I Am Rich

Chapter 56

After the tumult, the banquet came to an end.

However, it is the parents and generations who are scattered. These juniors finally get together so much, and there is no meaning to be separated. So decided to switch to a place where their young people should play.

In the end, Guan Yuanbai contacted Song Li and asked him to vacate a big box in his clubhouse.

A group of people go to play, nothing more than drinking and games. After arriving in the box, everyone started to play. The people here are Guan Zhiyi's acquaintances, so she is not stiff, sitting beside Guan Yuanbai, eating fruits at will.

By the way... Secretly aiming at Qi Chengyan.

Qi Chengyan was sitting in front of her to the left, and Song Li was sitting beside him. Song Li was whispering, who was pestering him to talk.

The surrounding area was a little noisy, Guan Zhiyi didn't know what they were talking about, only saw Qi Chengyan's eyes fall on her, raised his brows slightly, and glanced at the position beside him.

This is signaling her to sit next to him.

Guan Zhiyi was about to move, but I don't know if it was because he was secretly dating Qi Chengyan from everyone, so he didn't dare to talk to him in the past. He always felt like he would show up when he came to him.

The eyes of the two met in the air.

After Guan Zhiyi hesitated, he only heard Guan Yuanbai next to him suddenly ask, "How long will you stay here this time?"

Guan Zhiyi was taken aback, and quickly retracted his gaze: "Huh? Actually, it only adds up to one day. I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon."

"So anxious?"

"Why the movie is still being filmed, I can't take long leave, but it will be finished in one month."


"Yuan Bai! Come here, Jiang Suizhou is so lucky, come and help me." At this moment, not far away, Guan Ziyu shouted.

"Second brother, you have to point your face and call for foreign aid if you can't beat him." Guan Xi's dissatisfied voice came.

Guan Ziyu: "Comrade Guan Xi, please recognize your identity! You are not from the Jiang family! Why are you foreign aid—"

"You care about me, anyway, Jiang Suizhou's loss is my loss."

It was noisy there, Guan Yuanbai smiled, and said to Guan Zhiyi: "Eat less cold, I'll go over."


After Guan Yuanbai left, Guan Zhiyi glanced at Qi Chengyan again. Song Li ran to order a song at this time, and another person was talking to him.

She saw that he was busy chatting with others and didn't pay attention to her for a while, so she didn't have the urge to run to him directly. Sitting in the position, listening to Song Li sing silently.

Listening, the sofa on the side suddenly sank slightly.

Guan Zhiyi was stunned and turned back.

"Why don't you go over and play with your brother and them?" Qi Chengyan actually sat down directly.

Seeing him approaching, Guan Zhiyi became nervous unconsciously, and had to pretend to be calm and said, "I don't know how to play cards."

"Then why don't you sit next to me."

Guan Zhiyi whispered: "Isn't there someone next to you..."

Qi Chengyan glanced at her and said with a smile: "You are coming over, I naturally let them give way."

"I don't want it, it's so obvious."

"Obviously what? Why didn't you feel anything abnormal when you did this before?"

The people here are all acquaintances, and they all know that she has been sticking to Qi Chengyan since she was a child, and it is not normal for her to stay with him in the same room.

She is now guilty of conscience, so she has begun to restrain herself.

Guan Zhiyi didn't have to refute, so he had to say: "Anyway, you have come here by yourself now."

Qi Chengyan knocked her forehead and said lightly: "Yes, miss you."

Guan Zhiyi stunned slightly, and quickly glanced at the person closest to them. Seeing that the person obviously didn't hear it, she breathed a sigh of relief: "You are so loud..."


"I said you spoke too loudly."

"No one heard." Qi Chengyan looked at her, "It seems that you don't want me."

Guan Zhiyi didn't want him to think so, she took a breath, approached his ear boldly, and said quickly, "No, I, I miss you too."

After speaking, she immediately sat upright and pretended to pick up the glass and took a sip of juice.

Qi Chengyan was startled slightly, his eyes darkened when he looked at her.

"Say it again."

Song Li's song happened to sing a high pitch, and the sound was loud.

Guan Zhiyi was staring at him tightly, so he had to get close to his ears again and said: "If you didn't hear it, don't say good things again!"

Qi Chengyan squinted her eyes, and put her right hand on the back of her hand on the sofa.

The warmth shrouded all of a sudden, Guan Zhi's image was so hot that he immediately wanted to pull it out, but he was firmly suppressed.

Guan Zhiyi looked nervous: "Why..."

"It's been a long time since I saw you, is there anything else you want to tell me."

The sleeves worn by the two men half-concealed their overlapping hands, but they couldn't see clearly.

Guan Zhiyi felt nervous because he was secretly with Qi Chengyan in full view, while feeling sweet because the two reunited after a long absence.

She pursed her lips and asked, "What about you, do you have anything you want to tell me."

"Didn't I ask you a question? Why did you ask me again."

Guan Zhiyi snorted softly: "I want to hear your answer first, I will refer to it, and then tell you mine."

The little girl in front of her has a pretty face and a cunning look.

Qi Chengyan suddenly regretted coming here with such a group of people. At this time, he should take her home secretly.

"Okay, let me talk about it first."

"I'm listening."

"Cheng Yan, I clicked on a song, and we sang due to each other." Suddenly, the loud voice from the stereo pulled the two of them out of the ambiguous atmosphere. Lifting his eyes, Song Li ran over from the song spot area.

Qi Chengyan let go when he turned his head: "...who wants to sing with you?"

Song Li ran to the two of them: "Oh, sing one, I sing female, you sing male."

"will not."

"Then I sing male, you sing female?"


Song Li gave him a white look and turned to Guan Zhiyi: "Then I will sing with Xiao Wu."

Guan Zhiyi looked at the song title on the screen, a little embarrassed: "But, I haven't heard this song."

Song Li: "Really? You haven't heard this song?"


"Tsk, it's really young. Cheng Yan, we have a generation gap with Xiaowu."

Qi Chengyan glanced at him and said, "I have never heard such an old song."

Song Li: "?"

"I also have a generation gap with you."

Song Li: "..."

Qi Chengyan ignored him and got up after saying this, "There is something wrong, I'll go out and make a call."

"Wait—hey, come back to me! You say this song again, you haven't heard it? The junior high school will play it in a loop on the school radio station, OK?"

However, Qi Chengyan did not come back. Song Li couldn't find anyone to sing with him, so he went back angrily and clicked a replay. Then they sang the love song by themselves.

"Song Li! Can you shut up? I haven't let my ears suffer this kind of grievance in my life!" Guan Xi, who was playing cards, shouted angrily at another entertainment area not far away.

Song Li shut his ears and listened, but he was intoxicated, and he could see clearly.

At this moment, the phone vibrated.

Guan Zhiyi took out her phone and took a look, and saw that Qi Chengyan had sent her two words: [come out]

After reading it, Guan Zhiyi quietly put away the phone, and then seemed inadvertently, as if he just wanted to go to the toilet outside, and sneaked out.

After coming out of the box, she walked one side down the corridor, but she didn't see Qi Chengyan. When she just wanted to take out her phone and ask him where he was, she suddenly stretched out a hand from the corner and pulled her in.


"it's me."

Guan Zhiyi immediately hid his mouth: "I was scared to death."

"come over."

Qi Chengyan took her to the other side of the corridor, and after reaching the end, he went up the stairs. Their original box is already on the top floor, so going up is the rooftop exit.

Originally wanted to go to the rooftop, but Qi Chengyan saw that Guan Zhiyi was wearing a small skirt. It might be a bit cold to go out, so he didn't continue walking up, only staying on the stairs.

Because no one would come up on this floor, even the lights were turned off, and only some light was faintly pouring in from the door on the roof.

There are only two of them around, only the sound of their breathing. In such silence, the urgency and sweetness that had been squeezed from the beginning of boarding came out. She looked at his face by the light outside, reluctant to move it away.

"Brother, no one is bothering you, you can say what you were about to say." The stairs Guan Zhiyi was standing on were one step higher than Qi Chengyan, and coupled with a small high heel, it was barely as high as him.

Qi Chengyan squeezed her face, her voice was a little low: "Okay."

Guan Zhiyi waited in his spare time.

But Qi Chengyan looked at her, but suddenly sighed slightly.

Guan Zhiyi: "Huh?"

Qi Chengyan: "Let's not talk about it yet."


Qi Chengyan didn't answer, but suddenly stretched out his hand to wrap her waist and hugged her. Guan Zhiyi stayed for a while, and all his enthusiasm seemed to be poured out. All of a sudden there was no such thing as restraint or restraint.

She couldn't help smiling from the corners of her mouth, and hugged him back vigorously.

No one spoke any more, just hugged quietly. But Guan Zhiyi felt that she understood everything.

In fact, the two really have nothing to say at this time, that is, they miss each other very much.

The two didn't know how long they held secretly until Guan Zhiyi's cell phone rang untimely. Take it out to see, it was Guan Xi's call.

"They must have found out that I'm not there, they are looking for me."


Guan Zhiyi's current status is different and he needs to be careful outside, so Qi Chengyan understands that her family will worry about seeing her not going back for a long time.

However, in the end, the short gathering can't satisfy him.

After Guan Zhiyi answered the phone and said that he would go back soon, he hung up. Qi Chengyan saw that she was going down and stopped her: "Just go back?"

"They are looking for us..."

Qi Chengyan didn't speak, but he was not willing to let go.

Right there, there was a sudden sound of sparse clothes rubbing under the stairs. Qi Chengyan and Guan Zhiyi were stunned at the same time and looked down. They saw two figures stumbling up to the ground below the meeting, moving while kissing, which was so exciting.


Is this stairway a treasure of feng shui?

The two quickly came up, and the woman first happened to someone here, exclaimed, and hurriedly signaled the man to let him go.

And Qi Chengyan also completely blocked Guan Zhiyi in his arms when the two came up, and he blocked her face tightly. In addition to the dimness here, nothing can be seen.


"Come first, come second, can you let the two of you go?" Qi Chengyan looked at the two of them sideways, his voice faint.

The two were also sensible. After reacting, the man laughed: "Brother, I'm good at picking the ground."

Qi Cheng Yan said, "It's okay."

"Come on, OK, I'm sorry, you guys go on."

As he said, he smiled and hugged the woman beside him and went down.

Guan Zhiyi was blocked by Qi Chengyan between his chest and the wall, blushing completely.

Indeed... very good at picking the ground.

"Shall we go back?" She looked up at him after the footsteps had gone away.

Qi Chengyan lowered his eyes to look at her, hummed, and then naturally lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.

Guan Zhiyi blinked and looked at him blankly.

"You have to do something if you occupy someone else's place." Qi Chengyan smiled, then bowed his head and kissed, "what do you think."

Guan Zhiyi pursed his lips: "It seems to be..."

"Then kiss again?"

His expression was lowered.

His appearance reminded Guan Zhiyi of the time when she was in the closet before, which gave her a hunch that if she did something in depth, she would definitely not stop.

So Guan Zhiyi immediately stretched out his hand to block his mouth, "Next time, it's enough for today."

Qi Chengyan faintly said: "How can I say it as if I can't stop at enough."

"But you really won't stop at enough."


"Anyway, I really have to go back."


He obviously didn't want to go back.

Guan Zhi suggested that his face was heavy and he shook his hand, "Don't be upset, I will go to your house and play with you tomorrow."

Qi Chengyan glanced at her: "Really, what are you going to do with me."

"what do you want to play."

Qi Chengyan patted her head: "You."