie "Beautiful Mind", John Nash, in his 22-year-old doctoral dissertation "Non-Cooperative Game", explained the problems in this area and proved the existence of equilibrium solutions, and thus jointly won the "Nobel Prize in Economics" in 1994. .

   used in intelligence tests, is it too superb?

   Lynch shook his head and looked at the next question.

   [Topic 3: a/(b+c)+b/(a+c)+c/(a+b)=4, please find a positive integer solution. 】

   Seeing this question, Lynch couldn't laugh anymore.

   The "magic" who needs this kind of problem-solving ability may not really be a good profession.

   This question looks like an elementary school question. If you replace abc with apples, oranges and watermelons, you might be able to take it as a kindergarten entrance exam.

   But actually this is a cubic Diophantine equation, and the smallest number in the answer is as many as 81 digits!

   Isn't this cheating?

   Lynch reluctantly released the oily pen in his hand and placed it on the table.

   The three questions are half buckets of water sloshing, but he has ideas but not enough to sort out the answers, even completely out of the way.

   He is really not memorable.

   The police uniform invigilator who glanced at the question was a little sympathetic. It is true that this question cannot be done by humans, and he has to withstand this kind of blow before he died.

   He made up his mind that he had to arrange for the other party to have a full meal tonight, and enough noodles and longevity noodles.

   After feeling hopeless through the passage, Lynch recalled the reasons for his "death penalty" and thought about the hope of breaking the game.

  In the impression, the original body owner stopped the atrocities committed by a certain descendant of the mage, and as a result, the perpetrator suddenly died when he was furious.

   In essence, Lynch didn't even say "manslaughter", he didn't even move his hand.

   But I can't help but the other party is a mage apprentice!

   Based on the Law on Special Protection of Masters, Lynch, who was involved in the death of the "Master Apprentice", was imprisoned for three days and was sentenced to death on the spot by the Master Arbitration Tribunal without appeal.

  The only chance of pardon was that he got the admission notice from the "Magic Academy" and eventually became a mage apprentice.

  Only in this way, privilege disputes will become internal disputes, and civil liability will be imposed.

  All the thread **** are wrapped around this stack of hundreds of pages of "test papers".

   Lynch looked more helpless.

   The sound of summer cicadas is almost silent at this moment, only the ticking of the clock on the blackboard and the swaying of leaves in the wind.

   In a moment of silence, Lin Qi suddenly burst into a volcanic eruption deep in his mind, and his whole person was in shock and consternation.

  The deep sea of ​​consciousness, and an isolated island in the air, a brilliant and bright palace stands up from the ground.

   Inside the palace, numerous bookcase shelves are laid out and built up, neatly arranged like dominoes, overlooking a complex labyrinth from a high altitude.

   All the academic memories of previous lives are divided into categories one by one, organized into thick classics and placed on top of them.

   Memory Palace!

   Lynch was surprised, this is not the "super memory" ability that Conan Doyle compiled for Holmes?

   Open the books in the palace, you can accurately retrieve the memory of the past.

   Curiosity returns to curiosity. He manipulates the self "little man" in his mind and walks to the "chess" bookshelf.

   Lynch's mental power was slightly concentrated, and in a short time a book of memories of "Linqi's 18-24 Years Old Gomoku Memory" fell into his hands.

   Amidst a mixture of panic and surprise, the pages of the book open—

   The three or three forbidden styles, such as the three forbidden hand, which have long been forgotten, are clear and picturesque, which is the first point of view to watch the post back then!

   The vision of his life is rolled into a long memory, and the years and swords are cut into countless frames and pages, exposed before him.

   Lin Qi's face is like Yuanyue, picking up his old pen, and copying the memory in his head without any surprises.

   He first listed the “ban moves” of Gobang. They are balance measures and also mean winning strategies.

The following 26 regular openings under the “banned hand rule” are also listed one by one. Among them, 19 types must be won in the first hit, 12 types must be won in the second hit. The outcome of the month, meteor, and long star games is uncertain, and the process is so urgent that there is no room for scrutiny. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   The enlightened Lynch did not stop to turn to the second question. The memory of the 27-page "Non-Cooperative Game" thesis, which was curiously scanned in the previous life, has been removed from the palace bookshelf—

  Theories, models, and proofs have gradually become clearer, and the "Nash equilibrium" until "Pareto Optimal" becomes the front of the pen.

   When it comes to the third question, the answer at a chance glance lies in the classics of "Lynch's Mathematics Puzzle Memory".

   He copied it against the photo—




   After finishing the long series of numbers, Lynch's expression suddenly shocked.

   The two keys to the entry of the "mage" of the nobles in the world-extraordinary "memory" and "calculation power".

   corresponds to the two big exams of "basic knowledge" and "intelligence test".

   Sitting on the golden elephant legs of the "Memory Palace", isn't he full of "Memory"?

   Well, there is no such thing as a fool.

   If he is smarter, he is really qualified to be among the highest ruling class of the Blue Star—
