I am Really an Insider

v2 Chapter 232: Bullshit terminator

   In the first quarter, Wayne and Boozer played an appointment in the winter, which was very successful.

   Wei Ge not only humiliated Boozer, but also played the ball very well.

   The statistics just listed by Lord Barbara directly demonstrate Wayne's versatility in these two abilities.

   In just one match, he unknowingly fell Boozer three times, in the words of Lord Bart: "This is an Olympic-level wrestler."

   can really be described as a fight and a catch.

   It stands to reason that when Wayne was beaten like this in the first quarter, Boozer should not dare to challenge any more.

   But when Wayne saw Boozer again and found that his eyes became extremely fierce, Wayne knew that his trash talk had worked.

   Boozer is an easy-tempered person, the last time he eluded Tony like this.

   There is no personal grudge between him and Tony, and there is no conflict on the court.

   is purely because Tony was suddenly autistic at the time, so he was out of control and wanted to teach Tony a lesson.

   Boozer elbows most of the time because of similar reasons.

   Now that Wayne's saliva is sprayed on Boozer's face, can Boozer not attack?

   Boozer also knew that he couldn't do it for Wayne. He didn't know how Boozer fell a few times during the first quarter.

   Wayne is an opponent, he is very professional in every move!

   Moreover, he also very cleverly rubbed wrestling into the basketball confrontation, so that the referee couldn't find the fault.

   Boozer was beaten like that in the first quarter, and Wayne took a normal foul, not even a technical foul.

   Therefore, head-to-head is definitely no chance.

   Boozer decided to start when Wayne couldn't resist.

   As a result, just a few minutes after the start of the second quarter, Boozer found such a mobile meeting.

   This time the offense, the Blazers opened the whole team to Wayne to single out Boozer from outside the three-point line.

   This tactic of singles starting from outside the three-point line at the fourth position has been used more and more recently by McMillan.

  Since Wayne doesn't consider himself a power forward, McMillan will naturally not be polite.

   Boozer is short, but it does not prevent him from walking slowly.

  Wayne made several three-threat movements and slightly shook Boozer's center of gravity, and then quickly accelerated the breakthrough.

   Boozer moved sideways and chased it back, seeing Deron shake his head.

   Boozer's fast defensive position is really no way.

   The big colander is not for nothing.

  He is the typical fourth player with more offense than defense.

   After breaking through Boozer, Wayne held up the basketball to take the two points.

   And this is a time when Wayne can't fight back!

   When Wayne jumped up to prepare for a layup, Boozer caught up and grabbed Wayne’s jersey directly from behind.

   Although he released it quickly after only a tugging, it still made Wayne unbalanced in the air.

   was pulled back by someone like this, and Wayne's center of gravity immediately followed.

   So Wayne made an action similar to Mr. Tony's-he lay flat in the air, just parallel to the abrupt back and fell down.

   Stern shook his heart.

   People, why do you want to die?


   The moment Wayne fell, Paoer felt the wooden floor under his feet shake.

   Just listen to the sound and you will know that you did not fall lightly.

   "Wei, he was brought down by a rough foul! This one fell very hard, and we saw Wayne lost his balance directly in the air!"

   Steve Patterson, who is watching TV, stood up nervously, Boozer, can't you afford it?

   This is too bad!

   The moment Wayne hit it, the back of his head hit the floor hard.

   Although he has a body of steel, Wayne's head still "buzzed" at that moment.

   Boozer raised his hand and stepped aside, looking innocent.

  The attack is so cruel, I can see that Boozer is really pressing.

   If this is replaced by the Pacers in the 04-05 season, Artest, Xiaoao and Wu Sheng must rush forward and start doing it.

   It doesn't matter if it is banned or fined, let's talk about it if you beat it up!

   Boozer would not be able to go out without being beaten today.

   But the Blazers, although their teammates are also very angry, are also very worried about Wayne.

   But they are not such impulsive players after all.

   Gaso rushed to find the referee for theory, Anthony Parker and Uduka just tried to push Boozer away, but did not do anything.

   The only gun, bravely waving his fist, wants Boozer to single out.

   But Kirilenko stood up and held down the head of the gun. The gun of 183 could only give a punch of the air, even Boozer could not get close.

   The current Paoer boxing technique is not yet adept, which gives people a sense of courage and intrepidity.

   It’s not to blame the Trail Blazers for being too weak. It can only be said that the Pacers’ combat power is among the best in the entire NBA history, which is a special case.

   It's outrageous that there are more old boxers who stand up, and there are more fights than three-pointers.

   In fact, when most teams have a conflict, the first reaction of the players is to pull the frame.

   Only the Pacers, their first reaction after the conflict was to go up and fight.

   Things like the Palace of Auburn Hills will not cause such a big commotion on any team.

  Only on the walker, will it pierce such a big moth.

   So, watching Walsh dismantle the team last year, Stern raised his hands in favor.

   Is this the team that is being taken apart? It was a time bomb! What was demolished was the worry of my old president!

   Look, as soon as the walker was demolished, this year's violence was immediately brought under control.

   Boozer was immediately called a first-degree malicious foul, but he didn't care.

   He smiled and looked at Wayne on the ground, now I see you are still hard!

   This is just a warning, next time it will be your stinky tooth!

   After a few seconds, Wayne's dizzy head returned to normal.

   Fortunately, there is a "body of steel", otherwise this will definitely cause a concussion.

   Wayne got up, the beast of the Trail Blazers... the team doctor also went up and asked Wayne about his condition.

   Wayne waved his hand, ignored the team doctor, and walked towards Boozer.

   Suddenly, three people from the Jazz rushed up to stop Wayne, and Gaso, who had always been calm, hugged Wayne from behind.

   Everyone knows that once Wayne goes up, Boozer is gone.

  Wayne, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible for one person to break free from the shackles of four people, so he is clamped.

   "Come here, you are not very fierce." Seeing Wayne was clamped by four people, Boozer let go and shouted.

   Now, I am the hardest boy in the audience!


   Boozer hadn't finished his screaming yet, suddenly a certain 183 man rushed in front of him, and he jumped up with a punch!

   When Kirilenko and the others went to stop Wayne, the gun was finally released from the defense.

  True. Cannon punch warning!

   Well, more than a month ago, Paoer might have been killed without thinking, he would actually fight for Wayne in his life.

   Boozer was beaten and forced, but he didn't react yet, suddenly his legs softened.

   The egg hurts!

   It turned out that just now, after the gun jumped up and hit Boozer, he pretended that his center of gravity was unstable and leaned towards Boozer, then took advantage of the trend and looked back...

   Paoer is different from Wayne. He specializes in Xing San Lu and he is an old eggbeater.

   Payton saw that he was very uncomfortable, and then remembered the scene where he hit the rocks with a pebble in the 2005 finals.

   Fortunately, I ended up with a championship, otherwise this is really...

   Boozer put his hands in his crotch and fell in pain, slapped the floor frantically, only to roll all over.

   Paoer still wanted to win the pursuit, but was grabbed by Deron who had rushed over, and Boozer saved the egg.

   Wayne also rushed up in the chaos, ready to show off his newly learned Jiu-Jitsu skills while Boozer fell to the ground.

   Well, God knows how Wayne learned these weird strongman lock male skills.

   How did Sharapova and Wayne applaud love?

   But Okur appeared in time and blocked Wayne, the conflict did not continue to escalate.

   Stern saw his scalp numb. Although Chris Paul was an old beep in college, he is still honest after entering the NBA.

   At least nothing happened last season.

   This Nima, as soon as he became a teammate with Wayne, he gradually became Weihua?

   Dare to use your hands?

  A team with Wayne will never be a model team.

   The referee gave the cannon out without any mercy.

   Boozer was still defensive just now, and there are excuses for sophistry.

   But Paoer is all about beating people, so there must be no discussion.

   Paoer didn't defend himself much either, and when he saw that he was sent off, he turned around and walked towards the player tunnel.

   He doesn't regret it, and even feels a little guilty. He didn't protect the core of the team in the first time.

   Well, the position of the gun is getting more and more straight.

   I'm just so unwilling to lose to Deron like this...

   Wayne was temporarily pressed on the bench, and Boozer was also replaced to rest for a while.

   He was crossed off the court by Okur and Kirilenko, and he could not walk at all.

   When Sloan saw Boozer, there were even tears in his eyes.

   A tough guy of 2.06 meters, almost beaten and cry by a small guard of 1.83 meters...

   Wayne's side, McMillan doesn't plan to let Wayne play anymore today.

   As soon as Wayne fell so badly, his injury has not been confirmed, so he can't take any risks.

  Secondly, Wayne is now on the court and meets Boozer again, and he is going to fight.

   From the bottom of his heart, McMillan, who was once a professional player, wished that Boozer would be beaten up, and even he wanted to do it himself.

   But from a coaching perspective, Wayne is the core of the Trail Blazers. If he is suspended for ten games and eight games, the impact on the team is still great.

   Just like that, Wayne and Boozer didn't play again throughout the second quarter.

   The Jazz lacked Boozer, but the Blazers suddenly lost the two cores of Cannon and Wayne, leaving only one Gaso to support on the court.

   So, under the leadership of Deron, the Jazz completed the lead and entered the halftime with a score of 52 to 47!

"This is definitely a wonderful second quarter, uh...I mean the ball was played very well." Lord Bartson in the studio was so excited, he didn't expect this gun to learn from Wayne. This has the advantage of revenge.

   But it's a pity, I probably won't see Wayne beat Boozer violently today.

   Following this trend, whether Wayne will play in the second half is a question.

   Sure enough, after returning to the locker room, McMillan used a very gentle attitude to discuss with Wayne about the rest of the second half.

   McMillan didn't blame Wayne, he just wanted to protect the players.

   Wayne was of course not reconciled, and McMillan did not ask Wayne to answer immediately, but gave him some time to consider and expressed respect for Wayne's choice.

   If Wayne insists on playing, he will not stop him.

   Of course, what he meant is that it’s best to forget it today.

   I have to say that as the former captain of the Sonics, McMillan did a good job getting along with the players.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Then, McMillan began to arrange the tactics for the second half.

   At this time, Wayne turned his head and glanced at Paoer, only to find Paoer was very depressed and his head was drooping.

   "Chris, thank you for coming forward. Don't be frustrated, I'll pay the fine for you." Wayne patted Paul on the shoulder. He thought Paul was frustrated about the fine and suspension.

   "I don't want to lose to Deron, Wei..." As everyone knows, Paoer said this leisurely.

   Yes, with Paoer's character, what he can't accept the most is not fines and suspensions, but losing to his rivals.

   University was overwhelmed by Deron, and was overwhelmed by Deron last season. I thought I could turn over and sing this year, but I encountered this again.

   Being stepped on by Deron again and again, Paolo is not reconciled!

   Wayne was taken aback, it turned out he was frustrated because of this.

   "Cut, who said we will lose? Today, I am going to smash Salt Lake City." Wayne said something Paul said during the preseason.

   Pao'er suddenly raised his head and looked at Wayne.

   "Wait in the locker room, waiting for Lao Tzu to bring you back the victory. Nate, I have decided, I will continue to play in the second half.

   Also, I will fight until the end of the game. Wayne finished speaking and touched Paolo's head.

   "With me, Deron can no longer beat you."

   Paoer suddenly felt that Wayne seemed to be taller?

   Well, since you are attacking for me, then I will win the game for you.

   The younger brother is loyal, how can you not say that when you are the older brother, this is a good opportunity to make the younger brother more loyal to you!

   Since he wants to win the game, he cannot be sent off early in the second half.

   It's not that Wayne doesn't trust Gaso, but from the second quarter, it is really difficult for Gaso to handle Jazz alone.

  Besides, even if Gaso led the team to win, it was not a victory that Wayne brought for Paolo.

   So, Wayne must play the whole game.

   As for Boozer...

   Of course I can’t just forget it!

   If you want to win the game, Boozer, you have to fight!

   Revenge the old and the new together, and I will send you to heaven immediately.

   Amid the fierce cheers of the fans, the second half of the game officially began.

   Stern saw Wayne and Boozer both come back on the field, the old man suddenly became nervous again.

   You guys don't **** me anymore!

   "Wei has played again! I don't know what kind of spark he and Boozer will make in the second half!" Not to mention the fans, even the live commentary was excited.

   On the bright side, everyone said that they would resist stadium violence. But in fact, who doesn't like to watch this lively!

   But the first offense and defense of the two sides in the second half swept everyone away.

   Because of the Jazz, Kirilenko is used to defend Wayne!

   "Wipe!" Wayne was a little upset when he saw that his enemy was gone.

   Sloan sent Kirilenko to defend Wayne, but not just to protect Boozer.

   More, because Kirilenko was indeed better guard than Boozer.

   In the first half, Boozer has proved that he can do nothing about Wayne.

   But Kirilenko is different. He has no problem keeping up with Wayne.

   Also, Wayne is not the kind of heavy forward, so there is no such thing as crushing Kirilenko inside.

   The old coach Sloan is still very calm. He still thinks about winning.

   Facts have proved that his adjustment is effective, because Kirilenko defended Wayne in the first round, Wayne fought angrily.

   The Jazz immediately counterattacked, and Deron hurriedly got the ball to Girisek, who was in front of the runner, and the counterattack was about to be completed.

   But Anthony Parker rushed up in time and gave Girisek a tough enough confrontation.

   Although they did not completely stop the Croats, it did effectively reduce the speed of his counterattack.

  Girisek did not give up, leaning on Parker to make a layup.

   But when he just took off, the basket suddenly became dark, and he felt that the entire three-second zone was covered by something.


   Without a doubt, it was Batman in a cloak who came to the door.

   Although Parker’s delay just failed to prevent his opponent directly, he bought Wayne time to chase him.

   Next, watch Wayne perform.

   Wayne made a big fan and directly nailed the basketball in Girisek's hands to the backboard.

   Nail board big hat!

   "Oh! Wei's retreat is too aggressive! Hahaha, this game is interesting. Kirilenko and Wayne, let's see what sparks will spark between these two defenders!"

Can    not be active? They all agreed that Paoer would win, and Wayne was not the kind of person who didn't believe in words.

  This is completely different from Boozer's anti-skeletal boy.

   At that time, he fooled the Cavaliers to renew his contract, but turned around and signed the Jazz. It can be said that he is the senior of Jordan.

   Wayne was not in a hurry after blocking the shot, and calmly handed the ball to Fred Jones, who replaced the gun.

   Jones’ organizational skills are average, but that’s okay, anyway, he is playing as a dribble guard.

   After halftime, Jones cleverly handed the ball to Wayne, completed his duties, and Wayne organized the attack!

   Kirilenko immediately raised his arms and posted it. Wayne did not act rashly. After all, Kirilenko's steal was also very good.

   At this time, Wayne called for the screen like a guard.

   Gaso did not hesitate, and immediately came up to set up a pick-and-roll for Wayne.

   The 2m 06 shooting guard has appeared again!

   By covering, Wayne broke through Kirilenko.

   At this time, Boozer has no way to escape and must bite the bullet and face Wayne.

   Wayne continues to break through with the ball, just to bully you Boozer's slow pace.

   And in the process of breaking through and getting rid of it, he gave Boozer another elbow.

   Then he rushed to the basket, and Wayne had a sudden stop!

  Sure enough, Kirilenko flew over Wayne's head, and Wayne knew that Kirilenko was still in the shadows.

   After flying Kirilenko, Wayne jumped and dunked in place, full of domineering!

   After landing, Wayne pointed directly at Boozer’s nose and cursed: "How are your eggs? Ms. Boozer."

   Boozer clutched his stomach and did not respond.

   It's still so painful that I can't speak.

   Although he just gave Boozer an elbow, Wayne was not satisfied.

   What he needs is the kind of one-shot attack.

   can only continue to look for opportunities.

   After that, on the offensive end, Boozer still waved his elbow frantically.

   On the defensive end, Kirilenko can still help Boozer, but on the offensive end, Boozer will inevitably have to match Wayne.

   Therefore, Boozer's attack can be said to be quite crazy.

   But madness goes to madness, but there is no rule.

   And because he wanted to beat Wayne too much, he didn't do his job well.

   The pick-and-roll was so soft that Deron was easily re-entangled by Jones.

   There is no way, Deron can only repeat the same trick and pass the ball to Kirilenko who cut in.

   But this time, Kirilenko's cut layup missed.

   Because Wayne is here again.

   "Wei! He flew Kirilenko's layup fan out of the bottom line, with top-level defense awareness and speed! The Russians found that Wayne had come over to defend, and it was too late to pass!"

   Wayne blocked his second consecutive shot, which encouraged the morale of the team!

   After Gasol was taken out by Okura, Wayne used his enthusiasm to forge a steel line of defense!

   This basket is not something you can attack casually!

   Kirilenko was taken aback for a moment, as if he had seen the shadow of his peak in Wayne.

  The AK47 in its peak period is just to make up for it so that you doubt life.

   3.3 blocks per game in the 04-05 season is no joke.

"Hmph, if the ball is successfully passed over you will be over. You won't be so lucky every time, Wei, don't think that if you are lucky, you will be blunt." Seeing Wayne so arrogant, Boozer So Er said some rubbish, intending to frustrate Wayne's spirit.

   However, Boozer's level of trash talk is in front of Wayne, which is basically at the level that he has not graduated from kindergarten.

   "Are you teaching me to defend? Hahahaha, close your mouth, sissy, **** you can't prevent me today!

  Why did Sloan use Kirilenko to defend me? Because he is more capable than you, you are a yin and yang person without eggs.

   I score on your head, easier than scoring in the WNBA!

  Yes, those who don’t have any **** should go to the WNBA, where is the best place for you.

  You can definitely get the best defensive player in the WNBA. I bet you can do it with half a million.

   Like I said before, you **** play like a woman. "

   Boozer:! ! !

   You can say that I can do anything, but I can’t insult my most basic dignity as a man!

   Boozer was so angry that he couldn't find a response, so he could only furiously.

   and Wayne spray, this is purely because I can't find it happy.

   After the Jazz bottom line ball was sent, Boozer leaned directly on Wayne for the ball, and he had lost his mind.

   Delong hesitated for a few seconds, and then dropped the ball in.

   Boozer used to push back, crashing wildly,

   But when he tried to exert force again for the second time, he threw himself into the air, and because he had no support point, he sat down on the ground.

   Wayne removed the stool!

   "Wei's defense is very smart. Didn't you find out? The third quarter is up to now, and Wei hasn't made the Jazz's defense succeed!" The live commentary became more and more excited. Wayne was going to fight the Jazz.

   "Go, the Trail Blazers have the ball!" After Boozer fell in embarrassment, the referee blew his whistle and yelled at the technical stage.

   At this time, Wayne's always timely applause sounded again.

   "Wonderful, wonderful, really superb offensive skills! I will convince you of low footing, Carlos."

   Boozer has never heard such disgusting trash talk in his life, you have said everything!

Wayne once again faced Kirilenko with the ball. This time, he kept provking Boozer: "Come on, defend me Carlos. You coward, you only know to hide behind the Russians. .

   Coward, soft egg. Oh, forget you don’t have that stuff. "

   Boozer was shaking his hands, he felt that the blood vessels on the top of his head were about to explode with qi.

  Wayne has been chattering, but he is very calm.

   If you want to defeat Kirilenko, you must take it seriously.

   Wayne suddenly lowered his center of gravity and dribbled through.

   But just took a step, but suddenly stopped and put on a shooting posture.

  AK47 jumped up immediately, blocking shots!

   But this time, when Kirilenko jumped up, Wayne ran past him quickly.

   The Russians are stupid, there is no second luck?

  Of course not. Wayne just made a Buddha worship gesture.

   As a 2m 06 defender, this is still necessary.

   After flying to Kirilenko from a beautiful location, Wayne quickly rushed into the penalty area.

   Boozer rushed to the basket unwillingly, ready to defend Wayne.

   I will show you whether I can prevent you!

   Wayne leaped high, holding the ball in his right hand.

   At this time, Boozer also rushed up, obviously for the foul.

   But at the moment when Boozer rushed up, Wayne gently lifted his left hand and hit Boozer with an elbow.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Of course, Boozer also slammed into Wayne, and the two fell at the same time.

   However, the basketball that Wayne put up still fell into the net after a few overturns on the basket!

   Another 2+1, Boozer still failed to defend Wayne!

   "What am I talking about? Your defense only works in the WNBA!" Wayne stood up and shouted at Boozer.

   At this time, Boozer's head was a little dizzy.

   It wasn't a joke that Wayne elbowed him just now.

   But if you apply for dismissal at this time, you must not be scolded by Wayne for a lifetime!

   So Boozer, who had been irritated by Wayne to enter the domineering mode, stood up and continued the game.

   Wayne still hit the free throw line.

   So far, he led the team to equalize the score.

   Paolo in the locker room looked at Wayne desperately on the court and was extremely moved.

   Wayne said that if he wanted to take away the victory, he would really fight for it.

   This kind of spirit and mannerism is simply a shot at the soul.

   Brother Wei, you will always be my big brother!

   After the game, Wayne used his enthusiasm to help the team gradually regain the initiative.

   Driven by Wayne, the rest of the Trail Blazers also fought fiercely.

   Even the sister-in-law who has always been gentle, showed off his Hedong Lion Roar after a dunk today.

   After the third quarter, Wayne has scored 20 points.

   In the second quarter, he scored 20 points in three quarters and 13 points in a single quarter.

   Kirilenko did have a restrictive effect on Wayne, but Wayne and his sister-in-law’s pick-and-roll play was very impressive.

   Moreover, even if it is one-on-one with the Russians, Wayne is not without a choice. Just break through 2+1 after worshiping Buddha as an example.

   The Trail Blazers entered the fourth quarter decisive battle with a five-point advantage. During the break, Wayne deliberately ran to the Jazz bench and pointed at Boozer.

   "13 points in a single quarter, 13 points in a single quarter! Can't you **** guard me? If you do this, I will get a high score today!"

   Wayne rushed to the bench and cursed others, naturally it caused him a technical foul.

   But at the same time, Boozer's anger directly rushed out of the Tianling Gai.

   As soon as the fourth quarter came up, Boozer hit Wayne's face with an elbow in the attack, and the referee called a foul.

   Deron is a bit upset, now the team is behind, what do you mean by wasting an offensive opportunity?

   Boozer was even more unhappy, because after he finished playing, he found that Wayne continued to chatter like a okay person.

   "That's it? Kirilenko's cousin is stronger than you!"

   Kirilenko:? ? ?

   My cousin fart thing!

   Speaking of Kirilenko’s cousin, who is also a famous Russian tennis player, she and Sharapova have also formed a doubles combination.

   That's why Wayne suddenly remembered and blurted out.

   is to humiliate Boozer anyway, don't care about the insignificant details.

   Boozer wanted to knock Wayne's tooth with that elbow, but instead of succeeding, he was humiliated by Wayne.

   It turns out that this elbow is indeed not as hard as Wayne's.

   Although he didn't break his teeth, Wayne was actually quite painful.

   But at this time, you have to stand up, and you can't frown.

   is to let the other party know that I am not afraid of you at all.

   Boozer not only did not hurt Wayne, his foul caused dissatisfaction with teammates and coaches, which made him upset.

   Then, Wayne played another pick and roll with Gaso.

   But Boozer failed again.

   This time, Wayne chose to stop the jumper after halfway through, and Boozer did not give Boozer a chance to continue the black hand.

   "Can't prevent, can't prevent, you just can't prevent me!"

   Wayne's voice lingers in Boozer's ear, he can't stand it anymore!

   He wants to end that **** 99!

   After an attack, the Jazz picks and rolls, and Wayne helps to delay Deron.

   So Boozer received the basketball after the pick-and-roll, but he didn't choose to shoot on the spot, but went inside.

   Sloan looked silly, where someone has an open space and instead rushes into the crowd with the ball! ?

   Mousse: Is there a problem?

   Boozer at this time is irrational, he just wants to humiliate Wayne in a tough way. So after receiving the ball, he just killed Wayne directly.

   Hard special: Why isn’t the iron-blooded jump shot tough?

   Watching the out of control Boozer rush towards him, Wayne waited.

   Boozer's impact is very strong this time, so we must seize the opportunity.

It's now!

   Boozer took off against Wayne, and Wayne also reached out to block.

   But under normal circumstances, the palm of the hand is facing the ball holder to interfere.

   And this time, Wayne interfered with the ball holder with the back of his hand.


   It's because of this elbow that I hit someone!

   Boozer’s head hit Wayne’s elbow with a "boom," and Boozer, who was already a little dizzy, was even more dizzy.

   He threw the basketball to the hoop, ready to wait for the whistle.


   The referee did not sound the whistle!

   Wayne's defense just now seems to be no problem at first glance.

   "Fuck!" After Boozer landed, he suddenly felt the smell of blood in his mouth.

   Touched with my hand... the teeth are loose!

   That's right, not one or two, but several!

   "Too soft, too soft!" Wayne continued to shout after taking the rebound.

   "I'll kill you!" Boozer was like a bull with red eyes. He didn't care about the blood and teeth in his mouth, but immediately stuck to Wayne.

   This time, he will defend that **** himself!

   Kirilenko is stunned, I am defending him, eldest brother, you made a mistake!

   "Carlos, what are you doing!? Go back to your place!" Sloan also yelled, but this time, even Sloan's roar was useless.

   Boozer couldn't hear anything now, and he was completely irritated, he just wanted to teach Wayne.

   Kirilenko saw that Boozer was not going to let go, so he ran to defend Yuduka.

   This time, Boozer met his wish with Wayne again!

   Wayne smiled, this is what he wants.

   "Your mouth hurts, right?" With the ball facing Boozer from outside the three-point line, Wayne was not in a hurry to attack.

   Boozer did not answer, because as long as he opened his mouth, blood would flow out and he would be replaced.

   He doesn't want to be replaced.

   This is really knocking out the teeth and swallowing in the stomach.

   "Do you know? You are among all the players I have played against... the one that disappointed me the most."

   "Woo woo woo!" Boozer could not speak with blood in his mouth, and could only growl vaguely.

   Seeing Boozer pounced, Wayne immediately started to dribble.

   After a small change of direction, he realized that Boozer was a little swayed and almost fell.

   Boozer was already dizzy with his elbow and his balance was poor.

   and extremely angry, so the defense is pure brute force.

   So Wayne had a plan.

   He changed directions frantically on the outside, playing Boozer recklessly.

   shook Boozer a few times, but Wayne was not abrupt, returned to the spot, and hooked his finger at Boozer.

   "We are using the NBA as a street court!"

   In the NBA, it is quite humiliating to play with opponents in this way.

   Wayne’s previous life, Alstom used to play Vujacic with streetball moves, but Vujacic got started directly.

   After seeing Boozer almost completely out of control, Wayne suddenly accelerated to his right hand side and breached.

   Boozer tried his best to block it, but he couldn't understand the bottom of his feet.

   At this moment, Wayne suddenly stopped and then pulled the ball back!

   Boozer, who had taken a step, wanted to brake, but he slipped and opened his legs.



   After Wayne pulled the ball back, he heard Boozer's scream and the sound of the cloth being torn.

   looked down, good fellow, Boozer was swayed directly in front of Wayne!

   and the **** part of the pants is torn apart!

   Huahua’s pants were directly exposed, which was as embarrassing as Bowen being beaten out.

   The most important thing is... Boozer splits and pulls the injured egg again!

   This kind of pain cannot be expressed in words.

After    Boozer yelled, all the blood in his mouth came out.

   At the same time, he also vomited four teeth that had just been knocked out by Wayne.

   Well, Wayne created another NBA scene.

   The audience exclaimed, Boozer... was vomiting blood! ?

   Wayne made a shot. At this time, Boozer could not stand up anymore. He clutched the root of his thigh in pain and rolled on the ground.

   Wayne shook his head, you are a little embarrassed, brother.

   Defensively defends, what kind of fork to hack... You are really pulling your hips!

   Your flexibility is the material for splitting.

   The fans and commentary in the audience were not sloppy, everyone had seen the Ankle Terminator.

   But this is the first time that Wayne has seen his opponent vomiting blood + bullshit.

   The team doctor went up to ask Boozer's condition. Boozer said that he just felt a sudden "bump" on the inner thigh, as if something broke.

   When the team doctor heard it, it was over.

   This is a strain on the inner thigh tendon!

   Nonsense, can you not strain after a hard fork?

   Moreover, this is still a strain without confrontation, which is more serious.

   Injuries without confrontation are generally more terrifying than those in confrontation.

   chuckling and straining~lightnovelpub.net~ is double happiness.

   Wayne really made Boozer ascend to heaven.

   After listening to Boozer's narration, the team doctor shook his head and said that Boozer could not continue the game.

   Sloan sighed and let the stretcher team come on.

   Boozer was lying on the stretcher, looking at Wayne, tears filled his eyes.

   The live commentary was taken aback for a moment, and then slowly approached the microphone.

   "This...Is Wei the first player in NBA history to put his opponent on a stretcher?"

   It’s not uncommon to have been injured by the shaking, but it was the first time I saw him that he was carried away by a stretcher.

   Under the gaze of everyone in the room, Boozer clutched the root of his thigh and was carried away, his shame exploded.

   Watching Boozer being carried off the field, Wayne shrugged at the referee.

   This time, I really didn't move.

   Look, I rely solely on football skills.

what? You mean four teeth on the ground?

   He ran into it by himself, and you see, he bald my elbow.

   Wayne looked at the four teeth and a pool of blood on the ground, and shook his head.

   It turns out that playing and fighting can be combined in this way.

   elbow dizzy first, then sway.

   Learned, learned.

   After Boozer was put on a stretcher by Wayne, the Jazz lost a very important offensive point.

   The game basically lost its suspense.

   Next, Wayne should help Paolo pack the victory away.

  For now, this shouldn’t be any difficulty...