I am the Creator of Mythology

Chapter 161: The shadow of the Buddha, King Ming is h


Chaos of rocky beach, near the stream.

A figure wearing a bucket hat came from a distance.

This is a handsome young man, holding a golden tin battle in his hand, stepping on the gravel step by step, but did not make even a little sound.

I was the monk who met Yan Ning in the Valley of the Black Wind.

The monk walked by the stream, and the speed didn't seem to be fast, but he had walked hundreds of meters in just a few moments.


At this moment, a soft sound sounded.

Because the monk stopped.

He was five meters in front of him, and a girl was lying at the moment.

少女 The girl was wearing a long white dress with her hair scattered around her shoulders, wet, and she seemed to fall into the water.

However, it was strange that the long white dress seemed to be put on the **** purpose.

Moreover, besides that, there is a wooden sign hanging on the girl's neck, which clearly writes eight characters "Supreme Master, Peerless Sword Immortal".

"I am compassionate." The monk recited a Buddhist chant, and then found a bowl of Huazhai from his body, and walked to the side of the stream to hold some streams.

Immediately, the monk walked in front of at least the woman.


At this moment, a mountain wind came.

The long white dress covered by the girl was blown by the wind.

The stunning scenery inside the urn was revealed in no time.

The monk froze a little, his face was reddish, but he walked over, leaning his head to one side, and fumbled the white skirt with his hands, trying to cover the girl's body again.

Hey, he felt it, and suddenly something was wrong.

Because he seems to touch something?

"Let me go! You nasty, shameless, despicable man !!!" Suddenly, a loud scream rang, and then, a hand grabbed the monk's hand.

The monk was shocked.

I stepped back almost instinctively.

However, a cloudy wind suddenly struck towards him.

This made the monk's face slightly changed, and the bowl bowl in his hand shook, and a bowl of stream water fell down, falling on the girl's body.


The monk was kicked and kicked.

Fortunately, at the last minute, his legs were very tightly pinched, which did not get a fatal blow.

"Amitabha!" After the monk hit a rock near the stream, he immediately stood upright, and the bucket on his head fell to the ground.

"It turned out to be a **** monk ?!" The girl climbed from the ground, her white dress naturally slipped to the ground, and the sun shone on the water droplets on her body with a faint light.

"Is it a demon?" The monk glanced at it, and he dared not look at it again, and immediately closed his eyes again.

"You are a demon!" The girl was extremely angry.

"If not a demon, why are you here ... the skirt doesn't stick to your body?"

"I am a disciple of the maiden's palace! Where are you from the **** monk, look at the sword ... 咦? My sword ?!" The girl just prepared to shoot, and suddenly found that the sword was missing.

"It turned out to be a disciple of the maiden. The little monk didn't see a sword here, so I might have fallen into the river." The monk opened his eyes again, and immediately found that the girl still didn't put on the white skirt, and immediately I closed my eyes and added, "Does the donor want to put on the dress first?"

"Ah, you monk daring to peek ?!" The girl glared at her eyes, and was about to pick up the white dress, and suddenly her eyes moved slightly: "Monk, I'm going to wear a skirt, you can do it! Don't open your eyes! "

"Good 哉 Good 哉!" The monk nodded.

But the moment he nodded, a cold wind struck again.

This shocked the monk again.

When he opened his eyes narrowly, he saw that the girl had approached him, and he was holding a thin stone like a knife in his hand.


The young girl used the stone as a knife and cut directly to the monk's throat.

"My Buddha is merciful !!!" The monk was finally angry, and when the Buddha chanted, a huge golden bell lit up on him.


There was a loud noise.

The young girl was bombed.


I fell into the stream.

"Monk, you are shameless, you are despicable, you are indecent! Did you say you do n’t open your eyes ?!" The girl who fell in the river immediately cursed.

"The donor is so rude! The little monk wanted to rescue the donor when he was comatose by the stream. He was offended by looking at the donor skirt and did not cover his body. He didn't want a good thought but was attacked several times by the donor. Guarantee, leave! "After the monk spoke, he stopped no longer, and turned to leave.

"Wait!" The girl heard this and immediately yelled.

"What else is the donor?"

既 "Because it is a misunderstanding, the monk turned away and I will go ashore to dress!"

"Amitabha, good and good." After hearing this, the monk turned away again, facing back to the girl and chanting softly.

The young girl's hand was lifted from the stream.

He held a sharp stone in his hand.

She waved her hand twice, but after seeing that the monk had never turned again, she finally put the stone back in her hand.


The young girl stepped out of the stream and quickly put on a white dress.

后 After everything is well dressed.

The young girl looked at the monk again, and found that the monk did not move too much from start to finish, and stood like that in the distance, like a Buddha statue.

"Monk, turn around," said the girl.

"Amitabha." The monk turned and looked back at the girl in front of him.

The young girl's eyes also looked at the monk's face.

Inexplicably, she found that the little monk in front of her was born with a star-brow star, as handsome and handsome as the person in the painting.

It made her eyes light up gradually.

What a handsome monk!

"Since the donor has no lamb, the young monk is gone." The monk glanced at the girl and was ready to leave again.

"Wait a minute, this unnamed Montenegro is extremely dangerous, I lost my sister and me." The girl immediately called the monk, with shame on her face.

"This ... the little monk is powerless."

"I think monk Xiu is very high, but has reached the peak of the top grade?"

"Amitabha, the donor has good eyesight."

"I do n’t know where the monk is coming from the unknown Montenegro, where are he going?"

"The little monk wants to go to Laoshan."

"Go to Laoshan? Are you going to take Lingbao?"

"No, the little monk is here to worship." The monk shook his head.

He wanted to worship Yanning as a teacher in Qingshan City, but was refused, but he never left. He heard that Yanning had entered into the unnamed Montenegro and wanted to take Lingbao.

Alas, he followed.

"Worship? This is a monster in this unknown Montenegro. Where is the teacher who is going to worship?" The girl was obviously surprised when she heard the monk's words.

"The wooden sign hanging on the donor's neck is 'Supreme Master, Peerless Sword Immortal' is the master to be worshipped by the monk." The monk pointed to the wooden sign hanging on the girl's neck.

"Wooden sign?" The girl touched her neck with her hand, and then her face was shocked. She immediately removed the wooden sign, and there were eight characters on it.

What does this mean?

Indicates that the monk had seen her before she woke up!

Huh! !! !!

The girl's heart was pounding.

Alas, she calmed down quickly.

She took a bath by the river and met a young girl by chance. Then, she was stunned. This brand ... should be the beautiful girl who stunned her.

"The monk has misunderstood. This wooden sign is not mine. I don't know who the immortal is written on." The girl shook her head gently.

既 "So, the little monk has left." The monk was ready to leave again.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to Laoshan too. This is a dangerous route. Would the monk be willing to walk with me?" I wonder if this Supreme Master, the peerless sword fairy? "

"This ..." The monk hesitated.

"My name is A Luo, a disciple of the Three Generations of the Virgin, and I am a master at the later stage!" The girl looked at the monk hesitantly and immediately introduced herself.

"It turned out to be Allo's donor. Fortunately, I will." The monk nodded gently.

"What's the monk's name?" A Luo asked again.

"Is the monk's name?" The monk was about to start speaking, and suddenly, he thought of a question, his name was given by any of the previous "Master".

But in fact, this master is not his master.

He simply said that his master, who only taught him the Dharma, was unwilling to accept his worship. The reason was somewhat complicated.

And now he wants to worship Yanning again.

Well, can't this name be used again?

At this moment, he thought a lot, the silver wind in the Black Wind Valley crossed the robbery, turned into a strike, and when Yan Ning appeared, the figures of Luo Han in the heavens made him feel like a new life.

I am both a freshman ...

Is born and reborn, no different from Yinlong Hualong.

But I am not a tadpole or a dragon.

为何 What am I?

The monk looked up, his thoughts turned.

虽 Although I was born and reborn, my heart is still toward the Buddha. This is Zen ... Zen? !! By the way, Chanchan cicadas are rumored to be worms in the dark, and they can only be cicadas after six molts!

"Monk, can't you tell A Luo your name?" A Luo saw that the monk was silent for a long time, and then she spoke again.

"The monk's name is ..." The monk looked at the Jin Xizhan in his hand again, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com immediately relieved himself: "The monk has no name, but only one nickname 'Jinchanzi.'


The monk's voice just dropped.

白色 In the sky in the distance, a white light burst out suddenly.

The light is like a pillar.

Go straight to the sky!

Then, there was a sound of Buddha sounds ringing through the sky.

"唵 ... Why ... what ... 叭 ... Mi ... 吽 ..."


祥 The sky is full of clouds.

A statue of Luo Han emerged from the clouds of the sky.

They either stand, sit, or clasp their hands together, or don't anger themselves, they have different looks and different attitudes, but one thing is exactly the same.

That is, their eyes are focused on a hill.

The fire was bright on Laoshan.

Red if blood.

"Oh !!!"

A clear bird's song sounded from the fire.

The arrogant Luohan worshipped at this moment, as if he was welcoming, and as if he were congratulating, the whole sky became bright at this moment.

(Wow, there are two days left, and there are still two days left this month, handsome brothers who have blown up, sisters who have turned beautiful! Give me all the monthly tickets in your hands !!!