I am Really an Insider

v3 Chapter 387: Jump repeatedly on the edge of death, an

After returning from the timeout, Lukai's countermeasure was Pierce to help defend Wayne.

Once Wayne breaks through, Pierce will come to fill up the spot as soon as possible to help Hardte wipe his ass.

I can't think of a hard hit to death. I have always wiped someone's ass. One day, I can still enjoy the treatment of being wiped.

Don't ask, ask is WGNB.

May I ask how many players in this league can't win the 4th position?

Only the stone Buddha watching San Antonio can make this evil wolf feel the pressure.

Everyone knows that the hard and special low single defense is not the top level, and Duncan is just a smiling man who is good at working in the low position.

In many cases, there is no good way to take Duncan in the low position.

However, this is the first time that a player with the fourth position can defeat a hard special outside the three-second zone.

I don't want to admit that WGNB won't work.

With Pierce's help, Wayne's offensive was indeed contained.

Pierce dared to double-team Wayne unscrupulously because his main defensive target changed from Parker to Tony after the timeout.

Well, Pierce knows his little brother too well.

He knows how threatening Tony is on the offensive end.

Let's put it this way, being able to force Tony Allen to take action already shows that Green Kai's defense is successful.

Pierce has always liked Tony very much. After Tony returned from injury last season, he found that he had lost all martial arts. Apart from Wayne, Pierce encouraged Tony the most.

He once told Tony: "You can guard me in training, you can guard anyone in the league!"

Pierce admitted that he had the element of pretending to be beeping, but it was indeed driven by him and Wayne that Tony transformed into a pure lock defense.

As someone who played Tony almost every day last season, Pierce still doesn't know how much Tony is?

So just double-teaming Wayne is over!

Tony Allen, just let him shoot, open up and let him shoot!

This ball right converter quality lever drops!

Therefore, Pierce's defense against Wayne is always extremely decisive.

This effectively slowed the Blazers' speed of opening the score, but it did not make Green Kai take the initiative.

Therefore, the game is still anxious, the two sides still played very rough.

And Wayne also found that this Long director was getting more and more irritable.

After the start of the second quarter, as long as he gets the ball, the trash talk will not stop.

As soon as he gets the ball, he will babble and talk endlessly.

Wayne didn't know whether Pao Luo was annoying, anyway he was already annoying.

No... Would you rather not do it?

You can beep than hard.

It's not the first time Wayne has met someone who likes to chatter on the court. The stingy Mamba is just a talk.

But like Rondo sprayed with you every round, except for Payton, it was the first time Wayne saw him.

You have a good vocabulary, did you work hard when you took the fourth level?

Although Wayne couldn't hear every word Rondo said, but every round, there was a shout from Rondo's guidance.

Wayne really convinced Rondo, this guy was really annoying.

Wayne bothered him just after the timeout.

Although Rondo has been showing his vocabulary, although Hardcore and Pierce once let Wayne's offense stop doing whatever he wants.

But after the half-time game, the opening or still leading by 7 points.

After the second half started, Wayne found that Rondo had upgraded again.

The verbal guidance of this product is not enough now, so I started to direct.

Not long after the beginning of the third quarter, Rondo elbowed him when Paul layup.

Paoer is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and fell to the ground very exaggeratedly, and he successfully made Rondo get a defensive foul.

That's right, it's just a normal defensive foul.

Because Rondo's elbow was very secretive, he managed to escape.

This is also the fact that Paoer's acting skills are hard enough, and it is not ambiguous.

Otherwise, you might not even get a defensive foul.

But as the league's super elbow king, can Rondo's small move escape Wayne's eyes?

"Kevin!" So, Wayne turned his head and talked with Garnett during the free throw.

Garnett silently moved aside for a while: "What are you doing!?"

"You don't think we dare not make trouble in the North Shore Garden, do you?" Wayne stared at the hard special without giving him a chance to avoid his gaze.

"I didn't make a fuss!" Hard special said so innocent, Wei Bat, don't deceive people too much!

Huskies will bite when they are anxious!

"Take care of you, Kevin!" After speaking, Paoer just scored the first goal.

So Wayne went up and prepared to give Paul a high five.

As everyone knows, Rondo suddenly rushed up at this time, siding between Wayne and Paul, and slapped Wayne's palm hard, interrupting Wayne and Paul's celebration.

With a "pop", Wayne's hands were numb.

After the filming, Rondo walked back again.

Well, his purpose is not to make you comfortable with high fives!

"Fuck, this little bitch!" Gunner glared at Rondo, while Wayne glared hard.

He froze for a moment, then walked to Rondo: "Brother with big breasts, what are you doing!?"

"Interfere with them! I want to make them uncomfortable and make them uncomfortable!"

"Do you know Wayne's story?"

"Of course, that's why I didn't dare to act rashly in the first half. But my big brother, didn't you find out? Wayne is exceptionally gentle this season!"

Otherwise, it is said that the person is the guidance of Long?

Observe things very carefully.

"So do you want to be the first?" Hardte doesn't believe that Wayne will abandon Wu Congwen.

"Don't worry, he won't do it, I have figured out his bottom line! Today, he won't do it!"

I wiped my sweat hard, boy, your thoughts are very dangerous!

Are you testing Wayne's bottom line?

You are jumping repeatedly on the edge of death!

At this point, Paul was about to execute his second free throw, and the hard special quickly returned to his position.

Paoer also made a steady second penalty, and Lu Kai was still behind.

The game continued, and the fight between Rondo and Paoer became more intense.

Even Sir Barr couldn't stand it anymore.

"This Rondo you're talking about? Is he good?" Lord Bart looked at the chattering Rondo and touched his chin.

"Ah? Great, this season has improved a lot." Carlisle replied.

"No, I'm not asking if he is good at playing, I'm asking if his fist is hard or not." Sir Barra waved his hand.

"This...what are you doing?" Carlyton gave Donovan a look.

"Look at you so nervous, I just asked casually. Um... Comrade Donovan, can you take your hand off my Xiaoman waist now..."

In the penultimate attack of the third quarter, Wayne made a jumper with his back and opened the gap to 8 points.

At this time, Green Kai still had 14 seconds of offensive time. Tony was nervously guarding Pierce, and Wayne also clamped on the hard special, trying to prevent Green Kai from narrowing the gap in the last ten seconds.

Director Long controls the time from the outside, of course, the trash talk in his mouth still keeps on.

When only the last 5 seconds of the third quarter were left, Long guided a tough pick-and-roll to accelerate the breakthrough.

When he reached the free throw line, Rondo suddenly paused and glanced at Pierce.

It seems to be passing the ball to Pierce who came out.

I don't know this is another fake eye movement.

Seeing Pao'er slowing down, Rondo suddenly speeded up a second time, throwing Pao Luo to the basket.

At this time, it was Birdman Anderson who guarded the Blazers penalty area, and his sister-in-law was resting off the court.

Without hesitation, Anderson rushed out soon, ready to reward the opposite person with a whiff.

Rondo did raise the basketball when he came in suddenly, which seemed to trigger Birdman's lift-off switch.

Anderson jumped up immediately!

However, Rondo, who lifted the basketball, made a sudden stop, then turned around, avoiding the defense and then picked the basket.

Birdman was completely empty.

Another classic Rondo layup!

Don't ask why C is always at the basket and there are so many show operations. Ask the second center in the East.

Seeing the birdman being played around, the big baby clapped his hands in the audience.

Rivers glanced at the big baby disgustingly, how embarrassed you are.

If not for your crazy performance, the team could dig such a big hole?

As the basketball hits the net, the red light on the backboard also followed.

Rajon Rondo completed a buzzer layup and reduced the point difference to 6 points to enter the fourth quarter final!

After the goal, Rondo roared and passed Wayne excitedly.

The North Shore Garden is also full of cheers dedicated to C Duo.

Maybe it was because the atmosphere suddenly became a little overwhelming. After the roar, Rondo turned his head and shouted at Wayne: "The fourth quarter is ours!"

Wayne looked at Rondo, who thought Liu Beep was not good, and didn't feel angry, but laughed instead.

"Hahaha, you little Ke (sha) loves (bi).

Yes, very energetic. "

The on-site camera also caught Rondo pretending to beep, but Wayne was smiling at him.

That number 99, can you cooperate with other people's beeping scene?

Do you know how to play, just put there to laugh?

The key is that Yu Jia, who was explaining the game at this time, still made up his mind, and said solemnly: "Wayne looks at him like an idiot."

Well, this picture with this commentary is very happy.

Wayne looked at Rondo, his hands really itchy.

How to do?

I can't hold it anymore!

Don't tempt me like this anymore!

The game entered a break. Although the Trail Blazers only led by 6 points, Carlisle was still confident.

The sentence came up: "Jackson said it well, Rivers' team has the habit of crashing! So don't be afraid of them in the fourth quarter!"

Rivers: Is it endless? ?

"In the fourth quarter, as long as we continue to play steadily, it will be difficult for them to turn around with the Celtics' attack! Be patient and wait for them to make a mistake. Only a few counterattacks will be needed to close the game!"

Carlisle’s arrangement is very simple, so there is a little time left for the inter-festival break.

At this time, Assistant Professor Pakistan came up and patted Paolo on the shoulder: "Don't panic when something happens, and see how I can help you spray that Lukai 9 back later!"

Carlisle:? ? ?

Assistant coach, what does Ning want to do?

Pao Luo is indeed frustrated, the whole game was annoying by Rondo!

Paoer mainly doesn't want to cause trouble. He knows that the team is in a winning streak now, and he doesn't want to be interrupted again.

Therefore, he tried to restrain himself and try not to do anything out of the ordinary.

Who knows that Rondo's beeping is still on his nose.

But the teammates have been helping themselves to speak, but Paoer was very pleased.

The fourth quarter started quickly. As soon as the suffocated Paoluo came up, she played a pick-and-roll with her sister-in-law. After breaking into the interior, he threw a shot and scored. The point difference was once again opened to 8 points!

Rondo really couldn't do anything about this goal. He tried to defend it, but to no avail.

At this time, the assistant coach's voice floated into the field: "Is this your defense? Fuck, I blow you up like I was 40!"

Lord Barge yelled at Rondo.

The referee immediately walked to Sir Barbara: "Sir, please return to your area!"

Buckley did not refute, and sat back obediently.

Seeing this, the referee also turned and left.

As a result, just a few seconds after he left, Lord Bart's voice rang again.

"There is a kind of you shoot, you shoot! Hahahaha, you dare not shoot because you can't shoot far hahahaha!"

Referee: MMP! Fuck me!

"Sir Bar, please come back..."

After the referee turned around, he was about to attack, but he saw Barkley spread his hands innocently: "I listened to you, I sprayed it from my position?"

Well, there is a gangster in the coaching staff, so I'm so speechless!

Rondo was also a little annoyed to be sprayed, and he didn't expect Barkley to enter the court.

But this also gave Rondo a counterattack: "Chris, do you want an old man to help you? Is he your father?"

"Fuck..." Pao'er really couldn't help it, but he knew that if he had a warning, Rondo would exaggerately toss in the air for two and a half weeks before landing.

Over time, Lukai, who was eager to reverse the situation, became more and more impatient.

Their fouls began to increase, and Rondo's movements began to develop in a more brutal direction.

In the fifth minute of the fourth quarter, Wayne connected to the basketball at the three-point line, and Paoer was ready to help the big brother open up the space.

While he was running, Rondo suddenly lifted his leg and gave the two souls who had hit the gun.

Suddenly, Guner gritted his teeth and fell to the ground.

But because Wayne is already breaking through and preparing for a layup, the referee's attention is on Wayne.

They thought it was an ordinary fall, and they didn't care much.

Wayne did not hit the layup this time under the interference of the hard special, and the hard special handed the ball to Cdo the first time after he grabbed the rebound.

At this time, Wayne saw Paoer staggering to his feet, and heard the assistant coach yelling.

"Foul, foul! Fuck, you keep staring at me when I say a few words, you can't see anything when you need to stare! Fuck, are you so blind?"

Barkley yelled at the referee with his head in his hands. He couldn't believe how blind the referee could be.

Rondo's realism is really too much. Damn, now even the kicking action has come out.

The referee terminated the game and gave the assistant coach a T.

Well, this is already his third technical foul late this season.

It is expected to break the record for the number of technical fouls by an assistant coach in a single season.

Barkley is completely messed up this time, Rondo is still alive, I have a technical foul?

Is there a King Fa?

Is there still a law?

While the referee blew, Rondo was still applauding, frantically arching fire.

Lord Ba Jue was already angry, Rondo was still clapping and applauding. Can Nima bear it?

So Sir Bar suddenly changed the target and Chao Rondo rushed over!

Rondo admitted that his bladder suddenly became full at that time, and a sudden urination came.

Billy Donovan was also fast-eyed and quick-handed, and immediately a hungry wolf pounced on the wild boar, stupefied to stop Lord Lord Barge, and both fell to the ground.

"Calm down, old man!"

"Old man, let go, labor and management are going to fight this day!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and everyone in suits turned their backs on their horses. Can it not be lively?

Rondo let out a sigh of relief, and then looked at the chaos he created triumphantly.

They collapsed, their mentality collapsed!

I'm so amazing, I'm a master of psychological warfare!

"What are you laughing at!? Bitch!" Paul clutched his crotch and walked up to find Rondo's theory.

The two were close to each other, almost face to face.

While speaking, Rondo suddenly gave Paul a push and threw Paul off the court and threw him a head.

The conflict escalated again, and now in addition to the chaos of the coaching staff, the players on both sides have also rushed up!

But Rondo had just overthrown Paul and was about to spray trash at him condescendingly.

Rondo felt that he was also pushed abruptly and fell into the crowd on the sidelines in embarrassment.

As soon as the cannon sitting on the ground raised his head, only a tall figure stood in front of him.

It's Wei Ge!

Wayne can't bear it anymore, trash talking, eavesdropping tactics, flying elbows, kicking eggs...

Give you a face, right? ?

Before, Wayne had been thinking about his full-time tasks, so he never did it.

But now, Wayne doesn't want that stuff anymore.

The task is a fart!

You have been riding on the head of my brother, then you have to die!

Go to Nima's mission!

So, this time Wayne rushed to help Paul get ahead and knocked Rondo to the ground.

Paoer looked at the tall figure standing in front of her, her nose sour, brother, you finally came!

Rondo sat on the ground watching Wayne's tall figure and hideous expression, his bladder filled again.

What did Wayne do? Is my guess wrong! ?

It's over, it feels like a few drops have dripped out!

After Wayne overturned Rondo, he lifted his leg and prepared to kick it over.

Fortunately, at this time, he rushed over and hugged Wayne. Wayne's center of gravity was temporarily unstable, and then he kicked the air.

Otherwise, the concussion patient will want to add one more.

Hard special also mustered up the courage, but there is no way, can't watch Rondo be beaten!

Moreover, he knew that if Rondo was beaten by Wayne today, it would take ten and a half months to recover.

In serious cases, go directly to retirement.

After Garnett hugged Wayne, a group of Green Kai players and referees also rushed to stop the stadium meat grinder.

About five or six people hugged Wayne!

Just this, I still can't hold back.

Everyone knows that if Wayne is allowed to run away, one of the green Kai jerseys on the scene today will count as one, and they will all have to win!

Rondo looked at Wayne running away and the chaotic scene, and to be honest, he was a little frightened.

After all, he's only a second grader. What kind of world have you seen?

Moreover, just after being overturned by Wayne, Rondo already knew Wayne's martial arts.

At this time, everyone's attention was on Wayne, but Rondo suddenly heard a shout: "Eh, don't go, don't go!"

I saw Lord Ballard, who was thrown to the ground, took off his suit and rushed out of the crowd.

Donovan grabbed hard, only grabbing Lord Barge's XXXXXL suit jacket.

Donovan had a "cock" in his heart.

Yes, no more.

The weight of over 300 kilograms of Lord Barge~lightnovelpub.net~ just like that "bang" and hit Rondo.

At the moment it fell, C felt as if he was suffocated for a second.

A line of small words appeared in front of me: Press F to enter the tank.

Then, there was a fist greeted all over the skull.

There are many C who jumped repeatedly on the edge of death, but this time he failed to jump back...

Portland gangsters are making trouble in North Shore Garden!

Home of the devil?

We are more devil than you!

Danny Angie sitting in the luxurious box looked at the chaotic scene on the court and couldn't help swallowing.

He was fortunate secretly, but fortunately he didn't sit on the sidelines...

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