I Am Not A Mage Lord

Chapter 156: Fatalism and Prophecy

  Chapter 157 Fatalism and Prophecy

  The "black box" is an unpredictable world. You can only rely on "input" and then harvest "feedback" to make judgments.

  For example, the legendary "Turing test" separates the tester (human) from the tester (machine), and asks the testee a question through an input device such as a keyboard. If after multiple tests, the machine can make participants make more than 30% of the false judgments, the machine is deemed to have human intelligence.

  The hidden machine is a black box.

  The method of obtaining the keys of "Magic Hall" is the same black box.

  The high elves’ questions to Lynch, whether it is the value of π or the three questions, are opportunities for Lynch to get “input”.

  But the correctness of the "answer" does not point to the key to the palace.

   is like an exam, not taking high scores, but taking the test papers to show the potential.

  This vague scale, judged by the "Ancient Tree of Life", completely cut off Lynch's opportunity.

  No matter how good his answer is, no matter how beautiful and neat the roll is, it is useless, because there is no "point" to satisfy the other party.

  But he doesn’t know what this point is?

  Not to mention, he is like taking the postgraduate re-examination of 985 colleges and universities. In the case that his own college is not even 211, he must prove more to get this qualification.

  So, Lynch decided to overturn the chessboard.

  Since the elves told him that the information in the three questions affected the probability, he gave an example-the omniscient person "Laplace demon".

  The demon of Laplace is a scientific hypothesis put forward by French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace in 1814——

  This "demon" knows the exact position and momentum of each atom in the universe, and can use Newton's laws to show the entire process of cosmic events, the past and the future.

  In Laplace's view, the movement of all things is definite and obeys Newton's law of motion.

   Therefore, this mathematician who studies probability problems physically denies the existence of contingency. He believes that the so-called contingency is merely a manifestation of people's ignorance of the real cause, and it will gradually decrease as the circle of human knowledge widens.

  Until the real "truth" is faced, it disappears.

  Under this natural view, all motion is mechanical motion.

  The movement and change of matter have a causal and inevitable connection, which is full of determinism and inevitability, making contingency disappear.

  This is the natural view of mechanical determinism, so in the nineteenth century after the birth of the "Laplace demon", a large number of scientists and philosophers were attracted to it.

   The soft and warm sun light above the sky sometimes condenses into a dappled dazzling ball of light, and sometimes turns into a line rain of diagonally falling halo, constantly cornering in this area of ​​Lynch.

  Like the sky, ethereal and ethereal elves chants resound in this area, making people feel like floating in the clouds, feeling a kind of thrill of flying fairy.

   "How did you think of this?" The ghost's tone also revealed shock and emotion.

  It has clearly felt how shocked and horrified the faces under the silver helmets of the five high elves on the opposite side.

   "The most important way to attack the mind is to point to the foundation of the other man's entire building." Lin Qi said as he looked at the five high elves who could not help but tremble.

  Ghost also couldn’t help but laugh out loud, "Yes."

   "The host in the title affects the probability, but in fact, the ‘prophecy’ mastered by these elves is not a host’s identity?"

  Prophecy is the first ring of "difficult signs", the second ring of "divination" and the fourth ring of "prophecy" are passed down in the same vein.

After all, Dean Hastings and Zheng Yingluo overestimated Lynch’s talent for “spellcasting” and mistakenly thought that after setting the 17 parameters of the “Secret Energy Field” under his back, he would be able to quickly reach the Mage. Cast this spell on the road.

  I just think too much.

  Fortunately, I grind my gun at the moment, and my unhappiness is gone.

  Although Lynch can't cast spells independently, he still has a deep understanding of the principles of spell casting and functioning, and even specific spell ideas.

  The spell "Symptom of Distress" casts quickly and works instantaneously, allowing him to see one of three images during the next hour's journey-safety, risk, and crisis.

  However, whether he can "see" or not is a probabilistic event in itself. The stronger the casting ability, the higher the success rate.

  According to common sense, if there is a group of trolls patrolling in front of Lynch, then according to his next forward speed and direction, the encounter is ambiguous.

  Before he acts, it is likely to be 35% safe, 35% risk, and 30% crisis.

   After both Clinch and the troll decide their course of action, it is likely that the sum of the latter’s risk and crisis has risen sharply to the point of close to 100%.

  But if Lynch decides, he resolutely casts the spell of "Hazardous Omen" and gets a "risk" picture-such as dark clouds covering the sun, the sky is swaying, and thunder is falling.

   Then Lynch may give up this “action” and turn around and go back. Naturally, his next three chapters of “safety”, “risk”, and “crisis” will return to normal levels.

  "Prophecy Spell" acted as the host and opened the third door for him, allowing him to see the change in probability.

   However, the "Laplace demon" given by Lynch stands on the highest dimension, like a **** looking down on the world.

  Since the Laplace demon can see the trajectory of all things clearly, it naturally includes the thoughts in everyone's minds and the results of the effects of the magic spells themselves.

  In the established destiny, Lynch decided to use the "bad sign" and then change his mind. This is the established scene, just like a domino being overthrown.

The so-called "prophecy" was just a stage prop from the beginning. Even the success of casting a spell to see the future is no longer a probability, but an established fact. No matter how many times in history, he will succeed in seeing it. The call to crisis.

  According to the established destiny, whether it should succeed in seeing and drawing all the results has been written successfully.

  In this way, prophecy is not a science of probability, but a history book.

   "This is fatalism, a desperately impossible world to struggle." Lynch said.

"The magic of prophecy tries to overthrow destiny, but it also has the indestructible barrier that creates destiny. When I realized that the lord of the doomsday can intimidate everyone with a prophecy, I realized that fatalism is rooted in everyone's heart. The devil in the depths is just that we ignore it."

  Ghost's tone became respectful, "It turns out that at that moment, you thought of this example of Laplace demon pointing to fatalism."

   Lynch smiled silently, without explaining much.

  He looked at the awe-inspiring high elves in silver armors in front of him, and waited silently.

  The "prophecy" spells that the other party firmly believes in itself are what allows people to make a "change" choice among the three questions, but they can only find that changing or not changing is basically a well-written script.

  The prophecy that changes fate is just following the birth of fate.

  Ghost learns the necromancy spells, so the touch hasn't been so deeply touched by the wizard wizards from the prophecy system.

   Lynch sighed slightly.

  Determinism, everything has a cause, everything has an effect, causality cycle, inevitable cause and effect.

  Its expression will naturally be pushed to "fatalism", and even it is the result of the development of modern metaphysical materialism.

   Therefore, the antidote for modern materialism to avoid fatalism is "subjective initiative".

  And these mages avoid another antidote to fatalism—"prophecy spells".

  However, the nature of human thinking depends on nerve endings to transmit signals.

  In essence, consciousness and thought activities are after all a series of complex electrochemical reactions of molecules. The human brain "inputs" external stimulus signals and then "outputs" actions.

Therefore, some fatalists will fall into deep suspicion. Doesn't this mean that "subjective agency" is also an established part of fatalism~lightnovelpub.net~ Just as these high elves realize that prophecy is nothing but fate A chapter in it, but more gorgeous.

   Once Lynch opened the physics textbook and saw the "Hamilton equation", he also had this shock.

  According to the Hamiltonian function, the initial value of the position and momentum of the system is known, and the motion state of the system at any moment can be obtained.

  This means that when the "multi-particle system" of the Hamiltonian equation is extended to the entire universe, as long as the initial state of the universe is known, the future state of the universe can be calculated.

  Fortunately, one of the dark clouds of physics later defeated it, and even almost brought the whole worldview into the ditch of idealism.

  "Since the sacred tree has acknowledged your talent, please follow us, distinguished guest."

  The five high elves finally recovered from the trance state, and when they saw this piece of miracle light rain above Lynch’s head, they sent out an invitation.

  Linqi looked at the five high elves who were still a little confused, smiling in his heart, he knew the antidote to fatalism.

   But he did not say.

  (End of this chapter)