I Am Rich

Chapter 11

After the six people stayed in the wooden house, they first visited and then divided the rooms. Finally, after the group activities were over, everyone went back to their rooms to wash.

After Guan Zhiyi took a shower and changed her pajamas, she lay on the bed for a while. In the afternoon, their mobile phones were taken away, and now they only sent the mobile phone of the title dealer to them.

Guan Zhiyi watched the video for a while, and his stomach began to growl with hunger.

They all arrived in the afternoon, and the reasonable dinner was to be settled in the wooden house, but the "Evil" program group obviously wouldn't prepare them for food, so after everyone returned to the room after busying, the dinner was delayed. .

Guan Zhiyi originally wanted to say forbearance and forbearance, but the later she got hungry... She thought about it, and when she visited the kitchen before, there seemed to be some food in the refrigerator. So she put on her coat and sneaked out of the room.

Her room was on the third floor of the house, and the kitchen was on the first floor. She happened to collide with Lin Jiaer on the second floor when she went downstairs.

"Zhiyi, do you want to go downstairs." It's already night, and Lin Jiaer is wearing a nightdress, but she still has full makeup!

Guan Zhiyi's heart froze. Oops, she took off her makeup just now in the bath. This will make a comparison in front of the camera: the other party is beautiful, she, noodles in clear soup.

I had to be scolded by the agent again.

But now it’s not right to go back. Guan Zhiyi had no choice but to greet him: “I’m a little hungry and want to find something to eat.”

Lin Jiaer's eyes lit up: "Me too, I just ate breakfast this morning and didn't eat it at noon. I'm almost starving to death."

Guan Zhiyi: "That's right, let's go together."

"All right."

The two went downstairs side by side, but when they reached the first floor they heard some noise in the kitchen.

The two looked at each other and went to the kitchen door together. At this moment, they found that Xiao Ran was standing inside. At this time, he was holding a kitchen knife and cutting the broccoli strangely.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Xiao Ran also turned his head and looked over.

The three looked at each other in the kitchen.

But Xiao Ran only froze for two or three seconds, and soon he showed a smile, "I'm very hungry, but I'm sorry to call you, so I came to the kitchen to find something to eat. Are you hungry too?"

Xiao Ran deserves to be the hottest idol in the past two years. With such a smile, the kitchen has a sense of light and sight.

Guan Zhiyi is not familiar with him, and she always tells herself that she can't let her edit CP sense, so she doesn't know what to say for a while. Lin Jiaer was very enthusiastic, and she immediately walked over when she saw him cutting the broccoli, "We all came to the kitchen because we were hungry. I didn't expect Teacher Xiao to be there already. What is this going to do."

"Just call me Xiao Ran." Xiao Ran smiled and said, "I just want to cook something to eat, but in fact I don't know how to do it."

In this kind of variety show, diligence will always be praised.

As soon as Lin Jiaer heard this, she immediately wanted to show: "I don't know how to do it, but let me help you. It's hard work for you alone."

Xiao Ran: "It won't work hard."

"It's okay, I'll help you. I'll help you. Besides cutting vegetables, what else should I prepare?"

"Scramble a few eggs, right? You can't get enough just by eating vegetables."

"Yes you can."

The kitchen is not in a big place. Xiao Ran and Lin Jiaer are busy in it. Guan Zhiyi will not be able to get in for a while, but it is definitely not good to go directly, so she has to stand by.

But when she was on standby, she found that what the two people said, "I don't know how to do it," were really not joking.

It's just a scrambled egg to cook a dish. The two of them almost knocked the pot...

"Ah—" Lin Jiaer poured the egg into the pot and made a crackling sound. She was taken aback, screaming and hiding behind Xiao Ran. Xiao Ran is also a little white in the kitchen. He immediately tried to turn off the fire when he saw the situation. As a result, he stretched out his hand and was retracted by the spray of oil.


Lin Jiaer: "Xiao Ran, are you all right!"

"It's okay, it's okay, let's turn off the fire first, there may be water in it."

"Well, well, turn off the heat first... Why is there water coming in, is it the water on the shovel — Oh, your arms are red, what should I do?"


"Or I'll come." Guan Zhiyi couldn't stand anymore, she just stepped forward and said, "I'll do it, Teacher Xiao, wash your arm with cold water, Jia'er, go get our medicine box."

The two kitchen novices took a step back subconsciously when Guan Zhiyi took the spatula in a familiar manner.

"Yes, right, flush the water first." Lin Jiaer reacted, pulling Xiao Burning to the pool next to her. Then, in response to what Guan Zhiyi said, he went upstairs to find the medicine box.

There were only two of them in the kitchen. Xiao Ran said to her while taking cold water, "Thank you."

Guan Zhiyi smiled at him politely: "It's okay, I can cook, so I'll do it better."

Xiao Ran looked at her proficiently, and said unexpectedly: "You look pretty good."

"I do it often."

"Often?" There are not many artists who cook often.

Guan Zhiyi: "It's cheaper to eat at home."

Xiao Ran: "Huh?"

Guan Zhiyi was taken aback.

Heh... How did you tell the truth? She was self-reliant in college, and when she was short of money, she was really buying vegetables and cooking to save money, but this is still recorded. Guan Zhiyi sweated slightly, and he forced himself to come back: "I mean, it's very convenient to do it at home."


After a while, Lin Jiaer found the medicine box and came back.

"This is a scald medicine, Xiao Ran, you come and wipe it."

Xiao Ran: "Okay, thank you."

The two went to the living room to apply the medicine, and after Guan Zhiyi scrambled the eggs, he found the chicken breast from the refrigerator and made a dish with Xiao Ran's cut broccoli.

After all the food was prepared, Guan Zhiyi brought them out. But instead of sitting down to eat, she ran upstairs and asked others to come over.

The few upstairs were actually too hungry for a long time, so they came down to clean up.

After eating, everyone went back to their rooms to sleep.

On the second day, the artists began to follow the process of the show: morning run, healthy breakfast, grocery shopping, lunch, strength training... Of the six of them, three can cook, but their proficiency is related to Zhiyi and cross talk. The actor Hou Lu, so a few days later, the tasks related to food, such as grocery shopping and cooking, were handed over to the two of them.

Soon, a week passed.

This week, Guan Zhiyi’s tasks and fitness intensity made Guan Zhiyi a little uncomfortable, but she is happy that she has only had a handful of interactions with Xiao Ran this week! If it's broadcast this time, there is no way to scold her!


The Wednesday after a week is a rest day given by the program group.

This day is considered to be a day off. Artists can do other work or take a break, and they can also get their mobile phones back.

Guan Zhiyi wanted to send a message to Qi Chengyan as soon as she got the phone, because she didn't know that she was going to hand over the phone at first, so she didn't have time to talk to Qi Chengyan. Later, although the sponsor's mobile phone was used, she was under surveillance 24 hours a day, and she was not easy to make calls.

But at this moment the news was deleted, and suddenly I didn't know what to say.

I don't know if he is busy.


When Guan Zhiyi walked down from the third floor, Xiao Ran also came out of the room.

Guan Zhiyi was a little surprised when he saw him, "Are you still here today."

Xiao Ran nodded: "I didn't shoot work today, and you."

"Me too."

Xiao Ran came over: "By the way, can I ask you a question?"

"Ah... you ask."

Xiao Ran touched his chin, somewhat helpless and aggrieved: "Did I make you uncomfortable in any way?"

Guan Zhiyi was taken aback, Xiao Ran is dozens of times more popular than her! Asked her this kind of question!

"How, how is it possible."

Xiao Ran: "Then how do I feel that you have been hiding from me? It seems that you don't really want to talk to me."

Xiao Ran's words are correct. Although others may not be able to see it, the person involved can still feel it.

For example, every time everyone wants to go out to buy groceries, Guan Zhiyi, as a more experienced person in this field, is asked to lead the team in groups. Then, she would put him into another group, once or twice it was fine, and after a few days, it was like this again and again.

Next is to wash the dishes after meals. If Guan Zhiyi was in the kitchen, she would silently exit as long as he enters.

When it comes to fitness, he is very experienced in this area. Sometimes he wants to help Guan Zhiyi, but it seems that she will slip away in various forms. Not to mention the usual chat, but also slipped fast.

Hiss... This is a bit difficult, some people still let him take care of it.

When Guan Zhiyi heard him say this, he was really sweating behind his back: "Mr. Xiao! I have absolutely no opinion on you, nor any discomfort."

Xiao Rantan spread his hands and said with a smile: "Hey, look, everyone will call me by my name this week, and you are still called Teacher Xiao."

Guan Zhiyi was not as embarrassed: "You are also my idol, that, I actually... just get nervous under the camera."

"Is that right."


Xiao Ran nodded: "That's good, I'm still worried about where I am making you unhappy."

Guan Zhiyi shook his head like a rattle.

Xiao Ran smiled and said, "Then let's continue to cheer for the next recording."


"I hope you won't be so polite to me from now on."

Guan Zhiyi coughed slightly, "Okay, okay..."

Xiao Ran smiled, turned and went downstairs.

Guan Zhiyi looked at his back and breathed a sigh of relief. Is she so obvious? !

On the other side, Xiao Ran got into the nanny car directly after walking out of the wooden house. After sitting down, he took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Hello." The person on the other side picked it up.

Xiao Ran leaned back lazily: "Master Qi, are you free today? Let's have dinner together."

"Can't go, something is wrong."

Xiao Ran: "Tsk...you are really hard to make an appointment."

Qi Chengyan smiled and asked, "How is she?"



Xiao Ran smiled: "It's good, but your sister is too difficult to approach."

Qi Chengyan was a little surprised: "Difficult to approach?"

"Yes, I originally wanted to take good care of her, but in the end, people didn't give me a chance and stayed away from me."

Qi Cheng asked back: "How are you going to take care of her?"

Xiao Ran is in the entertainment industry and knows this convenient thing very well, and Qi Chengyan is a good friend, so he directly said: "We will also have cooperation in the future, so I want to appear in front of the camera with her more. More exchanges will make you more enthusiastic. In fact, I’m okay. I don’t need to increase the heat anymore, but knowledge may be needed... I think we will form a CP and it will be good for her."

"Cp?" Qi Chengyan frowned immediately.

"Yeah, you think this is feasible too—"

"Not feasible."

Xiao Ran was stunned: "Why, why?"

"I want you to take care of her in your life, not to let you do some cp in front of the camera." Qi Chengyan said simply, "You give me a normal light."

Xiao Ran had a question mark on his face: "Hey, hello? I'm the highest concern, you actually think I'm abnormal!"

"Don't lead her in that direction."

"Why not, this is for her—wait, Qi Chengyan, is there something wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?"

Xiao Ran suddenly laughed: "Don't let me hype...I seriously doubt that the little girl is really just your sister?"

The author has something to say: Guan Zhiyi: I don’t group, I don’t group!

Qi Chengyan: No group, no group.

Xiao Ran: ok, I understand that I am passionate:)